Ok I started my cycle not exactly the way I wanted to, but I did so I'm cool wit it. I took 2cc's of Primoteston Depot and 1cc of EQ, down in the very unsanitary realms of a mexico pharmacy. Any way a Big Gorilla shot me and it didn't hurt a bit, I was a little scared since I've heard it could be painfull...Well I hope the rest go as easy as the first. I am waiting on the rest of my shit to come in the mail, but I have 4cc's of Sust and am gonna get some EQ thursday from the Big Gorilla to tide me over. All I can say is that I'm fucking stoked and feel great and it's good to join you all on the other side of the spectrum.
I just got back from the gym, trained chest. Me and the Gorilla. OMG, let me tell you I was swollen all ready, can it be? I felt fucking huge! The Gorilla even was like damn kid you feelin it? there's no way Enanth get kick in that quick correct? Anyways I started with incline dumbell presses 75lbs, no.. not heavy enough pushed out 12 droped to 50's and pounded out 8 more. Next set 85's no again not enough pushed out 12, droped to 55's (BTW the Gorilla's making me do these drop sets right off the bat and I'm gettin pissed cause I'm like fuck dude- I'm gonna be dead after this) pushed out 8 more. Next set 100's pushed out 8 droped to 55's pushed up 4<5.
*My chest is full of blood by this time
Now we start incline fly's grab the 50's, get 10
2set- get 55's, push 8
3set- stick with 55's push 8 with help(fading)
Move over to hammer strength incline..Oh yeah baby Incline City!
3 plates on each side push out 9, go for 10 fail, Gorilla says you owe 1- fuck! catch my breath turn up volume to System of the Down and push one out squeeze at top- UH..bitch!
2nd set push out 8 again with help drop to 2 plates push out 3<4.
3rd push up 6 hold at top, drop to 2plates, push out 2 hold
Now cable fly's 3 sets 90lbs 8 reps
now hammer strength seated narrow grip presses for the lower inner chest start with 2 plates pump that shit out 12 reps cake.
Gorillas doing 3 plates, I go to put 3 on, Gorilla say's you should stick with the 2 plates, I say don't you secong guess me my friend, and push out 9 reps.
ditto again, drop to 2plates push out some more
Now go to machine weighted dips do 2 sets with 250lbs get about 8 each time.
I'm fucking pumped beyond belief, The Gorilla bails, I finish with some floor push ups.
Come home the shirt comes off, WTF?! I'm fucking huge, no joke..hahaha. I flex in the mirror intrigued, ok I'm gettin way to into this...I'll stop now....I'm just happy.......I'll post my before pics. TIME TO EAT!!