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Thread: hydroxycut and sust

  1. #1

    hydroxycut and sust

    Hey , i am curently taking sustanon, i just took my third shot today , my mom got me a boddle of 140 pills of hydroxycut , if i take the hydroxycut , will it mess up andthing with my cycle , and is it ok , please respond thanx \

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    i don't see anything being wrong taken hydroxy's with sus. your mom bought it????? I COULDN'T GET MY MOM TO GET MY PROTIEN SHAKES, SHE THINKS IT'S ALL STUPIDITY THAT I SHOULD GROW ON ONLY FOOD. lol that's my mom for ya

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    New Jersey
    I have had other guys tell me they run hydroxycut with thier cycles also, buti dont knowif it has any negative effects, by the looks of them i dont think so......anyone else got any info on this???

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    How much Sustanon are you taking per week? What is your goal, bulk or cut? If your looking to bulk, I personally wouldn't use Hydroxycut. Wait until your cycle is over and then take the hydroxycut to bring out the cuts and abs. This is all JMO, good luck and train hard.

  5. #5
    im curently taking 250 mg of sust , once a week , i only have 5 shots , i just did my 3rd , the thing is i want to get more sust like 5 more shots , so let me know what u think

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    I don't see anything wrong with it but just burning excess calories you might want to keep if you're looking to gain some bulk? I'm almost 100% positive there's no counter-effects of Hydroxycut on an AS.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2002
    hydroxycut helps contol your hunger. so i would lay off of it unless you can still scarf down 6-8 good meals a day and still take. jmo

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