Hey everyone. I've seen a few other diaries on here, so I figured what the hell - why not do one. It'll be good for me to track how I'm doing and plus I'm an AS newbie - this is my first cycle, so hopefully it'll be good for others to read and hopefully learn something.
I'm now entering the third week of my first cycle of deca (taking 4th shot tomorrow). I'm taking one shot every 5 days. I haven't noticed much in the way of size or strength gains yet, but I have been hungry as a horse and eating non-stop for the past week. I'm currently 5'7" 203 lbs. Last week I benched 365 for 3 reps and 375 for 2 reps. Tomorrow is chest day and I'm hoping the deca is going to be kicking in now and my strength will go through the roof (like I've been told it will after 4th or 5th shot). I'm hoping to be putting up 450 on bench at the end of my cycle. At the start of my cycle, I was at 395 on bench. Hopefully I'll reach my goal!!!
If I don't notice the gains in strength and size this week, it'll definitely start next week -- or at least I hope so. My workouts have been really intense for the past 2 weeks. I'm sure it's mainly because I'm subconsciously telling myself that the AS should be making me stronger, so I've been lifting with more passion and excitement than before.
Just so I know what to write in here.... what all do you guys want to know? I could give you all of my lifting stats every day and also my complete diet. Whatever you guys want is cool with me.
And finally, just a few more stats for you guys so you can have an idea of where I'm at right now.
Age: 20
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 203 lbs
Arms: 16.5"
Chest: 47"