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Thread: First Cycle Diary -- SupirMan45

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    Exclamation First Cycle Diary -- SupirMan45

    Hey everyone. I've seen a few other diaries on here, so I figured what the hell - why not do one. It'll be good for me to track how I'm doing and plus I'm an AS newbie - this is my first cycle, so hopefully it'll be good for others to read and hopefully learn something.

    I'm now entering the third week of my first cycle of deca (taking 4th shot tomorrow). I'm taking one shot every 5 days. I haven't noticed much in the way of size or strength gains yet, but I have been hungry as a horse and eating non-stop for the past week. I'm currently 5'7" 203 lbs. Last week I benched 365 for 3 reps and 375 for 2 reps. Tomorrow is chest day and I'm hoping the deca is going to be kicking in now and my strength will go through the roof (like I've been told it will after 4th or 5th shot). I'm hoping to be putting up 450 on bench at the end of my cycle. At the start of my cycle, I was at 395 on bench. Hopefully I'll reach my goal!!!

    If I don't notice the gains in strength and size this week, it'll definitely start next week -- or at least I hope so. My workouts have been really intense for the past 2 weeks. I'm sure it's mainly because I'm subconsciously telling myself that the AS should be making me stronger, so I've been lifting with more passion and excitement than before.

    Just so I know what to write in here.... what all do you guys want to know? I could give you all of my lifting stats every day and also my complete diet. Whatever you guys want is cool with me.

    And finally, just a few more stats for you guys so you can have an idea of where I'm at right now.
    Age: 20
    Height: 5'7"
    Weight: 203 lbs
    Arms: 16.5"
    Chest: 47"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Good luck on your cycle bro... Give us as much info as your care to share in regards to your diet, lifting, wieght gain, etc...

    Just one quick question, what made you choose a deca only cycle?

    Just wondering... Thanx Ryu...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    First cycle and you already bench 375! Damn bro, you are gonna be a horse! Good luck.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Hey guys,
    Just got back from the gym.. Today was chest day and it didn't go quite as well as I was hoping, but next week will be better for sure. I benched 375 for 3 reps x 2 sets, then decided to do 405 for 1 rep. I felt like shit. My forearms and elbows were killing me today because we went cliff diving yesterday and to get back to the top of the cliff, you have to rock climb with only the aid of a rope.... Incline dumbbells I did the 145s for 2 sets of 6. Decline smith maching I just did 345 for 2 sets of 10. I'm not big on doing alot of sets as you can see. I only do 6-9 total working sets per body part.

    Diet today. I'm really not counting calories, but I'm just making sure to get lots of protein and keeping the foods I eat clean. This morning at 9am I had a nice sized bowl of oatmeal mixed with 1 tbsp of peanut butter and 2 scoops of Optimum Nutrition Double Rich Chocolate Whey protein. At 11 am I took 1 scoop of protein and worked out at 12. Half hour after my workout I took 2 more scoops of protein, then laid by the pool for a while Now I'm home and my oatmeal is sitting on the counter waiting to be eaten. I'll probably cook up a chicken breast or 2 to munch on in a little bit.

    The reason I chose to do a deca only cycle..... I really have no idea. My buddies are rather big time sellers around here and they said that because I'm already so big, and since this is my first cycle ever, they said just using deca should do wonders. Tonight I'll take my 4th shot. Then saturday I'll take #5. THen next monday my chest workout better be through the roof.

    I'm off to change my brakes on my car now...

    Have a good one guys.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Hey everybody,
    Last night I took my 4th shot of Deca. Today was back day. Didn't have too great of a day because I didn't get enough sleep last night. Needless to say, I did get a wicked pump in my back even though I didn't lift as heavy as I have been lately. My diet has been really clean so far this week. 2 good days in a row.

    I also did 30 minutes of walking on the treadmill before I lifted today.

    I'm off for an evening of fun. Later all.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Today is going to be a bit of a leg day but my doctor said I can't do too much right now because I have a major muscular imbalance in my lower back that is throwing everything out of place... Looks like today will only consist of some lighter leg presses (700-800 range) and extensions, leg curls, and calves. Hopefully I'll be able to squat again next week.

    Even though I didn't have too great of a workout yesterday for back, I am a little sore anyways.

    I think today I'm going to do 60 minutes of cardio since I can do much for my legs.

    Well I'm off for now.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    any wieght gain thus far?!?!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Originally posted by adaptations
    any wieght gain thus far?!?!
    I've had a small weight gain. I think I've gained around 5 pounds so far. I started around 198 and I was at 203 on sunday. I'm being told that it's gonna kick in any day now and I'm gonna blow up... at least that's what happens to my buddies when they take deca.

  9. #9
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    Mar 2002
    Woah, sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've just felt exhausted lately. I've got a lot of stupid shit messing with my head right now(ex gf). I had a really intense leg workout yesterday and my diet was very clean too. I didn't even have one slip up.

    Today was shoulders/tris for me. For some reason I felt really weak on dumbbell shoulder press. After yesterday's leg workout I was feeling excited because I thought my strength boost had arrived, but it definitely was not here today. I only did the 130 lb dumbbells for 3 sets of 6, 5, 5 reps. This is down from what I was doing before my cycle when I was doing the 140s for similar reps. I got really pissed off after that and I went to reverse bench. I ended up doing fairly well on it, but definitely not a record setting day for me. I ended with 315 for 6 reps on reverse bench. I also did skull crushers with 165 lbs for a few sets of 8 reps.

    I've been told that my size/strength gains from deca come around your 4th/5th shot. I'm due for my 5th on Saturday of this week.. I'm getting very aggravated and impatient with this!!!

    Tomorrow is an easy day for me. Just biceps/forearms and a bit of cardio.

    Well I'll keep you updated as things happen.


  10. #10
    impressive weights bro.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Originally posted by goldenFloyd
    impressive weights bro.
    thanks man. All of these weights are what I've reached naturally.... now if only the deca would kick in......!!!

    I didnt go lift today because I just didnt feel up to it. I felt really exhausted today and felt that i needed the day off. I'm going to do my bicep workout tomorrow afternoon.

  12. #12
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    Mar 2002
    Today is Monday, -- chest day. It's 10:30AM right now. But first, a little update on my weekend. Saturday I hit the gym for biceps day since I was unable to make it on Friday. I felt like I had a bit more strength than usual, but I did my exercises in a different sequence than usual, so I cant really tell. Saturday was also my 5th shot of deca.

    My weight is fluctuating alot.. damn water. One day I'll be nearing 205, then the next I'm down to 198. I'll weigh in today and see what I'm at. I'm hoping my strength increases will be prevelant today. One crappy thing that I've been having for the past week is that the inside of my elbows is constantly sore. I feel a little wobbly on benching movements, and doing bis/tris is a little painful. Deca is supposed to lube up your joints so I dont know what's going on here. I had 8 eggs and a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast today and then I'm going to have a protein shake in a little bit and then lift at 12:00.

    I'll be sure to post later and let you guys know if I've felt any increases yet.

    One more thing..... alot of people have been commenting on my size lately. They've just said, damn, you're fuckin huge! but they havent said anything like "woah, you blew up!" so I'm guessing I havent gotten too big yet. I have noticed my shoulders are blowing up the fastest of anything.

    Alright, I'm off to C&T's Nutrition to buy more protein then I'm gonna go to the gym.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    well... the strength increase definitely wasnt there today. I lifted less today than I have in over a month. I attempted 365 for my first working set on bench and I barely got 2 for some reason. So then I took it down to 315 and just did a few sets of 6. Something was fucked up today because I had absolutely no power or energy at all, it sucked!

    I'm not noticing any real gains from this cycle and it's really starting to upset me. I sure as hell hope I notice soon! I did weigh 203 today though. And another girl that I havent seen in a few weeks told me Im looking huge.....

    blah, i'm goin to eat and take a nap.

  14. #14
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    Mar 2002
    Its almost 2:00pm and I just got back from the gym. Today was back day and it went ok. I didn't make any real improvements over my previous weights but I had a good pump going.

    I've been feeling very sleepy during my workouts lately. It seems that I only have enough energy for one exercise and then I'm worn out. It's odd. Then when I come home I tend to sleep for a few hours just because I feel so exhausted.

    Has anybody else taken a deca only cycle where its taken this long to kick in? I've gained between 5-10 pounds but I feel that I'm getting weaker....?

    All I know is that I'm really getting upset now.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    tampa, fl
    post some progress pics bro!

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Sportsmans paradise
    Damn Bro
    this post is depressing
    Why not just freaking eat everything in front of you, dont worry about keeping your diet so clean, your body NEEDS the extra calories. You should be blowing up especially since this is your first cycle. Dont be afraid to put on a little fat, (Im guessing you have a fast metabolism and whatever weight you gain should be muscle). You can always shed fat later.
    Maybe throw some D-bol (or even anadrol) and ephedrine/caffiene stack to give you energy and make you feel better. Limit it to 3 weeks Give your muscles time to recover. Split everything into 4 days a week. D-bol should help with appetite and lethargy as well as giving you quick strength gains.

  17. #17
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    Mar 2002
    I stopped updating on my first cycle because nobody was giving any comments... but since you guys did, i'll reply. I got a bit bigger from my first cycle, but i think i should have done more than just deca because I only ended up gaining 10 lbs and I actually got weaker on bench and everything else. I dont know what the problem was... maybe the shit was bogus, i dunno. but I'm going to do another cycle eventually, hopefully this time i'll actually get some results. I'm at 202 lbs right now, bench is at 405 and squat is around 545 or so. i'm hoping to get up over 450 and 600 on those two lifts.

    i'll post pictures when i start my next cycle.


  18. #18
    IronReload04's Avatar
    IronReload04 is offline "Rancid Protein Powder Mastermind Technician"
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    everywhere and nowhere
    i know this post is old and everything. but is this thread typically what happens when test is not in cycle

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    maybe you should do decca/test. Personally I wouldnt think of doing anything alone because of the sides associated without running test.

    Quote Originally Posted by supirman45
    I stopped updating on my first cycle because nobody was giving any comments... but since you guys did, i'll reply. I got a bit bigger from my first cycle, but i think i should have done more than just deca because I only ended up gaining 10 lbs and I actually got weaker on bench and everything else. I dont know what the problem was... maybe the **** was bogus, i dunno. but I'm going to do another cycle eventually, hopefully this time i'll actually get some results. I'm at 202 lbs right now, bench is at 405 and squat is around 545 or so. i'm hoping to get up over 450 and 600 on those two lifts.

    i'll post pictures when i start my next cycle.


  20. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    lookin good bro,keep it up.....respect!!!

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