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Thread: test c decabol dbol 3rd week

  1. #1

    Arrow test c decabol dbol 3rd week

    ok im just getting into my 3rd week of this cycle. the first time i started my injection was great. took it in the right glut and felt it right away in the gym for about 4 days. next shot was in the left glut and felt that for about 3 days. my other shot i took in my quad about 4 days ago. that was a bitch. all was good until wednesday. it felt like my leg exploded from the inside. i couldn't work at all today. there's so much pain in my hole leg and knee. what could this be from? i notice its starting to get better but i couldn't even walk for 2 days, couldn't hit the gym for 2 days either, that's what really sucks about it but now that i rested my leg for a day in a 1/2 it's starting to feel like the swelling is going away.... i haven't really felt any kick in's yet meaning that the the test is supposed to kick in by the 3rd or 4th week right? feels like my body is starting to get used to it or something..maybe im taking to low of a dose? .. dbol 20mg/ed test c and deca 200 of each every 5 days. i was going to do it every 7 days but i can feel it depleating instantly after 5days. all my products are made my ** and i have gained 10lbs and streanth as increased but now it seems like it has plateaued. so im thinking taking 4oomg test and 200 deca.

    starting weight was 165 and now im up to 175lbs

  2. #2
    you should be upping ur dose of everything if you want to continue this cycle. MINUIMUM 400mg test and 300mg deca/week and i would even up the dbol to 30mg. i dont know anything about your experience but it sounds like you should be doing a cycle of 400-500mg test/week alone. u seem very light for aas. as for the pain from the inject, i dont know bc i only inject into my glutes. honestly if the pain is a huge issue, you could just alternate glutes for this cycle because ur only injecting every 5 days. good luck, keep us posted

  3. #3
    Roger that. I was planning on upping the dose just like u said. 1.5cc deca + 2cc test c.(300-500) i just upped the dbols to 30mg/ed. feels like the first time i started. today is my shot day, i can't wait... the leg was from rip in the muscle that occurred during work, in the same spot i injected. all is fine now

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