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  1. #1
    KunipshunFit's Avatar
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    The Journal of a Madman!

    Welcome to my journal.

    Decided to be a sap and keep an online journal in the spirit of the others who came before.

    Cycle Information

    Wk 1
    Deca @ 300mg 2xWeek (Had extra, threw it in )
    T200@250mg 2X Week

    Wk 1-4
    Dbol @ 35mg ED

    Wk 2-12
    T200 @ 500mg Week (2 shots per week)
    EQ @ 400mg Week (2 shots per week)

    Clomid post.

    Current stats will be given tomorrow as I want to take cold unflexed and flexed measurements.

    Workout Routine

    Sunday - Chest (SHOT)
    Monday - Bi's and Tri's (or off) depending on work travel schedule
    Tuesday - Back
    Wed. - Shoulders
    Thursday - Off (SHOT)
    Friday - Legs
    Saturday - Bi's and Tri's (if taken off Monday)
    Sunday - Chest

    Overall Goals (LOOK LIKE MIKE XXL OFFSEASON----See his pics )

    Gain 25-30lbs (I currently am around 190-195)
    I want to end up around 220is and no higher than 15-18%bf.
    I'm keeping this range high as i expect the water weight from the dbol and the other roids.

    12 week cycle on...then 12 more weeks continuing to eat like a horse then another 12 weeker' cutting....Researching that cycle now. I want to be 200 @ 10%bf.

    12 weeks off maintance and then bulking again

    Will update on the injections/pumps

    as well as periodic update on the workouts and training schedule. Since i'm on i'm more motivated to hit the gym even after 8 hour days inwhich i am traveling 7 hours.

    I typically train 4-5 days a week and am going to keep this routine as i know the AS helps with recovery time.


    I know as speeds up recovery time in the muscle so how many people hear train the body 2X per week while on???

  2. #2
    realer is offline Associate Member
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    cant wait for your updates, good luck on your cycle bro!!

  3. #3
    freak of the week is offline Junior Member
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    When do you start?? At 200 your goin to be a freak

  4. #4
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    I started my cycle yesterday; today is the second day.

    Worked Back today, nothing major just focused and determined.

    Begining measurements.

    Electro- Bodyfat scale put me in at 193 and at 14%bf....which i believe is a bit high, but I have been eating like mad for 3 weeks and DO feel like i have some fat and water hanging on the stomach. I however feel i'm around 12....but we shall go with that scale as a marker....

    Neck: 16.5
    Chest: 41
    Arm: 15
    Forearm 13
    Quad: 23.75
    Calf: 16
    Waist: 34.5

    all measurements are cold and unflexed...I think the quads are small as hell compared to the others but i was told that that measurement is good considering my height and weight.

    Waist has gotten 1.75"'s bigger since i stopped dieting, lots of water there....
    Last edited by KunipshunFit; 07-21-2002 at 08:47 AM.

  5. #5
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    Chest and Tri's

    Well did my chest and tri's routine today...Had an amazing workout. I was focused and determined.

    The dbol can not have kicked in this early (only the 3rd day) However I had a great pump in my chest and tri's.

    Chest routine
    Flat 4 sets (1 warm up 3 working)
    DB 65 X 10
    85 X 8
    95 X 6
    100 X 4

    Incline DB 3 working sets
    80X 8
    90X 7
    100X 5

    Pec Dec
    200X 8
    220X 8
    240X 8
    160-100 Drop set (strict form)

    Incline Fly's
    3 sets with whatever would move (35's)

    Nosebreakers (ez bar)

    60lb on each side (total weight 145)
    4 sets of 10

    Pull downs
    4 sets of 150

    reverse grip one arm isolations
    3 sets of 40 X 10reps

    and that's a day

    ******Still waiting on an answer to the question: Since AS helps with the receptors and the muscle regeneration, how does everyone feel about hitting the muscle 2 times in a week? I currently hit it once but i'm switching to a 4 on 2 off routine************

  6. #6
    sav22's Avatar
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    Keep the journal coming, I know I like to see how everyone is doing on their cycles.

    In response to your question, you may want to rest your larger muscle groups a full week because you are probably hitting them harder then before so they will need a little while to recoup but your smaller muscles tend to recoup much faster due to the shorter period of time it takes to hit them. Feel them out and if you feel that you can work them again, then I say do so. Remember though that your muscles grow when they are rested and overtraining can occur if you train them more then once a week. Keep it up and good luck with everything.

  7. #7
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    2nd SHOT

    Well it's Tuesday, Sorry for not posting yesterday.

    Took the 2nd shot monday morning...Seemed to hurt a bit more than the first, but nothing terrible.

    First week of EQ
    1.25cc of Tornel t200
    1cc of TT EQ

    I think i'm starting to feel the Dbol pumps but I'm not sure if it's mental or what. I'm starting to get headaches and the pumps i'm getting are amazing!!!! It is awsome, i just am not sure if it's the dbol or mental, however whatever it is I LOVE IT...

    Anyway, I just read about BK's arrest, I wish him the best of luck!

    I hit shoulders yesterday, had the best pump after 3 sets, finished up the workoutand thought my shoulders would explode

    Weight is up a bit, water i'm sure...

    More updates later...

  8. #8
    freak of the week is offline Junior Member
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    Awesome bro!

  9. #9
    sav22's Avatar
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    Looks good buddy...I'm very interested on how your cycle works out for you because it's like the one I'm planning for the winter. We're here if you have any questions bro.

  10. #10
    KunipshunFit's Avatar
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    HELL - I got the last col
    I think the dbol pumps are here....

    Hit bi's and tri's last night...felt like my freaken arms were going to explode....

    Not sure what the weight is right now, i know the water is all over my stomach and arms....I feel good all over minus my stomach which feels oh so bloated...but then again it is

    Anyway I'm at work now, will FINALLY be home from the mountains this friday and get to lift back in my gym instead of on the road.

    Get to come home to another t200 and eq shot

  11. #11
    freak of the week is offline Junior Member
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    What is your diet like? It must be tough on the road?

  12. #12
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    my diet on the road is pretty sparatic (SP)


    typically a bowl of cereal and a muffin of some sort ( I try to get my carbs in here)

    Lunch is where i get the best meal(s)

    Either Steak, Chicken, and some carbs...whole wheat spaghetti, potatos, etc etc

    and the same is typically true for dinner.

    I also try to get some type of snack in during the day but it doesnt normally work..

    to fix these problems of diet...I'm going to pick up another jug of protien and some weight gainer and eat the gainer for breakfast and the protien for a snack during the day..

    this will get the protien up where it needs to be and the carbs as well....

    Any suggestions are always appreciated

    I'm also considering buying 10lbs of steak and cooking for a week, and taking it with me...

  13. #13
    freak of the week is offline Junior Member
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    It kind of depends on what yours goals are. If you want to bulk or lean out. If its bulk you have to eat every 2 or 3 hours. And each meal has to consist of protein good carbs and some fat. Your breakfast has to include more protein. Either with whey shake or eggwhites. If your trying to bulk this is even more critical. GOOD LUCK.

  14. #14
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    HELL - I got the last col
    took some before pictures today....and took some with measurements....I did however take the pics after my workout (chest and tri's)

    I will post them in a little bit, I have to get them converted to a viewable format.

    Anyway, AWSOME pumps today!!!!!

    Hit chest

    getting stronger and stronger every day

    Flat DB Bench
    65X 10
    85X 10
    95X 8
    105X 6

    Incline Bench
    85X 10
    95X 8
    105X 7
    115X 3 with 1 forced rep (god that felt good)

    Pec Dec
    4 sets of 10 with 160

    Decline Press
    2 sets of 70lbs by 10 reps (finish, burnout)

    Triceps i hit nosebreakers and some pulldowns and i was pretty fatigued by then so the workout was not as good as i hoped.

    anyway i was amazed by the chest workout....3 weeks ago i could barely hit the 100's for 3-4 reps on incline and flat....and today freaken amazing and with strict and perfect form!!!!!!!!

    I LOVE THIS SHIT!!! Be it mental or whatever, I LOVE IT!!!!

    Diet is looking good, started the day with 100g complex carbs, moved onto 10am - 2pm and had roughly 100g protien in that time span....having some ribeye's tonight for dinner with 2 potato's...

  15. #15
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    various pose's

    comments welcome
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails The Journal of a Madman!-armchest.jpg  

  16. #16
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    relaxed back
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails The Journal of a Madman!-backrelaxed.jpg  

  17. #17
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    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails The Journal of a Madman!-frontlatab.jpg  

  18. #18
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    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails The Journal of a Madman!-chestarms2.jpg  

  19. #19
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    back flexed
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails The Journal of a Madman!-backflex.jpg  

  20. #20
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    i guess i can call this a profile shot....
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails The Journal of a Madman!-profile.jpg  

  21. #21
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    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails The Journal of a Madman!-quadcalf.jpg  

  22. #22
    cnyce&9 is offline New Member
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    nice wheels...
    Looking thick bro...keep it clean! and youll rip right up...

  23. #23
    freak of the week is offline Junior Member
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    Looks good bro. Back is good too.

  24. #24
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    HELL - I got the last col
    thanx for the replies guys....I really could use some feedback on the pics....I know the chest is my worst part and i'm working hard.....

    Remember i'm bulking so ignore the abs I'm also hitting legs hard, gotta catch the quads up to the calves.

    Gotta get to bed, going to "attempt" to get my ass up early (5am) to shoot myself and hit shoulders before work....Gotta go travel again!!!!! Gone all week in good ole VA....blah blah blah.....

    Lata guys

  25. #25
    KunipshunFit's Avatar
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    update, comments on pics please....

    just started week 2 last night, took the shot...well tried to take it in the quad, i fucked up the injection and have been limping around all day....I ended up having to shoot my glute now my ass and leg hurts....

    next shot is Friday.....Going to try to hit the biceps...

    Is it me or is this EQ making me ravenous!!!! I'm always hungry and eating everything i see!!!! *it's great*

    Also had a question about when I shoot myself....I seem to always get "hot" not like a flash but just warmer when i'm shooting myself....I guess it's nerves and what not....any clue guys????

    Also this time when i shot myself in the glute, it bleed like a mother F*****....i aspirated and all went well...after i cleaned the injection site i noticed a small bruise....could the excess blood have been from the pooled blood which was the bruise?????

    all comments welcome.....also still waiting on some honest reviews of the pics.....dont worry you wont hurt my feelings!!!

  26. #26
    MIKE_XXL's Avatar
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    Hey bro! So you want to be like "Mike"...that's just too funny, you guys crack me up, because really i am not that special, but thanks anyway...

    You are looking good Bro, my chest used to be my weak point as well, what i have done that works for me, is i reduced my weights and droped the ego trip, i started really focusing on the negative and making sure each and every set lasted 40-50 seconds (it's the time under tenssion that couses the most muscle growth/size increase)and the form was good as well as worked each set as if it's my last one, i only do 8sets for chest not counting the warmup. That's what i can offer you here.

    If you put the dart right throught the vein (sp), even known you have aspirated, the blood would not show up in the dart but you could get brusing and bleeding, i have done it myself a few times.

    Other then that looks like you are making great progress and are looking good and the calfs are just f***in' insane, keep puming and you'll look like Mike in the off season in no time......XXL

  27. #27
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    thanx for the advice

    Thanx for the advice MIKE!!!!

    I never thought about timming the time to complete a set....but I am sure it was only taking me around 45 seconds at the most. I will time the set next time I work out and make sure I'm increasing the time under tension as suggested as well as focusing on the negative.

    As far as the ego trip..yeah i understand that....hurts me alot just working dumbells but that's what I gotta do to focus on the muscle....Strength is going up and i'm trying to not jump to much because of that and do heavy weight...I'm keeping the form good and trying to keep my ego out of it...i'm training for the LOOKS and SIZE not the strength....although it is a side effect

    Thanx for all of your's very greatly appreciated!

    And thanx for the comment about the calves...


  28. #28
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    You are welcome Bro...always looking to help...XXL

  29. #29
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    HELL - I got the last col
    Well it's Saturday the 3rd....Checked my weight today and was VERY VERY happy.... 204lbs.....starting weight was about 10lbs lower and it's only been 2 weeks....

    Strength is going through the roof and i feel alot harder! I've been told by 3-4 people that I look bigger espeacially in my neck, arms and back....Today is a chest day and it's time to put MIKE XXL's advice to the test!!!

    THanx again mike!

    I hit the left quad last night with 2.5cc's of the juice everything went smooth.....i can walk today so that's a good thing also.

    my majorly noticed gains are in hardness of the muscle and overall fullness. For example right now my arms feel pumped and I have not even done a thing. and when i work out my forearms literally CRAMP up.

    it's such a good feeling because well it means i'm growing!!

    I hit legs last night right after the shot...VERY BAD PLANNING....however it was not so bad.....legs are sore today from the workout and the site is tender however as stated before "At least i can walk"....I had a GREAT leg workout....was able to increase my leg press by 4 plates total...which amazed me..

    Quick question to mike XXL...what are your measurements....


    just so i can compare the ratio's and what not...cause damn ya back looks huge

    all other comments are very much welcomed and appreciated!!!

    lata bro's time to hit the gym

  30. #30
    freak of the week is offline Junior Member
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    Hey sounds aweseom man! Quick question what is your diet been like? Do you use the same size needle when your hittin the quad?

  31. #31
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    HELL - I got the last col
    Diet has been interesting...lots of steak and chicken...I dont have an exact schedule for eating since i'm on the road for work...I try to eat 5 times a day and eat till i'm stuffed each time. Complex carbs and lots of protein....

    Took a shot last night in the right quad...hit a nerve the first leg jumped...

    just moved the needle a bit and shot it again with a new needle....Everything went well....great dbol pumps....My arms feel swoooooooollllllen and i've had numerous comments on them....i weighed in the other day at 208lbs.....starting weight was a bit lower (195)

    not bad considering i have 10 more weeks....will take measurements again in 2 more weeks....

    I've noticed a lot of water around the midsection....but you cant get big and not hold water i guess....i look very bloated right now, but i'm kool with it because it's not TOOO TOOO terrible right now.

    Starting to see veins pop up from EVERYWHERE...guess it's the EQ and the pumped muscle.....

    noticing them in my triceps and near my elbows the most.....i love it.

    well that's it for's an off day and tomorrow is shoulders...lata gentlemen..

    any comments welcomed as always

  32. #32
    freak of the week is offline Junior Member
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    same size pin?

  33. #33
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    just wanted to throw out an update....

    MY pumps are freaken unrealllll....Every and I MEAN every workout my forearms are cramping, my shoulders are pumped and the body part i'm working out feels like it's going to explode!!!

    I'm weighin' upwards of 210...and i am most definately holding about 15lbs of water! However, I see veins in the shoulders, all over the foreamrs, across the back side of my triceps and in the legs when i work out...

    My only complaint is my stomach is bulging and distended and my face looks bloated....However this is a bulking cycle and damn if I aint' bulking up big time.

    Dbol stops in 1.5weeks (decided to run it for a full 5 weeks)

    Going to take measurements again after i stop the dbol.


    (Answer to previous question) YES i shot my quad with a 22g 1.5' needle..

    QUESTION.....I'm putting on a shit load of water...i'm considering throwing some cardio in, 2-3X 20 minutes a this enough to lose some water and keep muscle...or should i just be a man and wait till after the cycle...which is another 8 weeks

    thanx for the replies!!!!!

    PS..My shoulders are freaken going nutz off of this cycle.....getting huge and i'm not even lifting them heavy!!!!!!!!

  34. #34
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    well this weekend i took a well deserved 3 day break to give my body time to recover. I've been going hard as hell for the first 4 weeks....

    After some reconsideration i'm only doing the dbol for 4 weeks, which means it stops in 3 days. This is inlarge part due to the fact that i like my liver and want to keep it healthy....Plus i'm holding a SHIT SHIT SHIT load of water...

    ANyway strength is through the freaken roof and it is about time for the eq and test to really push through Cant wait for that

    Weighed in the other day at 215lbs

  35. #35
    goldenFloyd's Avatar
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    excellent excellent work my friend. how tall are you? I can relate with the water bloat of dbol . Check this out, I'm 6'0 and started my cycle at 218, I'm at 231 right now, day 18, and I've only been using 10-20mg of ref-b per day! and I have new veins on my bi's. Keep up the excellent work, are you going to use any anti-e's for the bloat? I will be running femara starting wk 5. good luck to you (pump those calves). I have an asian momma to thank for mine.

  36. #36
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    I'm 5'8....Thanx for the words of encouragement.

    As far as anti-e's to help during the cycle, i'm not taking any unless i experience gyno symptoms.

    So far i have not...nothing tender or terribly swollen...My chest is carryin' more water but i expected that.

    Gains are going great. I hit Shoulders and Bi's today...odd combo i know but i'm trying something different.

    Weight will hopefully stay around 215 now that the dbol has stopped but i'm sure i'll drop some water long as i end the cycle around 215-220 i'm golden..

    lata bro's

  37. #37
    MIKE_XXL's Avatar
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    Originally posted by KunipshunFit
    Well it's Saturday the 3rd....Checked my weight today and was VERY VERY happy.... 204lbs.....starting weight was about 10lbs lower and it's only been 2 weeks....

    Strength is going through the roof and i feel alot harder! I've been told by 3-4 people that I look bigger espeacially in my neck, arms and back....Today is a chest day and it's time to put MIKE XXL's advice to the test!!!

    THanx again mike!

    Quick question to mike XXL...what are your measurements....


    just so i can compare the ratio's and what not...cause damn ya back looks huge

    all other comments are very much welcomed and appreciated!!!

    lata bro's time to hit the gym
    Not that impresive, but my bone stracture and body shape helps out a lot.

    Chest 48"
    Forearm 16"
    Arm 17.5"
    Quad 25.5"
    Calf 16" (my weak point)
    Waist 30"-32" (depends on the off or in season)
    Neck 17.5"

    How did your chest workout go?


  38. #38
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    HELL - I got the last col
    The chest work out a few days ago was simply amazing. I focused on keeping the shoulder blades tucked and not flared...Brought the weight down so slow my partner could count to 5 and back up to a 5 count. I must say it hurt like a mo'fo and the amount of weight i was able to throw suffered...HOWEVER I had a much better chest work out..

    Thanx for the advice!!!!!!

  39. #39
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    Not a problem, anytime Bro...XXL

  40. #40
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    HELL - I got the last col
    Im pretty sure everthing is in full swing now...i dropped a lil' weight when i came off the dbol but I worked back the other day and it's 2 days later and it's still sore...Shit i got a cramp in it wipin' my ass the other day....I was like SHIIIIIT..

    Another shot today, 1.5cc t200 and 1cc of EQ....think i'm doing the quad today as i dont have my shorter needles for the site injections i want to start in the bi's....

    ANyway everything is going well so far....Only thing i hate is my stomach is so distneded from all the food i'm eating...


    anyway lata bro...

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