Hi all,
Ok here I am after having read almost everything I could on many websites.
First of all, I have been working out for almost 6 years, I am 31, 6.4 and 230lbs and a ****ing hard gainer.
Let's take a look on my background. As I said i started working out 6 years ago cause I was very very skinny 160lbs, yep 160lbs for 6.4. At this time I did not fear the windSO . Then, the 3 first years gave me bad results, only 12lbs...The reason was I just listened to other buddies in the gym... only crap I would say today...
Next, I went on internet and I found many interesting web sites and I discovered my training problems, overtraining, too long sets, light weight, not enought food, and moreover I was hard gainer...
Then, I decided to eat more, more rest, short set, heavy weight ...and of course, it worked. Until I had to eat more again, so I bought gainer, prots etc.... And it worked. Then I am 230lbs, and I guess I reached my limits cause I have never managed to go higher for a year.
So I decided to give a try.
Yep this first cycle is more a try than a real one. I just want to know more about how my body is going to react to test, that's why I don't use that much of sustanon.
I decided to go on sustanon because of the 4 test in it and I will be able to feel my body reacting to short and long ester.
I have been reading for many month (maybe years actually!) steroid readings and I think I am ready for my first one!
weeks 1 to 10 : E3D 125ml of sustanon (half a vial)
weeks 8 to 12 : 50mg of winny (tabs) because I allready had them for a long time, time to use.
weeks 1 to 12 : E3D 20 mg of Nolva
week 13 100mg of clomid
weeks 14 and 15 50mg of clomid
I have proviron too, but I don't feel the need for this cycle
So, what do you think?