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Thread: Presentation and 1st cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Presentation and 1st cycle

    Hi all,

    Ok here I am after having read almost everything I could on many websites.

    First of all, I have been working out for almost 6 years, I am 31, 6.4 and 230lbs and a ****ing hard gainer.
    Let's take a look on my background. As I said i started working out 6 years ago cause I was very very skinny 160lbs, yep 160lbs for 6.4. At this time I did not fear the wind SO . Then, the 3 first years gave me bad results, only 12lbs...The reason was I just listened to other buddies in the gym... only crap I would say today...
    Next, I went on internet and I found many interesting web sites and I discovered my training problems, overtraining, too long sets, light weight, not enought food, and moreover I was hard gainer...
    Then, I decided to eat more, more rest, short set, heavy weight ...and of course, it worked. Until I had to eat more again, so I bought gainer, prots etc.... And it worked. Then I am 230lbs, and I guess I reached my limits cause I have never managed to go higher for a year.

    So I decided to give a try.
    Yep this first cycle is more a try than a real one. I just want to know more about how my body is going to react to test, that's why I don't use that much of sustanon.
    I decided to go on sustanon because of the 4 test in it and I will be able to feel my body reacting to short and long ester.

    I have been reading for many month (maybe years actually!) steroid readings and I think I am ready for my first one!

    weeks 1 to 10 : E3D 125ml of sustanon (half a vial)
    weeks 8 to 12 : 50mg of winny (tabs) because I allready had them for a long time, time to use.
    weeks 1 to 12 : E3D 20 mg of Nolva
    week 13 100mg of clomid
    weeks 14 and 15 50mg of clomid

    I have proviron too, but I don't feel the need for this cycle
    So, what do you think?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Welcome to AR

    I dont' agree with your reasoning for using Sust, but the cycle looks fine.

    I would have gone with a SINGLE ester Test only. you don't need 4 different esters floating around in you cause you won't know which one is causing which sides.

    And sust was NOT created for bodybuilders. SO if you really want to use it right, it needs shot EOD

    Good luck!! keep us posted on your results

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    EOD, yes I know that, but it would up my amount of sustanon, and I prefer to keep it as it is.

    Actually, I have already started this cycle one week ago.
    As planned, I got test flu and injection pain, but now it is ok. 2 days after each injection I feel well at gym, no more strengh just well, and kind of horny, i guess it is the prop... or just in my mind!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Mittel
    EOD, yes I know that, but it would up my amount of sustanon, and I prefer to keep it as it is.

    Actually, I have already started this cycle one week ago.
    As planned, I got test flu and injection pain, but now it is ok. 2 days after each injection I feel well at gym, no more strengh just well, and kind of horny, i guess it is the prop... or just in my mind!
    It doesnt have to up your dosage your 250 per ML running 1/2mil every 3rd day... so break it down to 1/3rd ml EOD so by day 6 you will have taken in the same amount but your blood levels will be more stable but I do agree that sust isnt a good choice simply because of its blend..

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Just a little update.
    OK I decided to go EOD, it won't hurt

    Moreover, about my first injection...
    I took me time to think about using steroid and injection as I was so scared about needle! For example, once I lost consciousness during a blood test … and each time I was used to sweat as hell.
    So I do not know what I was thinking about doing it. I was motivated and excited until I got the syringe in my hand…holy shit!! I decided to do it in my left quad but I could not move anymore!! I started sweating and I was like paralyzed and my hand was shaking.
    Then needle could not approach my skin further.
    I took a deep breath and I managed to touch my skin with the needle and stop the shaking after 10 minutes of concentration. Slowly, very slowly the needle got in. It is strange because I wanted to do so to feel everything and actually, I did not feel any hurt but I felt the different layers (skin, muscle). I aspirated, no blood, and injected and removed the needle. During all this time I could not breathe…. And at the end, I felt dizzy and I almost felt consciousness and nearly throw up!
    This was the first time.
    The next one was ok, no scared so much. And today I get excited thinking about doing it!!!
    Last edited by Mittel; 04-03-2007 at 03:57 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    ending second week
    Nothing much. gained 4lbs so far. I look better, I mean I think I lost some body fat which is not quite normal as I am eating a lot!! But I won't complain!! good pump at the gym.
    Side effect: only oily skin
    Sorry no pics as my camera is broken

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Starting third week.
    No weight gain since last update. I am pretty sure it is because my diet was not good because of my job. I think I look a little bloated.
    Still good pump at gym, something like +10% on every exercises. I can't wait for the long ester tests to kick in!
    I am trying to get my hand on a camera to post pics asap.
    Last edited by Mittel; 04-10-2007 at 03:50 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    done with the third week.
    I did bench today... and as all this week, nothing much. Actually, it was a shitty workout, it was like I had no energy, could not finish all my sets...
    I do look bigger, but no more strengh and no more pump at the gym.

    But there is another problem... I may have to go for a business trip in asia next week or in two weeks for 10 days...(thailand and vietnam). I know that I would not have any problem working out but about the gear... I would have to carry them with me and I am not sure it is a good idea...

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