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Thread: eq and winny cycle question/proposel

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

    eq and winny cycle question/proposel

    i just got off a big sus-omni/deca cycle with great results and was planning on going till oct clean then doing another test(t200) cycle ,then staying clean till may and doing eq and winny cycle
    my question is this
    does this look like a good plan or
    was thinking about going on clomid then going on eq(400mg per week for 10 weeks) and winny(50mg per day either first or last 6 weeks of eq cycle)then in october hitting that test cycle and then clean till may and doing eq and winny again
    so summary
    stay clean till october then hit test,clean till may then hit eq and winny
    jump right onto eq and winny now till oct,then onto test,then clean till may

    any opinions would be helpfull--never done eq and winny so excited
    my stats
    training for 16 years
    many cycles
    5'10" at 242lbs
    also going to ask this question on steroid question page

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    opinions please bros

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2002


    I'm going on a equi,prima ,and winny cycle, however I'm about 6'0 (230) and want to get shredded. I suppose it depends what you are looking for...

    I would recommend doing the test and then go clean. Afterwards go on the equi/winny just in time for the summer. Furthermore I would bring the winny in at the tail end of your equi cycle...
    However if you want to be a little bigger for the summer and a little less toned do the winny/equi then the test. My only arguement with that is the test will negate some on the vascularity that the winny and equi provide you.

    I'm going on 400mg equi (wks: 1-10)
    400mg prima (wks: 1-10)
    50mg winny every day (wks: 8-12)
    clomid 8 to 12 hours following last winny shot for 2 weeks

    Hope it works it costing me tons of money

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    thanks bro it makes lots of sence
    your cycle looks good too bro

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Van City
    do you think you can actually make some decent mucle gains on the EQ/winny cycle?? Like maybe put on 10lbs??

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    BC, Canada
    Tapout - I like the winny/eq after the test cycle. For the obvious reasons stated by Titus.

    Good luck on these next couple cycles bro, and let us know if there's anything else.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I agree, Winny/Eq after the Test cycle seems like the best idea.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    thanks aragorn
    heres what i decided to do
    after much deliberation and talk with juice junkie who explained my own philosphy to me heres my next 2 cycles
    starting first in oct and going oct-nov-dec then next will be in may going may-june-july

    test enth 500-600mg per week 10-12 weeks
    eq 400-500mg per week 10-12 weeks
    winny at 50-60mg per day for 8-10 weeks
    t3 pyramid up and down for first 6 weeks
    week 7 on a liver detox (cant remember name at this minute)that helps hpta recover as well
    then clomid regular doses

    reason for this cycle---my goal is to be 240 at 8-10% body fat and i'm at 240 with about 16% body fat so instead of going up in weight then cutting back to 240 what i'm going to do is build lean muscle while cutting fat staying at 240 but over next 2 cycles gaining approx 20lbs lean muscle and dropping my fat %
    the test will perserve any muscle while eating clean while winny and eq will harden any gains making them lasting quality gains

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    tapout i used winny pills everyday test eth 300 and eq 300 by ** igained 16 lbs of musle in about a month. I was ripped and vascular. i hurt my shoulder benching to heavy so iwill use lighter reps 15 to 20 from now on Hey it worked for frank shamrock.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    was that the shamrock cycle was or rep training

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