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Thread: Tapering Question

  1. #1

    My first Decca/Sust/Winny stack

    I am just about to start a Decca and Sus stack with Winny coming in at the end. Should I jump right in to 400mg Decca ond 500mg Sus per week or should I work up to that and then taper off? Also. ho should I split up the shots? Once a week or twice a week?

    Stats 5'10 180 10% body fat
    Intermediate AS user(third cycle)
    Last edited by Dog29; 08-12-2002 at 07:49 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    New Jersey
    keep dosages constant no need to pyramid
    deca 400mg wk 1-10
    sust 500mg wk 1-10
    winny 50mgED wk 7-12

    don't know how you want to run the winny. i'm thinking of a cycle like this, but i'm going to leave the winny out, and go with primo instead..

  3. #3
    Thanks for the info. Any advice on the frequency of the injects?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    2x per week
    sus has fast acting esters that need to be taken frequently--i usually suggest 3 x per week at 750 week total for experienced person
    mix deca with sus so not as many injections
    like kreper said no need to pyramid

  5. #5
    thanks tapout.

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