Last edited by skribbble; 04-16-2008 at 12:58 PM. Reason: eq
bib ibibibi
Last edited by skribbble; 10-19-2011 at 09:32 AM.
Should be a good run man! i love var myself
good luck man
good looking out CD. i been following ur log which is why i ended up doing my own
diet todayyyyyyy
meal 1 - 2 scoops whey 1 tablespoon flax
meal 2 - 6 egg whites 1 cup oats
meal 3 - 2 scoops whey 1 cup oats
pwo - 80g dex 48g whey
ppwo - 1/2 cup brown rice, 1 cup brocolli and can of tuna
meal after ppwo - chicken breast and natty pb
before bed - shake and brocoli
Problems with diet... i noticed i had wayyy too much whey today due to time problems and being lazy with making food i hope i can correct that tommorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
just ending 9 weeks var at 90mg.
its been great.
Awesome man! i hope it goes well..good looking out CD. i been following ur log which is why i ended up doing my own
day 3 diet
meal 1 - 1 scoop protein and 2 tablespoons natty pb
meal 2- 6 egg whites and 1 cup oats
meal 3 - 1 cup kashi go lean and 2 scoops whey
30 min cardio
meal 4 - can of tuna w/ brocoli
meal 5 - shake w/ almonds
meal 6 salmon and 3 servings cashews
meal 7 - cheated! 4 pieces of pizza and 6 donuts hahaha
felt like hell today didnt get alot of sleep and it was grey skies out so i was naturally sad hah didnt wanna do nothing!
sleepin and storing that fat...
bout to go nuts with diet tommorrow starting with am cardiooooooo
Last edited by skribbble; 05-10-2007 at 01:50 AM.
day 4 diet.
60 min am cardio
meal 1 - shake w/ flax
meal 2 - 6 egg whites and 1 cup oats
meal 3 - 1 scoop whey and 1 serving almonds
pwo - 2 scoops whey
ppwo - 2 slices fat free cheese mixed into 1 cup brown rice, brocoli, 2 chicken breasts, 1 serving kashi go lean
meal 6 - 2 servings lean beef
meal 7 - skim milk and protein bar
vascularity was nuts today in the gym.new veins coming everywhere!
not sure what your goals were again, but i think you should really adjust your diet, theres tons of small mistakes on there, for example meal 1--why no carbs after your cardio?
doesnt seem like enough food at all on that diet to realy get the benefit of an anabolic...
i usualyl go shake with flax after cardio to keep my body in a fat burning state. the other days i go pro/fat because i usually wakeup and then eat and go back to bed for 2-3 hrs. which is why i had natty pb and protein shake the other day. what other adjustments shuld i make? my main goals are pretty much bodyfat loss and trying to drop to like 185-190 if possible while on AS. But it has been hard since my appetite is wayy to crazy for 2400 cals a day so i been ending up around 2800-3000 a day.
hEre is my diet for yesterday lemme know what u think.
day 5 diet
meal 1 - shake w/ flax (then back to sleep for a few hrs)
meal 2 - 1 scoop whey
cardio 50 minutes
meal 3 - 6 egg whites + 1 cup oats
meal 4 - cheat meal 18 pieces of sushi and 6 cookies and 3 cups skim milk
meal 5 - can of tuna
meal 6 - shake w/ flax
diet was kinda hard today was on the run all day long but i calculated 2700 cals for this day
diet day 6
meal 1 - shake w/ almonds (back to bed)
meal 2 - 6 egg whites, 2 yolks, 1 slice fat free cheese, 1 cup oats
meal 3 - 1 serving almonds
meal 4 - 1 serving almonds and salmon
workout (redline energy drink)
pwo - 2 scoops whey + 40g dex
ppwo - 1/4 cup brown rice, chicken breast (100 cals 29g protein) and head of brocoli
meal 7 - 2 servings ground beef
meal 8 - shake w/ flax
bodyfat seems to be goin down quickly despite my random cheat meals. im already at around 7% with calipers which is a 2% bodyfat drop in the last 2 weeks since i started at 8.9%. Veins in my stomach now go up to my belly button in the middle and on the side they go up to my chest it looks so nuts!!
sunday diet
meal 1 - shake w/ flax (back to sleep)
meal 2 - 6 egg whites 1 cup oats
meal 3 - 2 scoops whey 1 cup oats
cardio 50 minutes
meal 4 - chicken and PB
Let's see some pictures!![]()
Last edited by skribbble; 10-19-2011 at 09:33 AM.
Been lazy with the posting on here. but im starting week 7 and im like 205lbs about 6% bodyfat... here is some pics. the vascularity is getting nuts and the strength is finally starting to come. i benched315 for 6 this week
Last edited by skribbble; 06-24-2007 at 04:34 PM.
thinking about doin a var only cycle myself soon, looking good and sounds like strenght is going upso is it worth it in your opinion?
starting to see some gains in the chest champ make sure you keep a handle on that diet. Are you training for a fight/comp or just training!
Last edited by Jartimus256; 01-28-2010 at 01:24 AM.
Taking var on its own will kill the libido in 99% of users. Var is also a very weak AAS in men, so if ur gonna run it, take atleast 60mg per day.
yeah man thanks. i recently power cleaned 285 for 3. The pumps are so crazy that i sometimes gotta cut my workouts short. My lowerback pumps are insane and have cost me a few leg workouts since i was nearly unable to stand up straight lol. My libido is great though still. I think it is well worth it. I got powder and cap it myself so for this cycle it roughly costed me around 60 bucks. I dont think id pay the money for the tabs. My diet has been where I need it i have a cheat day every 3 days and usually i get leaner because of that. If anything thuogh i feel i been lacking in the weightroom i havent been able to lift as much as i want my main focus has been just lowering bodyfat so i make sure i get my cardio in daily and i been lifting like 3x a week.Originally Posted by Jartimus256
Right now im training just to train, im getting back into mma training in august right now i dont have the time for that so i had to stop and im just focusing all my training on just becoming overly athletic.
I was playing basketball yesterday and dunked probably like 6 times and im only 5'8" 3/4's so thats saying something about the explosion i have![]()
I also am extending my cycle to about 12-14 weeks what is the longest i can run var for anyone know?
Last edited by Jartimus256; 01-28-2010 at 01:24 AM.
I love var! At 60mg it was good, at 120mg it was great, a good bro of mine reports crazy fat loss at 250mg... There is just no limit.
Last edited by Jartimus256; 01-28-2010 at 01:25 AM.
Last edited by Jartimus256; 01-28-2010 at 01:25 AM.
Yeah to run the high dose you need either to be rich or have a powder source... Which these days, pretty much amounts to the same thing...Originally Posted by Jartimus256
My back pumps get so nuts sometimes i cant lift legs for a week. And i even do yoga daily. Im bout to get some massage done so i can loosen everything upOriginally Posted by Jartimus256
Benched 315 x 7
squatted 335 for 6
Upped the dosage to 100mg for weeks 9-14 and running a stricter cutter for diet.
meal 1 - 1 cup oats 6 egg whites
meal 2 - shake w/ flax
meal 3 - 1/2 cup oats brocoli and chicken
pwo - 2 scoops whey
ppwo - 1/4 cup brown rice, tuna brocoli
meal 6 - shake w/ flax
Last edited by skribbble; 07-13-2007 at 02:17 PM.
nice progress bro, all around...you are lookin thick and cut.
keep it up.
I upped the dosage to 100mg/day and im running for 14 weeks now what you guys think about that is that too long?
Im on week 11. bodyfat is way down from the cutting diet im doing. This week i decided to try this diet. Ill get some pics sooner then later. http://forums.johnstonefitness.com/s...ad.php?t=19115
great work bro i love those pants too lol
are you still playin ball?
Looks like a var nation on the boards rock on bro!!!!!!!!!!!
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