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Thread: what do you guys think of my 1st cycle results?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    what do you guys think of my 1st cycle results?

    Okay I used to lift and juice heavy for about 4 years. Then I quit for five years and I just started lifting again in February. During those years that I didn't lift I gained a lot of weight and was in lousy shape. Anyway, when I started working out again I was 207lbs. at about 19% bodyfat. I worked out and ate right for about 3 months. Before I started my cycle in May I had myself down to 176lbs, about 12%bf. I did a 10 week cycle. here is what it looked like:

    week 1-6, d-bol 30 mgs/day
    week 1-10, primo 200 mgs/week
    week 1-10, testoviron250 500 mgs/week
    week 12, started clomid for 20 days
    week 10-12, clen 120 mcg/day

    I ate VERY clean so that I can continue to lose bodyfat. Kept my protein high and my carbs/fat low. My cycle ended 3 weeks ago. I now am 185lbs. at 9% bf. My bench went up 70lbs. Everything else also went up significantly. I haven't lost anything except for one or two reps at the last set of my excercises. And most importantly I have abs for the 1st time since I was 21! What do you guys think? Next cycle should I increase the dosages? I know this one was very light in amounts.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Great results. I would't use more if you can reach a good result with less

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    great progress, keep us posted.
    please can u tell me, did you increase your cardio during the clen weeks, and did you reduce your carbs during those weeks?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    philadelphia, PA

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Thanks for the comments guys! It helps keep me motivated.

    My carbs were already low for being on a cycle, but yes I did reduce them even more while on clen. I kept losing fat while I was on, then just lost a crap load of BF when I got off and started clen.

    I didn't do any cardio until I was in my 8th week. I started doing cardio 20 mins per day, 3 or 4 days a week. My workouts however were very fast paced and intense before and after my cycle. I did that to keep my body moving and burn more fat.

    I drank a whey protein shake every 2 hours in between my meals. When I got off I changed it to every 3 hours.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Oh and I loved the primo. It's just that I lost some hair from it! Now I just bought some Propecia for my next cycle.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    those are some nice results bro. I am also running a relatively low dose cycle now. I am hoping to see some nice gains. What was your calorie intake and cardio like while on?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Nice you didn't lose anything at all...just a few reps?? That is awesome, and is one of my goals for my first cycle...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    its very good results but tricky as well.let me explain first you are going to get a lot of gains regardless juice or not cuz your muscles are virgin so to speak we all remember how much we gained when we first started working out,second there is something called muscle memory that could have been reactivated in this case but nevertheles keep positiv bro no matter what

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2002
    North of Boston
    Nice results. Keep it up.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    jamison- I didnt actually count my carbs and fat. The way I do it is about a fistfull of veggies with my lunch and dinner(turkey or chicken breast for both). For breakfast I eat a cup of egg beaters and half a cup of oatmeal. Then I also took 3 whey protein shakes a day when I was on and 2 now that I am off. I used ECA,CLA, multivitamin while I was on. When I came off I started creatine, glutamine, CLA, multivitamin. Those are the only supps I used other than the gear and clen,which aren't really supps

    Now as for muscle memory. I have heard about that too, but will it have any effect if I wasn't lifting for 5 years? I wouldn't mind getting some more info on that one.

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