Hey, I'm running IGF-1 solo to heal a pelvic avulsion injury from 3 years ago that has never fully healed. It would have been ideal if I had known about IGF-1 when my injury was surgically fixed 2 years ago, but that wasn't the case. I was going to start my cycle last night, I actually tried to inject 40 mcg, but I lost about half of it to the syringe. This was because the place I ordered from forgot to ship the bacteriostatic water with it. I'm going to wait until I get my bacteriostatic water to continue injections so I don't waste anymore. Any comments or advice is appreciated!
Day 1 (Sunday / Yesterday)-
Morning Weight - 161 lbs
IGF-1 - 40 mcg (more like 20 mcg) PostWO in right glute
Side Pillars - 90 seconds
Front Pillars - 90 seconds
Back Pillars - 90 seconds
Bench Press - 3 x 2 x 185 lbs
Medicine Ball-
Lying Chest Throws - 3 x 10 x 8 lbs
Chest Pass - 1 x 10 x 8 lbs
Overhead Pass - 1 x 10 x 8 lbs
Lumberjacks - 2 x 8 x 8 lbs
Bicycle / Hip to Hip - 3 minutes
V Ups - 20 reps
Not the best workout in the world, I didn't have time to do as many sets as I would have prefered. By the way I know this workout may look weird but I'm an athlete, not a bodybuilder. Today should be leg day, I would LOVE to be able to inject my IGF-1 today but I don't think I'm going to have my bacteriostatic water.