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Thread: Experimental Cycle Log -Bulk & Cut!!

  1. #1

    Talking Experimental Cycle Log -Bulk & Cut!!

    Yes thats right, bulk and cut!!

    I have been told by numerous guys on here that you should either bulk or cut while on cycle and not to do both. Doing both would be a conflict of interest and could affect your potential gains.

    Now i'm not saying that these guys are wrong or that they dont know what their talking about, its just that i feel that i can do this if i put the right things into place. Might come back to bite me in the ass but worth the risk if it pays off.

    I havent seen a log on here like this so i have decided to post one so those with similar goals may have an idea of what is necessary.

    This will be my first cycle and will consist of Test E/EQ both run at 600mg EW for 12 weeks.

    I will update tomorrow with my stats and more details on my cycle including my nutritional plan.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    No secret about that. With a prop/tren/winny cycle gained 20lbs of lean mass while losing around 15lbs of fat.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    you might want to repost this in the members cycle results. i will be following btw

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Good Luck and keep us posted...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    South JerseyJ
    You need to run that test 3 weeks longer then the EQ

  6. #6
    My Stats (taken this morning)

    Age: 22.5
    Weight: 206lbs
    Height: 6'1
    Training experience: 3 Years proper solid training.

    I will be frontloading my test this week so my injections will be 300mg Test E tonight, wed, fri and sunday.

    Hoping at the end of my PCT that i will be 220lbs and around below 10%.

    I will not be using any fancy supps, only Whey, Carbs, Multi, and O3+06.

    My BMR is approx 2200 calories of which i will be consuming 40% Protein, 40%Carbs and 20% Fats.

    I will post my meals at the end of each day along with their nutritional breakdown.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    As this is your first cycle,it will work.Dont truly like the idea.Like to see you do this again and again,you will learn.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    As this is your first cycle,it will work.Dont truly like the idea.Like to see you do this again and again,you will learn.

    Goose, thanks for your input. I hope it does work i have been trying to reach 220 and 10% for ages.

    Can you please explain what you mean when you say you dont like the idea and that you would like to see me do it again and again.

    I'm confused.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Its late here in UK,when a guy like you,with a great foundation does a first cycle,magic happens.Many things are possible like cut and bulk.Hardcore bodybuilders will tell you its impossible to build lean mass while cutting (these guys have done many cycles) but I will vehemently contest this assertion. I do believe if your MAIN concern is building muscle, then its best to go on a higher calorie/protein regimen to make sure you maximize muscle growth - just remember you will gain some adipose if you do this.However, it is quite possible to lose bodyfat while simultaneously adding lean mass. It wont be as rapid as a "bulking" phase, but you are hitting 2 birds with one stone.Its complex you will have to eat right at or slightly below my maintenance calories while consuming at least 1g/lb bodyweight protein. take creatine with a small amount of dextrose and liquid aminos post workout. Do cardio on your non lifting days and perhaps up the cals slightly on lifting days and you can continue to cut bodyfat while gaining lean mass. I would recommend cutting before you bulk. I call this the "clean slate" philosophy. Not only will your gains be more noticable (as you won't have much fat obscuring your lean muscle mass), but bulking when you're already at a relatively high bf% can snowball into more bf% than you'd care to add (despite the muscle mass you'll be adding).I would swap EQ for something else,if your going for this,its poor.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    Its late here in UK,when a guy like you,with a great foundation does a first cycle,magic happens.Many things are possible like cut and bulk.Hardcore bodybuilders will tell you its impossible to build lean mass while cutting (these guys have done many cycles) but I will vehemently contest this assertion. I do believe if your MAIN concern is building muscle, then its best to go on a higher calorie/protein regimen to make sure you maximize muscle growth - just remember you will gain some adipose if you do this.However, it is quite possible to lose bodyfat while simultaneously adding lean mass. It wont be as rapid as a "bulking" phase, but you are hitting 2 birds with one stone.Its complex you will have to eat right at or slightly below my maintenance calories while consuming at least 1g/lb bodyweight protein. take creatine with a small amount of dextrose and liquid aminos post workout. Do cardio on your non lifting days and perhaps up the cals slightly on lifting days and you can continue to cut bodyfat while gaining lean mass. I would recommend cutting before you bulk. I call this the "clean slate" philosophy. Not only will your gains be more noticable (as you won't have much fat obscuring your lean muscle mass), but bulking when you're already at a relatively high bf% can snowball into more bf% than you'd care to add (despite the muscle mass you'll be adding).I would swap EQ for something else,if your going for this,its poor.

    Wow goose its like you read my mind!

    This is almost exactly what i had planned. Weird!

    Can you explain what you mean by cutting before bulking.

    If my cycle is 12 weeks do you mean do first 6 weeks cutting and last 6 weeks clean bulk?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Good luck bro, keeep us posted.

    Check your PMs, talk to ya soon!

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