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Thread: QV TestEnan/Eq CYCLE

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    QV TestEnan/Eq CYCLE


    Started my first cycle today, after 3 months of research and deliberation. First injection went real smooth, but I have to admit that I was a little nervous before sticking the pin in my quad. But it didn't take long for the nerves to go away, once I jabbed my leg I realized it was no prob at all (actually looking forward to my next injection).

    My stats are 23 yrs old - 6'2" 163 lbs - 10% bf.

    QV TestEnan 250: 500mgs weeks 1-11
    QV Bold (Eq) 200: 400mgs weeks 1-10
    Clomid 300/100/50
    Nolva on hand

    As of now I'll be mixing 1cc Test/1cc Eq twice a week for my injections (quads & glutes), but that may chage down the road if I decide to start injecting in delts & calves.
    Finally, I want to say thanks to everyone who has assisted with my decisions over the last couple of months, especially PaPaPumP, Tapout, 4plates, Pete235, Pheedno, Excess, Bask8kace, Rickson, inertia, & the other few Bros who I can' remember at this second.

    Any additional comments are welcome, and I'll do my best to keep this updated.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    BC, Canada
    Good luck bro and keep us updated.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    keep me posted too, we are pretty similar in size and i'll be starting a cycle pretty soon.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    the GYM
    Wow, please keep me posted, I am going to do the same exact cycle you are doing, cept in lower quantities. Same exact QV products as well, cept im already 6' - 210. Im anxious to hear how its going, keep me updated.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Goodluck bro and keep us posted.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    your welcome bro
    good looking cycle and excellent doses for a first--well put together and thought out

    remember eat,eat,eat then every 2-3 hours eat more

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Originally posted by Tapout

    remember eat,eat,eat then every 2-3 hours eat more
    That is one of the reasons I put the cycle off until now. I wanted to get use to the constant eating. I'll even get a snack in during the middle of the night when I wake up to piss. UMM..FOOD!


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    shot #2


    Not much to update as far as cycle goes b/c it hasn't even been one week yet and I'm not running any "jumpstarters" like D-bol. So, I don't expect real gains to start until around wk 4. Today was the 2nd shot of the cycle, 250/mgs TestEnan & 200mgs Eq in the left quad. Went in without any probs, injecting is a lot easier than I thought it'd be. I actually look forward to the injections, next one will be wed night or thur morning.

    Anyway, weight is at 164 ..woohoo 1 lb at least I'm started off in the right direction. Here are some other stats that I didn't post initially:

    chest: 36 1/2
    neck: 15
    arm: 13 1/2
    forearm: 11
    thigh: 20
    calf: 14 1/2
    waist: 31

    Well, that's it for now..I'll keep you all updated.

    Last edited by trimunex; 09-13-2002 at 11:53 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    good luck! keep us posted because Im also looking into a similar cycle..

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    I am doing the exact same cycle also, but with winny thrown in at 50mg ed for weeks 9-13....keep us updated!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    Hey bro, good luck on everything.

    Get your eat on, training on, and rest for the best.

    Let me know if you need some input.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    Yesterday was the third shot of the cycle, this time I stuck 250mgs Enan & 200mgs Eq in my right glute. And hell what do ya know, no soreness whatsoever. I didn't even feel any pain when I darted my ass cheek; even though my right hand had the shakes like a crackhead on the corner of 125th & Lexington at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Come to think of it, I haven't really experienced any pain from either 3 of my shots thus far.. good shit!

    Other than that, I know its only been a little over a week; but is it possible for the Eq hunger to be setting in already?? My cals have went up the past few days from about 3500 to 4200, and instead of only eating a small snack (200-300 cals) when I get up to piss in the middle of the night, NOW I'm eating a small meal (600 cals). Just didn't think it was possible for Eq hunger to kick in this early. But I'm not complaining, b/c I love to eat.

    All for now.


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    The hunger coming is probably mental. I had the same thing happen on mine. My EQ hunger really kicked in about a week ago(4wks in).
    Went and ate a steak, baked potatoe, salad, corn, bread, and spinach by the time I paid the check and walked out the door I was ready to walk back in and raid the salad bar again.

    The hunger is unbelievably wonderful. I do the same shit in the middle of the night as well. Wake up to empty the bag, end up having an oatmeal shake and a chicken breast.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2002


    Well like many other threads, this one has lost most of its posts.. so let me just update to where my cycle is now.

    I'm about 4 1/2 weeks into the cycle and keeping up 250mgs Enan / 200mgs Eq injects twice a week. I'm sticking to quads and calves as injection sites, I prefer these to any other areas.

    I only weigh myself once per week, mainly because my weight seems to flucuate too much day to day, so I feel once a week gives me a good measurement. So, today I weighed in at 173 lbs I'm happy with that. Bodyfat % has dropped a little which is good, although that is not something I'm too worried about since I didn't start out with a high percentage. I look at it as an added benefit.

    I feel the next few weeks are the most critcal, the Test & Eq seem to be kickin in now.. so I'll keep you all updated.


  15. #15
    Keep us posted, Im might take the same thing this spring...Will like to see your results

  16. #16

    Re: shot #2

    Originally posted by trimunex
    Anyway, weight is at 164 ..woohoo 1 lb at least I'm started off in the right direction. Here are some other stats that I didn't post initially:
    1 Lb? Since you're from NY i can ask you if you've ever had a burritoville burrito. They are a pound and a half, I highly recomend them.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    A little bump in the road!


    What's up All!
    Some of you may have noticed that I haven't posted for a little while, well that's because I've been layed up on the couch for a few days. Last Tuesday, almost a week ago, I was training calves and when I finished up I began to stretch them out real good. All of the sudden I got a sharp pain in my right calf, at first it felt like someone pinched me with a pair of pliers and then a minute later it felt more like a burning sensation. I was able to make it back to my apartment, but after I sat down on the couch for a while -- I couldn't stand back up, my calve was in a whole hell of a lot of pain It was the worst cramp that I had ever had x 1000! Needless to say I couldn't do a damn thing, I had to slide across the floor on my ass just to get to the pisser!

    Well, I eventually made it to the Doc on Thursday and he said that I 'slightly' tore my calf muscle and that I was having severe spasms inside the muscle. He decided that we needed to aggressively treat the problem in order to straigten my leg; therefore lengthening the muscle so that it could heal properly. He prescribed some very strong medication (which I just couldn't stop thanking him for) and I saw him over the last 4 days for therapy to get my leg straightened out (that on the other hand was a BITCH).

    Anyway, its Monday now. I didn't miss any injections for the week, and even though I've been out of the gym for 6 days I still feel good. It seems like I haven't really lost any weight, probably about the same.

    I'll be starting my 7th week on Thursday and I'll do a weight check then to see where I am really at. This will of course change my training routine, I plan on getting back into the gym tomorrow even though I'll still be on crutches. I'll stick to upper body for the rest of this week and then see how I can incorporate some lower body beginning next week. Although, I do know that calf excercises will be out of the mix for a few weeks.

    IF any of you guys/gals have ?'s let 'em fly!

    Also, the day before I did this to my calf I had used them as an injection site (only the 2nd time I've used my calves) Do you guys think this could have a relation to the injury? IMO, I think not; but just wanted to see what you all thought.


  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    Re: Re: shot #2

    Originally posted by bigblanco

    1 Lb? Since you're from NY i can ask you if you've ever had a burritoville burrito. They are a pound and a half, I highly recomend them.
    Yeah, I know Burritoville.. Blockheads is good too (they always hook me up with free sides)


  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    i take 5-6 days off every couple of months it actually helps you grow--dont worry you wont lose any while on gear over that short of time

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    Got back in the gym this week. I weighed myself as soon as I got there and I'm still at 174 Lbs, which I'm OK with. I'm just happy I didn't lose any weight with being out for a week and a half. Most of the guys at the gym were surprised to see me in there on my crutches, but they had nothing but words of encouragement for me.

    The calf seems to be healing good, and pretty quickly. Thank god I'm young or else I'd probably be out for much longer. I am able to half ass walk without the crutches if I'm moving for just a short distance. But no way in hell can I even attempt to step off of my right foot, any attempt at using the right calf muscle results in extreme pain. Therefore, it looks like I'll be sticking to upper body training for the next couple of weeks, and as soon as I feel I can start training legs you can be damn sure I'll be training the shit out of them.

    Well that's the update from this 'gimped' up guy for now!


  21. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Keep it up Trimunex!

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    recovering quite quickly


    Well.. sorry I haven't been updating the thread much lately, but I just got through MidTerms so I've got a little more time on my hands now.

    For the many of you who probably don't know, I partially tore my right calf muscle 2 weeks ago .. which just happened to be the 5th week of my cycle. At first it seemed like this was going to set me back pretty bad, however, 2 weeks later I'm doing much better than most thought I should. I am still on crutches most of the time, especially when I have to go long distances, which happens often here in NYC. Anyway, after a full week of rest & good medication and a week of hard therapy (thanks to my girl), I'm healing quite quickly.

    I'm back in the gym lifting hard (it's just a little difficult manuvering through the equipment on crutches) and the only change in my routine is that Legs day is now just an intense Quads session with abs to follow.

    I've stayed away from the scale this past week b/c I can tell by looking at myself in the mirror that I haven't added any weight over the past week and a half. But I feel much better now and more importantly I feel 100% rested.

    So, I'll let you know how the continued recovery and 2nd half of my cycle goes. If there are any thoughts/suggestions let me know.


  23. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Good luck Trimunex. I recently went out of town for 2 weeks and took an entire week of that off from the gym (that fkn sucked) and I too came back very rested and stronger than ever. I think that break won't hurt you too bad brotha, just keep the rest of the cycle kicked up in high gear!!

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    OK .. well I'm still progressively healing. I've given up the crutches completely, and I'm actually walking close to normal now. I've only lifted Quads since the injury, but I might try to throw in some partial, light leg presses next session.

    I am happy about my weight maintaining at 174 Lbs for the couple of weeks after I went down, especially with being out of the gym for about 2 weeks and with the noticeable loss in the size of my right leg .. atleast 1" off my calf, and 2" off my quad. But I knew that would happen with not being able to use that leg for weeks. This past week I put on another LB so I'm up to 175 Lbs, so that makes it 12Lbs gained after my 8th week .. and now that the calf is much better, I feel much stronger in the gym; so I have a feeling the final month of my cycle will be very, very good.


  25. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    BC, Canada
    Keep it up bro...keep uping your calories and you'll see your weight rise. It's too bad you can't do anything for your lower body 'cause you can add a lot of weight on by just squatting but now that it's out of your arsenal you'll have to pick it up else where.

    Good luck bro, and let us know if there is anything we can do for you.

    Last edited by Aragorn; 11-19-2002 at 06:23 PM.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    long island
    trimunex im thinking of doing the same cycle do you feel any strength gain.

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