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Thread: T's year long Bodybuilding Log.

  1. #41
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    lol. yeh i tell her its especially tight around the groin area EVERY DAY! lol. so now she thinks i train legs everyday lol so now i dont even have to say to her, "oohhh...its a bit tight around ther" before im on my bed and shes down there doing her thing ;-).

  2. #42
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    trained back yesterday (friday)

    Underhand Barbell Rows 3 sets of 12
    Overhand Barbell Rows 3 sets of 12
    Deadlifts 3 sets of 12 (on max weight i have in room)
    Single Arm DB Row 3 sets on each arm 12 reps.

    Changed my technique for BB Rows a bit, ive started bringing them in a bit lower, my hands almost touching my legs when im bent over. Definatley feeling a better workout for my lats after the first two exercises.

  3. #43
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    trained legs today ****in knackerd afterwards can barely walk, rockys advice definatley worked!

    BB Squat 3 x 12, wider stance today, seemed to work better
    Front Squats 3 x 10
    DB Lunges 3 x 12 on each leg
    DB Hamstring Curls 3 x 10.
    stiff leg deads (light weight whilst i find correct form and weight) 1 x 12, then upped weight and did another 2 x 12
    DB Calf Raises did 3 sets of 21 (7 toes pointing inward, 7 toes pointing straight, 7 toes pointin outward)

    Really bored today, so i organised my cupboard in my flat into sections on shelves, complex carbs, simple carbs and protein sources. Also theres missicilanious shit where my gf puts her rabbit food (Muesli. lol)

    Im watching Ronnie Colemans DVD Relentless at the moment, im gunna post a few comments on it in the AR Lounge, jeese, that fella defies bodybuilding logic!

    Anyhow enjoy your saturday nights the lot of u, my gf isnt well so were both in watching a dvd with sum good food and a hot water bottle!

    Day off tomorrow. But il post saying what im up2.


  4. #44
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    good log keep it comin. when r you starting your cycle

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by admirals56 View Post
    good log keep it comin. when r you starting your cycle
    april sometime, i break up from uni on the 20th so from then on im free all day every day till september so i can basically act like a pro, and just train eat and sleep! Im cosidering when i break up training each bodypart twice a week too or training twice a day (morn/eve) (different bodyparts) but as with everything i do, il research it first. Il post again about this subject when i make my decision. Thanks for the comments.


  6. #46
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    kinda let myself down today. Between 9am and 5pm i only had oats, pianapple rings and a protein shake. Its because i had lectures all day with only a 30 min break. When i got in i eat and then i had to go to my gfs 30 mins away straight after because she was having problems getting in her house. Anyhow we get in and im knackered so we take a nap which only seems like 20 mins and boom 3 hours fly by.
    So i say my goodbyes and come back eat some more and then go to bed. now im up again. Im really tired at the moment. But the tiredness seems to come in 4 hour stints. Think its the fact my bodyclocks still on holiday mode (its 4:19am here now) yet i am in uni mode! So no training today. Will double up, chest and tris tomorrow (basically pressups and extensions) tho.

    Yours in training,

    A Dissappointed with himself, Mazzive_T

  7. #47
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    trained chest and tris today. Not many exercises but 2 added sets and High intensity.

    Flat Pressups 3 x 20
    Decline Pressups 3 x 20
    Seated Single Arm DB Extensions 4 x 12
    Seated BB Overhead Tricep Extensions 4 x 12

    really enjoyed today. Its weird what two days off can do for you and a couple of cheat meals (yesterday - couldnt do it any other way!) Bis tomorrow or if ive got a lot of spare time il do back instead. Or maybe both! Rite im off for my chicken and pasta PWO meal. Then egg whites with 2 scoops whey before bed. Bodyclocks kinda gettin back to normal too, its 1:14am and im feeling kinda tired so should be in bed b4 3ish. Mind u ive not got uni till friday so il watch the rest of Ronnie's DVD and then should be ready for bed.

    Yours in training,

    A now happy, Mazzive_T

  8. #48
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    well i decided to have a day off today, im a bit sore. Tomorrow daytime will be back/bis though, 6 exercises in total 3 sets for each. And maybe some abs later on that night too.


  9. #49
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    Trained Back and bi's today, quite a productive session, im sitting here in my own pool of sweat writing this b4 i get a shower and then im off to my missus's.

    I also had to listen to my flatmate next door singing for an hour....

    Underhand BB Rows 2 x 10, 1 x 8(heavy)
    Overhand BB Rows 2 x 10, 1 x 8
    Deadlifts 3 x 12 (with all the weight i had - 86.5kg/190.3lbs - still a doddle tho!)
    BB Curls 2 x 12, 1 x 8 (with 36kg/79.2lbs on - not bad for 3 weeks getting back into it!)DB Curls (tired by now) 3 x 10

    rite currently sipping on 40g whey/40g dex mixed with water, il have a shower then have a medium sized steak and some pasta, and il take some chicken and another whey shake to my gf's. Then maybe a protein bar and a different shake (6 egg whites, 2 egg yolks and 2 scoops whey with milk)just before bed.

    I really am starting to appreciate how much difference a good diet makes. Im starting to realise about simple/complex carbs and there insulin spike times they take to get in the bloodstream.

    Im also starting to appreciate how you can mix up your protein sources for greater effect.

    What i dont understand though is HOW THE **** RONNIE COLEMAN CAN HAVE ONLY 4 MEDIUM SIZED MEALS AND 2 SHAKES A DAY AND BULK UP TO 325lbs?!!!!!

    (Even if he is on slin, igf, growth, eq, test e c susp, prop, sus, deca, npp, dbol, winny, adrol, masteron, primo, clen, tren a n e, var) - now thats a cycle! lol.

    (took me half an hour to name all them!) lol

    Have a good day/night wherever u are.

    Yours in training,


  10. #50
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    didnt train yesterday and was going to train shoulders today but didnt, bin mad busy. Not too happy at having to leave my training to be honest.

    Oh well, legs/shoulders tomorrow. should be intresting.

    Il train shoulders in the afternoon and legs in the evening, couldnt do them both together, itd kill me! lol.

    Its weird, because that means il have only trained 3 days this week (chest/tri back/bi legs/shoulders)but i feel really good about myself, and my gf even said today "your looking more defined" - (even though im bulking - shows what knowledge girls know) (lol mind you shes one of these people that when she first met me before we had even pulled yet alone slept together she said "steroids shrink your willy")

    Cant stand missing days though. So i think next week il do back shoulders and legs on different days as them to me are "big" bodyparts, thus requiring loads of effort. Then il experiment with chest/tri and chest/bi see what works well. Also i might consider throwing another arm day in there too, maybe bi/tri, and do chest seperatley. il see what works best. Id rather do this now then on cycle aswell.

    Also ive read an article on combing anadrol and dianabol in a cycle at a 2:1 ratio gives great gains as when stacked with deca and test they have a synergistic effect on each other, and the fact that liver toxicity is overrated too. Ive thort that for a while though, and have asked Tai and another vet there opinions on both liver toxicity and the article i found. So thinking about adding the adrol to my next cycle. However doing 75mg/ed adrol and 25mg/ed dbol in the summer, stacked with test, i couldnt eat! So gotta weigh up pros and cons, and figure that one out.

    Post tomorrow.


  11. #51
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    I've been following this, a good read.

    How are you affording to eat that much on a student loan?

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by ToonPaul View Post
    I've been following this, a good read.

    How are you affording to eat that much on a student loan?
    hi mate, nice to hear from you.

    Basically i had a few pennies saved from my gym job that i used to have (see first post), and also i have a small supplement company called T-Nutrition, (T for Mazzive_T lol) which brings about £200 ($400) a month. Also i get £3,000 a year in 1k instalments every 3 months, called a student maintanance loan($6,000). The intrest on that is low too.

    I dont drink or smoke and i only gamble every 2-3 months. And when i do i take £20 ($40) to the casino and nothing else apart from my passport. (i.e. no bank cards to get more money out).

    Basically with my rent paid for the year (i paid it in full straight upfront, got a reduction in price that way) and my uni fees (3k a year, paid for by student loan) i have my maintainance loan and my savings plus what small income i get from my local supplement company i own.

    The student digs where i live, ive got to know the security staff quite well, i could talk to them all about training, diet and rugby all day! There all top notch blokes (quite big too!), they say ive got my head screwed on.

    Sometimes i find it weird though, most student blow their student loans within the first few weeks on going out, drinking, smoking, drugs, and kebabs.

    I remember my first week in uni, i splashed a bit of my student loan out, only about £120 though($240)......on whey protein. lol.

  13. #53
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    this is a typical shopping list for me, usually takes place at a tesco or asda near me.

    Prices are in pounds, double them (roughly) for dollars.

    My shopping list for week:

    Complex carbs
    3 x Pasta fuisilli quick cook 5 min £1.19 per pack
    6 x uncle bens microwaveable rice (2 pilau, 2 wholegrain, 2 normal white boiled longgrain) £1.22 each
    1 x Oatibix 24 £1.78
    4 x pack of 4 Jacket potatoes baking potatoes tray 4pack 55p per pack of 4

    fib/simple carbs
    3 x tesco Green beans £1.30 per pack
    14 x Pianapple chunks in natural juice 23p each
    2 x celery stickwashed 98p each

    60 eggs (packs of 15 for £1.50) £6
    2 x packs medium sized Steaks around a fiver in total.
    4 x tesco bags value Chicken boneless and skinless chicken breasts £3.00 per kg (which is around 6-8 fillets) so work it out from there. I normally have around 4-6 a day depending on how I feel.
    7 x tins Tuna
    6 pint milk £1.96
    7 small tins Heinz baked beans

    1 x large salad cream £1.58

    comes to around £25-30 per week depending on how much ive eaten week before. Definatley £25-30 a week though. The steaks are vacuum formed so they don’t keep for more then 2 days after you’ve opened them so if your having one a day get a pack of 2 medium sized ones for around £2.50-£3 but buy two packs at once cos they’ll keep for a week when the vacuum seal isn’t broken. Thatl last u 4 days, And midway through the week i just go back and buy another pack!

  14. #54
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    Yeah I'm a student too (final year at Northumbria Uni).

    When you put it like that it doesn't seem too bad. My mam just give me a load of food but it included so much shit like sweets, biscuits, crisps etc that I just had to chuck it all in the bin cos I haven't got the willpower.

    Are those chicken breasts frozen or fresh?

    I'm a fan of salad cream as well.

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by ToonPaul View Post
    Yeah I'm a student too (final year at Northumbria Uni).

    When you put it like that it doesn't seem too bad. My mam just give me a load of food but it included so much shit like sweets, biscuits, crisps etc that I just had to chuck it all in the bin cos I haven't got the willpower.

    Are those chicken breasts frozen or fresh?

    I'm a fan of salad cream as well.
    salad cream - lol legendary! The chicken breasts i get from tescos £3 a kilo, although asda do 1.4kgs for around the same price. There both frozen, you have to defrost them by storing them at room temp for around a day then you can put them in the fridge. One pack normally lasts me 2 1/2 days. The breasts seem to last forever though once there in the fridge!

    nice to hear from a fellow brit, theres a few around the board, beast and booz are the two mods to ask if youve go any questions, there both based in england too.

    All the best and good look,

    Yours in training,


  16. #56
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    shoulders/legs today, mixed things up a bit too did different exercises

    afternoon (training interrupted twice by some idiot in the same room as me who kept losing her work in microsoft word)

    Military press 3 x 12 (heavy weight - almost what i was doing in the summer!)
    standing lateral raises 3 x 8 (heavy)
    BB front raises with 27kg on 3 x 8
    Upright Row 3 x 10 with 37kg on
    Bent over lat raises 3 x 12

    about an hour ago
    BB Squat 3 x 12
    Front Squats 3 x 10
    DB Lunges 3 x 12 on each leg
    DB Hamstring Curls 3 x 10.
    stiff leg deads 3 x 12
    DB Calf Raises 3 x 21

    ive lost a bit of bodyfat too, whilst i was training there were veins in my delts, traps and bis! Just shows what eating healthy can do. also traps are coming on nicely, but looking as if there overpowering my shoulders now. Damn!

    Rite its 4am here im in uni for 10 so shower then bed (with the missus ;-) (who loses her work)

    Post Tomorrow. T.

  17. #57
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    didnt train yesterday, had uni 9 till 5 then got in and did some research for 3 hours. Went to bed around 10:30pm only to be woken up by my girlfriend at 2am who needed a lift from town (by where i live) to her house around 20 mins away. Stayed at hers all day, and helped her out with her work a little bit (shes under a lot of stress at the moment). Shes also recently lost her bank card, passport and phone so she had to use my mobile to phone the relevant companies (Im just waiting for the big phone bill....oh joy.)

    Im currently back at my flat eating on some chicken done on the george with pilau rice and salad cream with my water bottle filled with H2o. had a protein shake before, one thing i noticed from ronnies dvd is that when he does have a shake, he makes sure theres 100g of protein (syntha 6) in it, im trying the same (reflex instant whey - its only another 50g - 2 25g scoops) working nicely for the few days ive been trying it.

    My two best mates are pissing me off. Theyve both got no balls and the little money that they earn from there shitty jobs they spend on the two girls theyve got, who i dont like at all. I see a different side to them both (the girls)that they do.
    Anyhow one mate is in so much debt hes just got a $400 phone bill that he cant actually afford to pay until the end of next month hes in that much debt and the bank wont lend him anymore. And he splashed out $1,000 on her for her birthday (november) and its not even his girlfriend. She let him in her pants for the first time at the weekend (end jan) so hes being a cocky shit to me at the mo. if he wasnt my mate id of knocked him out by now. I used to go out with her the summer before last. she screwed me over. so i know what shes like.
    The other mate after having an argument with his girl got drunk and decided to drive whilst angry to see his girlfriend at christmas. Ended up writing his car off in some railings, got caught by the police drunk driving (i was out with them - they both went to see them cos both girls were together i stayed out with my gf - they rung me to pick them up and flee the scene) got a 9 month ban and a £200 ($400) fine.

    and cos there both stupid twats whilst one of them was on the phone to the police saying "id like to report my car stolen" to try and make out like scallys had written it off, the other ones on his fone going "ive just been in a car crash" to the police!

    Sometimes really....U know when u just want to tell it to them like it is....and bang their heads together. Ive tried to drop hints in the past but they both wont listen. i hate both there girls. i know what there like.but i dont want to hurt both my mates.

    But il feel like ive let the both down, cos eventually when the girls both **** them off cos there both skint or sum shitty reason like that, there the ones gunna be hurt, and i dont wanna see that.

    And the only thing thatl be left to do is for me to sort them out with money, maybe even a roof over there heads for a few months (were meant to be moving in together in the summer - doubt thatl happen they cant afford it), pick up the pieces, be their shoulder to cry on,etc, there both so naive.

    And the only thing i can say is...i told you so.

    THe reason im saying this now is that us 3 lads were meant to be going out for a few drinks (water for me i dont drink) this monday coming (4th feb), we agreed itd be just us 3, i even told my gf the score so she wudnt be with us. (my two mates hav no problem with my gf btw)

    Then them two turn round to me and say "oh girl 1 and girl 2 r out monday, they wont be with us though there with there mates" yeh rite i can see whats gunna happen. them two are like flies to shit as soon as they see them and there bladdered they will be all over them. Il get jipped off, agen. You know they jipped me off on both their birthdays cos they knew i had a problem with their girls? They spent it with them two instead of me, there mates since aged 11. Yet whos there for them when their in shit. Me. So if they do **** off im gunna tell it like it is Infront of them two girls and walk off. Im fedup of looking after everyone else and getting screwed over for my time, money, training, and my eating whilst doing it. If its not them 2 then its my gf, uni, flatmates, family. Ive had it up to here.

    Chest and tris later. il post after that. Im so angry so that shud be intresting! (im not even on cycle now too!)(lol o.j. steds shudnt change ur anger)

    Sorry for the rant had to get it off my chest though.


  18. #58
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    Well i didnt train after all yesterday! Went to my birds, then realised im jibbin off my training for her so havnt seen her tonight. Infact im not gunna see her till sat/sun cos were both busy for next few days.

    Trained Chest/Tri today though

    Flat Pressups 3 x 20
    Decline Pressups 3 x 20
    Single Arm DB Extensions 3 x 12 (on each arm)
    Overhead BB Extensions 4 x 12

    got that pub crawl coming up monday (water for me though), i got the pub crawl t-shirts today, mines a pritty good fit, kinda complementary, so il be training my arse off and eating properly in a last bid to make that bit of difference before monday. On monday though il post pics of my upper body pumped and pumped with my t-shirt on.

    Tomorrow will be back/bis and abs, friday shoulders and saturday bi/tris and abs. Sunday Off.

    Then monday night when i get in from lectures (around 5,the thing starts at 7!) il be pumping up, 2 x 20 flat and decline pressups, DB and BB extensions 2 sets, bb curls and db curls 2 sets each, maybe some rows to get the back width going too, and some lat and front raises along with crunches and leg raises. I dont know what reps itl be, itl be light weight for 2 sets until i feel the pump setting in. Dont want to get too sweaty though!

    Im debating whether to shower then get pumped or vice versa. Any feedback appreciated lol.

    Anyhow enough of me burbling, ive got uni at 9 and its 1:30 here, so im gunna polish off my PWO shake and then im off for a shower then some chicken and nuts with water before bed.

    Post Tomorrow.


  19. #59
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    I'm sort of lucky in a way that me and my gf are doing the long distance thing whilst i'm in my final year so I can eat right and go to the gym whenever I want.

    The main problem I have is that I eat out a lot when i'm with my gf and its just not clean food at all, I always try and push Nandos cos at least I can just eat a whole chicken and some rice.

    I haven't done a cycle yet (still researching) but she would go spare if she found out.

  20. #60
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    Jan 2008
    Oh yeah, forgot to add I bought a couple of them big bags of chicken breasts from Asda for £3! bargain, miles cheaper than buying them fresh.......and 20 tins of tuna.
    Last edited by ToonPaul; 01-31-2008 at 03:19 PM.

  21. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by ToonPaul View Post
    Oh yeah, forgot to add I bought a couple of them big bags of chicken breasts from Asda for £3! bargain, miles cheaper than buying them fresh.......and 20 tins of tuna.
    lol good stuff mate. ur posts made me laugh.

    Enjoy all your tuna (cardboard) lol.

    We both know we dont want to eat tuna, but...its gotta be done hasnt it!


  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by ToonPaul View Post
    I'm sort of lucky in a way that me and my gf are doing the long distance thing whilst i'm in my final year so I can eat right and go to the gym whenever I want.

    The main problem I have is that I eat out a lot when i'm with my gf and its just not clean food at all, I always try and push Nandos cos at least I can just eat a whole chicken and some rice.

    I haven't done a cycle yet (still researching) but she would go spare if she found out.
    I get where your coming from mate. Its always the way, i got screwed over by a girl in the summer, (not the same one i posted about another one who il talk about later), and had no action. Then when i was just looking to have fun and have no gf, about 5 or 6 girls were txtin me and we were meetin up n that. Then one night on a bar crawl (water for me) i met my current gf.

    anyhow this girl in the summer, i really thort she was the one. Not now like, im better off without her. Anyhow me n this girl starting seeing each other in like october 06 but she still had a fella. she finished him and we went out for a month jan-feb 07. for christmas i bought her a braclet (quite expensive) and took her to the middle of my rugby pitch at midnight christmas eve and gave it too her. not gunna lie to you i was crazy about her. i asked her out in candles. (cheese). anyhow we may have stopped going out in feb but there were still feelings there more from my side but she got back with her ex and i didnt get over her (i didnt want to). We fell out till her birthday on june 6th when i txt her saying happy birthday, she txt back saying how much it meant to her for me to txt that, and then we started talking agen. We started meeting up agen just as mates and even though i still loved her i kept it to myself. I started an anadrol and sus cycle in the summer and was estrogenic as ****! I remember i dropped her off once then went home and cried cos i cudnt have her! Things got good but weird at the same time, cos shed come my gym and id give her personal training, she had a nice body, so it was mainly cardio toneing and ab work. We carried on going out for meals and grew closer, then i went with her to see her uni halls that she was staying at n stuff, id take her to the zoo and theme parks n stuff. All whilst she had a bf. My mates and the gym owners all said i should get sum balls and the fact that i was treating her rite but "at the end of the day she goes home and sits on someone elses cock", (was the most popular phrase). I remember once i even sorted someone out with a cycle, just so they could give me perfume from france that i knew she wanted that wasnt even out in the uk yet.

    One night she txt me though saying "what would you do if i was horny" n stuff n then i knew she still had feelings. To this day i dunno why i didnt just go round and **** her again. Probably because i had more respect for her then that and i loved her. So i txt her back saying "nothing were just friends xx).

    Then she turned round to her mate in her work one day and said "im devastated T's over me"

    Then her mate made the mistake of telling me. I was heartbroken. I remember being in the club with her about a minute after her mate had told me and we went outside and sat down. She was arguin over the phone with her dickhead bf (who shes still got to this day) and he hung up on her. She grabbed my hand and put her head on my shoulder. she leaned in to kiss me. Again another oppourtunity to pull her. Dunno y i didnt. I think it was cos i knew she mighta still had feelins for bellend if shed of jipped him agen and got with me and i didnt wanna get hurt agen.

    The next day she said sorry and txt me asking if i was free to do some PTing with her. After that session she txt me agen saying "u no things could be different if it wasnt for the steds". So me being a tit i stopped my sus anadrol cycle thatd seen me piling on the mass and started PCT. Thinking i would get her. I let myself down there. i put her before my passion. I went back on my beliefs.

    I used to get so nervous around her id throw up. And then i get a lecture from her "thats the steds that" etc....

    Shes in the past though. I am better off without her. i dont talk to her now and I dont have any feelings for her anymore, cos i have something better with someone else, and we both appreciate what we do for each other. Its not one way traffic, and im not getting screwed over.

    my gf used to go to the gym i managed, and i remember id always balls up my chat up lines, well not chat up lines, but id be like, "so your doing cardio today?" whilst i was cleaning, n then i wudnt say anything else cos i was scared of her thinkin i was a gimp. lol. shes absoulutley stunning! got a great body ( i love girls who train) Anyhow we pulled for the first time that night (the bar crawl) and started seeing each other. that was september, The rest is history as we say! Shes 100% behind me in what i do and has told me she doesnt have a problem with me doing cycles. (once id come clean to her - i lied for the first month whilst i was getting to trust her - incase the scenario before happened again in which case i would of had to dump her - however id trust her with anything now.)

    And ive realised that relationships arnt all about what you buy, its about treating your girl the same way you want to be treated saying how you feel and being honest and upfront, no mind games and most of all recieving the same treatment back.

    Sorry about the lecture, just thort id share my experiences. Im happy now anyway.

    Back bi's in a minute. il post again. T.

    p.s. we go nandos all the time too!

  23. #63
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    sitting here sippin on PWO shake. Ive started putting 4 scoops in it of whey (100g protein) instead of 2. And theres 40g dex in there too.

    Just trained Back/Bis

    Underhand BB Rows 3 x 12
    Overhand BB Rows 3 x 12
    Deadlifts 3 x 12 (with all the weight i had - 86.5kg/190.3lbs - still a doddle tho!)
    BB Curls 1 x 12, 1 x 8 1 x 7 ( last 2 sets with 41kg/90.2lbs on!)
    DB Curls 1 x 10 on each arm then 2 x 8 on each arm with 16kg/35lbs per DB.
    Deadlifts 3 x 12 (with all the weight i had - 86.5kg/190.3lbs - still a doddle tho!)

    strength was through the roof today for some mad reason. I think it was the way i re-organised my exercises so my bis wernt that faitgued before i started training them. that also made deads a wee bit harder too.

    Right, shower, then PWO meal infront of the telly then bed. Ive realised that sitting on my computer posting whilst i eat my PWO meal is keeping me awake - i couldnt sleep last night so i went to the 24hr university library by mine from 4am till 9am- then had to go to mums, didnt get to bed till quarter to 11 this morning then slept till 7pm! So my bodys a day behind, but atleast il get 7 hours sleep tonight and it wont be a struggle to be up for uni tomorrow at 9.

    Shoulders tomo. Il post then. T.

  24. #64
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    oh forgot to say ive just been given a sample tub of that russian bear 5000 of a mate so shall be trying that when my whey runs out in a few weeks. Heres the nutritional info from it:

    Supplement Facts
    Serving Size: 5 Scoops (approx. 635 g)Servings Per Container: 3

    AmountPer Serving % DailyValue*

    Calories 2600

    Protein 184 g

    Carbohydrates 391 g

    And mixed with milk these macros will be more. But il try it with both milk and water, and only have 1 scoop per shake, but have it 5 times a day (one with every meal really instead of my egg whites n that now)

    Yet more calories to my diet..... I mite start having to do cardio! NOOOOOOO! Not when bulking surely, even for me!

    But all that protein and carbs must be good to me. The protein and carbs in the shake are slow, medium and fast release too so thats a bonus too.


  25. #65
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    Nov 2006
    North West, UK.
    Just Trained Shoulders. Strength again through the roof. (Think my birds been spiking my drinks with dianabol! lol o.j.)

    Military press 3 x 8 (heavy weight - pritty good for a barbell that i had to support too - 40kg 88lbs)
    standing lateral raises 3 x 8 (heavy)
    DB front raises 3 x 10
    Upright Row 3 x 10 with 40kg on
    Bent over lat raises just did one set of around 16-17 reps to feel a pump in my rear delts.

    Rite im off to the 24hr asda near my birds to get a steak (its 2am in the morn here), gunna have that before bed with her.

    The england international rugby six nations starts tomorrow so shall be sitting infront of the tele at my mums with a bag of cooked defrosted chicken breasts munching on them all afternoon!

    Bis/Tris tomorrrow, need to do abs sometime! Getting quite excited for monday.

    Enjoy your weekend all of you.


  26. #66
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    North West, UK.
    did abs today and also some light bis and tris. No more training now till the pump up monday.

    crunches 3 x 20
    leg raises 3 x 20
    side twists 60
    side bends with weight 1 x 60 (30 on each side)

    BB Curl 2 x 12
    Narrow Grip BB Curls 2 x 12
    Wide Grip BB Curls 2 x 12
    finished off with a set of 21's with normal grip.
    DB Extensions 3 x 12
    BB Extensions 3 x 12.

    Going to have a cheat meal now. About time i treated myself. All i seem to be eating is pasta, rice, potato, oats, chicken, tuna, steak. With the occasional handfull of nuts. haha.

    Rite il post tomorrow, just saying what im up to.

    Have a good saturday night (he says, in training, then getting a takeaway!)


  27. #67
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    North West, UK.
    hi guys its monday night, the pubcrawl was one of the worst nights of my life. Nearly knocked my two mates out as when we turned up at the place they made a beeline right for them birds who "ironically" had turned up there. So i storm off before i twat one of them and then i get my gf on the blower about 20 mins later ( i took a walk to calm down) like "where are you you leave me alone for 4 hours". She is right i shouldnt of left her. But i had to walk around to relieve, (Or try to) relieve my aggression. Then i had a full on slanging match with my mates which ended up in me telling them to **** off out my life and come back when theyve bin ****ed over. It ended with me saying see you in the future pricks and then walkin off with my girl.

    Anyway im in a mood and its 4am here, bin up all night trying to get my gf outta her mood shes in with me. shes in a mood with me cos i walked off without her. Why is it that whenever i go out some nobjoy ruins my night? and then that gets me into trouble with someone i care about?

    Il post more about it tomorrow, ive had it up to here, im off to bed.


  28. #68
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    hey T. have you ever tried that BSN No Xplode?

    I've been using it the last couple of workouts and its amazing, veins were popping up all over the place and strength went through the roof but I think that could just be because of how focused you get.

  29. #69
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    North West, UK.
    Quote Originally Posted by ToonPaul View Post
    hey T. have you ever tried that BSN No Xplode?

    I've been using it the last couple of workouts and its amazing, veins were popping up all over the place and strength went through the roof but I think that could just be because of how focused you get.
    ive never tried that NO Explode mate. Ive tried Cell mass, by the same company, BSN, i felt like recovery was easier when i took it after my workout and before bed.

    After seeing Colemans DVD though, i like they way he combines Nitrix with NO Explode so il definaltley be trying it, if not soon then cycle time. i also bought some products in the past from w w w . m y p r o t e i n . c o . u k, some amino acids, and they do there own arginine products similar to nitrix and NO Explode, thats had good feedback so il try there bunch too. When i find a product i like, il stick with it.

    Chest and Tris later, il post again after that.

    Nice to hear from u again buddy, keep training hard.


  30. #70
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    Nov 2006
    North West, UK.
    just trained chest and tris:

    Flat Pressups 3 x 20
    Decline Pressups 3 x 20
    Seated Single Arm DB Extensions 4 x 12
    Seated BB Overhead Tricep Extensions 4 x 12

    sipping on my PWO shake. Gunna have a shower then a juicy steak then im off out to a sports award night in one of the clubs in town with my flatmates. (im not drinking, water for me) I hope its a good night or il give up all hope that going outs worth it!

    Post Tomorrow, still got back/bis, shoulders and legs to do before monday. Oh and some abs in there too.

    Have a good night everyone. (il try to!)


  31. #71
    Join Date
    May 2002
    im source cheks
    cool log man..youve made some amazing gains since that before pic!
    keep it up brotha

  32. #72
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    North West, UK.
    Quote Originally Posted by thetank View Post
    cool log man..youve made some amazing gains since that before pic!
    keep it up brotha
    hi tank thanks for the positive comments, il try to keep going mate! Want to be 16st or thereabouts by sept, with as low bf% as i can!

    Yours in training, thanks once again buddy.


  33. #73
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    Nov 2006
    North West, UK.
    well after two days off doing **** all, sorting out other peoples problems, getting arrested and being given a caution, and having two meals in the space of two days (they were junk too) ive finally told people to **** off cos my trainings getting sacrificed. Im so pissed off.

    Just trained back and bis. I was screaming the reps out, forgot what i was missing, while irrisponsible student dickheads (no offence to any student on here - youve probably got your head screwed on) are out on a saturday night getting bladdered im in here with my back against the wall doing deads with all the weights i have on the bar. Thats me and its how it should be but these past few days it hasnt.

    My training was:

    Underhand BB Rows 4 x 12
    Overhand BB Rows 4 x 12
    BB Curls 1 x 12 upped weight 2 x 10
    Alternate DB Curls 3 x 10
    Deadlifts 3 x 12.

    Did some abs the other day too after chest tri:

    crunches 3 x 20
    leg raises 3 x 20
    side twists 60
    side bends with weight 1 x 60 (30 on each side)

    Sipping on my PWO shake, then im off to my mums (its late here, just gone 1am,) gunna have steak and potatoes there before bed. im goin my mums cos im going ice skating with my bird, her mates, n there kids (i feel all grown up - im only 19! lol) tomorrow, gotta set off at 10am cos its in a different county so take a while to get there. and my mums is nearer, so im sleepin there, my birds meeting me at me mams in the morn, shes gettin the train.

    Il elaborate a bit on whats happened these past few days. Firstly my flatmates r pissing me off. I was doing some shopping and one of them rings me (T, have i locked my door, cos ive left (to another county) now" so i had to go back and check, turns out she didnt so had to get security to lock it. When i got back to the shop it had shut. :-I.

    I also had coursework due in and some dickhead had put a printing bug in all the printers in my uni. none was working, so i had to email my lecturer and just hope she accepts it via computer instead of paper. Otherwise i fail that module, and seen as theres only 9 modules all year, its pritty important.

    Then another one of my flatmates is cheating on his missus and when hes with another girl he turns his mobile off so ive had her on the blower virtually non stop since tue night "T, (in high pitched winey voice that i cant stand) where is so-and-so im getting worried now, ive not spoke to him, i need to see him, i love him, and all this shit". So i was like right il try find him and try and get him to atleast drop her a txt saying some shit like batterys died or something. :-I

    Then, wednesday night at this awards night, i was out with my two lad flatmates, we walk into a club, and bearing in mind that weve all got birds, them two make a beeline for this group of girls and then start pulling them! :-I (i was like wtf? am i the only bloke that doesnt cheat.) Saying that though youll never believe what happened next.

    Thursday night, about to train and then finally go grocery shoppin (hence y i hadnt eaten till then) i get a phonecall off my ex. You know, the one that i talked about in the posts before. she says her bf (the one she went back to) has pushed her against a wall and she thinks shes broken her thumb (the way she landed) I saw red.

    I flew down there (and through about 7 red lights) and jumped out my car, (car still running with key in) and spotted them arguing outside this club. (The street the clubs in was cobbled, but you could still get your car down there). He had hold of her wrists shouting and she was crying, the mascara was all over her face. I ran up and just lost it. everything was just a blur to me, but ive been told apparently i clotheslined him and he fell over, so i picked him up, nutted him, left my head in his head and pushed him against a car window that was parked there, whilst i was holding him, then said something along the lines of "you ****ing **** dont you dare hit her" or sumit like that. Then i proceeded to push him so he was lying down on the bonnet of the car and starting hooking his face with both hands. I did it a few times then some lads pulled me off him. His nose was bleeding and his head started to bruise, i had a cut above my right eye but its not serious, didnt need stitches or nefin. My knuckle feels weird too, might need to get that checked out.

    Police arrived anyway and all 3 of us were taken to po-po station. To cut a long story short i got a caution and got let off, and its only cos my ex stood up and said that her bf had hit/pushed her. Still i was in a cell counting bricks for a good 4 hours.

    my bird doesnt know any of this happened. I met my ex the other day, (after the fight happened) we talked, and we came to the conclusion we both still have feelings for each other. I dunno whether to make it work with her, what with her being stubborn and having a problem with the steds etc.

    after a number of hours thinking over a number of days Ive just realised though, shes not worth it. Shes too much of a risk if things go wrong. Ive got too much to lose. So ive deleted her number from my fone and il only speak to her again if i bump into her. I love my current gf. and im not gunna let my ex get in the way, ruin us, and then **** me over too.

    Plus i think what swung it is the fact my ex has gone out with her bf tonight for a meal! Stupid ****in women! The fella batters her, and yet she still stays with him.

    Geese, i give up.

    Anyhow shoulders/legs tomorrow, so il have caught up for this week. Then back to the 2 day split and eating like a horse again, normally next week.

    Thanks for listening, il post a pic of my on monday night now.

    Have a good night.

    Last edited by Mazzive_T; 02-09-2008 at 05:55 PM.

  34. #74
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    North West, UK.

    me and the missus

    Me and the missus before the monday night pub crawl. Think ive made o.k. gains naturally, and you gotta remember i was in hospital for 3 weeks in sept.

    Cant wait till cycle time tho! lol


    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  35. #75
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    keep it up have u tried the bear claw yet? hows it taste

  36. #76
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    North West, UK.
    Quote Originally Posted by admirals56 View Post
    keep it up have u tried the bear claw yet? hows it taste
    no buddy not tried it yet, still havnt finished my whey!

    Id Better get drinking up then! lol

    il post when ive tried it. Apparently its Ice Cream Chocolate Flavour

  37. #77
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    North West, UK.
    didnt train legs shoulders today. i ended up spendin £70 takin the missus, her sister (fit) and her mates ice skatin then bowling and for a meal.

    Its her bday on the 18th and im suprising her, im getting all her mates together from across the country into a limo thats gunna pull up to hers, she thinks its just me and her going for a meal somewhere, her family and all her mates r in on it! so when she comes out and sees the limo shell be chuffed. Then shell be even more chuffed when she sees all her mates inside.

    Some of her mates r tits tho, a few of them ive had to pay for there train tickets, £40 a go, to get them home because there typical "students" and they say they cant afford to go into debt for someone who my gf describes as "their best mate". twats. when i had my two best mates id of done anything for them.

    anyhow back to bbing, chest/shoulders tomo then this week itl be legs, back and il try bi/tri together this week. so 4 sessions before next sunday, should be able to fit it in.

    Post tomorrow. Goodnight.


  38. #78
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    I think you've got more money than sense mate, hopefully you'll get a treat off her later on that night.

  39. #79
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by ToonPaul View Post
    I think you've got more money than sense mate, hopefully you'll get a treat off her later on that night.
    as standard mate, as standard.


  40. #80
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    North West, UK.
    didnt train yesterday. trained shoulders and chest today. So by monday i got legs/shoulders bi/tri and back to do to catch up.

    BB Military Press 3 x 12
    DB Lat Raises 3 x 12 (heavy and hard)
    BB Front Raises 3 x 8 (heavy)
    BB Upright Row 3 x 12 (heavy)

    then with a 5kg weight on each arm bent over raises until failure.

    Flat Pressups 3 x 20
    Decline Pressups 3 x 20

    the pressups were really hard today, (after shoulders).

    currently sipping on PWO shake.

    gotta go shoppin for a valentines day pressie tomorrow, i got up at 2 today, was up till half 4 yesterday arguin (hence y i didnt train) thought id have an extra ten minutes, before i went shoppin, turned over and its half 6! so better get to bed quick after shower, so il be up at 9, as its 1am here.

    on a good note i did have chicken, jacket pot, beans and salad cream for brekkies. ummmm.

    on a bad note il of only had 2 meals today, but then again ive only been up for 7 hours.

    Post again Tomorrow. T.

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