How hard of a natural gainer would you describe yourself as T? like if you didn't workout what would your natural build be like?
How hard of a natural gainer would you describe yourself as T? like if you didn't workout what would your natural build be like?
see post below
Last edited by Mazzive_T; 02-14-2008 at 12:09 PM.
if i didnt work out, well, id say at this present time, and without the use of aas at any point in my life or in the past, id be anywhere from 6ft 1 to 6ft 4 and id be 140-160lbs. I am a hardgainer (i hate to admit it as its not an excuse.) I cant put the weight on no matter what. Like the weight that ive put in since coming out of hozzy, that will of only got me back up to around 14st (196lbs). And thats mainly due to muscle memory and a damn good strict diet (most of the time! lol)
Il post later, training chest, tris and bis tonight!
natty at the mo mate, havnt been in the past, and wont be in the future. Thanks for the advice though, to be honest ive noticed when i pull the skin on my lower two abs, it has increased these past few months. Im going to modify my diet soon anyway, ive gotta incorporate that russian bear protien shake instead of a normal whey one, so il post my diet up for critique soon.
didnt train chest the other day with shoulders, i wrote that post inbetween sets of my shoulders and after i posted i became nackered so waited till yesterday. I did chest, bis and tris yesterday, got a huge pump, worked quite well i thought, looked quite big at the end of it!
Flat Pressups 3 x 20
Decline Pressups 3 x 20
BB Bicep Curls 2 x 10, 1 x 8 (heavy as fcuk)
DB Tricep Extensions 1 x 20 on each arm, 2 x 12 on each arm
Alternate DB Bicep Curls 3 x 12 on each arm supersetted with:
Overhead BB Tricep Extenstion 3 x 30, different grasp widths, really good pump.
Its my gfs birthday tonight and seen as most of us are in uni across the country, ive got all her mates back for the weekend so tonight so im doing the whole limmo suprise thing. So its back tomorrow and shoulders/legs sunday. Then back to chest or chest tri, or rest monday (probably that last one!)
I just cant wait to get started on my cycle now really. Its going to start on monday 21st april. Il post the breakdown of it and reasoning behind compounds on a seperate post.
Enjoy your weekend everyone,
Yours in training,
Last edited by Mazzive_T; 02-15-2008 at 05:44 AM.
Weeks 1-2:
Testosterone Enanthate 1000mg
Deca 550mg
EQ 1000mg
Test Prop 100mg/ED
NPP 50mg/ED
Dianabol 100mg/ED
Weeks 3-6:
Testosterone Enanthate 750mg
Deca 550mg
EQ 800mg
Test Prop 100mg/ED
NPP 50mg/ED
Dianabol 100mg/ED
Weeks 7-12:
Testosterone Enanthate 500mg
Deca 550mg
EQ 800mg
Weeks 13-19:
Test Prop: 50mg/EOD (to keep bollocks working)
Tren Ace: 75mg/ED (19-nor)
Masteron Prop: 50mg/ED (DHT)
with either Anavar (17aa): 100mg/ED for the 6 weeks, or Halo (17aa) from weeks 14-18 @ 40mg/ED. Probably Var, im still wei***ng up the pros and cons there.
Proviron and Arimidex on hand for any signs of Gyno, especially when cutting.
Diet, Cardio, and Supplmental intake are reflected on the phase in which the cycle is going through. (bulking/cutting)
Weeks 20-26 - Anthony Roberts PCT.
Week Nolvadex HCG Aromasin Vitamin E
1 20mgs/day 500iu/day 20-25mgs/day 1000iu/day
2 20mgs/day 500iu/day 20-25mgs/day 1000iu/day
3 20mgs/day 500iu/day 20-25mgs/day 1000iu/day
4 20mgs/day 20-25mgs/day
5 20mgs/day 20-25mgs/day
6 20mgs/day
Although i cant find vitamin E injectables anywhere. If anyone wants to PM me there more then welcome ;-)
The goals for the cycle is to pile on as much mass in the first 12 weeks as possible, then cut out all the water and fat from weeks 13-19 to get bone dry shredded whilst maintaining as much muscle as possible, for a possible holiday in July. If theres no holiday then id just like to do it for myself really, and for the reasons posted in my first post.
If i dont go on holiday, im going to visit Temple Gym in Birmingham and try to meet Dorian Yates. With him being english, and training in the style i like to do (cant at the mo though) he is really one of my inspirations and a major influence on my bodybuilding as a whole.
So overall a summer of productive bodybuilding! haha.
I know im risking getting raped with this post, but hey, thats me, im not going to lie to you all now am i!
havnt trained yesterday or today. Itl be shoulders/back/legs tomorrow (sunday)
Last night went well, my gf and her mates enjoyed themselves. Me and the lads went out to town in the limmo all suited and booted so it was a good night all round!
Im currently speaking to a few vets, mods and hall of famers on this board about my cycle. They must get a mention, and my thanks, as they dont have to take time out of their lives to help me, they dont even know me, but theyve all responded, and ive tried to inform them of what i intend to do with my cycle to the best of my abilities, even though my descriptions of where im coming from may be a bit hard to understand. So thanks guys! Yet more reason why this is the best steroid forum going!
Im actually on at the moment, just seen ronnie colemans reaction at losing the olympia for the first time in 2006, geese, he looks devastated.
When the final 6 competitors were posing though, and after gustavo was screeching, him and cutler were rather aggressive with each other, almost pushing each other out of the way to get posing space. Also they would both follow each others poses. it was quite intresting as theyve both come out and said theres no amniosity between them and its just competitive rivalry. Il post the link here anyway for you to all view if you wish.
Rite, im off to bed, il post the link, the reasons for running compounds and dosages during my cycle, my injection frequiencies and my training tomorrow. (im trying to make this the most detailed log on AR lol - o.j.)
Good Night everyone.
im not fat mate. Im 194lbs, 6ft tall, with 16% bf.
In the summer i was 224lbs, 6ft, with 15% bf.
Granted i looked better then i do now, but that was the extra muscle, due to the gear, and the cardio. and my diet was pritty much the same as i have now, give or take weight gainer/whey. Ive subbed the weight gainer though for food+whey, as food is more anabolic.
6k cals isnt that much. Most bodybuilders eat between 4-6k, dont they? Beast is on maintaniance on 4k, Yates eat 6k a day, and even though hes prob 100lbs heavier then me, he wasnt fat?
I am the definition of a hardgainer, and if there was a competition for the fastest metabloism on the planet id be up there, but thats no excuse for me. You get what you give into this great sport.
So if it means me eating 6k cals a day, staying at 16% bf, whilst in very slowly putting on muscle, until cycle time, then so be it.
Thanks for the advice though.
ive edited my cycle too after speaking to beast, booz and tai. Il post it up later along with reasons behind the changes and why i put them compounds in there and at them dosages in the first place.
Trained Legs, Back, Shoulders Yesterday. Long, Hard workout but felt good afterwards.
Deadlifts 3 x 12 with all weight on BB
Underhand BB Row 3 x 12
Overhand BB Row 3 x 12
Military Press 2 x 10, 1 x 8 (v.heavy)
Lat Raises 3 x 10 same weight as earlier this week, reps getting easier
BB Front Raises 3 x 10 (v heavy - 26kg on bar)
Upright Row 3 x 10 with 36kg on bar
Front Squats 3 x 10
BB Lunges 3 x 10
DB Hamstring Curls 3 x 8
Off to my gf's its her bday today. Will do pressups and abs there though, before PWO shake, shower, PWO meal and bed.
Il post my workout tomorrow.
good log mate. I would like to see your new diet though. Please ignore columbus, he is in no way able to critique anyone's dietary choices. He is in rehab half the time due to being severely underweight.
calories carbs protein fat
8am - meal one
125g Oats 416 48.8 36 8.4
6 Egg Whites in a 100g Whey Protein Shake 469 3.6 102 5.2
Totals for meal one 885 52.4 138 13.6
back to bed for two hours
10am - meal two
100g Pasta 362 77 12 0.7
140g Chicken Breast 231 0 43 5
totals for meal two 593 77 55 5.7
11am - Go to supermarket buy 2 steaks and a cooked chicken
12pm - meal three
Chicken Sandwich on wholemeal with salad and lite mayo 1256 176 76 33
100g Pasta 362 77 12 0.7
50g Whey Protein Shake 186.5 1.8 39 2.6
totals for meal three 1804.5 254.8 127 36.3
3pm -meal four
1 Medium Steak 147.5 0 26.15 4.65
125g Rice 200 38 4 3.5
50g Whey Protein Shake 186.5 1.8 39 2.6
totals for meal four 534 39.8 69.15 10.75
6:30pm - meal five
1 Large Jacket Potato 138 30.1 3.7 0.4
140g Chicken Breast 231 0 43 5
1 medium tin of beans 105 18.8 6.8 0.3
totals for meal five 474 48.9 53.5 5.7
7:30pm - Train
8:30pm - PWO
PWO Shake, 100g Whey, 40g Dextrose 523 43.6 78 5.2
9pm - meal six - PWO meal
1 Medium Steak 147.5 0 26.15 4.65
100g Pasta 362 77 12 0.7
50g Whey Protein Shake 186.5 1.8 39 2.6
totals for meal six 696 78.8 77.15 7.95
10:45pm - meal seven
125g Rice 200 38 4 3.5
1 Tin of Tuna 73 0 17 4
50g Whey Protein Shake 186.5 1.8 39 2.6
totals for meal seven 459.5 39.8 60 10.1
11:30pm - meal eight - before bed
140g Turkey Breast 165 0 36.6 1.5
6 Egg Whites in a 60g Time Release Protein Shake with Glutamine 297 2.6 67.3 2.1
totals for meal eight 462 2.6 103.9 3.6
Totals 6431 637.7 761.7 98.9
thats my diet at the mo, in the summer it wont differ, il add another whey+ dex shake in there if i choose to train twice in one day, (usually around 1pm if i train twice)
Mazzive T:
Looking good thus far. Of course you will have to adjust your diet as you progress. I wouldn't worry about it much. Some people are to anal about this shit.
You have been here long enough to know who can give solid advice and those whose opinions are worth a bucket of mountain lion piss.
keep it up...
***No source checks!!!***
great log but i would think you could get a better back workout if you didnt work out your bis the day before. keep up the good work.
thankyou muriloninja for the warm comments. I do know who to ignore on this forum. I am open to suggestions off anyone, but seen as most days i spend a few hours on here before bed, id like to say i know whos not worth listening too. Theres only a few members like that though, most of you are great advisors!
I am trying to nail my diet, the only problem is i seem to eat so much! So for me with everyone telling me to keep the cals down, sometimes i cant help but go over!
And oneshot, thankyou too, yes you do have a point about the back wed and bis tuesday, but recently ive been doing them both in the same day!
However when i go back to single bodypart training in the summer, il make sure theres atleast 2 days rest inbetween them both. Thanks once again.
Monday i trained Chest/Tri's and threw some abs in too:
Flat Pressups 3 x 20
Decline Pressups 3 x 20
Single Arm DB Tricep Extensions 3 x 12
Close Grip Seated Overhead BB Extensions 3 x 20 (bit more weight then last time though - great pump)
abs later:
Crunches 3 x 20
Leg Raises 3 x 20
Side Bends with weight 30 on each side
BB Twists 60.
And ive just trained Back/Bi's too. (nice early training session - doh!)
Underhand BB Row 4 x 12
Overhand BB Row 4 x 12
BB Curl 2 x 12, 1 x 10 (s36k)
DB Curl 3 x 12 (lighter weight this session, but controlled contraction and relax phase)
Deadlifts (max weight again) 3 x 12.
If anyone wishes to comment on my new diet please feel free, il post it in the diet section too. Also i came to the conclusion after talking to beast, booz and tai that the cycle i planned is far too much. After a certain amount of gear you stop seeing the effects of it and effects are outweighed by sides, so your just wasting the stuff. So ive changed a few things around, its a bit simpler now. The cutting phase is still the same though, but without an oral like was suggested
Think il have a rest day tomorrow (ive got coursework due in too) and do legs then shoulders between friday and sunday.
Post again soon.
Ignore Columbus T. he has a chip on his shoulder.
Sounds familiar doesnt it Columbus. Since you came back you seem very quick to criticize others, yet who was it before who asked over and over and OVER again for people to help him and never listened once. We all gave you more than one chance and that included me. And now for you to come back and give other people this kind of shit. That is just ridiculous and you should seriously think back on how you were not but a few months ago.
I have read through your posts and the advice you give and you are nowhere near experienced enough to be putting other people down.
I remember spending hours with you over e-mails and helping you out through so many of your problems. Now for you to come back to AR where we first helped you and come off like an asshole. Well you are just a f*cking a*shole plain and simple.
I also saw what you wrote in PB's log. Spend days and days on end helping anyone on thsi board and maybe we will grow a tiny ounce of respect for you. Until then stop posting this bullshit you disrespectful bastard.
Rest Day Yesterday. Got a test today at 3pm and labs all this morning. Also coursework due in, so itl be a big weight off my shoulders (ironic - im training shoulders later, with weight - get it lol :-I - shit joke).
So, shoulders later, il post again then.
things went well today, i decided against a shoulder workout tonight, i did a heavy duty legs workout - back against the wall stuff! Yeh Buddy! Got to get big for this one!
Squats (with own bodyweight) 3 x 20
Front squats 3 x 10
BB Lunges 3 x 10
DB Hamstring Curls 3 x 8 (i hate these)
Calf Raises with BB on shoulders. 3 x 20.
Going to watch my local rugby team tomorrow, then il watch the England match too. The only good thing about being slightly short of cash at the moment, is that i cant do anything, so ive got a lot of time to train. So i guess il be doing shoulders tomorrow night!
Anyhow have a good weekend all of you. Im in this weekend. doh.
trained shoulders today. short and GOD DAMN HEAVY. was done in about half an hour. no pissing about. lol. i love this new dont take no shit attitude of mine going on at the mo!
i did miss some exercises though so il incorporate rear delts into back day.
Military Press - warmup, 2 x 10, 1 x 8
Lat Raises 3 x 8
Front Raises 3 x 8
Upright row 3 x 8.
Rite steak, water, shower, then bed.
Chest tomorrow, am gunna go back to single bodypart training, im liking this whole short duration high intensity stuff, its what i was used to doing, and its ideal with my hectic schedule too, its how i train. although saying that i havnt got enough weight to really push myself on most exercises, so the ones i cant push myself il do sets of 12+ instead of 8.
Post tomorrow. T.
Chest today. Front delts when doing the pressups felt a bit affected, presumably after doing shoulders yesterday but still got my 3 sets of twenty out!
I did my 6 sets whilst i had the 2 turkey breasts im about to consume in the oven actually!
Flat Pressups 3 x 20
Decline Pressups 3 x 20
aint done abs in a week just realised but ive had a shower now and dont wana get sweaty before bed, its also how i get spots, so il do them tomorrow along with bi's. Short and sweet but high intensity! its the way 4ward! anyhow, il post again tomorrow.
Feelin a bit low/down at the moment.
well aint posted on here in 2 days, been mad busy! Got Mechanical and Electrical coursework due in tomorrow (Friday) I had it done monday but kept checking over it, as i want to get a good mark.
well tuesday i trained Bi's;
BB Curls 2 x 10, 1 x 8 (heavy)
Alternate DB Curls 3 x 12 (not as heavy, good technique)
Yesterday i trained Tri's, felt like the back part of my arms were lagging, thats why i done chest/bi/tri 3 days in a row, i did:
Single Arm DB Extensions 4 x 12 (1st set a feeler set really)
Seated BB Extensions 3 x 12 +1 set of just the bar x 30 to get a good pump to finish
Today i feel like doing some heavy duty back against the wall legs. I was out last nite, and being serious i felt a wicked pump in them just from walking around! So been thinking all day about training them, cant wait till later (im such a loser lol)
Just picked up a new box of Whey Protein, the reflex stuff ive been using, i think ive mentioned it, but i tried that russian bear 5000 and nearly threw up it was ****in discusting, tasted like them polio drops you have to take when your younger. So gunna stick with whey, as they say "if it aint broke, dont fix it!"
Also, after columbus's comments about my body fat, (supposedly 16%) i was reading a thread the other day where some fella had posted pics of himself, and he was around the same look as me, i.e. you could see his top two abs and his v, and everyone was saying he was around 14-15%, So maybe the fitness calculator id used to calculate my bodyfat was a wee bit off, so il post the pics and my stats up in another thread and put the link on here. Give me your opinion!
Right, il post again after ive trained legs.
Just trained legs. Sipping on PWO shake. Quite late here so PWO meal then bed. Up at 9 for a lab, just finished my coursework. Completley forgot to post my bodyfat thread, il post that tomorrow though.
Squats 2 x 10, 1 x 8 (heavy wooh!)
DB Lunges to the end of my hallway and back x 2 think it was 6 or 7 downs per leg
DB Hamstring Curls 3 x 8 ( i hate these, especially doing it with a DB on a bed)
BB (on shoulders) Calf Raises 3 x 12
then a set of 21 for calf raises with 7 feet pointing out, 7 feet pointing in, 7 straight.
After reading Warriors thread on priming, im seriously considering doing it, and postponing my cycle. Its due (the cycle) to start on the 20th april, but as i have an exam, if i postponed it till after the exam, so its got my FULL attention, i could prime from the 20th april for 6 weeks (till after my exams are finished). I need to do some cardio too, went to lazerquest yesterday with some mates, finished 5th/7, (only just beat my bird), was friggin knackerd running around. That cross trainer i bought a while back, should come in handy when uni finishes, set that up and do an hour on it first thing in the morning infront of the tele. I need to lose a bit of bodyfat anyway, i wana see curves in my arms, even when im not tensing, and a bit more abs too. at the moment the curves are there when tensing, but when im not, delts, bi's and tris seem to all blend in.
Oh well, another hectic day, full of random bodybuilding ideas in the life of Mazzive T.
Keep well everyone, il post again tomorrow, after some excessive sleep.
logs looking good bro, but i was just wondering are u doing any cardio?
Trained shoulders today:
Military Press - warmup, 3 x 12
DB Lat Raises 3 x 8
DB Front Raises 3 x 10
BB Upright row 3 x 10.
DB Bent Over Raises 1 set of 27 with a 5kg weight in each hand.
back tomorrow then chest again mon.
g2g, in a later maybe.
Trained back yesterday
Underhand BB Row 4 x 12
Overhand BB Row 4 x 12
Deadlifts (max weight again) 3 x 12.
training chest tonight, got some work to do though, so making a trip to the library. And ive gotta do the weekly big shop too! so il post later. i must do some abs too!
im not in uni tomorrow though, so i can afford a late night (for once!)
just thort id note ive made changes to my proposed cycle and diet plan. i will post them up here and the reasons behind it after speaking to various mods/vets.
il also post the bodyfat estimation pics.
i will do it, just when i get a free few hours to do so! mad bust at the mo, im writing this whilst on a break from coursework!
well, i trained biceps instead yesterday.
BB Curl 3 x 10 (not that heavy, lighter then normal)
Alternate DB Curl 3 x 12 on each arm.
Im about to train chest/abs
Whats this? T with a free afternoon to train? geese i feel like christmas has come early. lol. and il do that bodyfat thing and cycle thing too after i train PWO! yay!
ended up going my birds after i trained. lol. typical.
trying to find somwhere to live from july-sept onwards so thats stressing me out aswell.
Trained chest and abs though:
Flat Pressups: 3 x 20
Decline Pressups: 3 x 20
Crunches - 3 x 20
Leg Raises - 3 x 20
Side Slides - 30 on each side with weight in each hand.
Side Twists - 1 x 60 (30 on each side) with 6kg BB.
il see what spare time i have tonight after ive done my maths for the week
well today (wed) i trained shoulders, cos i felt like it! lol.
BB Military Press 3 x 12
DB Lateral Raises 2 x 10, 1 x 8 (heavy)
DB Alternate Front Raises 3 x 10
DB Bent Over Raises 3 x 12 (light weight)
BB Upright Row 2 x 10, 1 x 8 (36kg)
BB Front Shrugs with all the weight on 20 reps.
Rite, after shower, im off to bed, gunna get up at 9am tomorrow and do maths all day (joy)
Goodnight Everyone.
well i had a day off yesterday, just eat well, found myself consuming a few more protein shakes then normal, but its what my taste buds told me to do!
its half 8 in the evening here, and i fancy some hardcore leg action in around an hour or so, then early night. Jeese, just to think what most other students are up to on their friday nights, and im in training then bed!
things arnt exactley going well at the moment either. loads of reasons n it just feels like everythings building up and theres gunna be a big explosion of emotion either from me or someone close to me (bird, mate, family, uni etc) very soon!
Wouldnt have it any other way though.
A rather sombre, T.
Trained legs before. didnt give it my all, i must admit.
Squats with own bodyweight 3 x 20 (found these quite hard today!)
Front Squats 3 x 8
DB Lunges 3 x 8
DB Hamstring Curl 3 x 8
Calf Raises with BB on shoulder 3 x 20.
within that hour break from last post i didnt feel so good. To be honest my birds giving me shit, id love to knock her out. But truth is i do care for her a lot, and id be lonely if i lost her. and thats what im scared of most. so i put up with the shit and walk round in a batista like mood really.
she just doesnt seem to appreciate anything i do. She lives roughly 8 miles away from me, its a good 20 minute drive and it takes a lot of petrol money to go see her, like i must spend around £30 ($60) a week petrol money, and for a student whos had no job since september, thats a lot! i go to see her like every day, give her massages to get her to sleep, be a genuine gentlemen in my opinion, but on top of that she expects me to ferry her round, take her for meals to eat shit food and everything like that. i help her with her uni course, i even downloaded her music for her performance (from itunes - even that cost me!). she just acts the same. shes a ****in spoilt little rat and id love to put her in her place. i mean i dont mind doing things for her, but its when she takes the piss and expects me to drop everything im doing and stop my degree/training/life in genral to go do her a shitty favour that she could do herself like bring her an apple from the fridge cos she cant be arsed gettin her **** of the sofa.
the thing is last week i was upset cos my mums down cos its her mums 10th anniversary of her death, and she doesnt give a shit and cos im spending time over in a different county to be with my mum, shes having a go at me for not being around her.
and on top of that uni takes the piss at the moment. as it is with her. but she takes it out on me. and thats unfair.
cant wait till im living by myself in my nice flat near my family from the summer onwards. then weel see if shes really arsed about me, cos im not driving to her student house 40 minutes away every night and back to see her, she can cum to my flat a few times too.
****ing little dickhead.
trained tris before. so itl be back tomorrow. todays session was short and sweet.
single arm DB Overhead Extensions 4 x 12
BB seated Overhead Extensions 3 x 12 and one set to failure at the end.
Bed Now. Still in a mood. Ive got a very big ulsa in my mouth so thats just added to my problems, im in agony every time i eat, i swear i cud rip sum1s head off rite now.
This is my new cyle, planned to start on the 20th april. Its been finalised after weeks of research and asking opinions.
Weeks 1-6 Test Prop @ 100mg/ED
Weeks 1-6 NPP @ 50mg/ED
Weeks 1-6 Dianabol @ 50mg/ED
Weeks 1-14 Test E @ 500mg/week
Weeks 1-12 Deca @ 550mg/Week
Weeks 1-12 EQ @ 600mg/week
Il tell you the reasoning behind the compound choices and selections.
Rite, il start with the bulking phase of the cycle.
Weeks 1-6 is where i really hammer it. Hence the load of compounds, and mainly short esters, to almost give me a mega kickstart. the test enthanate is kept at 500mg/week throughout. As there are studies to prove that the effect on taking it after 500mg/week is neligible. Plus im getting and extra 700mg/week test from the prop as i kicker.
The Test Prop, and NPP used in weeks 1-6 kickstart the relative nandrolone and test sections of the cycle, i know people normally only use prop as a kicker, but why cant i kickstart the NPP too?
I was going to tun dbol at 100mg/ED, because if you run drol at 100mg/ED and mg for mg dbol is better then drol, then you would get better gains with the same dosage dbol as drol wouldnt you? Its not as if its super unsafe either, Im also only using it for 6 weeks, getting regular blood done and taking liv 52's, so my liver should be alrite. Ive ran drol @100mg/day in the past and also Drol/dbol at 75/25mg per day and been fine.
However after speaking to a few elite members which i must thank for their time, (tai, beast, booz) 50mg dianabol is more then sufficient and it actually doesnt make a difference if you use 50mg or 100mg unless your over 280lbs, which i am not. so im running at 50mg/ed for 6 weeks.
EQ is there as the mild anabolic, to help me eat and also increase vascularity. ive dropped that from 800mg/week as seen im my previous cycle post, to 600mg/week.
The test and the deca are the base of the bulking cycle though.
I will have letro, nolva and aromasin in my box of goodies, and if signs of gyno develop il post pics on here and ask for help (obviously taking the letro to reverse the gyno)
As for the cutting section, the plan is:
Weeks 14-20 Test Prop: 50mg/EOD
Weeks 14-20 Tren Ace: 75mg/ED
Weeks 14-20 Masteron Prop: 50mg/ED
The test prop is there as the low dose, almost TRT dosage just to keep my bollocks ticking over, especially when using tren, as we all know tren will shut me down hard. Also speaking to beast, and reading his log, ive seen where you say keep the test down low, almost at TRT dosage, when using tren will result in less moodswings. So il incorporate that.
The tren is there as the physique changing steroid we all know it to be, and is the base of my cutting cycle.
And the Masteron is there as the DHT.
I was going to run Anavar (17aa): 100mg/ED for the 6 weeks, or Halo (17aa) from weeks 14-18 @ 40mg/ED, but speaking to tai, he reccomended not to bother with another compound as the gains from adding another will be so weak, theres no point, and it will just trash my lipid profile anyway, he said" var is horrible choice w/ tren. its far to weak to see any gains from it. halo is great, works very very well w/ tren. but in all honesty i wouldnt use either since Mast is a potent DHT and is going to thrash ur lipid profile and both tren and mast will mess with your prostate." so il drop the fourth compound for the cutting cycle.
PCT is:
Weeks 21-27 - Anthony Roberts PCT.
Week Nolvadex HCG Aromasin Vitamin E
1 20mgs/day 500iu/day 20-25mgs/day 1000iu/day
2 20mgs/day 500iu/day 20-25mgs/day 1000iu/day
3 20mgs/day 500iu/day 20-25mgs/day 1000iu/day
4 20mgs/day 20-25mgs/day
5 20mgs/day 20-25mgs/day
6 20mgs/day
and high fatty/cholesterol foods eaten during pct.
and there u go folks! watch me grow!
thanks to tai, beast and booz, cheers fellas!
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