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Thread: T's year long Bodybuilding Log.

  1. #121
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    North West, UK.
    just over a month to go, cant wait


  2. #122
    Join Date
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    North West, UK.
    ive also made adjustments to my diet, il post that up soon too, along with the bodyfat pics i want all your opinions on. Right, goodnight.

    Big T.

  3. #123
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    North West, UK.
    My Equipoise is 200mg/ml so therefore each time I say I inject 1ml, It means 200mg. I need 3mls worth of eq a week for my cycle
    My Deca is 275mg/ml so therefore each time I say I inject 1ml, It means 275mg. I need 2mls worth of deca a week for my cycle
    My Test E is 250mg/ml so therefore each time I say I inject 1ml, It means 250mg. I need 2mls worth of test e a week for my cycle
    My NPP is 100mg/ml so therefore each time I say I inject 1ml, It means 100mg. However I will only ever being injecting half a ml at a time. I need 0.5mls worth of npp per day for my cycle
    My Prop is 100mg/ml so therefore each time I say I inject 1ml, It means 100mg. I need 1ml worth of prop a week for my cycle

    Injection Schedule:

    Every Day for first 6 weeks of bulking phase:

    Day One: 1ml prop and ½ ml NPP in left delt
    Day Two: 1ml prop and ½ ml NPP in right delt

    Continue day one and two and Keep rotating like this for 6 weeks.
    Monday Morning: 1ml Test E and 1ml deca in same syringe (so 2ml total) in left glute
    1.5ml EQ in right glute. (so that’s 300mg eq)
    Thursday Night: 1ml Test E and 1ml deca in same syringe (so 2ml total) in right glute.
    1.5ml EQ in left glute. (so that’s 300mg eq)

    after week 6, start of week 7, move the glute shots to the delts.

    So, that’s bulking phase done.

    Weeks 12-14, Monday morning and Thursday night (every 3.5 days) 1ml test e in left delt, then right delt. Rotate like so.

    Cutting Cycle, weeks 15-21. (sorry I got the weeks wrong on the post above)

    My tren ace is 100mg/ml, so therefore each time I say I inject 1ml it is 100mg. But I will be only injecting 0.75ml each time, as I only want 75mgs. I need 0.75mls worth of tren ace a day for my cycle

    My masteron prop is 100mg/ml, so therefore each time I say I inject 1ml it is 100mg. But I will be only injecting 0.5ml each time, as I only want 50mgs. I need 0.5mls worth of mast prop a day for my cycle

    My test prop is 100mg/ml, so therefore each time I say I inject 1ml it is 100mg. But I will be only injecting 0.5ml each time, as I only want 50mgs. I need 0.5mls worth of test prop EVERY OTHER DAY for my cycle.

    Day One morning: 0.75ml tren ace, 0.5ml mast prop, 0.5ml test prop, so 1.75ml in total, going in left delt.
    Day Two afternoon: 0.75ml tren ace, 0.5ml mast prop, so 1.25ml in total, going in left delt
    Day Three morning: 0.75ml tren ace, 0.5ml mast prop, 0.5ml test prop, so 1.75ml in total, going in right delt
    Day Four afternoon: 0.75ml tren ace, 0.5ml mast prop,so 1.25ml in total, going in right delt.

    Continue this method until completion of cycle.

    PCT is self explanatory but if people wish me to say injection schedule, please say.

  4. #124
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Sounds well planned and thought out. Whats your training split gonna be like while bulking?

  5. #125
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    North West, UK.
    Quote Originally Posted by ToonPaul View Post
    Sounds well planned and thought out. Whats your training split gonna be like while bulking?
    lol its complex mate, im just finishing it off now actually, basically training each bodypart twice a week. one heavy sesh, one light sesh, but with adequate rest inbetween.

    light is reps of 12-20 and is more isolation type exercises, and is with the weights that im using in my halls at uni, (the bb and 2 dbs) cos im gunna move them back home to my mums, (when i move back on the 18th april), il have a room there with them in, also the bench from the weight set, and thats got various butterfly, lat pulldown, preacher pad, and quad extension attachments too. and the cross trainer and a telly too. il post a pic up when ive set up "Mazzive T's gym in the back room" lol. Im gunna have a kick ass sound system, and loads of inspirational quotes everywhere. state. listen to me. lol. these light sessions will be performed in evening.

    heavy is mostly compound movements, and will be using the 5 x 5 protocol on the big 3 (bench, squat, dead), and for everything else maximum 8-12 reps. these will be performed at my local total fitness gym. this is done during the day.

    the big three will be performed on both light and heavy days, heavy will be all out 5 x 5, light will be 80% of the 5 x 5 weight for 3 x 12. this should increase my overall strength too.

    abs done twice a week in eve.

    cardio when necessary either in eve or first thing in morning.

    for the cutting section, still finilising workout, shouldnt differ that much though,

    abs EOD,

    cardio 1st thing for 40mins-1hr and in eve for 40mins-1hr (gradually upping the cardio as i cycle my carbs, and add in OTC Fat burners)

    after reading some intresting articles by warrior, beast, c_bino, carlos_e, narkissios (sorry if names spelt wrong!), and (theres one more i cant remember sorry, il mention you in a later post when i see your work ive saved.)

    theyve given me new approaches about cycling carbs and gradually making adjustments to cardio and diet and then throwing fat burners in because if you shock your body with all 3 heavily at once, yes youll lose bodyfat, but thats it. whereas if you do all 3 gradually and then up it, theres more fat loss, but obv over a longer period, (which i dont mind)

    c_bino said he got sub 10% just from dieting.(thats just an example, im nowhere near his league!) so therefore il start cycling my carbs when cutting. then take the cardio when cutting from a basic 40 mins a day to more. then il add Hydroxycut or summit like that. just upping stuff little bit by little bit.

    theyve also given me new approaches to leg training, im actually enthusiastic about leg training now, (i used to hate legs and abs and cardio, now i love the first two, and im not too bothered about doing the third)

    theyve said about positioning your feet in different places, for example, when leg pressing, and calf raising, this will hit different parts on your glutes/hams/quads/teardrop (leg pressing) and calfs (calf raising).

    during my bulking and cutting regieme, there will also be one day off, and one day where there will only be one session, this will be called a rugby related fitness, strength and conditioning session.

    also when rugby pre season kicks in around end june/biginning july, il have two fitness sessions a week from my club, (i took a year out this year remember, im back for them next year!), so that can count as my cardio for the day or evening respectively depending on where im at cutting wise.

  6. #126
    Join Date
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    North West, UK.
    This is my regieme come cycle time:

    Afternoon sessions start anywhere from 1pm-3pm, Night Sessions start anywhere from 6pm-8pm

    Monday Afternoon - Squats in gym
    Monday Night - Chest Heavy in gym

    Tuesday Afternoon - REST
    Tuesday Night - Bi’s Heavy at gym

    Wednesday Afternoon - Shoulder Presses at gym
    Wednesday Night - REST

    Thursday Afternoon - Tri’s heavy at gym
    Thursday Night - Chest Light at home

    Friday Afternoon - Back heavy at gym
    Friday Night - Quads hams and calfs.

    Saturday Afternoon - Shoulders Raises at gym
    Saturday Night - Tri’s light at home

    Sunday Afternoon - Back light at home
    Sunday Night - Bi’s Light at home

    and these are the workouts for the specific bodyparts:

    Chest Heavy:
    Bench 5 x 5, Incline BB 3 x 8-12, Fly’s 3 x 8-12, Cable X Overs 3 x 10-12, Decline DB w/decline fly (2 x 8) x (2 x 8).

    Chest Light:
    Bench 3 x 8-12, Incline DB 3 x 8-12, Flat Pressups 3 x 20, Decline Pressups 3 x 20.

    Bi’s Heavy:
    BB Curl 3 x 8-10, Alternate DB Curl 3 x 12, Incline Curls 3 x 8-12

    Bi’s Light:
    Preacher Curls 3 x 12-15 (strict form), Hammer Curls. 3 x 8-12, 3 sets 21’s to finish, 1 close grip, 1 wide grip, 1 normal.

    Tri’s Heavy:
    Close Grip Bench Press 3 x 8-12, Tricep Dips 3 x 12 (own bodyweight), skull crushers 3 x 8-12, Tricep Pushdown 3 x 8-12, Rope Pushdown 3 x 8-12.

    Tri’s Light:
    Lying BB Extension 3 x 12, close grip Seated BB Extension 3 x 12, 1 to fail. Seated sinlge arm DB Extension, 12 – 15 seated double handed DB extension 3 x 8-10.

    Back Heavy:
    deadlifts 5 x 5, close grip pulley row 3 x 8-12, lat pulldown 3 x 8-12, Hammer Machine Pulldown 3 x 8-12.

    Back Light:
    deadlifts, 3 x 12, underhand bb row 4 x 12, overhand bb row 4 x 12.

    Shoulders Raises:
    lat raises 3 x 8, cable lat raises 3 x 12-15, front raises 3 x 8, cable front raises 3 x 12-15, bent over raises3 x 8-12, cable bent over raises 3 x 12-15

    Shoulders Other:
    Military Press 3 x 8-12, Hammer Machine Press 3 x 8-12, Upright Row 3 x 10, DB Shrugs 3 x 12, BB front shrugs 3 x 12, BB rear shrugs 3 x 12.

    squats 5 x 5 ass to ground, front squats3 x 8, parallel i.e. 90 degrees, leg press 6 x 8-12 (1 set feet high up using mainly heels to push, 1 set high up with legs closer together, 1 set feet normal, 1 set normal with legs closer together, 1 set feet low down almost using toes to push, 1 set low down with legs closer together)

    Quads calfs and hams:
    bb or db lunges 3 x 8-12, quadriceps extensions 3 x 8-12, seated calf raises 6 sets of 12 reps(2 sets toes pointing in, 2 sets toes normal, 2 sets toes pointing out) , standing calf raises 6 sets of 12 reps(2 sets toes pointing in, 2 sets toes normal, 2 sets toes pointing out), db hamstring curls 3 x 8-10, machine hamstring curls or stiff legged deads 3 x 8-10
    Last edited by Mazzive_T; 03-09-2008 at 10:17 AM.

  7. #127
    Join Date
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    sessions can be interchanged daily, i.e. afternoon and night can be switched.

    also i could have it so i either have all day tuesday or all day wednesday off, i can just do heavy bis and shoulder presses in the same day.

    ive just put that il either have an afternoon or nightime off on tuesday and wednesday because that was me planning it. Nothing every goes to plan. lol.

  8. #128
    Join Date
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    North West, UK.
    well after all the excitement of planning everything i forgot to post my training for yesterday!

    I trained back yesterday (sunday)

    Overhand BB Row 4 x 12
    Underhand BB Row 4 x 12
    Deadlifts (with all the weight ive got) 1 set warmup, then 3 x 12

  9. #129
    Join Date
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    North West, UK.
    and today i trained chest

    Flat Pressups 3 x 20
    Decline Pressups 3 x 20

    rite im off to watch the RAW 3 hr special! jeese wish i could be a wwe wrestler, but theres no way of getting into it over here. thatd be the life for me, train, travel, and be a showman!

    Post again tomorrow, biceps me thinks :-)


  10. #130
    Join Date
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    didnt train yesterday nor today. feeling like i really want to pack everything in at the moment, training, uni, mates, everything.

    i went round to my gf/s and told my girlfriend i needed a break as my degree had to come first, and she doesnt appreciate how much i do for her and go out of my way, she started crying but then seemed fine, then i get a phonecall off her saying she just needed me last night and she had done something stupid and she just wanted a hug. so i went round, did no work last nite, and missed uni today, i slept in, as it was 3:30am when i got round there, as she wouldnt leave me alone.

    it turns out the stupid thing she had done is taken 12 paracetemol tablets which are 500mg each so thats 6g worth of paracetamol and tried to kill herself. she says everything for her was shit at the time, uni n everything, and that id just "pushed an emotionally unstable girl over the edge"

    anyhow i stayed the night at hers, not under the covers or anything, but as she cried herself to sleep i gave her a hug and tucked her in and that. then i slept on the floor. she started throwing up in the night and was throwing up until i left at 9:30am today, and she said her liver and kidneys was "throbbing".

    ive text her housemate to keep an eye on her. i txt her before asking how she was and saying things will be back to normal after my exams but she said **** it, its over, and that she hates me and me to stay away from her. so il respect her wishes and stay away, but when my exams (and hers too, i did this break for both of us) are over, il start to see if i can speak to her and see her again. if she moves on il be gutted like but its her choice, i wont hold it against her if she wants someone there because i cant be at the moment, my degree is my future isnt it.

    I just feel like a little shit at the moment, and this calculus and log thing ive got to learn for maths isnt exactley helping or come at the right time.

    mite take a week off training, i hate to do it, but my hands are tied, you get me? Im gunna finish up my maths here and get an early night.

    if anyone wants to give me some advice feel free, im feeling a bit low here and after running stuff through and through in my head i dont honestly know what to do anymore.


  11. #131
    I'm kinda in the same boat. I'm a mechanical engineering major and every minute I don't spend studying is spent working out or seeing my girlfriend. I know the feeling of just wanting to quit everything and it sucks. Stick with it though and you'll make it through. I use lifting as my escape from reality and it seems to work. By the way, a week off training every couple months can actually help gains and with the amount you're working out, it would probably be a good thing. My advice: take a week off, get your shit done in school, don't worry about the woman and find some time to relax. Then hit it hard next week. Also, give her some space and she'll probably come back to you. That means no texting/calling/etc without her initiating it. Then give her a call in a couple weeks.

  12. #132
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Hey T. your life sounds like a proper drama.

    I'd just try and use it in the gym.

  13. #133
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    the dirty
    Weeks 1-6 Test Prop @ 100mg/ED
    Weeks 1-6 NPP @ 50mg/ED
    Weeks 1-6 Dianabol @ 50mg/ED
    Weeks 1-14 Test E @ 500mg/week
    Weeks 1-12 Deca @ 550mg/Week
    Weeks 1-12 EQ @ 600mg/week

    you need 3 grams of gear a week? not likely. sounds pretty ridiculous given your size and strength but its your body to screw up. funny how the biggest people run the least gear and the smaller guys run ridiculous amounts.

  14. #134
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    North West, UK.
    Hey guys im back!

    Heres the link,

    read all. Cant wait to get back into it all, starts tomorrow!

    Kind Regards, T.

  15. #135
    Join Date
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    North West, UK.
    well hello again guys, long time no speak. As you can see ive had my problems in the past, but its no bullshit now, Ive started my training up again, its hard trying to post whilst being in a house with no internet so ive had to come home to my mums to post. Thats what il be doing in the future too. Been training solidly for just over a month now, joined a proper backs against the wall spit and sawdust gym lol. Starting a cycle on monday, got my training spilt and diet planned too. Il post all up now, and i took pics a month or so ago to humiliate myself at how skinny ive let myself get. I didnt realise how much i let my problems affect me. But im over all them now, all il say is that i cant understand why when you treat a girl like a gent they dont want to know but when you treat them like shit and **** them around there perfect to you! Unbelievable. Anyhow im posting up pics every few weeks and il be telling all exactley what i get up to for gym and gym related activites. Enjoy, and i welcome all your input! Especially when i ask, and il be putting pics of my pecs up too every week so if any of you think gyno has arrived or is on the horizon tell me and il get that arimidex down my throat quick! Here goes then, my training log for the forceeable future.

  16. #136
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    North West, UK.
    Training Split:

    Monday Off
    Tuesday Chest pm
    Wednesday Back am Squats pm
    Thursday Shoulders pm
    Friday Tri's pm
    Saturday Hams and Calfs
    Sunday Bi's

    My Gyms open 10-9 mon wed fri and only 4-9 tue thur. Weekends its 10-1. so have to fit my split around work and gym opening hours, but think my split looks good ive given all body parts adequete rest and body parts that act with each other e.g. chest tris, back bis, theres plenty of time for one body part to recover before the other one gets trained.

    Itl usually be 6 exercises for each bodypart, obviously il stick with the basic mass compound movements, and finish off with some iso movements and maybe last set of day to failure to get a good pump to finish. Anyhow there it is critique away if you wish.

  17. #137
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    Diet and Supplement Plan:

    Meal One - upon waking, obviously depends on what time ive woken up.

    Pro Flapjack bar (oats) 2 x Oatibix biscuits with semi skimmed milk (oats) All together thats about 120-150g Oats.
    6 Egg Whites and 2 Egg Yolks with Semi Skimmed Milk
    1 Cup Coffee
    1/2 a serving of Mass-Tech with water (Weight Gainer by Muscletech)

    Meal Two - Mid Morning
    60g Pasta
    1/2 a cooked chicken
    4 x Creatine Tabs (2000mg in total Creatine E.E.)
    Meal Three - Lunchtime

    1/2 bag uncle bens brown wholegrain rice
    2 medium sized tesco value steaks with fat trimmed off and cooked on the george.

    Meal Four - Mid Afternoon
    1/2 serving of Mass Tech
    300ml Grapefruit Juice taken with 25mg Dianabol (on weeks 1-6 otherwise none)

    Meal Five - 2 Hours Before Training

    1/2 bag uncle bens wholegrain brown rice
    1/2 a cooked chicken
    4 x Creatine Tabs (2000mg in total Creatine E.E.)

    Pre Workout - 1/2 a serving of Mass-Tech.
    Post Workout - 1/2 a serving of Mass-Tech with 40g Dextrose 10g Glutamine and another 25g scoop of Whey Added too to boost protein content.

    Meal Six - After Training
    Medium to Large Jacket Potato
    2 Medium Sized Steaks
    10g Glutamine

    Meal Seven - Evening
    60g Pasta
    2 Tins of Tuna
    10g Glutamine

    Meal Eight - Before Bed
    6 Egg Whites and 2 Egg Yolks with semi skimmed milk
    Pro-Peptide Shake (Nighttime protein delivery)
    300ml Grapefruit Juice
    10g Glutamine

    Average Daily Calories: 4000 Carbs 500g Pro 450g Fat 100g.

    Each Meal is 2 and a 1/2 hours apart. Depending on Daily Activites meals 4 and/or 7 may be missed but il try my best not too. I do love my food lol. And its all the good stuff too!

  18. #138
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    North West, UK.
    Bulking Cycle, to start Mon 28th July:

    Itl be anywhere in the region from 12 to 16 weeks, weel see where im at after 12 weeks and then decide to stop. Obviously i know how long to wait before starting PCT, and also to run test 2 weeks longer then deca and EQ.

    Weeks 1-6 Test Prop 50mg ED
    Weeks 1-6 Dianabol 50mg ED
    Weeks 1-?12? Test E 500mg
    Weeks 1 - ?12? Deca 550mg
    Weeks 1 - ?12? EQ 600mg

    AIs on hand and dosages they may be used at:

    Armidex 0.25mg ED when gyno starts to show.
    Proviron 25mg ED see below

    I may lob proviron in my cycle anyway as its a DHT, and may people believe the best stacks are test, a 19 nor and a DHT. however im still doing my research on that one though. Feel free to post your opinions.

    Anthony Roberts PCT.


    Test E, EQ, Deca injections every 3.5 days apart, mon morning and thurs night.

    Prop injected ED. and dbol taken with grapfruit juice before bed and mid afternoon (25mg in each that way its given a few hours to get into bloodstream and also has an affect when were at rest when we sleep)

    Il be using glutes and delts for the test e deca and eq injections

    and bis and tris for the half a ml needed for my prop injection (first time il be trying this, but if extreme pain afterwards il stop and use delts and glutes)

    Il be frontloading the test e deca and eq

    and the prop and dbol is like another kickstart too.

    anything ive forgotton to mention il add in at a later date. feel free to critique or ask questions.

    take it easy. post again soon.

    yours in training

    Mazzive T.

  19. #139
    Join Date
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    North West, UK.
    oh and each week cardio will be done.

    il try and do it so the regime goes day 1 cardio/2abs/3anaerobic (for my sport)/4off and then cycles again, but obviously if ive done legs the day before and im in agony or ive got legs that day il either have an off day or do abs, and then change things around.

    Cardio means either a 40 minute run around my estate or 40 minutes infront of the tele on my beloved cross-trainer lol

    abs is 3 x 20 crunches, 3 x 20 leg raises.

    and anaerobic work involves several 100, 200 and 300m sprints variated flat out with big recovery time inbetween sets. Geese i nearly puked the other day inbetween sets, it was the first time id done them mother****ers in a while!

  20. #140
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    right first time ive had to post all week! Monday i stept on the scales at 174 and was chest day. I did

    Flat barbell presses 12 10 8 6 (the 8 and 6 were on 70k, 10k more then my previous max, and just to think last summer i was benching 110. oh dear!)

    Incline Barbell Presses 60k 3 sets of 12
    Cable X Overs 3 sets of 10 with 35kg on each stack.
    Flat DB Fly's 3 sets of 10 with 12.5k
    Decline DB flys superset with decline DB Presses 2 sets of 16 1st set with 10k second with 12.5k.

    This week was like a reference point so going to upp all weight next week and really push on

  21. #141
    Join Date
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    North West, UK.
    tuesday i did bis, and was ****ing aching wednesday! Couldnt even lift a fork to my mouth to eat!

    BB Curl 3 x 8 40kg
    Alternate DB Curl 12.5kg on each arm, 12 reps on each arm
    Incline Curls 3 x 8 with 12.5kg (seemed light for 7 reps then eighth was like WOOOO)

    ( i treat this as these are the three main mass building exercises so i go really heavy on these and get them done, and then anything i do after this is a bonus)

    i then did

    preacher curl 2 sets of 12 25kg i thik
    narrow grip preacher curl 2 sets of 12 with same weight
    21's one set with same weight.
    cable curls 12 left arm, 12 right arm, 12 left arm, 12 right arm all with 10k no rest

    this was to fatigue the muscle and burn.

    p.s. yesterday (monday) i frontloaded my cycle and did so on thurs too. 7.5ml over 4 injection spots in one go. felt alrite actually!

  22. #142
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    North West, UK.
    wednesday i did back, but had a nightmare start, went to do deadlifts, did my warmup set of 60kg for 15 reps fine, then started with 100kg, did one rep and felt something twang. twat. so jipped the deads for this week, will start on next back day. notice im not sticking to my trianing plan for each bodypart each day either lol, that will start next week too.
    so my back workout apart from the failed deads was

    lat pulldown 3x12 45kg
    t bar row 1 x 10 then decided i didnt like it so i did
    close grip pulley row 3 x 12
    wide grip pulley row 2 x 12, 1 x 8 heavy.

    then to finish i did a superset of overhand bb rows then underhand bb rows twice with 35kg. ive got a thing with bb rows no matter if im at a 90 degree angle, a 45 degree, whether its hitting my sternum, upper, middle, or lower abs, what grip ive got, wide, normal, close etc i just dont feel it working my lats. but il experiment and we shall see :-)

  23. #143
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    North West, UK.
    thursday i had off as i was in pain from all the training. Shot 1.5ml in left delt (250mg/ml test e and half a ml of 100mg/ml test p), 1ml in right delt ( test e) 2ml in right glute (275mg/ml deca) and 3ml in left glute (200mg/ml eq) aswell as taking the daily 50mg dbol before bed. felt alright after it, normal dosages will be easier to handle though, the whole jabbing process for it all took about an hour! lol.

  24. #144
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    North West, UK.
    today i trianed shoulders, strength was up today tbh and i stepped on the scales at 180! Whether thats water rentention or whatever i dont know, but its a start, 6lbs in a week.

    Military Presses with BB. 1 x 15 with just the 20kg bar, 1 x 12 with 40kg, 1 x 10 with 50kg and 1 x 7 with 55kg.
    Lateral Raises 2 x 8 with 10kg 1 x 6 with 12.5kg, then 1 x 8 with 10kg.
    Front DB Raises 3 x 8 with 12.5kg on each arm.
    Upright Row 2 x 10 with 35kg, 1 x 10 with 37.5kg
    Bent Over DB Raises 2 x 12 with 6kg dbs in each hand.

    currently tucking into some steak and rice. Legs tomorrow. Shot .50mg test p in right tri. forgot to say i did abs yesterday too.

    il see when i can next post, dont know when it will be because of lack of internet usage. and il put up pics of what i was like when i started. the next pics il post will be in a few weeks.

    Take it easy. T.

  25. #145
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    North West, UK.
    hi again, stepped on the scales at 184 today, another 4lbs up, not bad thats 10lbs total in two weeks.

    75% moved back into my mums, hence why ive been quiet posting.

    strengths up, erm trained everything this week apart from legs and chest so will get them done before monday, the only problem with chest is that i like a spotter and my bros been working his balls off and hes never free, so been doing other bodyparts before that. Training legs now today and il do chest on monday as hes off work for two weeks. Im loving my food atm too, easily eating 6 medium portioned meals each day and a couple of mass tech shakes too! and its all healthy stuff too. I think 15st by the start of october is well achievable. Right im off to carry on shifitng furtuniture around il post again when i have time take it easy. T.

  26. #146
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    North West, UK.
    stepped on scales yesterday at 189. so now up 15lbs in total trained tris then went back in evening and did bi's

    shot half a ml deca in each bi before training them, they look well big today and arms in general after the tri training feel good too. also shot the normal 1.5ml eq and ml test e in delts aswell as half a ml prop in left tri after shooting half a ml prop in right tri on sunday night.

    Shoulders later on today, and my trianing partners finally got a day off work tomorrow so gunna do heavy chest. training splits not really ideal at the mo, to many muscle groups that are partlyused in the same exercise not getting enough time to recover but hey thats life and work init?!

    il try post daily and more detailed now i finally have the internet at a touch. il also put up pics of what i was start cycle and what i am now, 2 weeks and a few days in.

    post again soon, take it easy. T.

  27. #147
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Ive been readin ur thread havent finished yet....quite LONG... keep it going tho

  28. #148
    Join Date
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    North West, UK.
    cheers bud will report back again on monday

  29. #149
    Join Date
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    North West, UK.
    trained shoulders today

    Military Press 1 x 15 warmup 1 x 12 50kg 1 x 10 60kg 1 x 6 65kg 1 x 8 60kg
    Lat Raises 3 x 10 10kg on each arm
    Front Raises 3 x 10 12.5kg on each arm
    Bent Over Raises just a set of 16 with light weight for pump (should of done more but getting tired by now!)
    Upright Row 3 x 10 40kg (really hard by now)

    feeling hungry and tired throughout workout but really pushed myself with the presses. I trained bis (BB DB Concentration) on sunday aswell as 40 min run and abs (3x20 crunches 3x20 leg raises) so the training side of things is going well just the eating, man im letting myself down so much. Stepped on the scales today at 191 so over the course of this weekend just from working and not being able to eat properly ive lost 7lbs! Im so annoyed with myself. Anyhow work tomorrow so day off but then off all day thurs so will probably do back tris and then il just have chest and legs to do from thursday to sunday. Was going to double up bodyparts today but after shoulders session and how annoyed i got i went home and eat eat eat and then got the after munchie tiredness so went to bed for a Write soon anyway, and im sorry this log isnt as detailed as the tail end of last year and start of this year. g2g in a rush.


  30. #150
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    North West, UK.
    hi guys things going well still eating and training hard, not eating as much as what id like to though, but hey whats new!

    Just having a bit of a moodswing today, ive had it up to here with my life being boring, cant wait to get back to uni, just for something to do, and im fedup of being screwed over by the same girl and not taking the hint for myself. I love her to bits and wanna be with her more then anyting but shes a headworker, even her family and best mates hav ****ed her off this past month shes been that much of a handfull. And even thoughwe dont speak anymore i cant stop thinking about her and its pissing me off.

    I need to get laid.

    And all i ask to land on my lap is a nice girl, not a head****, whos half decent looking ,with a half decent personality, and whos half decent in bed. Not much i ask for really is it but apparently it is. ****in hell.

  31. #151
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    North West, UK.
    hi all just about to train bis, first bodypart for the week. before i train though il shoot half a ml test p (50mg) in each bi and the usual concoction i do every 3.5 days of 1.5ml eq (300mg) 1ml test e (250mg) and 1ml deca (275mg).

    strength and gains coming on well, sitting at 206lbs at the moment, still got 7 weeks left too!

    the only downside is when i work for my 5 hours a day i dont get the chance to even drink a shake let alone eat. but im sure i can manage my way around it.

    also with it being the bank holiday, gym was shut today and on tuesdays n thursdays its only open 4-9. im off wed though so will double up wed as in work at 6 tomorrow so by time i got to gym and out of gym itd be like half 5 and its a 20min drive plus wu need to eat and a shower. Not ideal is it but im sure i can get all my bodyparts trained within a week cant i?

    may do abs tonight with bis, il keep you all posted, hope alls well.

    Big T.

  32. #152
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    North West, UK.
    hi guys, sorry im not posting as often now, work commitments are hard atm.

    heres a link to my pct research question, put your opinion up if you wish:

    will post soon, il try be a bit more detailed this week.

    take it easy all of you,

    yours in training,


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