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Thread: My T3/Albuterol Cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    My T3/Albuterol Cycle

    Hey Guys,

    Well im 5'8, 196 pounds with 26.38% body fat. Well its like this, im a soccer player always have been and still am. A year ago i was slim and had a cut body, but due to some events in my life i fell into a depression and began eating like crazy, which made me what i am today. Well, this year things have been looking up and im starting to feel like my old self again (but i don't look it lol ) now that i feel great again, i want to begin my diet to take me back to my old self once more. I belive with all the help i recieved from this site (diet help, workouts, etc...) i can acheive my goal of losin 30 pounds, yea its a lot but im very dedicated that this can be done.

    I'll be posting pics as i go along every couple of weeks or so, for motivation.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Started Albuterol and T3, Albut. dosed at 8mg, and T3 at 50mcg. i will continue to up the dosage every three days, until i feel comfortable witht he dosage.

    5:00 am
    - Woke up and began my cardio.
    -50 sit-ups
    -50 crunches
    -Jog/run for 30 min

    - Cup of green tea no sugar
    - 5 egg whites
    - Celery,broccoli, and roman lettuce

    10:00 am
    - 1 cup of Raw Oats
    - 1 cup of yogurt
    - tablespoon of cod liver oil (yuck)

    1:00 pm
    - Lean chicken breast (merinated with lime juice)
    - 2 egg whites
    - salad

    - Workout (cardio again with light weights)

    5:00 pm
    - lean chicken
    - salad
    - raw oats

    I'm going to post a pic of myself now so i can compare it witha after picture later. I'm really insecure about my damn body now with all this fat and don't really want to post it, but i belive it will give me inspiration to never let my self get like this again.

  3. #3
    hey kimo, that starting dose of 50mcg t3 seems pretty high to me, what dose were you going to work up to by chance? also do you have some pct meds already? ive heard S.A.N. Blaze and USPlabs Camphibolic are good for after.
    Last edited by solar06; 01-12-2008 at 03:42 AM. Reason: removed san t3 from list of PCT due to its angrogen receptor blocking and progesterone receptor activation

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by solar06 View Post
    hey kimo, that starting dose of 50mcg t3 seems pretty high to me, what dose were you going to work up to by chance? also do you have some pct meds already? ive heard san t3, blaze, and camphibolic are good for after.
    I've used t3 before and I started it at 25 and moved up every 3 days so now I'm at 50mcg, eventually I'll go higher. As for pct I don't think I'll need it, bc I've never had problems with t3

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    bump for an update?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    South Wales
    any chance of progression pics?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

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