Will be taking
25mg of Russian D-bol a day
(5mg Tabs)
30mg of British dragon Winny a day
(10mg tabs)
***Nutrition Notes***
-Eat every 2 hours
-Done eating 2 hours b/f workout
-Eat very little carbs during the week and carb up on Sat or Sun or both days
-Drink only water with meals and in between
- 46g of whey protein (2 scoops)
- 1 serving of fruit
- 1 tbsp fish oil
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- 1 Multi –Vitamin
- 1 ECA
- Eggs, fish, poultry, Cottage Cheese, Casein
- Green Vegetable
- Eggs, fish, poultry, Cottage Cheese, Casein
- Green Vegetable
- Eggs, fish, poultry, Cottage Cheese, Casein
- Green Vegetable
- Eggs, fish, poultry, Cottage Cheese, Casein
- Green Vegetable
- 1 Multi –Vitamin
- 1 ECA
- 10 BCAA’s
5:00pm : WORKOUT
6:30pm PWO-1
- 46g of Whey Protein
- 10 BCAA’s
7:30pm PWO-2
- 46g of Whey Protein
- 1 Cup Cottage Cheese or 1 Scoop Casein Protein
- Green Vegetable
- 1 tbsp fish oil
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- 2 ZMA Caps
9 hours of sleep then do it all over again
Sat/Sun: Carb Up Days
Eat as above, except eat one of the following with every meal: Oatmeal, quinoa, yams, whole wheat pasta, shredded wheat, and brown rice
The workout
Monday: Chest
A: BB Flat Wide Grip Bench Press, 8 x 3
B: BB Incline Wide Grip Bench Press. 5 x 5
C: DB Slight Incline Semi-Supinated Chest Press, 3 x 6.12,25 (Cut weight in half on each drop)
D1: DB D-Cline Semi-Supinated Chest Press, 3 x 15
D2: Cable Crossovers, 3 x 15
Tuesday: Back
A: Weighted Wide Grip Pull-Ups, 8 x 3
B: Weighted Close Grip Chin-Ups, 5 x 5
C: Semi-Supinated Lat Pull-Downs, 3 x 6,12,25
D1: Triangle Cable Rows, 3 x 15
D2: Reverse Flyes, 3 x 15
Wednesday: Shoulders
A: Behind Neck Push-Push Press, 8 x 3
B: Hang Clean and Press, 5 x 5
C: DB Seated Arnold Press, 3 x 6,12,25
D1: DB Seated Semi-Supinated Press, 3 x 15
D2: DB Lateral Raises, 3 x 15
Thursday: Legs
A: BSQ, 8 x 3
B: DL, 5 x 5
C: Leg Press, 3 x 6,12,25
D1: HGR, 3 x 15
D2: Leg Extension, 3 x 15
Friday: Arms
A: BB Flat Close Grip Bench Press, 8 x 3
B: Weighted Dips, 5 x 5
C: BB Standing Bicep Curl, 3 x 6,12,25
D1: EZ Semi-Supinated Scott Curl, 3 x 15
D2: EZ Reverse Scott Curl, 3 x 15