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Thread: Prop, NPP, Dbol

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Northern Iowa

    Prop, NPP, Dbol

    Started 2 weeks ago, 100mg Prop ed, 50mg NPP ed, 50mg Dbol (5 weeks) then after 8 weeks going to 100mg prop (eod), Tren Ace 75mg (eod) and 60mg oral winny for 6 weeks with Clen aslo to clean up for my trip to visit a buddy in California around Spring break.

    started 198lbs (at 202.2lbs) as of 5 min ago.
    3rd cycle, (test e only) and (prop with NPP)

    Feeling better pumps and harder. Eating like a horse about 3500-4200 cals a day, not to strict diet, but plenty of protein, fats, and low glycemic carbs. Every 2-3 hours around 400-500 cals. Bigger breakfast. No dairy sugars except post work out. Strict diet will start 2 weeks before cutting phase.

    Aromasin 25mg ed
    HCG Also run 2000iu's every 3 weeks.
    Nolvadex 10mg ed

    Have letro for problems.

    Will try to update as much as possible, but with 2 kids, a full time job and full time student during nights, don't know how often I will post.

    Workout is the Slingshot Training System, 5 day split.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Northern Iowa
    left nipple was a little sensitive this afternoon but nothing now, might start running letro at .25mg's if it starts again tommorow.

    Really starting to feel the strenght gains coming on. Im on the Slingshot training system, and for my 15 degree Decline Low Set, I added 20lbs and 2 more reps no problem probably could have got away with another one. All other lifts 5 plus lbs on every set and = or higher reps.

    First run with Dbol and I have to say I like it for the strength but I am feeling a little bloated in the face, but my skin seems tighter and drier around my arms? Anyway off to Accounting class and Managerial Finance so I'll try to post again tommorow if anyone is even watching this thread.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Northern Iowa
    Also went to EOD injects and dropped test prop to 175mg eod and npp to 125mg eod.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by dhriscerr View Post
    Also went to EOD injects and dropped test prop to 175mg eod and npp to 125mg eod.

    why aren't you running tren from the start?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    I will be watching this thread as I am very interested in how NPP and tren work running them together.... As that is what your doing unless I misunderstood right?

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Northern Iowa
    I am running NPP during the building, and going to use tren at a slightly lower dose than the NPP and instead of NPP after 8 weeks of building. So week 1-8 Prop NPP (dbol thru 5weeks) then 6 weeks of Prop, Tren and Winny to cut up all my gains. Hope that helps straiten things out. I would never run NPP and Tren together, that would be hell on my system I would think. I don't know how the synergy of those two compounds would be. Tren is pretty harsh thats why I am not using it for all 14 weeks, and I had NPP on hand still so I went with that for building, plus the fat loss capabilities of Tren are supposably really good and with the reduced calorie diet I figure Tren will really help my keep my 8 weeks worth of gains.

  7. #7
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    With this being said, I don't have the Tren yet, so baring it being out of stock or do not receive in time It will only be Prop and Winny to cut.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by dhriscerr View Post
    I am running NPP during the building, and going to use tren at a slightly lower dose than the NPP and instead of NPP after 8 weeks of building. So week 1-8 Prop NPP (dbol thru 5weeks) then 6 weeks of Prop, Tren and Winny to cut up all my gains. Hope that helps straiten things out. I would never run NPP and Tren together, that would be hell on my system I would think. I don't know how the synergy of those two compounds would be. Tren is pretty harsh thats why I am not using it for all 14 weeks, and I had NPP on hand still so I went with that for building, plus the fat loss capabilities of Tren are supposably really good and with the reduced calorie diet I figure Tren will really help my keep my 8 weeks worth of gains.
    that makes sense.

  9. #9
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    I think my next cycle will be npp/tren/prop, so I Definitely will be watching, I'm very curious about NPP!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    I ran it before, And the gains off my second cycle of Test Prop and NPP compared to Test E only, were a lot better, and I ran NPP low, at 350mg ew. With prop at 525mg ew. I like NPP alot Haven't touched Tren, kind of affraid I'll love it to much

  11. #11
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    204.5lbs today, but Im starting to get sick of looking at the scale might take a week or two off of it, and go by the mirror only. Inner chest and delts looking better, but still have the stomach weight. No big deal yet. Increased 20lbs on my Deads today and increased a few pull ups. Doing shoulders tommorow so I'll post new numbers then. Maybe a picture soon, but who knows?

    Nipple itchyness went away so I stayed away from the Letro, Trying not to hinder any gains.

  12. #12
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    Strength gains won't stop, not that I'm complaining! I was doing Weighted dips with 2 plates today sets of 10+ I've never really gone over 1 plate before, and added weight to every lift as well as reps again. Everything feels tight and good, just don't like some of the pudge I'm carrying around, but it will all come off in due time, got to make sure I am getting enough calories to build!

  13. #13
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    Northern Iowa
    Had a sore shot today in right delt, felt awful, home I didn't screw anything up, pain is dying down now and no redness or heat so hopefully no problems there, other than that getting ready to go hit some legs. Then take the weekend off.

  14. #14
    some pics?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    that npp sounds like the shit

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    i love npp dhriscerr! bit less water than deca and great pumps..

    also found my nipples sensitive like you have! npp is what has made me want to do tren in my next cycle... but is something i will always go back 2.

  17. #17
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    No more sensitivity in the nips at all. Strength is through the roof still. Last week of Dbol. I'll get pics soon! I love prop and npp anything short ester. I hate waiting weeks of pinning for results.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Ya dude hook us up with some pics and bodyweight....etc...

  19. #19
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    Im so horrible about this shit man, between school, lifting, work, and my two daughters its a bitch to get shit together. I promise i'll find a few minutes this weekend. I just found out I'm going out to Cali over easter weekend so its 2 weeks sooner than I thought, so winny and cutting starts monday.

  20. #20
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    Really shitty pics I took like 5 minutes ago just to get you guys an idea of where I'm at. No pump at all, just got off the couch watching the Hawkeye's blow a double digit lead to Michigan! And yes I know that last one is pretty much worthless! lol.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    looking good bro, whats your weight?

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulstealer View Post
    Ya dude hook us up with some pics and bodyweight....etc...
    16 3/4" Arms
    BF%----No Idea??? Maybe 17ish?

    I don't really know what your looking for?

    Weights for lifts?
    I never max so I don't know actual max weight, and all the heavy sets are after a warm up set and 1 or 2 medium sets. I don't really care about weight so much as looks, so Im not so dead set on moving my numbers, but they have been increasing nicely lately, we will see how the are after the dbol is done on sunday?

    Decline 285lbs - 8X for my heavy set, Chart wise that puts me around 355?

    Squat 315lbs - 8X for my heavy set, About 390 for the chart

    Military Press dumbells - 90's for 8 on the heavy set

    Weighted dips with 2 plates for sets of 10

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by dhriscerr View Post
    16 3/4" Arms
    BF%----No Idea??? Maybe 17ish?

    I don't really know what your looking for?

    Weights for lifts?
    I never max so I don't know actual max weight, and all the heavy sets are after a warm up set and 1 or 2 medium sets. I don't really care about weight so much as looks, so Im not so dead set on moving my numbers, but they have been increasing nicely lately, we will see how the are after the dbol is done on sunday?

    Decline 285lbs - 8X for my heavy set, Chart wise that puts me around 355?

    Squat 315lbs - 8X for my heavy set, About 390 for the chart

    Military Press dumbells - 90's for 8 on the heavy set

    Weighted dips with 2 plates for sets of 10
    Post some leg pics!!!

    But looks like your holding a ton of water.... I'd put your bodyfat more @ 14-15ish.....

  24. #24
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    My Grandma passed away this morning, so were going to be kind of busy for the next 3 days until the funeral is over because we have a lot of family comming in and I'm sure we will be getting together but after Wednesday I'll get some leg pics.

    Started 60mg Winny ed, and up to 120mcgs Clen, my hope is to get right around 10% in 5 weeks when I go out to visit my friend in Cali. Dbol was done friday so hopefully that will help shed water, and I start 3 days a week cardio in the morning tommorow.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    cycle looks to be coming along nicely, keep us posted very interested in cycle results

  26. #26
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    Water is comming off nicely now, started clen and winny, no cardio starting until monday then probably 3 times a week when I wake up for 45 min and we will see how that first week comes along before I decide wether to step it up more or not. I didn't end up getting tren so it will just be prop and npp with winny and clen.

  27. #27
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    I know I suck balls at reposting! And I'm sorry for those people that were watching this thread. But here is some of my newest pics, some of the quality sucks, Glare and lighting probably! I'm at 120mcgs of Clen with 70 mgs of winny, 525 ew Prop and 350 NPP right now. I'm going to Cali on the 20th so thats when I want to peak, then as soon as I get home I will end my cycle. Strength hasn't diminished much at all. I do Cardio 30min at a quick walk post work out everyother day, but will do it every day the last week.

    My weight is now at 194.4lbs

    Truthfully I am happy with my results because I know how much I cheat on the diet and how late I got started on the cardio, My lifting is dedicated but the other two need work. Really what it does is give me motivation for the next cycle because I know if I give it 110% I will amaze myself!!!

  28. #28
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    looking lean! is the winny bothering your joints?

  29. #29
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    NO I'm drinking a shitload of fluids. But I think the clen is making me wore down, Im so tired right now I don't want to get off the couch, so I am going to back that down.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by dhriscerr View Post
    NO I'm drinking a shitload of fluids. But I think the clen is making me wore down, Im so tired right now I don't want to get off the couch, so I am going to back that down.
    really i get up to 160 and im fine. it wires me up

  31. #31
    Join Date
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    Woah hey nice improvements man..

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by naturalsux View Post
    really i get up to 160 and im fine. it wires me up
    I've run 140 before on my last cycle, but with school until 11 pm then an hour and 30 min drive home and get up at 5 am for work 2 kids one of whom is 4 months old, I'm pretty wore down anyway. I've been off it now for 2 days and already feeling better!

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by dhriscerr View Post
    I've run 140 before on my last cycle, but with school until 11 pm then an hour and 30 min drive home and get up at 5 am for work 2 kids one of whom is 4 months old, I'm pretty wore down anyway. I've been off it now for 2 days and already feeling better!
    yeah kids are a killer.

    keep it up and good luck!

  34. #34
    lookin much better than the first set of pics..keep it up

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