Last edited by Salient; 05-02-2008 at 11:16 AM.
good luck bro, im running a test e only cycle right now and its my first one so far, im on week two barely so i dont have that much of a head start. keep us posted and look into my thread if you have any questions.
I had a good experience with dbol and test. Around the same #'s too (600mgs test, 25mgs dbol). My only regret was i wished i would of upped my dbol to 50 if i had the supply. Good luck bro.
That was pretty much my first cycle and i put on alot of mass from it,good luck.
Thanks guys, I think im getting stronger already from anticipation lol.. cannot wait until sunday to take my first shot and get it on. I just have 1 bottle of dbol so ill be taking 30 mg ed for close to 5 weeks, or I might take 40mg for a week or something.. not sure yet.. probably just do 30 mg for 4 weeks and 5 days.
Quick question.. for milk thistle should i take 250mg a day as the bottle directs or should i take more?
do a 12 week instead, the first few weeks are a wash until your test levels rise.
Thanks, I have Clomid and Letro on hand now, will most likely get some nolva and Ldex and run clomid nolva and ldex for pct.
i'm running same, except with cyp. good luck, let us know
My shit is from *** which is a pretty good ugl from Canada is u know which one I'm talkin about.
Yea dude
...aswome ill tell ya right now your sh*t is legit bro.....have fun woo...and also i would take your milk thistle after the Dbol...i read somewhere that it may interact with the dbol and may not give all potential gains....but not 100 percent runnind same cycle exact with cypatest
Last edited by Young-Guns; 02-03-2008 at 12:36 PM.
how old are you?
i think you can build much more by just dieting, but thats just my opinion, dont do what i did
Yeah young that's it but I don't think you're suppose to post the ugl name which is why I just used the initials, you should edit your post man. and boDAWG what did you do? I saw you had some needle complications that should've be a problem for me I have experience with injecting, is that why you quit your cycle or were there other issues?
Solid Base
keep us posted, im hoping to get some pics up as well. I couldn't wait and started 1/22, runin 500 and 40
[QUOTE=Young-Guns;3803117] i would take your milk thistle after the Dbol...i read somewhere that it may interact with the dbol and may not give all potential gains....but not 100 percent sure
does anyone have thoughts on this, i am taking mine together in the morn and even.
i quit my cycle cuz my gear was a PIECE OF S**T, it got me infected, and put lumps in my glutes and thigh, so im waiting to get gear from a reputable source, also im gonna cut for a few months now before i start another cycle.
but how old are you?
also id hold off on your milk thistle until youre done with dbol, the way i see it is milk thistle will get rid of the toxins in your liver and thats the whole point of dbol is to keep those toxins in your liver so taking them at the same time would be pointless IN MY OPINION. id wait till youre done and then clean your liver with that thistle.
I am 21
cool, well start your cycle man ill be following it closely so i can see if its worth doing it again
i was thinking about doing the same cycle in the future keep us updated
good luck
first shot is tomorrow night , everything is set and ready to go
When i poke my leg it huerts for about a day later for 2 days but its perfectly normal..have fun bro
Just took first shot in the right glute, no problems
Feeling great about this cycle can't wait to work out and take my next shot thursday morning woooo will keep everyone updated and start posting my workouts and what i eat
Ass is a little sore today from the shot sunday night but thats normal, did chest today:
Flat Bench 5 sets of 5 with 190
Incline DB 2 sets of 10 or so, one with 75lb and one with 65lb
Incline Flys 2 sets of 10+, 35lb
Pec Deck 2 sets of 10ish, 135lbs maybe
gym was packed it was terrible, however this is a good frame of reference to compare chest results for the remainder of the cycle, hopefully will climb by at least 5lbs every week on my 5x5
taking tomorrow off than thursday morning take a shot and work shoulders and back
Took 2nd shot today, in right thigh, was alot easier than the glute even though that was quite easy. My needles are 1 inch so I think ill switch to thigh shots for the rest of the cycle unless they get sore.
Working shoulders and back today will post my workout later on![]()
Did shoulders and Back today:
Smith Machine Military Press - 190 or 195lbs i forget[5 sets of 5]
Deadlifts - 235lbs [4 sets of 5]
Side Lat Raises - 30lbs [3 sets of 12 or so]
Seated Rows - 135lbs [3 sets of 12ish]
thats all i could fit in as I had a class to make![]()
feel like crap today but my weight seems to be goin up a bit so I am happy.. will probably still go to the gym today and work some arms and eat as much as possible
Keep up the good work man.
I'm keeping up with ya on this thread, I alway's shot in the glute, why are you switching to your thigh?
Ya I have been shotin glute left right then quad left right.
My pins are 1 inch, I don't have any 1.5 so I don't want to risk it not going deep enough in my glute and not getting the full absorption
First week is coming to a close another shot tonight! Weight is up a little but not too much and a little strong gonna try to get in some chest and legs today but my day is pretty packed so might not be able to.
Looking good.
What are you eating macros?
Pro/Carb/ Fat/ Cal?
the past 2 days im not sure.. terrible lol
getting groceries tonight and make sure i keep them in stock for rest of cycle
im gonna eat around:
300g protien, 80g fat 350+ carbs
my right nipple is kinda puffy i think, might just be in my head :s ..its not sensitive or anything and can't feel anything and im pretty sure im not prone to gyno but i really don't want bitch tits so ill keep a close eye on it and have letro on hand
..going to the gym here soon
Last edited by eff_haters; 02-11-2008 at 07:15 PM.
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