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Being your first cycle, you should not complicate it in any way. All you need is test for your first cycle! You don't need the d-bol bro, save it for a future cycle. You will get phenomenal results from only 250mg test/wk!! Next cycle, up it to 500mg test/wk and you'll still get great results. Since you’re a beginner, you’re receptors are totally fresh so the test will respond very effectively. I'm sure your going to want to do more cycles after this one so save the d-bol for later. You don't want to do is start off high and work from that. In the case of taking steroids, more is not better! Your diet and training should always lead the way and take as little juice as possible. It's extremely pertinent that you don't go overboard with any cycle! Diet, training, stats, goal, & experience with AAS must all come into play when creating a cycle. YOU WILL gain 25 lbs off of 250mg of test per week if your diet and training are on point. No need for hcg, just run some clomid and nolva for pct. Use the hcg down the road for "heavier" cycles. Good Luck!