Well I started my first cycle of Testosterone Enanthate today! I will be doing a 10 week cycle of Test E with Nolvadex for PCT. I'm going to be doing 500mg a week taking 250mg Wednesday and 250mg Sunday. I've been working out on and off for 4 years and my current stats are 5'8 162lbs 11-12% body fat. (Pictures attached below)
The first shot:
Well I was pretty nervous as I'm sure most people are! I picked up
10 3CC Syringes
10 23g 1" Pin Needles
10 25g 1" Pin Needles
Alcohol pads
I washed my hands and the injection site (the top of my ass)really well then proceeded to lay out all the supplies-1 10ml Vial, 1 Syringe, 1 23g needle, 1 25g needle, and a couple alcohol pads. I let the vial run under hot water for a minute while I wiped down the injection site really well with an alcohol pad. With the 23g needle in place I drew in air, injected the air into the vial, drew 1cc of test into the syringe, then withdrew the needle. At this point I switched out the 23g needle for the 25g needle and got any air out of the syringe. I was pretty nervous. My underarms were sweaty, breathes were a little short haha! The shot was so easy it was ridiculous! lol I put the needle in, drew back for blood(nothing), then slowly injected it in. There was no pain on the stick, no burning on the injection and no pain on the way out! I kind of laughed at myself afterward for being so nervous! I'm looking forward to the next shot Sunday just to see if it was really that easy!
It's 4 hours since the shot and I don't feel any kind of tenseness or soreness but we'll see how I feel tomorrow morning. I'm going to go to the gym now so I'll update soon and let you all know if I feel any soreness or anything.
Sorry for all the detail on the shot, I just know it's a big deal for many first timers when it comes to doing that 1st shot yourself. I hope this log will be able to give anybody considering Test only for their first cycle an idea of what to expect.