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Thread: Sus + EQ for 6 weeks then Winnie + Primo for another 6...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2002

    Sus + EQ for 6 weeks then Winnie + Primo for another 6...


    Ran Sus 250 @ 500mg/week for 6 weeks stacked with EQ 200mg/week..
    Ran Winnie 100mg/EOD from week 7 to 10
    Ran Primo 200mg/week from week 7 to 12

    Starting stats,

    5'9", 184 pounds @ %21.5 BF

    End Stats,

    Still 5'9" (Darn), 194 pounds @ %14.0 BF

    Will be starting Clen (Ventipulmin) for 2 weeks then ECA 2 weeks, then Clen again for one last cycle...

    What do you guys think of the results, was my diet off from the end results as per BF levels?

    Any informative critics welcome and appreciated!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    you dont have very high doses, and you dont even have a very good cycle, and yet you still madee good gains. i am sure if you gained 10 pounds and you dropped 7.5% bodyfat you must be very pleased with your results and you must look alot better. so to see results like that from this cycle i would say that your diet and your training habits were in very good shape. that is excellent. good job bro. for your next cycle if you do a really informed and educated cycle and continue with your good diet and training habits you can have really really good gains later on. good job bro!!!!! Slide!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    wow, sorry lattman i just realized how old this post was, this change we went through messed me up. Slide!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2002


    Hi there,

    Thanks for your opinion, well appreciated, yet out of curiosity I wanted to know what you would have changed to my cycle other then prolonging the use of the Sus to 8 weeks (I could only get 6 weeks worth at this point as I only buy from verified sources and in this case my friend who braught this stuff back from Turkey only got me 10 amps).


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    The two greatest peices of advice I ever got regarding steroid use were:
    1. The length of time you are on cycle is often times more important then the dosages,
    2. If you run EQ, you have to use at least 400 mg a week and can run it no fewer then 10 weeks.

    Let me expand on this a little. The way you get your body to grow long term is by changing your "set point," or, your body's idea of what your weight should be. This is best accomplished by longer cycles, where we can get the body adjusted to the new mass so that it has, and it wont try to counterbalance this affect as greatly. The body often achieves this by quickly losing weight just put on. The inverse is also true, for many know that its very easy for one to regress to their mean bodyweight(gain weight back) if they were once heavy and just lost a lot of weight. This is because their body aims to get back to its established set point.

    This is why EQ works well, it creates lots of hunger, and exhibits its effect over a long period of time, allowing you to steadily gain weight and have it stay on you over the course of three months or so. Keeping this in mind, I'd say you want to run your mass builders longer, at least 10 weeks, and run your hardeners(winny+primo) from weeks 8-about 12 or 13. This will allow you to solidify your gains and change your set point. Try it out, your physique will thank me 2 months after your off the juice.


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