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Thread: First Cycle, pls critique

  1. #1

    First Cycle, pls critique

    Hey there guys

    Awesome forum you have here, been reading through all the threads for a long time and finally decided to join seeing that i've decided to start my first cycle

    First of all.....been training for 4 years solid, made pretty good progress, i pick up mass easily but fat around the mid section has always been a naturally strong, much stronger than most rugby players here that are the same weight or heavier..

    I feel that i've made adequate research and will be going into this cycle with confidence
    I will be following a strict diet of around 4700-5000 calories a 4 days a week

    Im currently 220lbs, dunno my BF but i know its not low
    Height is 5'9 , oh yeah and i just recently turned 21...........wanted to start anabolics at age 19 already but carried on training hard naturaly and gained an extra 30lbs....

    I won't be trying to go crazy on increasing weights in the gym, i will rather be doing more reps as i've learnt the hard way that joints don't enjoy rapid increases in weight
    Here are some of my current lifts just to give an idea

    Squat - 135kg (300lbs) x 8reps
    Bench - 140kg (308lbs) x 6 reps
    Deadlift - 180kg (396lb) x 3 reps
    Military press, seated - 90k (198lbs) x 6 reps

    I seriously want to increase my squat and deadlift as they haven't progressed much in the past year and shoulders and chest are naturally my strengths

    My seller has advised the following cycle

    Weeks 1-12 250mg Sustanon250
    Weeks 10-14 50mg a day of Winstrol
    Weeks 14-16 Clomid

    He said it will be fine injecting Sus once a week and the Winny 3x a week.......
    BUT....after much reading on this forum i will be taking ur guys advice instead and injecting the SUS eod and the Winny 5x a week.............despite much arguing about it with my seller :/

    I know i will be seeing results as i will be giving it my all!!

    Please critique me and lemme know whether u think this is a bad idea or not, i can still change my mind, im only gonna live once and dont want to mess with my health

    Thanks a mil in advance

    I have attached some current pics

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    you need a much stronger pct for that cycle.

  3. #3
    what else would you recommend taking with it........Pregnyl

  4. #4
    ok guys, was going to inject my first shot of sustanon today but awaiting some more replies first

    Im using the programme Fitday to monitor my calorie intake........gonna be starting on 4000calories for this week and slowly work my way up cos i remember i had to force feed myself last year when i was trying to bulk up for 3 months

    so will pregnyl and clomid be sufficient as PCT??

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    You should go into the pct forum and do a little research and you'll get a better idea of what you need.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    I forgot to say you have very good size. If you cut your bf down you will look like a beast.

  7. #7
    ok guys, did my first shot today and it was totally painless, didn't expect that at all cos i was really nervous about it........

    slight change of plan with the cycle....spoke to some more powerlifters at the gym and they have all done it........they ran the winny with the sustanon cycle and say then it is only required to shoot the sust once a week so the shot we did today was 250mg......will be getting my next shot next week

    starting on the winny tomorrow and will be running it throughout the cycle

    any dangers in doing it this way???

    i was told that by running the winny with the sust would compensate for any fluctuating blood levels caused by shooting sust once a week

    is this true??

  8. #8
    @Budk024 - thanks man, yeah im definately gonna be dropping the body fat by quite a lot as i have started feeling sluggish as of lately.......

    will be posting updates as frequently as possible

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    looking good, u look like u have room to cut

  10. #10
    @100m champ - thanks man, yeah i most definately have room to cut and am proud to say my diet has been in check now for 11 days str8, no cheating at all so we'll see what the end result is like, i've been counting the calories using Fitday and have only managed to eat just over 4000calories a day which is quite a lot for me....i will be increasing them slowly through the weeks though..

    after my shot of sust this morning im feeling great today, really looking forward to hitting the weights again tomorrow......will post when i break personal bests regarding lifts

    how much bodyfat do you guys think i currently guessing about 18-20%

    hoping to get it down to 12-13 in the next 6 months which should be possible if i carry on eating correctly

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    never never land
    Quote Originally Posted by MetalMilitiaster View Post
    ok guys, did my first shot today and it was totally painless, didn't expect that at all cos i was really nervous about it........

    slight change of plan with the cycle....spoke to some more powerlifters at the gym and they have all done it........they ran the winny with the sustanon cycle and say then it is only required to shoot the sust once a week so the shot we did today was 250mg......will be getting my next shot next week

    starting on the winny tomorrow and will be running it throughout the cycle

    any dangers in doing it this way???

    i was told that by running the winny with the sust would compensate for any fluctuating blood levels caused by shooting sust once a week

    is this true??
    no its not true, and sus should be shot eod to keep the blood levels steady, and keep the sides down. but some beg the differ that it should be shot 2x a week. i will be running eod this april! the dosage your running is to low for the sus, bump it up to 500mgs a wk. youll be wasting your time,money and body... you wont feel shyt at that dosage and if your injecting 1x a wk at that dose it wont kick in untill like week 10 lol, but you have a good solid build very simular to mines. get a better pct. and dont start it untill about 18 days after your last injection. i got my pct from one of there forums on here it looks like this
    clomid: 300mgsday1, 100mgs 10days, 50 mgs 10days.


  12. #12
    thing is here in SA there is no Nolvadex or Pregnyl at the moment, will only be getting a shipment sometime in 2009 so all that is available to us at the moment is Clomid

    are there no other readily available PCT's that could be taken instead otherwise i might have to get someone to ship me some Nolva and Pregnyl to South Africa


    Did my first shot of Winstrol today, 1ml into my arm......was painless but now 3 hours later i am starting to feel it.......feels like someone punched me there pretty hard......ass is also sore from yesterdays sust shot but no worries, nothing serious, i was told that my body will get used to it the more i inject

    Had a great workout today and im pretty sure there's a placebo effect going on cos i already had more strength and energy but that might be from the high calorie diet im on at the moment too...

    wieght is still at 220lbs but im feeling really energetic and positive...

    only complaint though is how much i was sweating last night which is apparently because the testosterone raises ur body temp

    more updates to come

  13. #13
    Ok last night i couldn't really sleep much cos of the winstrol shot which was really hurting but today my arm is 100's again, is it suppose to hurt so much cos i wont be looking forward to such frequent shots in that case.....oh well nothing i cant handle

    I did my leg workout today, didn't feel very energetic due to lack of sleep but i pushed through it nonetheless....

    started with squats....

    Warmup 66lbs x 15
    132lbs x 12
    200lbs x 12
    265lbs x 10
    300lbs x 6

    Then 5 sets of hamstring curls and 5 sets of leg extensions
    Finished off the workout with 5 sets of seated calf raises

    Been sticking to my diet aswell

    Currently sitting at 221 lbs body weight

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    UK West yorkshire
    Bro u'll look awsome!winy and sust is new to me i didnt know you could run them together cant wait to find the end result in ur programme...i might do something similar.

    Keep us posted bruv!

  15. #15
    @ wanabeMASSIVE! - will definately keep u guys posted.........good to see people are following my log as im really strict on myself regarding diet and training so far so should see plenty of results

    Just remember guys its not a "diet"....its a lifestyle change, im gonna be trying to stay healthy forever so its not like im just being disclipined while being on the cycle....

    It's true what they say..........building ur body is not a sprint....its a marathon

    Did another shot of Winstrol in my arm tonight.............the injections are definately getting much better.......the first 2 winstrol shots were daaamn sore........

    Really looking forward to working out tomorrow.......ate plenty, slept a lot and feels like i recovered properly this weekend.....didn't even join the mates for a few drinks.........

    The battery for the scale is flat so im charging it at the moment......will give an update on my weight tomorrow....can definately feel im heavier already but as most say its probably water weight

    Haven't had any sidies from the sustanon as yet and feeling absolutely a much better mood than usual.....getting my 2nd shot of 250mg Sustanon tomorrow.......

  16. #16
    Got my 2nd shot of sustanon today, another painless injection in the glutes.......

    Been feeling great since i started the cycle, in a super happy mood most of the time.......and im usually very prone to getting irritated quickly or angry, especially on the roads but i been telling myself not to recently thinking that the anabolics are gonna make it worse

    started a higher rep workout this week.......40 sets per workout.....crazy stuff and i was told to do the workout in less than an hour seeing that im so fat.........luckily my trainer gives an honest opinion, he told me str8 up that im a fat ass and that my calves need lots of work so i'll be doing 8 sets twice a week for calves with each set going to failure and really heavy, apparently this will help the stubborn guys grow........

    Really struggling getting my 4000 calories in at the moment but im sure i;ll get use to it, gonna have to bump the calories up even more in about a week or so....

    good weight has gone up week into the cycle and weight is sitting at 224lbs.........probably water weight but still fun seeing my weight going up

  17. #17
    Crazy chest and ab workout today.........

    Triset of ab exercises and 8 exercises for chest making part of 4 not use to this many sets but i must definately say it felt really a great pump out of it.......

    I will be doing this high rep program for one week and then strength exercise for the next week and so on just so i dont try max out on my lifts each week and for a bit more variety

    I havent skipped an Winny injections yet............did another one today, the pain is getting better with each one

    I haven't felt any strength increase in the gym as of yet but my muscles do feel alot harder already and libido is through the roof especially this past weekend

    Training hard and really looking forward to week 4-5 when the Sust starts kicking in

    Will update my weight in a week or so again

  18. #18
    Im very curious to see how that cycle works for you. I'm ready to get my 3rd going and Im undecided as of now. Keep us posted

  19. #19
    Yeah man well i can tell you that today i starting feeling it.......did bi's and tri's and daaaaamn.....what a pump....arms already feel bigger and way more veins, is this from the Winstrol perhaps

    I've already been told that i look bigger and its not even the end of the 2nd week yet

    All in all im feeling super great and in an awesome mood all the time

    Still eating up and haven't cheated even once and it will stay that way

    If i had to post pics now im sure there will already be a noticable difference but i'll wait till about half way through my cycle before i post again

    Weight has been fluctuating so i wont post that as yet.....will weigh again next monday

    This weeks Sust injection is hurting like hell......feels like a large area on my ass that is swolen, is this normal???

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    dont run ur winny all the way through ull lipid profile will be shot. run it 6wks tops. also just so u get a lil more test in u and making the cycle better shoot the sus e4d or e5d

  21. #21
    no i wont be running the winstrol for more than 6 weeks......

    will only be using up my 20ml bottle and been shooting EOD so should be done with it in just over 4 weeks

  22. #22
    post some new pictures bro! wanna see the improvement.

  23. #23
    Will post pics again mid way through the cycle

    I've been feeling a bit bloated lately???

    Is this cos of the sustanon, my mid section is getting harder and losing a bit of fat there but my love handles have gotten worse........

    Other than that all is going good and im still in a fantastic mood.....

    Did squats today with ridiculous eaze........this course is going even better than i had anticipated

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    did you have any pain running winny?

  25. #25
    what type of pain?

    The only pain i've had thus far is from the injection sites but if i inject myself 30mins before a workout it tends to hurt much less the day afterwards

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Good to here is going good. Been following you thread, we have a similar build. I have the same problem with the love handles. The top of my stomach loses fat first leaving the lower portion( especially love handles) looking bigger. Sounds like you doin good bro. Keep us updated with pics when u get a change

  27. #27
    Had an awesome workout yesterday and today........haven't skipped any workouts in the past 3 months yet and been sticking to my diet since i started except for this easter weekend where i pigged out a bit on some good chow.......was all worthit!!!

    Getting some good pumps and there is a noticable strength increase now........can't wait till week 4

    My trainer couldn't inject me with the sustanon today so i shot it into my deltoid aswell......hurt quite a bit and had to take my time to inject all of the sustanon....takes much longer than the winny

    @bigboomer - yeah im gonna have to start some cardio next week to start getting rid of them love handles cos i hate em......the girlfriend says they dont look too bad but i'll do anything to make em disappear........

  28. #28
    Weight update!!

    currently at 227lbs

    so almost 3 weeks in and i've gained 7lbs of quaility i would say..........havent gained much water weight if any

  29. #29
    Join Date
    May 2002
    im source cheks
    very good natural base bro..ide say one of the biggest naturals ive seen hoppin on gear on this site. good luck with the rest of your cycle...train hard and eat smart and you are going to be a ****in monster, i assure you.
    good luck

  30. #30
    @thetank - thanks man yeah im just keep on keepin is going good so far and slowly gaining weight...not gonna eat too much junk food just to get the weight up quickly.........if i gain 2lb a week i;ll be happy cos then i'll have reached my goal weight

    just one question though........i;ve been injecting into the delts alternating each arm but the skin and tissue has become tough and its getting harder to get the needles in cos its hurting......should i find new injection sites? what about the chest, is this a safe area???


    Had a great workout today and even after 3 weeks im still in a fantastic mood.......before the anabolics i use to be very irritable and get into a helluva lot of fights but since i stopped drinking now and started my cycle everthing has been going great......libido is much higher than usual too.......can easily make it through 2 sessions in an evening..lots of stamina and the Mrs is definately not complaining....,

    Only downside is my testicles have started shrinking this week and they're quite tiny at times........luckily i've read that after the cycle they should return to normal
    No signs of gyno at all as of yet

    Another thing i've started noticing is when i do really heavy squats or leg press small red dots start appearing on my leg and some bleed....what the heck is this, should i be concerned??

  31. #31
    currently sitting at 230lbs

    no bloat or any side effects at all and im into the 4th week of my cycle

    Muscle pumps now are becoming extremely sore but i just try to train through that barrier......muscles feel like they want to explode by the time i get outta the gym

    Still spot on with my diet and haven't cheated even once yet.......have my cheat day on sundays but dont go too overboard......

    So if all goes to plan i should pick up another 15 or so lbs

    Strength has also been on the increase, haven't tried maxing out on too many exercises cos im afraid of tendons.........just been concerntrating on pumping and really feeling the muscle during a workout.......really enjoying it thus far

    I'm almost certain i'll be doing another SuS cycle sometime later during the year, seeing some solid gains

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    My Guy's poophole
    Great. Keep up the great work


  33. #33
    @ChuckLee - thanks man, much appreciated

    Had a hectic chest and ab workout today, i can't even drive home properly after such a crazy pump.....its 3 hours later now and im still hurting.....a good kind of "hurt" ofcourse

    Measure the biceps today and they're over 18" inch now woohooooo

    Another thing i have noticed is im getting veins all over body.......well they sticking out much more than usual..........even noticed some on my triceps and shoulders.........its awesome and im loving it

    Im almost done with the winstrol.........should i get some more for the last 4 weeks of my cycle so that i can end it 3 weeks after im done with my last sus injection and then do PCT straight after that cos i've read that PCT should be started 18 days after the last sus injection

    And talking about injections, i've had to start injection into the leg cos my delts have become too tough to push the needle through so i hope there isn't scar tissue.....winny injections into the leg are damn painful.....the sus less so......only hurts when im injecting it but the next day i feel perfectly fine

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    UK West yorkshire
    shit man, 10lbs of xtra muscle already... still waitin for the pics bro... whats the estimate of your bod fat coz i cant tell, and do u look more cut now with the run of winny? i want veins too lol! keep us posted an congrats on ur progression im still followin up an lookin forward to final result!


  35. #35
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    It's good to see a bro running 250mg/wk for a cycle instead of 500 and it looks like you are responding well to it. My first will prob be 250 also as I feel that is plenty for a first Test cycle.

    Yes you must rotate inject sites. Legs, Glutes, Delts. That'll give ya six spots. You don't want too much scar tissue building up. It can cause lumps that will be noticable and won't go away.

    Link this site if you have'nt already: (Take the spaces out!) : s p o t i n j e c t i o n s . com

    Great progress so far. Keep the info comming bro and it's great to read these cycle logs, helps everyone out.
    Last edited by ecto9; 04-03-2008 at 09:14 AM.

  36. #36
    Thanks for following my log guys!!

    @wanabeMASSIVE! - i'll attach some clothed pics for now, don;t wanna give too much info just yet, will post before and after photos at the end of the cycle........yeah the veins are awesome now and the pumps are starting to become unbearable........the winny has helped yes but i think its more in the diet that will determine whether you lose fat or not

    @ecto9 - thanks for the info....yeah thats the same site i went to to see how leg shots are done and i've been doing them since last week.....been going fine thus far and the 250mg a week is definately working, nothing miraculous but aslong as im making quality gains im happy.........quality > quantity

    here's some preview pics for now, is there any noticable difference yet.....i know its clothed pics but dont wanna give away too much for now

  37. #37
    aWSOME Bro! keep us posted!!

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    UK West yorkshire
    ur waist looks slimmer! toplad keep it up b

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Hey we got something incommon we could both rent our backs as billboard space! Looks good keep up the hard work.

  40. #40
    Thanks for the comments guys!!

    @xavier_888888 - thanks man

    @wanabeMASSIVE! - people have been saying it looks smaller but the tape says otherwise, i didn't gain much around the waist yet though but i do constantly feel bloated from having to eat so much

    @dupa95 - HAHA true that! .....if only i could get my waist smaller then it would look way more impressive..but will be doing a 12 week cutting cycle, just not sure if i want to use anabolics for it just yet though....would really like to have a BF under 15%


    Been training and eating really hard and seems like its slowly paying off...

    Did my last shot of Winstrol today cos the bottle is now finished, gonna take a few weeks of a break from it cos im really sick of all the injections every week.......might be using some more Winny on the last 4 weeks of my cycle though

    Overall, i'm feeling really hard and veins are popping out all over the show.....
    As for the muscle pumps during workouts, all i can say is WOW and OOUCH cos it really hurts like crazy!! Atleast that should mean something is working and/or growing???

    Weighed in this morning at 233lbs......brilliant so thats 13lbs up so far and im in the start of week 5......maybe that 25lbs wont be out of reach afterall......

    Haven't tried to beat my previous personal bests as yet but i can proudly say i would easily if i attempted it.......which i will be doing next week...
    Been doing more reps and sets instead of trying to lift heavy cos i've had bad joint pains before i started the cycle and didn't want it to worsen cos of the winny.....

    I did do inclined dumbell press with 120lbs in each hand for 10 reps which i dont see many people doing at our gym......will be attempting the 60kg ones tomorrow though (132lbs)

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