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Thread: Cycle Preview & Questions - Test E & Dbol, PCT

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Cycle Preview & Questions - Test E & Dbol, PCT

    Hello everyone,

    I have been reading on this site for a couple of years and have obtained much knowledge in my health,body and fitness goals. I have used information from here to plan and carry out my last cycle (2years ago), and now my next. I am about to start a cycle and wanted to get a review/suggestions before I start.

    27 y/o male
    174 lbs ~ 18% BF
    2 Cycles under my belt

    Clean diet, active lifestyle, consistent training. I have a thick(looking) body because of my height and I'm more torso than legs.

    I am planning:
    Weeks 1-4: 25mg Methandienone /Day
    Weeks 1-10: 250mg Test E x2/week
    Weeks 1-14: .25mg Arimidex /Day

    The cycle of test/dbol seems pretty straight forward and common, but I just wanted to double check the use of Arimidex durring and post cycle. If I am correct, I believe that Arimidex should take the place of Tamoxifen for PCT. I do have HCG on hand but was saving for a later and stronger cycle.

    I've also thought about adding deca to the mix, but only have 10ml@250mg/ml on hand right now.

    I'm following the teachings of coach Dos Remedios' Full Body Power Training. I've been training the past 3-4 months with a push/pull upper body workout and legs on alternating days at 5 days a week. I've seen much increase in my strength, stability and stamina switching to this routine. I do a decent amount of cardio, mostly biking now that the weather is awesome in FL.


    Bannana or apple
    ON Protein Shake w/flax seed OTD

    ON Shake
    String Cheese

    Chicken Breast
    Rice or pasta
    Garden Salad

    ON Shake
    2 Redline Capsules



    Rice Bowl w/chicken and black beans, fresh lettuce, tomatoes, salsa, mustard curry sauce (sourcream mixed)
    Chocolate pudding

    Cottage cheese w/preserves and apple slices
    or ON Shake

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    So after 2 months of priming my body, I am psyched to start my cycle tomorrow April 1st. My biggest worry is staying away from the drinks as I am heavily involved in the music and nightclub industry. I gave myself a break the past few days at an annual music conference I attend in hopes of "getting it out of my system". I keep it pretty clean though with just plain ol' vodka and water, and the occasional splash of red bull.

    Anyways, tomorrow I start with my first shot of Test E250@ every 3rd day for 10weeks, along with ~25mg dbol ED(weeks 1-4) and .50mg Arimidex EOD. I have my nolva on hand just in case and will run nova/clomid on the 12th week. I may run winny and clen on weeks 8-14 but might decide to do this as another cycle altogether...depends on what my results are with the test/dbol combo first.

    Wish me luck.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    South Wales
    good luck.Post pics.I'll be following this diary.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

  5. #5
    howcome between 3 and 7 you are basically not eating? that is a lot of time to endure without any food at all. it looks like you are training in that time but 4 hours is too long without at least a good source of protein. Good luck with the cycle though

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by rmcfar View Post
    howcome between 3 and 7 you are basically not eating? that is a lot of time to endure without any food at all. it looks like you are training in that time but 4 hours is too long without at least a good source of protein. Good luck with the cycle though

    I try to load up with a protein shake and some fruit when I'm leaving work, but then I have between a 60-90 minute commute. I have to drink some noExplode and head to the gym as soon as I hit the door or else I will never make it to work out...sitting in bumper to bumper traffic after a long work day is the worst for my personal motivation. I'm a little confused about my immediate PWO meal because I know that I need to eat a proper meal of protein and carbs, but I know that time is also most effective for me to load my creatine(cellmass). I most always start cooking as soon as I drink the Cellmass and have a complete meal within 30-40 minutes after my workout. Seems to be different opinions on this, so I will experiment and see what my body responds to the best.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    First shot on Tuesday 4/1, and not a smooth as I had anticipated. This wasn't my first time injecting myself, but I've come out with a very sore and hard injection site on my right buttock. I used a 25g with a 1.5" pin. I'm not sweating it too much as the pain is subsiding, although the hard spot has spread. Hopefully I'll have better luck with my next shot today. The dbol seems to have helped my workout quite a bit, even if it was just a placebo. I'm definitely going higher in my weight and repetitions and has had me question when to actually stop my sets.

    As of 4/1: 171 lbs. I definitely lost water weight over the past week as I was on a mini-vacation and not maintaining creatine loading (before starting this cycle). Overall, I am still carrying much water weight as I have been using cellmass for the past 1.5 months. Diet has been great as I have really dumbed it down by keeping it simple and the same. I'm planning on increasing my protein intake even further starting next week by alternating with canned chicken or beef jerky(natural stuff) on my snacks in between meals at work.

    Overall, not too much to log at the moment except I'm really hot and sweaty more than normal, and I was late meeting my coworkers to lunch today cause I was hiding in my office due to sporting major wood under my desk.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    My second shot on Friday and the same results as the first...I have an uncomfortable, sore welt on my left buttock now. The right side is finally subsiding now, until i have to inject it tomorrow. Fridays workout was extremely intense and I really need to start adding to my weights as I am reaching the end of my sets without much exhaustion. I felt the best I ever have as of Friday night. Unfortunately, I've awakened Saturday morning as if I had gotten wasted on Friday night...congestion, fever, aches and pains, cold symptoms. I took some otc meds and have felt pretty much like sh*t all weekend. I mustered all of my strength and got into the gym tonight to do legs, and kept motivated throughout from my dbol and no-explode. Right now (sunday night) I am very feverish and drained...I still believe I got a great workout though.

    As of 4/06/08
    178lbs I am puzzled, this is a big increase. I know I have added back on my water weight from re-starting creatine and I have been training and eating like a horse this past week, but I don't believe for a moment I am seeing the full results of the testE. I've been feeding this cold with more cheat meals than usual this weekend, but maybe I'm (litteraly) full of shit. who knows. I'll weigh in tomorrow, and hopefully I'll feel better

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    I think your diet needs a bit of work. But good luck

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