Hi All,
I figure this will still be here in 30 years so I thought it would be nice to look back when I’m old and grey and remember how it used to be. Also it should be good for keeping up the motivation and staying off the beer.
I already keep a log of every set and every rep and weight but this will give me something else to add to my daily routine which can get quite boring, especially without beer.
So, where do I start, well I finished my 1st cycle of d-bol only about 2 months ago and I gained 5kgs or 11pounds and kept it all. I’m currently off cycle but hopefully the wife will get pregnant soon so I can start my 2nd cycle. I can’t wait. I’ve posted my 1st cycle in the ‘cycle results forum’.
38 y/o
5ft 6”
69.3kgs (152lbs)
Bi’s 15.5” (flexed)
Forearms 12.75” (flexed)
(my left is a little smaller)
Waist 30”
Chest 39 (deflated) 43 (expanded & lats spread).
Neck 16”
Can’t do legs because my knees are bad with arthritis (too much running and cycling way back) so I can only really do deadlifts for the legs but I’m hoping to get some more equipment so I can maybe work calfs and try to add some partial extensions. I train at home because the nearest gym is 200klm round trip away. I also have an issue with the weights I have. I can bench 3x10 of 70kgs and I don’t have any more plates so I’m looking for more but its not easy to find large plates here in Thailand (appreciate advice if anyone can help). Also my dumbbells are only 20kgs and the BB plates don’t fit the DB. I hope to build a new gym at home next year and I’ll deck it out with proper chin and dip bars etc. For now I can’t do dips and use a beam under the inlaws wooden Thai home (kinda hurts the hand sometimes on weighted chins.
So because of my knees I can’t just step out the front door and go for a run and I don’t have a rowing machine (would love one though) so swimming is my other only option. It’s a 60klm round trip to pool but it’s a good outdoor one with 25m lengths. I did my first cardio in years yesterday so it’s pretty pathetic but I’m happy I started.
Here’s the first log of my cardio:
4 Lengths
37 strokes per length
45 seconds per length
I’m going to try to add 2 lengths each time and maybe do 2 sessions. I’ve also ordered a heart rate monitor so I’ll be recording the stats for that. At the peak of my cycling (road and xcountry) My resting heartrate was 46 bpm and I think it would be 70 now so I have a long way to go.
I went for a massage yesterday but they took my blood pressure and it was 160/100 so they could not give me a massage. I came home and looked up what that was all about. I’d had a bad nights sleep, 3 coffees and a 20 min abs workout prior so that probably did not help but it still scared me so I’ve ordered a blood pressure monitor so I’ll be recording those stats too.
I have never ever been able to gain fat. One year ago I was 57kgs before I got back into lifting. Now I’m noticing the start of love handles. I think that’s got something to do with turning 40 next year and maybe the increased appetite from the cycle has changed my metabolism or maybe I’m just eating too much. Anyway I’ll be keeping that in check and I’ve ordered some BF calipers. Should be interesting and the cardio should help big time.
I mix it up a lot depending on how I feel and what’s in the fridge but it basically consists of the following.
ON Whey protein shakes about 3 per day. (26g protein) with full cream milk.
2-4 whole eggs soy sauce and pepper.
Toasted cheese & ham sandwich (every 2nd day)
1 pancake with a little jam.
Approx 1 x bbq chicken every day. There’s a guy at the side of the road who roasts then on a spit and sells them for $3 each.
1 tin Tuna every day
White rice, 2/3 small servings a day
1 portion spaghetti Bol (with minced chicken) every day.
I’ve not been very good with the fruit and veg but I’m getting better now. We have a vegetable plot and we get heaps of tomatoes, green beans, rocket lettuce and other things from time to time. I’ve started cooking up heaps of greens like broccoli and snow peas and green runners and putting them in the fridge so I can just grab a handful with every meal.
About 3 bananas a day
One or 2 other fruits on Mon and Tue (Monday is market day at the local temple).
I sometimes snack on mangoes.
Never eat sweets or chocolate or anything like that. Just don’t have the desire.
3 to four litres of water and one or 2 sports rehydating drinks.
One day I’ll work out how many carbs pros fat and cals I eat a day but for now I just try to eat as often as possible and go with the feel.
So my workouts look like this:
Workout 1 – Shoulders chest & triceps.
DB press 3x10/12
DB side raises 2 x 8
DB front raises 2 x 8
Bench 3 x 10
Incl bench 2 x 10
Incl flies 1 x 10
1 arm pushups on bench 3x10
Overhead DB pull 2x10
Tricep kickbacks 1x10
Workout 2 – Back & Biceps (+hams)
Weighted chins 3 x 10 or failure (My favorite exercise)
Bent over BB rows, 3 x 10 (I love this for thickness)
BB Curls 3 x 10
Incline DB curls 2 x 10(awesome stretch and pump. First time I tried these I said YES – THESE ARE NOW MINE).
Sometimes a set of preacher curls.
Upright BB shrugs 3 x 12 (with the 70kgs I have. I’d love to do more).
DB Wrist Curls 2 x 10
BB deadliftts 3 x 10
Workout 3 – Abs
Crunches 3 x 20
Lying leg raises (weighted) 2x10
DB side pulls 2 x 10
Broomstick twists 2 x 50.
Abs day is like a day off for me so by the next day I’ve already had 3 days to recover from workout 1 so I can just keep repeating the process every day but I do take days off if I feel the need. One or two a week.
My goals are:
Keep blood pressure down.
Get fit and reduce resting heartrate.
Swim 50 lengths non stop for 30 to 40 min.
Build more muscle Hopefully up to 78kg after next cycle.
Get BF down to 7%
Stay off the beer.
Please feel free to critique my workouts and my diet. They all work for me but if anyone has advice to help tweak it up then I’d love to hear from you.
I’ve posted before and after pics in the members photos section but so you don’t have to go looking here’s a couple. The first one is a no pose shot and the 2nd is probably my best body part. The third was after a nice workout 1 pump.
Thanks for reading folks.