03-25-2008, 07:20 PM #1
First cycle for a cop...W/a question.
Well here are my stats:
Been lifting weights on and off since I was 16yrs old =10 yrs. was working out hard from 10/05 - 7/07 after that I was going through a divorce and was not focused.
26yrs old
Yeah don't laugh...ha ha
I am very lean and muscular at this weight but need to put on some mass.
I got a script for HRT gear and have a very good diet (eating healthy food more than six times a day) /
lifting schedule worked out:
Thursday: Chest
Friday: Back
Saturday: Arms/forearms (supersets)
Sunday: Shoulders/abs
Monday: Legs/calves
Tuesday: Off
Wednesday: Off
Sometimes I work chest/biceps/forearms on Thurs. and then Back/Tris on Friday with Sat off, it just depends on how I feel.
my HRT gear:
400mg Test Cypianate
300mg Nandralone Decanoate
1mg Anastrozole (Arimidex ) three times a week.
I did the first injection on 03/19 and the second will be tomarrow.
I have a question. After reading up on here it seems like it might be a good idea not to take the Arimidex until I start seeing some side effects as I do not mind putting on some water weight to help me bulk up. or if I start using it 3mg a week seems kinda high. what do you guys think?
Thanks in advance
03-25-2008, 07:49 PM #2
Personally that does seem kind of high. Also I am amazed on what your doctor prescribed he must be into lifting or something. Also read your post in the welcome thread and thought the last story was really interesting. What are your plans for PCT and what does your diet look like.
03-25-2008, 07:57 PM #3
why do you keep mentioning your a cop in every title
03-25-2008, 08:16 PM #4
Well I think he knew that I needed to put on some mass and thus the healthy dosage.
as far as PCT I am still gathering information and will be consulting with him as I get farther into the cycle. I have a 12wk supply and then may do another cycle or PCT depending on my gains this time around.
So far since 03/19/08 a sample of my daily diet would be:
Oatmeal and muscle milk collegiate shake 40grams protien and 580 cal not including the whole milk.
Apple granola trail mix etc.
either two PGJ's or other sandwiches. and a V8 juice
another sandwich or something similar/pasta/chicken/
Post workout
Muscle milk shake
after I get home, 1 can of tuna (in water) with BBQ sauce.
Approx. 8pm
Dinner= 5 chicken drumsticks/16 chicken nuggets/a steak, etc. with raw vegatable like a whole tree of Broccoli and with ranch dressing.
MuscleMilk Collegiate shake with whole milk and three scoops of vanilla ice cream.
and if I wake up at 3am like I did last night after leg day I drink another shake.
That pretty much sums up what I am eating. And with a bodyweight such as mine it is not that easy but I am forcing myself to do it.
I sometimes work some weird hours and get a lot of overtime, so I have to adjust and make things work.
Any other suggestions are totally appreciated.
03-25-2008, 08:17 PM #5
03-25-2008, 09:22 PM #6
the arimidex is way too high leabe it out all together unless needed as it will hinder gains. if needed run .25ED until problems desist.
03-25-2008, 09:55 PM #7
Thanks Beast, thats what I was gathering.
Also I dont have any sides yet... so how much should I use if I do gets signs of gyno etc?
03-25-2008, 09:56 PM #8
.25ed you will not see signs of gyno if your using .25ed and if you do then you will never have luck with gear and i am sorry for you
03-25-2008, 10:17 PM #9Junior Member
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03-26-2008, 02:02 AM #10
utter rubbish. dont use arimidex or any AIs unless you get syptoms. Some people need only a little aromatizable compound to see signs of estro related sides where as others never get any even at high doses. Whichever you are you will be able to run a cycle with or without AIs. Just see how you go.
03-26-2008, 02:31 AM #11
Your Diet looks pretty good I would say for the amount of weight that you are capable of putting on to your frame you might want to add in some more carbs and if I was you I would replace one of the muscle milk shakes with a weight gainer shakes, they help add alot more calories to your daily intake.
03-26-2008, 02:33 AM #12
Sorry I forgot to say if you do decide to add more carbs its best to do it earlier in the day and definately load up on carbs for your pre-workout meal. I have found that doing this gives me a lot more energy at the gym.
03-26-2008, 02:34 AM #13
Dude at 120lbs you're taking too much gear.
Try 500mg of Test/week and run that for 10-12 weeks.
There is NO reason to stack with your stats and 1st time cycle bro.
03-26-2008, 02:42 AM #14
^^^I agree if you are able to save the deca for a future cycle I would do that because it is a good idea to introduce one compound at a time so that you can see how your body reacts. Also at 120 you should see some huge gains in size and muscle strength.
03-26-2008, 11:37 AM #15
Thanks for all the info, I just weighed myself this morning and am up 6.1lbs in 7 days. My arms are bigger and my bullet proof vest is fitting more snugly than before so I'm pretty excited. I think this is going to be a beneficial cycle.
I would just go with the Test but I'm under the care of a doctor and I dont think he'll be too happy if I adjust my dosages and expirement on my own. We did talk about what I would do after this cycle and depending on my results I'll either go off of it and do PCT or do another cycle and maybe add a oral like Winstrol or Anavar . The reason that they didn't give me any oral this time was that my liver enzymes were:
ALT 236
ACT 679
So four days later I went for full blood work Hep-C test etc. I was kinda freaked out about having maybe having Hep-C because a guy that I was arresting on new years eve spit blood in my face and he had hep-C. Well it all came back negative Thank God! and it turned out that the levels after the next test were
ALT 129
ACT 133
The Dr. told me it seemd like there must have been a some kind of "toxic shock" to my system. After going over everything the Dr. surmised it was from the Nitric Oxide in the No Explode I had been taking. SO BEWARE of No Explode and other Nitric Oxide Supplements. Just wanted to share as and FYI.
Sounds good BudK the muscle milk collegiate is a weight gainer. It has 580 cal without the ice cream/milk I add to it. I'll try adding more carbs pre lift meal, thanks.Last edited by DeputyLoneWolf; 03-26-2008 at 12:53 PM. Reason: forgot to mention a few things.
03-26-2008, 12:25 PM #16
03-26-2008, 07:53 PM #17
Well definately keep us posted on have everything is goin and possibly some before and after pics when your done becuase we all like to follow someones progress. Good luck man
03-26-2008, 11:04 PM #18
03-29-2008, 11:10 AM #20
04-04-2008, 01:33 PM #21
Cycle update:
Well the cycle is going great as of 04/02/08 (week three) I've put on 12lbs so far and dont look any softer. I look thicker but being so thin to start it will take a bit to look big. My arms have also increased by over two inches. my legs are alos responding well and for my calves that is a very good thing (as they are toothpicks lol). The last time I trained calves the pump was so intense it felt like my skin was going to tear.
I'm following Beasts advise and not using the arimidex as I have not gotten any sides yet, but have .25mg pills ready if I do. my strengh had not been going up like I expected it to until yesterday, then my bench went up about 15lbs from week 1. It kinda felt unreal. 3rd shot was also painless (as they all have been so far) and Im going to hit back today. I'm also keeping up with close to the diet posted above and it seems to be what I need.
Thanks for reading,
04-04-2008, 08:27 PM #22
will be reading....
04-05-2008, 02:20 PM #23
Are you including any cardio in your workout?
Glad to hear you are making progress. You have a little ways to go before you hit the 200 pound mark. LOL. But keep eating
04-28-2008, 07:13 PM #24
whats the word on the cycle?
05-03-2008, 04:11 AM #25
(1*) Here's a newer link when I was up 17lbs. bofore and after 1/2 way through cycle, up 17lbs
Now up 23lbs. I'll post some new stats as soon as I have time.
Thanks for asking.
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