Hey I wasnet gonna do a diary but I figured what the hell. Iv been on my cycle for a little over 2 weeks now. These are my stats when I started 2 weeks ago. Age 21 5 10 181 pounds, bench press 290, squat 405 dead lift 375. This is my first cycle here is what im currently running.
Dbol blue hearts at 40mg per day
1-10 Testabol depot 400mg per week, split up on 200mg tuesday and saturday
got Nolva and clomid for PCT
Im taking in between 4000-4500 cals per day
I eat every 2-3 hrs
Protein is at around 350 grams per day
My workout routine is as follows. I switch between Dumbells and barbells every weeks on all my workouts
Monday CHEST
Flat bench 8,6,4
Incline 8,6,4
Decline 8,6,4
Cable flys/ or incline flys 4 sets of 10
fly machine 4 sets of 10
Forearms 4 sets of 10
Tuesday BACK
Lat pull downs 8,6,4
machine rows 8,6,4
back extensions 3 sets of 10
T Bar rows/ dumbell rows 3 sets of 10
Pull ups 6 sets to failure going wide to narrow grip
Dead lift 8,6,4
Calves 6 sets
Thursday Shoulders
Dumbells shoulder press 8,6,4
Upright rows 8,6,4
Front raises 3 sets of 10
side raises 3 sets of 10
Rear delts 3 sets of 10
Shouder shrugs 3 sets of 10
Forearms 4 sets of 10
Friday LEGS
Squats 8,6,4
Leg preses 8,6,4
leg extensions 3 sets of 10
leg curls 3 sets of 10
hack squat 3 sets of 10
lunges 3 sets
Calves 6 sets
Saturday ARMS
EZ Barbell curl/Dumbell curl 8,6,4
Preacher curl 8,6,4
skull crushers 8,6,4
tricep pushdowns 3 sets of 10
barbell curls 3 sets of 10
Tricep kickback 3 sets of 10
cabel curls 3 sets of 10
overhead tricep extensions 3 sets of 10
forarms 4 sets of 10
I have gained 9 pounds in 2 weeks so far and my strength gains are through the roof. Im hungry all the time and I drink water non stop like a f ing camel. I maxed out 2 days ago and I have went up 20 pounds on my bench in 2 weeks from 290 to 310. All my other lifts have went up as well. I will keep you posted on my progress and I will post some before pics soon. I will also be posting some half way pics early next month.
First Test-E cycle in 10 years