yeah this is my third cycle got good results from previous ones, but this one is a lil different doing test cyp at 400mg week equipoise at 400mg week and dbol at 25mg a day, this is my first week. my workout routine goes like this:
thursday:intense cardio for 45mins i use a 40lb weighted vest
monday:intense cardio for 45mins i use a 40lb weighted vest
gonna cycle the days as i go, well i try to go heavy on those first three days and i go light on the other three days, i kinda evens me out, and as for nutrition my it goes pretty good 4500 clean cals consisting of quality protiens and complex carbs, soon as the equi kicks in i know im gonna be hungrier than a muth F@#$ing horse if you know what i mean, right now im weighin in at 205lbs and BF at 13%
anys way ill keep you guys posted on the results as i go.