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Thread: n00b first test E cycle with pics

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    in your fridge

    n00b first test E cycle


    22 / 190lbs / 6'2
    working out for 3-4 years now, HARD for the last 2
    diet in check - 250-300g protein, lots of calories (not before bed), multi vitamin, fish oils, etc. 5 square meals a day

    lifting at least 5x/wk
    cardio every day


    Test Enanthate dosed at 400mg/mL

    Test E weeks 1-12 500mg/wk

    wk1 - 40mg nolva/day, 100mg clomid/day
    wk2 - 40mg nolva/day, 50mg clomid/day
    wk3 - 20mg nolva/day, 50mg clomid/day
    wk4 - 20mg nolva/day, 50mg clomid/day
    wk5 - 20mg nolva/day, 50mg clomid/day

    Did my first shot of Test last night.... had one of my bros do it for the first one... 23g 1.5inch in the glute... WAYYY easier than i thought. Prepped the area, and the needle was all the way in before i knew it. aspirated and shot. very minimal pain. Im actually excited to do the next shot myself. Today it feels like someone kicked me pretty hard in the ass (im guessing its the t400) but i'll get over it.

    any comments appreciated guys
    i'll keep this updated with progress pics

    EDIT: updated with before and after pics -- both are no pump
    i know i need to do something about the chest hair and my teeth but i chew alot of kodiak
    before weight: 190 after weight: 215
    all in all glad i did it, although in retrospect i realize that I may have jumped the gun a bit (i could have attained alot more natural) - it was a cool experience and i will definitely be cycling again (not for a long time after my PCT though) thanks everyone for your help and happy lifting
    Last edited by nextmans; 09-10-2009 at 12:29 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    In A Cave
    for some reason it dont seem like you been working out hard for 3-4 years? but good luck with cycle it looks good

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    in your fridge
    ok ok ok, you may have me there.. but i have been actively playing sports for 3-4 years, hitting the gym... but ive only had my diet in check/ been lifting 5days/wk for the last 2

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    in your fridge
    Did my 2nd injection today
    500mg into the right glute.... did it myself (for the first time) - took a minute or two to jab myself..all i had to say was "how bad do you want it?" and the needle basically jammed itself in.
    aspirating is tricky to get the hang of- im not sure i did it fully, but i didnt see any blood and the injection went well (minimal pain)

    also picked up some BCAA's and Glutamine.
    Lifting hard and heavy 5-6 days a week, keeping on top of the cardio.
    Havent felt the gear kick yet (likely will in a couple weeks) but i can't wait. Will keep you guys posted

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Bringing It All Back Home
    Good luck dude - I'll follow your progress.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by nextmans View Post
    Did my 2nd injection today
    500mg into the right glute.... did it myself (for the first time) - took a minute or two to jab myself..all i had to say was "how bad do you want it?" and the needle basically jammed itself in.
    aspirating is tricky to get the hang of- im not sure i did it fully, but i didnt see any blood and the injection went well (minimal pain)

    also picked up some BCAA's and Glutamine.
    Lifting hard and heavy 5-6 days a week, keeping on top of the cardio.
    Havent felt the gear kick yet (likely will in a couple weeks) but i can't wait. Will keep you guys posted
    Am I following this correctly? Apr 22, 2008, 1st injection then today Apr 28, 2008, 2nd injection (500 mg)?
    Are you injecting every once a week or every 6 days and are you doing 500mg each shot?
    If you said yes to the last question you are doing it wrong!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    in your fridge
    I did my first shot on monday april 21 ( i think it got the date wrong in my post )
    my 2nd shot (yesterday) was monday april 28
    basically every monday night.

    i shot 500mg both times, hopefully that clears up the confusion (they were a week apart)

  8. #8
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    Apr 2008
    Probably should have waited. But what does your diet look like again. Some protein numbers you pick out of the air and saying lots of calories probably wont cut it. You need a list of a meal by meal break down to follow. Trust me it will be worth it in the end, especially if you want to keep your gains.

  9. #9
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    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by nextmans View Post
    I did my first shot on monday april 21 ( i think it got the date wrong in my post )
    my 2nd shot (yesterday) was monday april 28
    basically every monday night.

    i shot 500mg both times, hopefully that clears up the confusion (they were a week apart)
    You should think about shoting twice a week, It will help you keep more consistent level in your system.

  10. #10
    Id have to Agree also with InJ 2wice a week

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    in your fridge
    Ive also heard that as well-
    only thing is, ive done 2 shots so far, each at 500 mg, one each week.
    is it too late to split my injections???

    if i were to do it, since my 'normal' 500mg injection is on mondays would that now mean my next injection is on a monday, at 250mg, then the next after that on thursday, at 250mg ?

    thanks for the comments guys appreciate it

  12. #12
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    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by nextmans View Post
    Ive also heard that as well-
    only thing is, ive done 2 shots so far, each at 500 mg, one each week.
    is it too late to split my injections???

    if i were to do it, since my 'normal' 500mg injection is on mondays would that now mean my next injection is on a monday, at 250mg, then the next after that on thursday, at 250mg ?

    thanks for the comments guys appreciate it
    No it's not too late, I do mine of Sunday morning and then Weds. night, that is 3 1/2 days inbetween each injection.

  13. #13
    yea t400 hurts but youll get over it. Stick with it man and you seem to have your first newbie cycle well planned out. Im always pleased to see new guys at it and most of all RESPECTING IT! because thats what this sports all about. Disrespect it and boy youll find yourself in a world of shit. Enjoy bro now go ****in eat something you skinny bastad!

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    in your fridge
    thanks for the support guys, i appreciate it !!
    my next question is this:
    i really want to split my doses into two shots a week (i actually get a thrill from injecting)
    but the only problem is that I can't inject in the mornings (my gear is stored at my bud's house) i leave super early in the morning for work and Im usually not done work until after dinner time.
    would there be any way to split my injections, twice a week, but both times at night?? what would you guys suggest ?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    IMO dont think thats such a big deal splitting up the injections and both at night. Your test levels wont plummet in that 12 hour time span between morning and the same days night.

    Happy cycling!!

  16. #16
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    in your fridge
    Ok sounds good. so im all set to do my next shot at 250mg monday night and 250mg thursday night.
    cheers guys will keep you posted.
    im eating like an animal, eating clean, lots of veggies, lots of protein, lots of meals, eating every 2 hours (even if i don't have an appetite) have gained about 5lbs so far but its likely water (i just started creatine again as well) - ps. i know i might get flamed for just posting my diet as "lots of stuff" but I know how to eat, ive been reading the forum for probably a year before i started. I recognize that diet is the MOST IMPORTANT aspect of a cycle. i just don't feel the need to post EXACTLY what i eat, because I can honestly say i don't eat the EXACT same stuff every day (although i try my best to keep a routine)

    workouts are good - keeping on 5days/wk - lifting heavy
    i BUST my ASS in the day landscaping so im hoping that will cover my reps to gain some good definition as well
    so far the only thing i've noticed is that i want to **** anything with tits. could just be in my mind though
    Last edited by nextmans; 05-01-2008 at 06:57 PM.

  17. #17
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    IMO I would not take creatine, I would save it for post cycle.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    in your fridge
    Interesting... why's that?? just wondering, it's not actually a 'pure' creatine supplement, its a pre-workout drink (muscletech nano vapor)
    here's the ingredient list (this shit has like million ingredients but heres the part with creatine)
    Im guessing this is more or less the same (if not more) than a creatine supplement. only reason i take it is because it gives a nice boost before the gym and a nice pump. thanks for all the input rana, appreciate it
    NaNo Vaporâ„¢ Proprietary Blend: 20,903mg
    Intravolâ„¢ (Muscle Cell Volumizing Complex)
    -Creatine Monohydrate
    -Creatine Anhydrous
    -Creatine Malate
    -Creatine Alpha-Ketoglutarate
    -Tri-Creatine HCA
    -Creatine L-Pyroglutamate
    -Cinnamon Extract (As Cinnamomum Cassia Blume)(Bark)
    (Standardized To 40% Polyphenols),
    -Taurine Ethyl Ester HCL,
    -Taurine Alpha-Ketoglutarate
    -18 Beta Glycyrrhetinic Acid (Coriolus Versicolor Powder) (Plant)

  19. #19
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    The reason I say don't take creatine, is not because it will mess you up but because you want to see what kind of gains you make on your gear.

    You will also want to take something that will help you keep your gains after your cycle.

    This is only my opinion, take it for what is it worth.

    Good luck

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    in your fridge
    you definitely have a point - i will hold off on it until my PCT

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    in your fridge
    Ok so ive split my injections into 2x/wk

    one monday night, one thursday night (yeah i know- but i can't do mornings)

    each shot is 250mg

    today i was going to try my first quad injection
    got the needle in, aspirated and saw blood, freaked out and said fcuk it, and went back to glute.
    Didnt have ************** open, i think i shot it too high anyway- will make sure to look at the spot better next time

    lifting is going well - ive made very good friends with the refrigerator, eating clean, every 2 hours.
    Lifting is going well, on 5days/wk
    weight is still 200 - likely because im only on my 3rd week, i actually think im losing fat because of all the cardio im doing- im definitely seeing more definition/vascularity recently.
    will keep you guys posted, can't wait till it starts to kick.

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    In A Cave
    nice work man youll be seeing some nice gaines here soon that test e should be kicken in

  23. #23
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    in your fridge
    on my 3rd week.
    everything has been going well - eating often and clean, keeping on my lifting schedule.
    today was perhaps the first day ive actually noticed a bit of a kick, i had a ridiculous back pump basically the whole day (was shovelling loads of dirt/gravel and wheelbarrowing it into a bin). Strength seems to have shot up a little bit, but i didn't go to the gym today so I can't really tell.
    will keep you guys updated.
    more pics to come real soon
    Last edited by nextmans; 05-21-2008 at 08:34 PM.

  24. #24
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    i am confused about one say you have test enanthate at 400mg, but the you refer to it later as know t400 and test enanthate are different, just curious as to which it actually is...let us know as they are actually quite different...also how are you getting 500mg in your shot....that has to be the most accuarte dosed syringe, i know it is 1.25ml im not a retard but dosing down to .25 of a ml is kinda tricky, at least with my pins it is...

  25. #25
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    in your fridge
    i have test Enanthate dosed at 400mg/ml.. i just referred to it as t400 for quick reference, im aware of the difference between t400 (which is a blend of several types of test) and test Enanthate
    im not shooting 500mg at a time, im shooting 250mg, twice a week
    as for accuracy, you're probably right - i doubt im getting EXACTLY 250mg each time, but theres not a whole lot i can do about that, i dont have any pins with me here for reference, but i try to dose it as accurately as possible

  26. #26
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    k cool man, i am sure your dosin is close enough, plus whats an extra 10-20mg on the good side...,the more the better of luck man

  27. #27
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    so for the first time it seems my strength has SHOT up. noticed it this week at the gym.
    for an example, on the incline DB bench press, my max was normally 10 reps of 70lbs with some serious spotting.

    today was at the gym alone - managed to throw up the 85's with no spot to 10 reps. all i can say is holy ****. i will be at 100s in no time. a few of my buds have also begun to tell me "my legs look bigger" and i look "wider"

    havent noticed any side effects yet (other than a little bit of facial acne) and wanting to stuff every girl in sight. will keep you guys posted. pics real soon.

  28. #28
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    another thing -- for my PCT (5 weeks) i was thinking of running clen for the first two weeks, then two off, then one week on. you guys think this would be worthwhile to possibly gain some definition and prevent catabolism? ive heard that clen protects muscle loss, but ive also heard that it only does so in high, unsafe dosages. any thoughts?
    i was planning on starting 40mcg then ramping up to 120mcg gradually
    thanks guys

  29. #29
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    I should have had 1 more cc in my first Test C vial, must have been pulling a tad more each time. Now I pull 1 cc, take it out and pull in air till the oil starts at 2. That way I can make sure I have 1cc exact.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by nextmans View Post
    another thing -- for my PCT (5 weeks) i was thinking of running clen for the first two weeks, then two off, then one week on. you guys think this would be worthwhile to possibly gain some definition and prevent catabolism? ive heard that clen protects muscle loss, but ive also heard that it only does so in high, unsafe dosages. any thoughts?
    i was planning on starting 40mcg then ramping up to 120mcg gradually
    thanks guys
    Clen helps with cortisol from what I've read. Also heard it is a good thing to throw in with your PCT.

  31. #31
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    in your fridge
    pics update--
    about 4.5 weeks into cycle. test is really starting to kick. weight up to 210 after workout (likely water)- more like 205 in the morning.
    first pic is before cycle, second pic is 4 and a half weeks in.

    second pic is kind of bad, couldnt get a real flex on cuz i had to hold my phone (its also grainy because its a phone pic)
    Last edited by nextmans; 09-10-2009 at 12:32 PM.

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    fl/pa.. Beatin cheeks!
    Goodluck bro

  33. #33
    Join Date
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    Keep it up, I am doing the same cycle myself, only I'm in the first week. I am interested to see the type of results you get from this cycle.

  34. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by nextmans View Post
    for an example, on the incline DB bench press, my max was normally 10 reps of 70lbs with some serious spotting.
    i'm is 10 reps a max?

    good luck with your cycle. the more regular and consistant your nutrition is, the better the gains are. it would suck to waste gear because you didn't want to plan out nutrition and be strict on it.

  35. #35
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    Hard to see anything in that after pic. The two pics are worlds apart in quality. Try shooting another after pic with the same camera and quality as the before pic.

    Sounds like you're doing pretty good though. You seem to be putting on weight although I don't think that your weight should fluctuate that much from morning to night or one day to the next. You said that you were 210 and then 205. That's alot of water weight to drop. Why do you think that you are putting on so much water weight? Are you still on the creatine? If you are continously taking it, you shouldn't be fluctuating weight like you are.

    Keep it up though and remember the diet.

  36. #36
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    Yeah diff cant tell that much because of pic quality, But sounds like your starting to gain.

  37. #37
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    in your fridge
    Quote Originally Posted by binder View Post
    i'm is 10 reps a max?

    good luck with your cycle. the more regular and consistant your nutrition is, the better the gains are. it would suck to waste gear because you didn't want to plan out nutrition and be strict on it.
    i didn't necessarily mean a max, but the highest weight i could push to 10 reps

    as for that weight fluctuation, im pretty sure it was just that time because i was literally pounding water for my entire workout, i felt sick almost :|

    but gains are coming, im starting to notice 'width' more than anything. picked up some iso-gainer as well for morning/after workouts

  38. #38
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by SaSqUaDgE View Post
    for some reason it dont seem like you been working out hard for 3-4 years? but good luck with cycle it looks good
    100% agree

  39. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by nextmans View Post
    i didn't necessarily mean a max, but the highest weight i could push to 10 reps

    as for that weight fluctuation, im pretty sure it was just that time because i was literally pounding water for my entire workout, i felt sick almost :|

    but gains are coming, im starting to notice 'width' more than anything. picked up some iso-gainer as well for morning/after workouts
    that's what i assumed you were talking about, but i wanted to make sure.

    keep pounding that weight!

  40. #40
    Join Date
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    in your fridge
    bump new pics

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