1-16 Test-E 300mg ew
1-14 Deca 600mg ew
1-4 Methyl-V-Test 105mg ed(SD/HD/PP mix in one pill)
14-18 Drol 50mg ed
12-18 HCG 100iu eod
14-18 PGCL 50mcg 3x ed
1-4 Toremofine 75mg ed 1-4
1-4 Aromasin 25mg ed 1-4
1-4 Clen 120mcg-180mcg ed 1-4
1-4 Proviron 25mg ed
I really doubt ill be able to get any pics up but ill try to. Iv never ran a cycle were anthing was higher then my test before. Its a lean bulker, umm... IO weigh in today after cardio at 205lbs and im at about 12-13%bf. Thing that sux is im going to have to go from july12-22were im going to be starved and the only exercise ill be able to get is going to be push-ups n sit-ups and MAYBE a run or 2 because i gota do my 2weeks for the army. I was going to wait till after it was over to start but then i figured if i gota get starved ill be able to keep more if im on then if i was off, so ill take it as it comes. Iv done quite a few cycles using test,tren, drol, dbol, winny, PGCL,T3, CLEN!!!, deca and im sure im leaving something out... I might be doing sum slin in my PCT but i might not... Im doing a half hour of low intensity cardio every morning and lifting 4-6days a week depending on my work times... BTW ihave a buddy thats helping me w/my cycle and my workouts,he is expected to be a pro by the end of nationals this yr,Im learning a lot about the slin/HGH especially from him, im just not sure if im ready to go that far yet...