Just wanted to put down my experience in regards to my first clen cycle. Currently on day 11 (of 14) and really liking the results. My clen is in liquid form, 200mcg/ml.
Beginning weight was 229.8 lbs. Yesterday morning I weighed in at 218.9 lbs.
Dosing scheme:
Side effects:
I noticed the sides were worse my first couple of days (night sweats, shaking of the hands, energized/anxious feeling). As the doses have gotten higher, the sides have reduced. I'm sure this is due to the down regulation of the B2 receptors.
Diet (average day):
7 AM-Finished 32 oz water (48.9 oz total), 1 serv PW/GG/GM
7:30 AM-1 med banana
8 AM-16 oz skim milk, 2 scoop protein
9:30 AM-4.5 oz pork, 2 WW tortilla, 85g green beans, 1 tbsp flax butter, 1 multi, 2 fish oil
9:45 AM-Finished 16.9 oz water (65.8 oz total)
11:30 AM-Finished 16.9 oz water (82.7 oz total)
12:20 PM-4.5 oz pork, 1 WW tortilla, Fiber1 bar, 2 fish oil
12:30 PM-Finished 16.9 oz water (99.6 oz total)
3:50 PM-Fiber1 bar, finished 16.9 oz water (116.5 oz total)
4 PM-8 oz skim milk, 1 scoop protein
7 PM-4.5 oz chicken, 10 asparagus spears, 2 fish oil
9 PM-Finished 12 os water (128.5 oz total)
Lift 4-5 days per week, Push/Pull/Legs/Repeat
Cardio 2-3 times per week, 20-30 min
Other Supps:
2 serv PW, 1 serv GM/GG, 1 multi, 6 fish oil
Total weight loss (as of Day 11):
10 lbs!
I'll update this on Monday, as Sunday will be my last dose. Final stats will be recorded then. If I decide to run a 2nd clen cycle (2 weeks off of course), I will include some Keto, or benedryl.