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Thread: 1st Clen cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Greater Cincinnati Area

    1st Clen cycle

    Just wanted to put down my experience in regards to my first clen cycle. Currently on day 11 (of 14) and really liking the results. My clen is in liquid form, 200mcg/ml.
    Beginning weight was 229.8 lbs. Yesterday morning I weighed in at 218.9 lbs.

    Dosing scheme:

    Side effects:
    I noticed the sides were worse my first couple of days (night sweats, shaking of the hands, energized/anxious feeling). As the doses have gotten higher, the sides have reduced. I'm sure this is due to the down regulation of the B2 receptors.

    Diet (average day):
    7 AM-Finished 32 oz water (48.9 oz total), 1 serv PW/GG/GM
    7:30 AM-1 med banana
    8 AM-16 oz skim milk, 2 scoop protein
    9:30 AM-4.5 oz pork, 2 WW tortilla, 85g green beans, 1 tbsp flax butter, 1 multi, 2 fish oil
    9:45 AM-Finished 16.9 oz water (65.8 oz total)
    11:30 AM-Finished 16.9 oz water (82.7 oz total)
    12:20 PM-4.5 oz pork, 1 WW tortilla, Fiber1 bar, 2 fish oil
    12:30 PM-Finished 16.9 oz water (99.6 oz total)
    3:50 PM-Fiber1 bar, finished 16.9 oz water (116.5 oz total)
    4 PM-8 oz skim milk, 1 scoop protein
    7 PM-4.5 oz chicken, 10 asparagus spears, 2 fish oil
    9 PM-Finished 12 os water (128.5 oz total)

    Lift 4-5 days per week, Push/Pull/Legs/Repeat
    Cardio 2-3 times per week, 20-30 min

    Other Supps:
    2 serv PW, 1 serv GM/GG, 1 multi, 6 fish oil

    Total weight loss (as of Day 11):
    10 lbs!

    I'll update this on Monday, as Sunday will be my last dose. Final stats will be recorded then. If I decide to run a 2nd clen cycle (2 weeks off of course), I will include some Keto, or benedryl.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    On, CANADA
    nice , 9 lbs in 11 days.
    keep it up and goodluck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    No Steroids for you..NEXT
    keep it up Bro and keep us posted

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Greater Cincinnati Area
    Jacked/TJM, thanks for the support. I do have a question though...should the keto/benedryl/anti-histamine be used during my 2 off weeks? Or is it only used when extending a clen cycle beyond 2 weeks? If it's not necessary I'd rather not ingest it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Greater Cincinnati Area
    Bump for Keto question.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    im no expert,but from the resurch i have done peeps take the anti-histamines as a way to clean out the receptors so u can continue running the clen. thay do 2 weeks of clen, then a week of clen+anti-hist,then 2 mor weeks of clen,then clen+anti-hist. for as long as you want to run it. ive read alot of threads on clen cus i am about to do a cycle myself and thats wat i see peeps doing. hope this helps. boyd

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Greater Cincinnati Area
    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    im no expert,but from the resurch i have done peeps take the anti-histamines as a way to clean out the receptors so u can continue running the clen. thay do 2 weeks of clen, then a week of clen+anti-hist,then 2 mor weeks of clen,then clen+anti-hist. for as long as you want to run it. ive read alot of threads on clen cus i am about to do a cycle myself and thats wat i see peeps doing. hope this helps. boyd
    Was starting to think that I wasn't going to get a response. Thanks ghettoboyd, I appreciate your thoughts. I'll prolly save the benedryl for my 2nd run.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Greater Cincinnati Area

    1st Clen cycle finished

    This past Sunday would have been my 14th day taking Clen, but seeing as how I weighed in this morning at 218.0 lbs, I decided to cut it one day short. Beginning weight was 229.8 lbs, equaling a loss of 11.8 lbs. I realize this is a combination of water/fat. All in all I'm very pleased with the way I responded to Clen.
    For my 2nd cycle, which should start on the 19th of this month, I'll be including a nightly dose of benedryl.

    Should I expect to regain some water weight during the next 2 weeks???

  9. #9
    Hey Teuf, I'm pretty sure one takes the benedryl only if extending clen use beyond two weeks at a time. That is, after a two week break, your sensitivity to clen will have returned, and you have no need for the benedryl. I can post some more research on clen and anti-histamines if you need more info.

    Anyhow, good luck on your cycle and keep us posted. I'm prepping to cycle clen soon and interested to see if any of the weight rebounds in your 2 weeks off.

  10. #10
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    Greater Cincinnati Area
    Quote Originally Posted by Jenaan View Post
    Hey Teuf, I'm pretty sure one takes the benedryl only if extending clen use beyond two weeks at a time. That is, after a two week break, your sensitivity to clen will have returned, and you have no need for the benedryl. I can post some more research on clen and anti-histamines if you need more info.

    Anyhow, good luck on your cycle and keep us posted. I'm prepping to cycle clen soon and interested to see if any of the weight rebounds in your 2 weeks off.
    Thanks for the help, and definitely post that info for me. Today is my 3rd day off, didn't weigh myself this morning, but will do so tomorrow 1st thing. My guess is that I'll gain a couple lbs of water weight back (educated guess as of now).
    How far out are you from your clen cycle Jenaan?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Greater Cincinnati Area
    So I weighed myself this morning, first thing (4:15 AM), and the scale read 218.2 lbs. Pretty stoked about that, 4 days off and only 0.2 lb increase. Just a couple of terds away from backing into an old wardrobe

  12. #12
    Hey, glad to here about the scale. I actually found this info in the archives on this site, posted by a certain "cycleon." As you will see, it concerns the anti-histamine ketotifen, but most people just use any available anti-histamine, benedryl being the most popular. I've coloured the most relevant part. As far as my clen cycle is concerned, I'm thinking of starting in about a month, mostly I can't bear yet to see my strength stagnating from a cutting diet.

    I see a lot of newbie people trying to find good info on this so I thought it would be best to put it all in one place. I patched this from a wide range of sources as well as my own experience (also thanks to FONZ). This truly is a wonderdrug for BB.

    What Is It?
    Ketotifen is very safe antihistamine used extensively in Europe to treat bronchial asthma and allergies. It is also being studied as a treatment for colitis. When used for asthma, weight gain and an increase in appetite are among the most frequent side effects. Ketotifen also protects the cells in the stomach, small intestine and perhaps the rest of the gut from a number of toxins. A number of case studies suggest that it may be helpful treating skin problems such as acne. Ketotifen also reduces edema (swelling and puffiness caused by water retention) around sores.

    Ketotifen Studies
    German researchers have published data showing that ketotifen lowers tnf-alpha in the test tube. One study used ketotifen in combination with oxymethadone, a steroid like Megace that helps people gain weight, so it is hard to gauge what effect ketotifen had (the study notes a 14% reduction in TNF-alpha levels and weight gains of 11-12 pounds in less than four weeks). A larger placebo controlled study of this combination is underway. The other study used ketotifen by itself in eight patients with elevated TNF-alpha, (but no wasting). Taking ketotifen for 12 weeks, these patients gained an average of six pounds, had increases in their body cell mass and reductions in their TNF-alpha levels.

    Side Effects and Toxicity
    Ketotifen is virtually non-toxic (although it is not advised for patients with epilepsy). People who took twenty times the recommended dose (in suicide attempts) suffered no serious consequences (other than embarrassment). Its primary side effects seem to be temporary drowsiness, dry mouth,(and other mucuos membranes) appetite stimulation and weight gain.

    Dosing and side effects
    No studies have been done to find the most effective dose but the German researchers used 4 mg ED. Dan Duchaine (who discovered ketos use for BB) suggested 10mg ED but in my experience this much is not needed and makes u far too sleepy. I find that 3-4mg ED seems ideal. However, much higher doses have been shown to be quite safe with no adverse affects other than increased drowsiness and appetite – it will make u hungry for solid foods. You can take it divided in the day or all at once.

    Ketotifen and Clen
    Clenbuterol is a beta 2 agonist which has a limited anabolic effect during its first few days of use and afterward is normally used to fight fat. At higher doses, however, it can be catabolic to muscle and it must be cycled on a 2 week on, 2 week of basis or the beta 2 receptors that clen binds to become saturated and down regulate.

    Ketotifen’s magic is that it upregulates the beta-receptors including the beta 2s that clen uses. As long as you are taking ketotifen, it will continue to clean these receptors, never allowing them to downregulate – even while on a heavy clen cycle. That means you can continue to take clen indefinitely without having to cycle off to regenerate the receptors. 2-3mg ED can upregulate even severely shut down receptors within a week.

    It also means that you don’t need as much clen to get the same benefits. It seems u can take about 30-40% less clen and it be equally effective. FONZ posted that it also increases the number of receptor sites on the surface of the cell, allowing more clen to attach and perhaps this is the reason for the increased efficacy. Ketotifen also seems to lessen the sides of clen including the jitters.

    Ketotifen and ECA
    Perhaps an even better use for ketotifen is taking it with the ECA stack. While the thermogenic effect of ephedrine is not as potent as clen because it doesn't have a high receptor affinity, and it is not limited to beta-2 receptors. In fact it seems to have a good effect on beta 3 receptors as well, which act as a type of thermogenic messenger and over half of ephedrine effect is from beta-3 stimulation. Clen has almost no effect on beta 3 however. So by keeping the beta 2 receptors up, ketotifen can allow the benefits of continuous beta 2 and beta 3 stimulation from ephedrine.

    "Ephedrine is believed to have some direct effect on both alpha adrenoceptors and beta adrenoceptors, but AT THERAPEUTIC DOSES, ephedrine exerts its thermogenic effect almost entirely via stimulating noradrenaline release from the sympathetic nerve terminals [endings] . . . at least 40% of the [thermogenic] response is mediated by an atypical receptor, which is presumed to be the beta 3-adrenoceptor."

    Liu YL, Toubro S, Astrup A, Stock MJ Contribution of beta 3-adrenoceptor activation to ephedrine-induced thermogenesis in humans Int J Obes Relat Disord. Sep;19(9). 678-685

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Greater Cincinnati Area
    Thanks for the info Jenaan. Just wanted to post an update. I've been off clen for 6 days and this morning I weighed in at 218.8 lbs. No rebound as of yet.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Greater Cincinnati Area
    After 8 days off of Clen, I have only gained about 2 lbs back. I was 218 on Clen, I now weigh 220.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    I can't wait to get my clen.

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