I have done 5 cycles of steroid so far, start from 120lb, now 155lb. But from my las cycle, comparing my body composition of beginning of cycle and after the PCT, I gained over all only 1 lb, and loss about 2% body fat, so you can say only 3 lb muscle. what I used in my las cycle is, through the entire cycle,750mg of Test C per week, 250mg/ml with 40ml total, 75mg of Tren A every 2 day, 70mg/ml with 40ml total, and in first month with 35mg Dbol a day, and last month 500mg mastrone per week.
I wonder if I can no longer gain any more muscle from steroid, or I should try higher dose, my target weight is 180, well still a long way to go, also I am very lean, only 4% body fat, even during the cycle, my fattest moment was only 7% body fat. Could this also be one of the reason affact me gain muscle?