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Thread: Test E / Tren E 1st cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Question Test E / Tren E 1st cycle

    What's up bro's!

    5"11 / 179lbs / 14%bf / age29
    Max Bench=365 / DL=335 / SQ=335

    Frontloading 1st shot of Test E @600mgs
    Test E 300mg/twice a week=600mgs >wks 1-12
    Tren E 150mg/twice a week=300mgs >weeks 3-11

    PCT=HCG last 2 weeks of cycle continue 2 more after last shot of Test E. Nolvadex&Clomid

    I'm going for a lean bulk and if I don't put on 20 lbs of lean mass I'm going to be dissapointed. My guy said,eat,eat to GROW! Are my expectations realistic? Anybody see anything wrong or not making sense in this. Feedback is crucial. Any advise on a different PCT other than Nolvadex...I know it shouldn't be taken with Tren only after. If I'm hitting heavy weight one body part a day Mon,Tue,Thur,Fri,Sun w/Wed&Sat off to recover I should be good? I don't want to over train but, I want go balls to the wall....less is more sometimes??? My strength will go thru the roof with the tren so Heavy, Heavy and Heavy again.

    4 whole eggs/Scrambled
    2 slices whole wheat toasted Flax seed oil
    1/2 cup oatmeal
    4 egg whites w/1 scoop Syntha-6 w/10oz non-fat milk

    1 can tuna +_pico
    4 rice cakes w/jam
    Vit-C Kreaklyn

    7oz chicken breast
    1 cup brown rice
    1 cup brocolli
    Animal Pak

    2 scoops Isopure
    w/10oz non-fat milk
    1 cup oatmeal

    1 scoop/SuperPump 250

    2 scoops Syntha-6
    w/10oz non-fat milk
    32oz Gatorade

    7oz chicken breast
    1 cup brown rice
    1 cup brocolli

    2 tbsp organic peanut butter 1/2 cup oatmeal
    Vit-C, Vit-E, Kreaklyn, MSN+Glucosamine

  2. #2
    i would start the tren e week 1 if it was me for sure.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by automatic View Post
    i would start the tren e week 1 if it was me for sure.
    What would be your reason. I think because you have to run Test with Tren because it messes with your test levels anyway...right in the middle would be best. I'm open to suggestions on that from uz guyz...why you would do it that way please

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by WAR79 View Post

    5"11 / 179lbs / 14%bf / age29
    Max Bench=365 / DL=335 / SQ=335
    So you have never cycled and can benchpress double your body weight?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Central TX
    no shit you dont need steroids dude

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by PingPang View Post
    So you have never cycled and can benchpress double your body weight?
    YUP...I could've got it up twice maybe a forced 3 but my spotter wasn't on the same page and like that it was over. I can wait to try again...1st thing I thought was injury..not now. I'll be benching 450-500 by September. My deadlift is lacking...I really need to work on it. I've squated 495lbs on the smith machine but, that's not a true squat. YES..I don't need steriods but, I want them and now have them...! . I've been waiting along time to get gear. I've only been back in the gym 8 months to build my base and form up. I'll post before pics. I start Monday! More feedback PLEASE!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Las Vegas,NV
    Quote Originally Posted by PingPang View Post
    So you have never cycled and can benchpress double your body weight?

    Those numbers numbers are pretty amazing for a guy who is 179lbs and 5'5 or 5'6 let alone 5'11. I'm scared to see what happens if you run a cycle. You should share your chest program secrets with the rest of us.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by turk27 View Post
    Those numbers numbers are pretty amazing for a guy who is 179lbs and 5'5 or 5'6 let alone 5'11. I'm scared to see what happens if you run a cycle. You should share your chest program secrets with the rest of us.
    If I knew what the **** I was doing i'de be DANGEROUS. I do about 2 weeks heavy lower reps > 3 weeks light high reps. Bench was my weakest attribute and now it's my best and I look forward to it. when you see my pics I look OK but, I've seen other posts w/pics that have someone 335X5 probably maxing more than pre-cycle me but, he looks amazing. I got a solid base. I'm going to start video taping some off the lifts for my bodyspace page. The tren's going to spike my strength to say the least. FEEDBACK??????????????

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Back The Way you Came
    well i am not implying anything but if you bench that much your lifting like a power lifter which is different if you keep lifting like that you might not get the look you want.

    I would say go ahead but tren is really harsh for a first cycle lol.

    Are you trying to bulk or cut?

    From what it seems your a power lifter...

    PM back so people can offer better advice as to your goals of this cycle and what you train for!

    For a first cycle there is tons of other compounds you could and should use tren is hard for afirst cycle most dont advise it.

    again depending onyour goals others can offer some advice on other compounds.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Thumbs down

    Quote Originally Posted by bigt10 View Post
    well i am not implying anything but if you bench that much your lifting like a power lifter which is different if you keep lifting like that you might not get the look you want.

    I would say go ahead but tren is really harsh for a first cycle lol.

    Are you trying to bulk or cut?

    From what it seems your a power lifter...

    PM back so people can offer better advice as to your goals of this cycle and what you train for!

    For a first cycle there is tons of other compounds you could and should use tren is hard for afirst cycle most dont advise it.

    again depending onyour goals others can offer some advice on other compounds.
    I want a lean bulk. For size I need to go heavy and make sure my diet is air tight. I have a trainer friend that's helping me out. I don't get it my bench is mildly impressive and my squat and dl are embarrising in contrast to my bench and everybody think I'm a powerlifter. I actually think what I'm putting up is not impressive and theirs tons of room for more improvement and poundage. I know tren isn't recommended but, after my research this particular cycle looked to give me what I want. Pack on 20lbs AND lean-up and my strength will increase more with tren than any other AS. On a scale of 1-10 it's a 10. Who can I PM???..they'll just tell me to research. Theres been 10 replies to what I originally posted and all I got was more questions? I know tren's harsh, and not recommended for a 1st timer. It's sitting on my dresser. It's going back. My diet is a bulking diet just very clean and not alot of fat. No one has even fielded my questions...I expected this??? Sorry I'm off my soapboxbut, i'm just frustrated. I'm more conserned with my PCT questions than my bench. FEEDBACK???

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    post some pics

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    So you start monday? I'm looking forward in reading this cycle. I wanna do a similar one in December timeframe. This will help me design a better cycle. Look forward in reading your log.

    Train Hard!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Thumbs down

    I'm not impressed with my results do to my dumbass thinking I know WTF i'm doing. I put on 10lbs and over a 100lbs on my bench w/tren but all wrong for a bulking cycle and should've just went with Test as adviced. It's crazy stuff and shouldn't be underestimated. I was told to start slow and peek then drop off slowly. I started 150mgs twice a week and then went to 200mgs twice a week. Now i'm tapering it off. I thought it's safer to keep your bloodlevels stable. Anyway here is a before. I'll post a week goes 14. Live and learn. I need more research before another can be used to obtain maximum results. I'll go w/Test,Deca &??? we'll see to start putting on the 40lbs i'm looking for. Shit aint worth it if you drop the fukn ball. Tren in my opinion is as advertised for strength...2nd to ABSOLUTELY NONE! 5'11 190 benching 455lbs...people were stopping and watching when i was benching..nuts!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	06-09-08_1449.jpg 
Views:	2182 
Size:	77.2 KB 
ID:	92996  
    Last edited by WAR79; 08-10-2008 at 12:30 AM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    i have better ones but my face is showing
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	07-22-08_1924.jpg 
Views:	1501 
Size:	72.9 KB 
ID:	92997  

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by AvBill View Post
    no shit you dont need steroids dude
    your opinion....and yes I do to achieve what i want in the timephrame I'm giving myself.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    live and learn and become another statistic

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    The important to remember from all this is not to make the same mistake twice.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by warchild28 View Post
    live and learn and become another statistic
    Statistic of what? AS won't kill you. You can have serious sides and consequences but, nothing that can be combated. I didn't get the gains I loss. I'm going to switch forums because eveytime I post on this website somebody just says dumbass stuff. I ask questions and and instead of getting answers I get them answered with a question??? EVERYTIME. I read other threads and it seems to work for most even when they don't post their info and aren't specific. I post everything I can think of and just get smartasses. Thnx for nothing

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