Well bro's, I have started a cycle:
150mg Test pro EOD (450mgs week)
30mg winny (oral, I know inject is better, but no source) ED last 4 weeks
*HAD MASTERON, but stupid ****ing friend dropped my vials and they both broke, and cant get any others.
Started last week, this is my second cycle, of which im using since im competing in July. Now, my biggest issue here is the Prop. I have a pretty damn high pain tolerance, and the Test E i ran last cycle didnt bother me at all, but this shit is KILLER. Last 3 injections i rotated on my glutes. This morning i took my 4th in my left delt and right now I can barely move or raise my arm. Its from Red Lion, never tried any of their gear up until now. My biggest question is will this go away?! I cant imagine running this eod for another 6 weeks..... If not, are there any ways to help with this? Ive heard of cutting it with oil, boiling the alc out of the vial, heating it up etc... Any help would be appreciated! THanks