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Thread: Test Prop OMFG!

  1. #1

    Test Prop OMFG!

    Well bro's, I have started a cycle:

    150mg Test pro EOD (450mgs week)
    30mg winny (oral, I know inject is better, but no source) ED last 4 weeks
    *HAD MASTERON, but stupid ****ing friend dropped my vials and they both broke, and cant get any others.

    Started last week, this is my second cycle, of which im using since im competing in July. Now, my biggest issue here is the Prop. I have a pretty damn high pain tolerance, and the Test E i ran last cycle didnt bother me at all, but this shit is KILLER. Last 3 injections i rotated on my glutes. This morning i took my 4th in my left delt and right now I can barely move or raise my arm. Its from Red Lion, never tried any of their gear up until now. My biggest question is will this go away?! I cant imagine running this eod for another 6 weeks..... If not, are there any ways to help with this? Ive heard of cutting it with oil, boiling the alc out of the vial, heating it up etc... Any help would be appreciated! THanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    add sterile oil, 1/2cc of sterile oil to 1cc of prop. increase if needed.

    if you dont have sterile oil, you can get it from the grocery store then filter it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    hahaha suck it up dude we have all been there. It will get better in the next couple of weeks

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Kale View Post
    hahaha suck it up dude we have all been there. It will get better in the next couple of weeks
    X2 I got crippled the first like 20 injections of prop LOL (in each muscle) now it doesnt even phase me...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Learnin from the best...
    been doing 1ml a day of prop ed for a long up pus$y...hahaha..

    seriously though, pull your dose into your syringe and run it under some running hot water and tht will help a bit...

  6. #6
    Well, went into my left glut yesterday morning, and i cant put any weight on my left side when im sitting, Im starting to question the quality of the prop..... I have heard after a few weeks your body becomes accustomed to the pain, but jebus.....

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2008
    SFV , california
    what does your injection site rotation look like??

    sounds like your getting in the glutes quite to often (no pun intended)

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by SFVpumped View Post
    what does your injection site rotation look like??

    sounds like your getting in the glutes quite to often (no pun intended)
    I rotate Left glute, right glute, left delt right delt

  9. #9
    So yeh, went into right glute today, No pain at all, It was a new vial, so im wondering if the other wasnt 100% sterile. On a bad note, my left glute injection on friday is STILL VERY painful and there is a noticeable swollen knot in it... Starting to get worried.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by bottlefed95z View Post
    So yeh, went into right glute today, No pain at all, It was a new vial, so im wondering if the other wasnt 100% sterile. On a bad note, my left glute injection on friday is STILL VERY painful and there is a noticeable swollen knot in it... Starting to get worried.
    Same thing was happening to me with the TestE I was taking. I was told it was bunk gear.

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