Finished a 6 week tbol only cycle a week ago. This was my first ever cycle so some info on me before we come to the results.
I am 22 years, and started going to the gym just over a year ago. I am 6feet 2 inches tall and as i started going to the gym weighd 191 pounds.
Mi favourit excersice quicly became the bench press. My goal was to bench 220 by my first year in the gym. Which I accompliched within 8 months. After that I couldent seem to gain anything for about 3 months.
Enter tbol.
When starting with t bol, I weid 202 pounds. I did 60mg a day for 6 weeks.
The first week no difference in strenght, only stomach pain.
But the week after that things started working. My strenght exploded(in my standards)
By the end of my bench routine i usally only managed 4-5 reps at 198 pounds. I now could easely do 8-10. And even do 3-4 reps at 220 on top of that again.
Around week 4 I did 242, and at week 6 I managed 264 pounds without any help.
Before and after stats Gained
Weight: 202 - 225 pounds 23
max bench 220 - 264 pounds 44
Biceps 15.4-16.9 in 1.5
I am pleased with tbol, it did not give me any sides except the stomach pain. The gains were moderat, people have commented on my size increase. But it is not so big of a difference that I can't explain it..
It was an excpensive cycle thoug, for my next I am thinking of adding a injectable like test-e or primo. I still have 4 weeks of tbol left, so I will probably be back on cycle around oktober![]()
What do you guys make of this?