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Thread: Critique this cycle please.

  1. #1

    Critique this cycle please.

    Alright...I'm 19 (going to be 20 in about 3 months), and I know I'm aways away from taking any gear. (I took a blood test on thurs just to get a bearing on my test levels to know when they start to top off) I've done a pretty good deal of research and have acquired alot of useful information on this forum. When I started my search the wild road of gear I stumbled upon a website that contained a list of "beginner " steroid cycles. I often hear these layouts being bashed on these forums and I was wondering if someone could break downt the problems with this particular cycle.

    1-12 Test En. 500mg
    1-4 Dbol 20mg daily
    1-4 Liquidex 1mg daily
    4-12 Liquidex .5 mg daily

    14-17 Liquidex .25mg
    14-18 Clomid tapered from 200 to 25mg a day

    The first thing I hear different things about is the AI taken during the cycle. I ve heard people say it will lessen the gains, and others say that it just relieves the bloating resulting in keeping all the gains....
    Thanks guys for any thing added...And by the way i did a search and came up with nothing incase this was already sorry im a nwb ...I tried...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Probably u did'nt read this, wait at least 5 more years to use gear, at this age u should be lifting heavy, eating a lot and f*****g all girls around u, forget about gear, ur body is a Test machine at 19-20. U need to do more research.

  3. #3
    Yeah i know im aways away from taking any gear, but i dont really believe in the magical number of 24 (although many of you would wager you lives on it). I think im going to go the blood test route. Ill compare my recent blood test levels to that of one i will be taking in about 4-6 months from now...if the levels show a platue after about 2 or more tests then i know i have finished developing in terms of test production...
    Oh and by the way..Ill get right on Fing all the girls around me..although its not good for test production because as a male ejaculates he releases Zinc which is key for test production

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Special dangers to adolescents

    Anabolic steroids can halt growth prematurely in adolescents. "What happens is that steroids close the growth centers in a kid's bones", says Dr. Wadler. "Once these growth plates are closed, they cannot reopen so adolescents that take too many steroids may end up shorter than they should have been."


    Also adding dbol for a first cycle is stupid IMO. I am a big advocate of test only for the first cycle.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Chicago IL
    I see that nobody is going to make you change your mind about using Steroids at such a young age. However, I think that for your first cycle it is heavy, I would stay with a Test Cycle only and proper PCT.

  6. #6
    I completely agree with waiting until it is time to use gear. Thats why i plan on both waiting for Test results and i think i might get an xray to see how those growth plates are coming along. If either are still advancing i plan on waiting...
    Alright so dbol is a bad that just because we shouldnt use two diff compounds on a first cycle?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    What are your Stats?
    Age = 19
    Years Training?
    Diet w/Macros?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    you would probably et more help if you posted this in
    but everything looks good to me
    Last edited by ChiTownTommy; 06-16-2008 at 04:11 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by poor_gymrat View Post
    I completely agree with waiting until it is time to use gear. Thats why i plan on both waiting for Test results and i think i might get an xray to see how those growth plates are coming along. If either are still advancing i plan on waiting...
    Alright so dbol is a bad that just because we shouldnt use two diff compounds on a first cycle?

  10. #10
    DSM..My sister is an orthopedic surgeon...
    Alright..well guess everyone thinks the cycle is fine...when i start i might take out the Dbol just to see how i react to Test...should i leave in the liquidex or just use it if gyno creeps up

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