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Thread: Test-E and Deca cycle?

  1. #1

    Test-E and Deca cycle?

    I'm looking for somebody who has done a cycle with test e and deca. Trying to see the kind of gains/problems the user experienced. I'm contemplating on trying this cycle.
    wk 1-10 Test E 250mg/2x wk
    wk 1-10 Deca 200/mg wk
    wk 1-15 Nolva 10-20?mg day
    wk 13-15 clomid therapy

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    ya I done it, 400 mg of test e and 300 mg deca a week, it took 4 week to kick in but it works, there are sides it really is a mass builder, but I'm on a deca and test prop cycle now. NO sides but I'm using it to cut, it work very well.
    If I want to build mass then the Test E and deca is the way to go.
    Good luck bro.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    sharp end of a needle
    i did 500mg test e pw for 12 weeks and 400mg deca pw for 10 weeks with a dianobol kicker of 40 mg ed for 5 weeks last cycle. i had some really good gains, nipples were a little bit tender at times nothing drastic though, got really bad acne after pct though lol which i think is gonna leave a few scars.

  5. #5
    with taking the nolvadex during the cycle do you think i should see any signs of gyno??

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    probably better to run some l-dex throughout.

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