Hey..i am going to keep this log for my benefit and for the benefit of others interested in low dose test only cycles. So if u have an opinion on whether u deem me ready for aas or not, please keep it to yourself.
i will be taking 250mg per week of test enth for 10 weeks. pct nolva and liquidex (also if required during cycle)
29 years
been lifting on and off for 5 years
diet consists of roughly 250g protein per day and 3500 calories
my goals are lean bulk (especially in my genetically difficult pecs) with minimal sides
why the low dose? fear of sides and my use being obvious
1st injection July 1
After much soul searching I decided to take the plunge 1 ml right quad. 23g 1inch pin. In it went, some pain upon entry but then pretty good. Started shaking real bad, sweating and dizzy...thought i was going to pass out so pulled pin without injecting and had to lie down for like 20min. Manned up, changed pins and stuck it back down the same hole and injected slowly...all good. Was expecting the kicked in the leg by a mule pain but really didnt come, the next day there was a little pain, like a really slight cork and even today there is hardly any tightness or pain.
I will be updating this log every now and then including before and after pics, my avatar is close to what i look like now.