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  1. #1
    3dbigrigs's Avatar
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    First Timer / Tbol w/ Test E

    Cycle Start: 7-26-08
    AGE: 28
    Height 5ft 11.5"
    Starting Weight: 174
    BF% 10
    Years Lifting 3.5years
    Diet 3,000 calories, I gain weight very fast.

    Cycle experience: NONE I have never even done a pro hormone cycel

    Tbol 40mg for 4 weeks
    Test E - 500mg x 12 weeks
    PCT Nolva 40/40/20/20

    HCG on hand 5000iux2

    before this cycle I reduced calories and increase cardio to go from 193lbs to 169lbs and 8% BF then did maintainance to 174lbs 9-10% BF

    Okay I wasn't going to start a log but after this first week I had to.

    TBOL : After the first day of taking the TBOL i felt all my muscles get sore and it was like someone turned on the GROW switch. I really love the TBOL. got a headache first day but now it is gone. I have to wait a little more between sets because I feel more winded. I hear people say they dont feel the tbol but man I felt it right away. I take 10mg 4 times a day with meals.

    TEST _E : okay did right glute with 23g 1.5" and it went great didnt hurt at all. However that next day and for the following 4 days has been really uncomforatble. 4 days later when I had to do legs I knew I would pound the legs and sure enough it got sore again. I mean today is pin day sat and I am worried about pinning left side when the right side is still sore ( so 7 days since first injection and still sore ) and my but is sore from doing squats on thurs. Am I being a ***** or is this unusual? I know first shots hurt more but damn. okay also I have heard to split up the injections to 2 x 250mg, is that for pain or something else. I really dont want to pin quad becuase of horror stories.

    STRENGTH GAINS: none really maybe a bit but not worth mentioning. With tbol I feel like I can lift a house but when I get to lifting it is pretty much the sme. I have flet insane pumps as of day 2 and it is day 7 and the pumps are amazing. I took a week off from training prior to the cycle and my whole body is REALLY SORE from this weeks workouts.

    WEIGHT: as of day 7 I am at 185lbs up 10 pounds in 1.5 weeks a bit is water bloat but again that is on 3000 calories of chicken breasts,oatmeal and natural peanut butter.

    GOAL: ending weight 210, and cut down to 200. gain muscle with min fat gains.

    ADVICE: pain with these damn test e shots, I did everything right with injection, wife work at a hospital. achohal swab, heated injection site, and oil , massages, used a different needle to draw and inject ect ect.
    Last edited by 3dbigrigs; 09-04-2008 at 05:58 AM. Reason: spelling

  2. #2
    jc95605 is offline Senior Member
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    Sounds like your doing my cycle. I liked to too. First off i would up the tbol to 60mgs ed. Seems like your feeling it now, but 60mgs is a very common dose. Thats what i ran and i felt like you described for the whole 8wks. Thats another thing, if possible why not run the tbol for 8wks? If you wanna stay at 4 definatly up it to 60 and consider 80mgs. Alot of ppl have stomach problems while on tbol so keep that in mind. Pepto Bismol is handy to have on hand.

    My first shot was painful as well. The only thing i can tell you is that the more you don't it the less it hurts. Sounds like you did what i did, having a nurse help you sounds as good as it gets, lol. The only thing i did is heat up the test b4 i shot it and right after i would rub/massage the injection site to spread the compound around. But i will admit on the days it hurt i took a Mortin IB. Since that thins the blood i felt fine afterwards. What you are experiencing is normal, no need for concern. Good luck on your cycle and keep us updated.

  3. #3
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    thanks JC read your whole cycle log. thanks for the advice, I will stick with the 40mg since it is working anyway. Plus I dont have any more plus source takes a long time to get me my stuff. Plus for a first cycle I feel 40 is good. My arms have went from 14.6 to 15.25 in just a week. so I am stoked.

    As per my research usually kick starts with an oral should only go 4 weeks until the test kicks in. can damage liver and also it is just there until the test kicks in.
    Last edited by 3dbigrigs; 08-02-2008 at 05:34 PM.

  4. #4
    jc95605 is offline Senior Member
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    Depending on the oral and why your using it would decide how long to take it. Since your only using it for a kickstart, ya 4 or 5 wks will be good. Did you frontload the test? Thats alot of growth in just a week, you said your not holding water? I noticed my tbol at about wk 2.

  5. #5
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    I did not frontload the test because I was using the TBOL and wanted to see what results I got without a test front load, as of now I am pleased

  6. #6
    3dbigrigs's Avatar
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    okay just pinned 500mg of TEST E into ( a sore from leg workout) left glute and it hurt going in, but after there was no pain, I will let you know tomorrow about pain though.

    forgot to also mention got a cold from the wife ( not test flu ) for the last 4 day hopefully it will be gone soon,. I only missed 1 workout though.

  7. #7
    jc95605 is offline Senior Member
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    Increase your vitamin C, you'll be fine. Let us know about the pain. Something tells me i'll be alot less than last time.

  8. #8
    Jfew44's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 3dbigrigs View Post
    okay just pinned 500mg of TEST E into ( a sore from leg workout) left glute and it hurt going in, but after there was no pain, I will let you know tomorrow about pain though.

    forgot to also mention got a cold from the wife ( not test flu ) for the last 4 day hopefully it will be gone soon,. I only missed 1 workout though.
    Bro, you should split the test e into 2 doses throughout the week. 250mg 2x a week will help with sides and keep the test levels about the same throughout the week. This may be why it hurts. Just my opinion...

  9. #9
    xo3et's Avatar
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    I'm reading about the forums getting some ideas what to start.

    This is a nice log with some good information.

    thanks and keep going

  10. #10
    jc95605 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jfew44 View Post
    Bro, you should split the test e into 2 doses throughout the week. 250mg 2x a week will help with sides and keep the test levels about the same throughout the week. This may be why it hurts. Just my opinion...

    I agree. Twice a week will keep your blood levels more stable which will lessen your sides. That's what i've been doing for almost 9wks now and i havent had any negative sides yet.

  11. #11
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    PAIN:quick update: today the left glute doesn't hurt at all really, maybe just 10% pain but nothing like the other side. the original spot still hurts but I feel it is getting better. I am still debating whether to switch to 2 injections a week since this second one didnt hurt. maybe just the first one hurts like a bitch for a week or so and then you get used to it. Also I am going to get some more needles for other sites. maybe thighs, I heard shoulders were a bitch also.

    also shoulder is really sore almost painful from chest workout on friday night. will keep you guys updated.

  12. #12
    jc95605 is offline Senior Member
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    Hmm sounds like what i said would happen in post #2. Well hey, now you know. Yours shoulders are hurting huh? Well i think that is from one or 2 things.

    #1-incorrect form
    #2-shoulders are too weak

    I say #2 because i had that same problem. Start targeting your shoulders and blast them out. You need to get your shoulders stronger which will enable a higher bench. They work together.

  13. #13
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    okay looks like the pain in the shoulder is gone. I do use really strict form and I work shoulders out 1 day a week on their own for 3 years. but I will keep an eye on it. Weighed in this morning at 189.2 and did waist and fat waist measurements ( fat waist meaning the fastest part of my waste.) and even though I am consuming 3,100 calories a day clean sometimes a bit less but no more I am gaining some serious weight and it cant all be muscles since this is day 10 of the cycle. so I did some measurements compared to my last natural bulk

    Dec 2007 ( end of my last "natural" BULK )

    Weight 193.2
    Age 27
    Waist 35.75
    FWaist 39
    Forearms 12.5
    arms 15.25
    thighs 23.5
    calves 15
    chest 43.5 ( could be off a bit because of where tape measure was ?)

    __________________________________________________ _______________________

    June 208 ( end of my last "CUT" a month before the cycle )

    Weight 171.4
    Age 28
    Waist 32.25
    FWaist 35.5
    Forearms 12.5
    arms 14.6
    thighs 22.25
    calves 14.25
    chest 41.25 ( could be off a bit because of where tape measure was ?)

    __________________________________________________ ___________________________

    August 2008

    Weight 189.2
    Age 28
    Waist 33.75
    FWaist 37
    Forearms 12.75
    arms 15.25
    thighs 23.75
    calves 15
    chest 42.5

    __________________________________________________ ____

    so what does this all mean?

    it means that I have been eating to many calories in my opinion and the weight gain is simply due to eating more food, My strength has not gone up --- and, with eating more food strength will go up naturally, the tbol makes me sore and hard but I want muscle growth. I do feel bloated.

    I am going to do cardio today and do just protien no carbs. My goal is not to add inches to my waist and arms ect but to add inches to my muscles without add inches to my waist or at least mininmal. I will post a diet on here within the next day or so.

    I see people say I gain 10lbs in a week but again how much is fat? I could get to 250 if I wanted but 50lbs of it would probalbly be fat. damn these genetics

    PAIN: the pain in my butt is going away really fast, I guess that is just what happens when you start. it is to be expected.
    Last edited by 3dbigrigs; 08-04-2008 at 06:52 AM. Reason: more info

  14. #14
    10nispro's Avatar
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    3d....I agree that you need to split the injections up to 2x a week with test e.

    Tbol, which I have used twice and am corrently using for my 3rd cycle with prop, takes about 3 weeks to really kick in. It's very mild, but used with test, they seem to work synergistically. Tbol isn't really used to kickstart because it slow and weak compared to dbol . My suggestion is to up your dosage if you can score some more and run for 6 weeks or stop at 4 weeks and then get more to add at the last 6 weeks of your cycle. I know plenty of bro's that have done this and they noticed more strength and starting seeing bf% lower. The bloating will be from diet and the test e and not from the tbol. I haven't reported on my log in a while, because I haven't had time to get on the computer, but I will say I am up 7 good lbs and I started on July 8th. Any questions shoot me an pm and I wil check your log.

  15. #15
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    Cycle Day 11

    WEIGHTSworked arms today and was the "hardest workout" I have had in months. I was about to throw up, and gave it everything I had. I did increase on weights by a couple reps but I attribute that to me giving it my best and also the extra calories. I can honestly say the weights felt super heavy. I cant wait for this stuff to kick in.

    PAIN: well original injection site is now not hurting at all but the one i pinned on sat all of a sudden started hurting bad last night and today, again this is to be expected just wanted to let other people planning their first to know what to expect.

    INJECTION 250x2 I am still thinking aobut this and will make up my mind on sat. I am thinking about pinning my delts but if they feel like my butt then I wont be able to lift on them. so I dont know. I also dont know if it is opinion abot doing injection 2 times a week or fact. anyone who did 1 shot a week with great results please chim in.

    TBOL: I will consider stopping at week 4 as plannned and maybe doing some more at the end of my cycle but that stuff aint cheap, and I will have to make that call in the next few weeks.

  16. #16
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    DAY 13:

    STRENGTH: still have the fever and stomach nausea , but yesterday did shoulders and went up 10lbs in dumbbell shoulder press and 2 rep which is really good, however I am not convinced it is the tbol or the test yet.

    MOOD:frusterated with my fever and stomach nausea, of course the wife thinks it is the stuff but I think it is the flu from 6 days ago hanging on.

  17. #17
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    i may have missed it... but what is your height? i see weight and such but no height stat

  18. #18
    stpete is offline Banned
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    An overwhelming majority will advise you to shoot 250 twice a week. Myself included.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    i may have missed it... but what is your height? i see weight and such but no height stat
    Sorry about that added it to the top 5ft 11.5"

    also pissed that my pants are getting tight and neck is getting tight with dress shirts AAAAHHHRGGGG!
    Last edited by 3dbigrigs; 08-07-2008 at 10:58 AM.

  20. #20
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    CYCLE DAY 14

    sickness okay so I have had no desire to eat since I have been sick the last 6 days with nausua and fever. but lucky for me I have a slow ass metabolism I weighed today at 189lbs still and I have been eating my protien. I can't wait till the fever stops I feel like I am on fire all the time.

    weights did legs today and went up a rep or 2 and some weight added on squats, was sweating like a beast which usually I never sweat even when running for 45 min straight, just my body type

    TEST 250x2 even though I didnt want to I have agreed to start this saturday with 250ml of test and then every 3.5 days and I think I am going to pin the delt maybe the quad. I want to give my butt a break. hope the new site doesnt hurt asmuch as my first glute on did ochhhhh!

    SIDE EFFECTSokay so I woke up this morning and the end of my nipples were a bit hard, like getting out of a cold shower, they stayed that way for 8 hours but after working out they went back to normal. Please no newbies or people who have not done a cycle respond but man that was a little scary I do have nolva on hand and I dont want to use it unless it gets bad,. there was no lump or hardness at all. Also if I get scared and throw in nolva thatt is more money and also can hinder gains but then again I dont want bitch tits. I am only day 14 of this cycle. any advice from vets
    Last edited by 3dbigrigs; 08-08-2008 at 05:03 PM.

  21. #21
    jc95605 is offline Senior Member
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    I like adex for gyno issues. That stuff will work with your current cycle. I would save the nolva for pct. Adex is an AI which doesn't let anything convert into estro. Nolva is a SERM so it would take longer to work. Just my .02 cents. When I took tbol it made my stomach upset. I would have to use pepto bismol sometimes. The fever is a new one tho. I think your right it might still be the flu. Flood yourself with vitamin C to get rid of it!

  22. #22
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    CYCLE DAY 15

    TEST E Tonight I have a beach party to go to and have been really busy so I will have to inject the 250mg test e tonight at the party. I will probably try the delt I will let you know how it goes. I have 1.5 inch needles but will only stick 1 inch in.

    WEIGHTS went up a rep or 2 in the bb bench nothing spectacular, went up 10lbs in db press incline which was really good. i love working out on sat mornings

    PUFFY NIPS: after research online it is somewhat common to get erect puff nips as longs and there is no lump or insane itching I am okay

  23. #23
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    CYCLE DAY 16

    SCALE WEIGHT 193lbs @ 730pm

    Test E okay injected 250ml test in left delt, I didn't have time to warm up the test or the muslce and boy did I pay for it. I hurt so freakin bad, I mean the pressure was intense and I was thinking damn what the hell am I doing. After 8 minutes it stopped . It is only hurting a tad right now the day after but usually the last 2 did the same thing then 2 days later hurt like a bitch. so far I have done Rglute Lglute Ldelt. and I will probably skip the tight we will see.

    WEIGHTS today is off day for me back day tomorrow.

    TBOL I dont know if it is the TBOL but I have had little appetitte, but knowing me I still eat my protien I mean my wieght is 193 so I am not worried and I am increasing my weight and reps at the gym

    puffy nips as I thought after research they went down and are no longer puffy or sensitive at all shewww, I will get some adex just in case when I enter pct.

    Nausua and Fever still with me however just half the day instead of the whole day

    HCG I want to start taking 500iu 2 times a week but questions is where do you get a sterile container to mix the HCG solution with the water. I have a vile with HCG and 2 water containers and it is susposed to make 5000ius. if anyone can assist I would appreciate it.

    anyone reading this log??????

  24. #24
    jc95605 is offline Senior Member
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    Yes, some ppl are reading the log. I don't remember tbol making me less hungry tho. Are you taking anything else?
    Last edited by jc95605; 08-10-2008 at 06:13 PM.

  25. #25
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    no just the TBOL and TEST E , could be the flu stuff still hanging on but like I said 193lb

  26. #26
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    CYCLE DAY 17

    WEIGHTS very tough back workout. I mean I gave it everything I had. had forearm and biceps pumps that were almost painful. I still dont think the test is here but maybe it is starting to or maybe it is the TBOL who knows. went up a rep or 2 on most execises but nothing a natural bulk would not produce

    SHOT my body must be getting used to the test my L delt doesnt even hurt at all really, plus I am injecting less test since I split it up 250x2

  27. #27
    jc95605 is offline Senior Member
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    If anything its the tbol your feeling. At around wk 4 or 5 you'll feel the test. I would take the tbol AT LEAST until you feel the test kick in.

  28. #28
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    cycle day 18

    weight 194lbs

    WEIGHTS went to do arms today and after my first set of tricep pushdowns I had a pump from both from shoulders to my biceps that was soo freakin painful I had to stop my workout. I drink a good amount of water and stretch. Somone suggested banannas. anyway I will have to add biceps to my shoulder routine tommorrow. The pumps was like a deep aching in my muscles and hurt like a biaaacthhh.

    SHIRT I am going to have to buy new dress shirts for work. My neck is exploding out of the 16.5 ones I have now. Damn I dont haVE THE MONEY but I can't go around with my top button un done

    SEX DRIVE if anything with the nausua I have had decreased labido. I usually like to have sex 3 times a day naturally but now I am just down to 1 times a day. also I have horse size balls so even if mine get smaller through the cycle my wife said they might actually be normal size. And yeah the wife hates that I have such a high sex drive but I told her when the test kicks in I will just have a marathon on some "other" websites.

    TEST E I will do my TEST E injection tomorrow into the original right glute and then next one into right delt

  29. #29
    jc95605 is offline Senior Member
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    Three times a day.....must be newlyweds. But ya when the test kicks in you'll be hornier and you'll get double the erections. You'll get them easier, including times when you don't want them. Your balls will shrink a lil, but i mean a little. I mean i hardly noticed mine at all. I think the tbol is defrinatley kicking in with the size increase and the pumps. You sounds like your on the right course. Keep going and train hard.

  30. #30
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    ahaha, no I have been happily married and faithful to my wife for 7 years. I just have an unbelievable sex drive and attraction for her. My father who is 53 still likes it 2-3 times a day. It is really a curse because when my wife was pregnant for over 3 years with our 3 kids she didnt want to do it and I thought I was going to die, but I hung in there and now all is back to normal.

  31. #31
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    CYCLE DAY 20

    WEIGHT 193.2

    INJECTION did 250mg Test E in right glute, a little pain going in but after felt fine, also glute feel good, my body has finally gotten used to the test now for sure.

    WEIGHTS Okay went to do biceps and shoulers because of the painful pumps from yesterday and damn if they didnt show up again. I mean I didnt even take any tbol before the gym and still. okay so I tried the pulley machine and it didnt hurt as bad and was able to finish the workout. Still no major strength gains. I am really lookin forward to week 4 and on.

    SIZE people are def starting to notice that I am getting bigger, my boss ( who has done juice before ) has called me out, funny thing is he thinks I am at the end of the cycle when actually I am just starting...hahah.

  32. #32
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    CYCLE DAY 22

    WEIGHT 196lbs

    INJECTION Tonight I will do right delt 250mg TEST E

    TBOL then DBOL I was debating whether to tell anyone this but I am going to be out of TBOL in a couple days and I have scored enough DBOL for 1 week. The tbol was okay but I have not really seen any majore strength gains and I am 21lbs heavier. To tell the truth there I have not gained that much fat though. Agree with it or not that is what I am going to do, I just want to be honest with my log

    WEIGHTS chest day again did DB bench press some some supersets. PUmp was really good, however my shoulders started acting up again. I really dont understand if it is a major pump or pain or what. I may have to take a couple days off to recoup them or something. I have awesome form and have worked shoulders every week on its own day for 3 years. hmmmmmm

    BALLS ball are getting smaller, wife said they are still above average size more like they went form GIANT to just large.

    LABIDO same

    FEVER for the first time today I feel okay, but I dont want to jinx it.

  33. #33
    jc95605 is offline Senior Member
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    Ok your balls getting smaller is the test building up so you know thats working. Soon you'll feel it kick in. I'm against dbol . I hate the stuff. All it does is add water weight. I don't like how you gained 21lbs already tho. Did you get your tbol from a legit source? Recently i've been hearing that sources are selling tbol and giving ppl dbol. I know it happened to me. Gained a shitload of weight. The reason why i say that is because you keep saying that your strength isn't up. If you gained that weight on tbol you'd definately be stronger. Personally I'd only use tbol, althought it sounds like you already have dbol. There is a way to tell. Start using your adex and if you weight goes down you'd know it was water. Btw, do you look bloated at all or do you look more cut and vascular?

  34. #34
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    Cycle DAy 23

    weight 193.6

    Measurement DAY here is a look at my last nutural bulk results in 2007 and my progress with my cycle so far. the measurement speak for themselves

    Dec 2007 ( end of my last "natural" BULK )

    Weight 193.2
    Age 27
    Waist 35.75
    FWaist 39
    Forearms 12.5
    arms 15.25
    thighs 23.5
    calves 15
    chest 43.5 ( Could be off because relized tape measure was sticking to back later on )

    August 04, 2008

    Weight 189.2
    Age 28
    Waist 33.75
    FWaist 37
    Forearms 12.75
    arms 15.25
    thighs 23.75
    calves 15
    chest 42.5

    August 17th, 2008

    Weight 193.6
    Age 28
    Waist 33.75
    FWaist 36.75
    Forearms 13
    arms 15.7
    thighs 24
    calves 15
    chest 43

    so while my waist has stayed the same I have increased in muscle size on most of my measurements. so I am please and it is only 3 weeks into my 12 week cycle. So far my shoulder acting up and the painful pumps are my only negative.

    Good News wife let me sleep in and I think it has helped with my fever, I have not gotten to sleep in later for about 2 months.

    TEST E pinned right delt last night, hurts this morning but then again has never been pinned there. last night was the first night in over 5 injections where I saw blood, I did aspirate but still some blood came pouring out after we pulled the needle out.

    DBOL ADVICE ANYONE??? talked with some my friend who is on DBOL and said has not really noticed alot of bloat at 30mg a day, said diet is pretty clean and strength is way up. JC I appreciate your comments bro. I have 2 more day to decide. anyone else have any advice
    please chime in.

    that pic is about 4 months old, obviously I look much better than that now.. but I just wanted to get one up quick I am going to take pictures next week sometime.
    Last edited by 3dbigrigs; 08-17-2008 at 01:20 PM.

  35. #35
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    Cycle Day 25

    Weight 195.2

    WEIGHTS had a GREAT biceps triceps day, I started to feel animalistic in the gym. I hit some heavier weights but mainly went for supersets and just had a blast. I also did some hanging ab work. My shoulders didnt bother me today but I am going to skip them this week to give them some rest. The last thing I need is a shoulder injury while my test is about to kick in.

    TBOL okay well I will be done with my TBOL tomorrow I am going to do Dbol for a week or so just to see what it is like.

    WELL BEING I did today have an awesome sense of well being, could be the test or the fact I am 195 with no waist gain. hah.

  36. #36
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    hey man good progress so far...looks like you should hit your target weight no problem. keep it up

  37. #37
    arenawarrior is offline Banned
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    great progress..I just started my cycle of Test E.

    I use 25g pins to inject.. I think thats why you are hurting so much.

    First 1 hurt the next day
    2nd time ( yesterday) doesnt hurt at all. I aspirated and air comes out.. no blood.

    I dont think im going to do anything different between the 2 sides of my ass because well.. dont want to F anything up.

    its been a week, and i think ive gained a solid 5 lbs.. But i mean at night im 10-15 lbs heavier then when i started, go to the bathroom, wake up the next morning and i lost..

    Keep up the great work

  38. #38
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    CYCLE DAY 28

    WEIGHT 196 ( however in the middle of the day it is 202lbs)

    DBOL - okay I have started DBOL at 30mg a day for my last week. Already I feel a major difference the the DBOL, muscles feel like they are growing more, the nausua has gone away and appetite up. I really wish I had started with DBOL from the start but oh well. I am eating clean and drinking my water to but down on the bloat.

    WEIGHTS - feel like that are getting lighter by the day, Dont know "for sure" if the test has kicked in because of the orals, but my balls have gotten smaller, but no boners all day or anything, but will keep you guys up to date. Great shoulder workout without pain, I tried to skip them but couldn't

    WELL BEING I do see what they mean by a great since of well being. HAHAH

    GOAL I am now bigger than my brother, my bro has been bigger than me for over 4 years and I went to workout with him and it was obvious that I had gotten even bigger than him. hahah. yessss

  39. #39
    3dbigrigs's Avatar
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    CYCLE DAY 31

    WEIGHT 197 ( however in the middle of the day it is 202lbs)

    DBOL - feeling a tad of bloat but no biggie will run for 4 more days and stop

    WEIGHTS - added a couple of reps, nothin major

    PARTY everyone said I was much bigger, not fatter just bigger, yes I did get wasted but I only drink once a year at most

    TEST E pinned the left delt hurt like a bitch yesterday, today it still hurts like a bitch I mean bad. I hate pinning delts.
    Last edited by 3dbigrigs; 08-26-2008 at 08:04 PM.

  40. #40
    3dbigrigs's Avatar
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    Weights just went and did back excercise, and it was really good. upped some weight and felt great. I have really no desire to eat which is weird because usually I am hungry all the time before this cycle. I am at 202 in the middle of the day and at the gym I felt like one of the big boys and it is only week 4 hahah. can't wait for it to really kick in.

    DBOL I wish I could run this for 6 weeks or so but I heard stay from 4-5 dunno what do you guys think. I LOVE DBOL way better than TBOL. I want size now.

    I think this could be due to the brand. might have to research a better one

    DESIRE TO EAT okay because I have had no desire to eat I have added hempadrole to my cycle to help with nausea and will help me eat more and sleep more.

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