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Thread: Test E First Cycle Log!!!

  1. #121
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    Quote Originally Posted by bodybuilder1107 View Post
    whats your bf percentage here do you know? looking good though, im about to start the first cycle but with a frontload, which was better for the test-e? 500mgs or 600 mgs
    Not sure on bf bro. People said on here my before pics were around 13% and i know ive lost some fat while been on but how much i really dont know. As long as im always under 12% while bulking and under 9% while cutting then im good. My goals are to get around 210lbs during fall/winter season with 11%bf and be around 205 in the spring/summer seasons with around 7%. Thoughs are my overall goals and to just maintain or tighten up a little when i reach those goals, dont think im too far now. I think 3 cycles later and by summer coming up ill be very close to my goal if not meet it. Then just maintan from there. Not looking to do aas my whole life, just to help me reach my goals. Yeah bro, frontload for sure! Took me a good 5 weeks to feel anything worth mentioning, too long for me bro. If ur not scared of pinning then id say go with test prop only cycle. If ur gonna frontlaod then id say frontload for the first 2 weeks or at least first 3 injects! I know people who frontload just first week like how many advocate on here and still dont feel on till week 4.

  2. #122
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    Week 6 Day 2

    Today was an unexpected off day due to school. Will be hittin back/calves/cardio tomorrow for sure. My left tri feels just fine for a virgin muscle. Very slight discomfort if i bend my arm and flex the muscle real hard but really nothing to complain about. Might have found a new favorite spot to shoot! My left tri feels a little bigger than my right tri though. My shoot .6cc in each next time so im swole, haha!

  3. #123
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    Week 6 Day 3

    Today i just did back cus i was in a hurry. HAd a pretty good workout, nothing crazy to report though. Looks like this new ugl is bunk so im goin back to the original for the remainder of my cycle and will keep it at 500mg a week for 12 weeks total. Gonna shot 1.5ml of my gear tomorrow in the delt to help me catch up from the time lost on the fake gear.

  4. #124
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    Week 6 Day 4

    Shot right delt today 1.5ml of my original legit ugl to help me catch back up from the time ive lost. WOrked out delts/abs/cardio today and felt great! HAd a great pump in my delts and felt really strong like i could move any kind of weight. Of course i couldnt but its nice to feel like u can. Just started doing military press with a barbell and sh*t this stuff is hard! Ive always done arnold presses, regular dumbell presses, seated machine presses, even seated barbell presses but on that machine where the bar is connected on each end so u dont need a spotter and keeps the bar moving up and down so u dont need to balance (forget the name of that contraption). Those are the excercises ive always done for front and overall delts as my first excercise for size and strength (alternating one of those from the list every week of course to switch it up) but have never tried old school seated barbell military presses to the front before. Anyways, i like em and feel i will grow some more on em. My delts have always been my strong point (develop very easy for me) so ive never really tried too many new things for em. Ima stick with this excercise for awhile and see where it takes me. Sorry for all the rambling, haha.

  5. #125
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    Week 6 Day 5

    Today was supposed to be leg and arm day so i could take the weekend off but of course that didnt happen. LAstnight was my best friend's b-day so we partied all night til like 4am so im sure u guys can figure out the rest. Woke up today at like 1pm, ran all kinds of errand and then it was already like 6pm and wasnt feelin the gym. Was pissed at myself but what can u do? GOt my meals in for the day so at least i had that much goin for me.

  6. #126
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    Week 6 Day 6

    Well today was now gonna be my leg and arm day but again as yesterday didnt happen. I didnt set my alarm right lastnite and woke up an hour and a half late so didnt have enough time before work today to workout. GOt a lot of stuff done around the house and got my meals in so im good. Looks like no arm day this week but for sure gonna do legs tomorrow morning no matter what! Ima set 3 alarms to make sure i wake my ass up tomorrow! Monday starts my regular workout routine again of chest/abs/cardio so i dont want to do legs and arms tomorrow cus ill have to take monday off. My arms are coming in pretty good anyways and the indirect work on them seems to be working with the aas pretty good.

  7. #127
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    U ain't big....

  8. #128
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed500 View Post
    U ain't big....
    Haha, not everyone can be as big as u punk! One day, one day. Feel great though, ur gonna love aas bro! So much better than prohormones. Imagine way better results than any prohormone with almost zero side effects, dont know of any prohormone possible of that.

  9. #129
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    Week 6 Day 7

    Did legs today. Was kinda in a hurry which sucked (slept in again) but still had a good workout. Since i was in a hurry i just went straight to squats and even doin 2 easy warmup sets my knees joints felt really dry. Kinda scared me cus ive never ever had this problem before so i was kinda sketchy on din heavy weight. Still did 5 sets. After squats my legs felt fine and was up 10-15lbs from last week on all my other leg workouts besides squats. Felt this crazy aggression kick too. Like on leg press when i was exhausted and couldnt rep anymore, got this crazy surge and pushed out 2-3 more reps. FUc*kin crazy. Was like this on all my lifts which was cool. Never hd anything do that for me before. Like i wasnt xhausted anymore and had this like burst of extra strength kick in, loved it! Cant wait for tomorrow! CHest/abs/cardio and a nice 250mg shot in the pec first thing in the morning before the gym.

  10. #130
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    Chest Critique

    Quote Originally Posted by wukillabee View Post
    Here ya go, geez! Sorry for the horrible pics, my g/f doesnt understand how to take them. She busts up laughing everytime i ask her saying i look so gay posing like this and taking these kind of pics. She just doesnt understand and makes me laugh while takin them so i cant really take them seriously thanks to her. These should give you guys an idea anyways. From what you cant see is all over im much more fuller and a little more define. These ab pics arent the best but in person can clearly see my oblique and serretus muscles and a 6 pack. My upper 2 pack is a little more define and ive noticed the layer of fat once there is slowly going away. Anyways, here you guys go, let me know what you think. Oh, can also see now a vein poppin out my upper right pec connecting to my trap, kinda cool! Of course details like that cant be seen with this shitty pics, oh well.

    Hopefully my pics carried over with my reply for u guys. What d u guys think bout my lower pecs, are they laggin? Ive really never done decline press before. I usually do incline press first or flat press first in my routine then the other second. Then i usually do some fly variations and maybe end with dips which i guess work my lower pecs bent over of course. This excercise is probably the only one which concentrates on my lower pecs (flat bench does too to a certain degree) but do u guys think i need more? My upper and middle pecs feel solid but my lower pecs feel to me not as solid. Was thinking of doing decline barbell press second in my routine and either flat or incline third in my routine (which ever one i dont do first in my routine). What do u guys think? Or maybe dips and decline flys be enough? Looking more for that lower sweep across ur lower pec look which i think would be more from flys (and low bf of course) then from a pressing movement. What do u guys think?

  11. #131
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    Of course my pics didnt carry over with my reply. See page 3 post # 110 for the pics. Thanks!

  12. #132
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    Still takin .5mg of arimidex ed for like 8 days now i think (gotta chck my calender). The sensitivity is gone now in them but the small peas size lump is still there in both my nips. Didnt notice the lump in my right one before cus it is much smaller than the one in my left and in a different area. I know arimidex takes 7 days to stable in ur system so maybe a few more days and these lumps will decrease in size hopefully? What do u guys think? I also have Lion's lemon lime letro on hand, should i use that at .25mg ed instead of the arimidex? Thinking about giving the l-dex a few more days @ .5mg to see if it makes the lumps softer or go away. Should i wait it out or start the letro and at what dose should i start the letro? Didnt have these lumps before, came on during cycle and started l-dex right away @ .5mg ed and starting week 7 day 1 tomorrow. Thanks!

  13. #133
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Nice to come back and see you still going strong. I looked over your log accidentally so ignore that message i sent. I'll critique later, gotta go to work. Do you do cable-crossovers? Tell Reed my log will be up later tonight.

  14. #134
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    Nice job so far....keep it up.

  15. #135
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    I would do some decline dumbells and smith machine decline. Kind of hard to do the dumbells without a spotter to hand them to you, but you can try. Or maybe someone will be willing. Then go heavy on the smith machine and just rack it if you have to. Then do inclines. Dumbell and barbell. Then burn the hell out of them with flyes. Mix it up between machine and dumbells. On the flat bench flies, keep your arms extended as much as possible and twist them inward at the top and squeeze. Maybe you do this already. But if you get a good workout in and do 4 sets of 10 of these, your chest should be numb at the end of it. I love em, but look like a puss only using 60's. But my chest is hammered. Hope that helped.

  16. #136
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    I would do some decline dumbells and smith machine decline. Kind of hard to do the dumbells without a spotter to hand them to you, but you can try. Or maybe someone will be willing. Then go heavy on the smith machine and just rack it if you have to. Then do inclines. Dumbell and barbell. Then burn the hell out of them with flyes. Mix it up between machine and dumbells. On the flat bench flies, keep your arms extended as much as possible and twist them inward at the top and squeeze. Maybe you do this already. But if you get a good workout in and do 4 sets of 10 of these, your chest should be numb at the end of it. I love em, but look like a puss only using 60's. But my chest is hammered. Hope that helped.
    Yeah, ima update my thread here in a minute. I did decine barbell presses for 3 sets today with dips with my body weight for 2 sets and even 3 sets of decline machine presses. Just wondering from my week 6 pics if u guys think my lower pecs need work. They might not and im just over analyzing, what do u think?

  17. #137
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    I think you're ok man. Your arms, delts and traps are your best features. I say work on the upper chest and abs a little more. Your arms are definetely swole.

  18. #138
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    I think you're ok man. Your arms, delts and traps are your best features. I say work on the upper chest and abs a little more. Your arms are definetely swole.
    Thanks bro, yeah my delts and traps are my best for sure. NEver really had to do much for em either, they just grow like no other muscle group with ease for me. My calves are fu*kin lacking in growth! Been training them twice a week, switching up the excercises, trying all kinds of intnesity techniques, still dont grow too much for me. I give em 2-3 days rest before workin em again so i know im not overtraining them. I get a great burn while working them out and sore next day but they grow the slowest for me for sure which sucks a**!

  19. #139
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    Week 7 Day 1

    Ahh injection day, gotta love it! Shot my right pec today upon waking up 250mg (1ml) with no probs. Did notice a few drops of oil that came out of the hole though, that sucks. Some blood followed after that, no biggie. Felt so strong and confident going into the gym, this stuff makes u feel like u can move or lift anything (of course u cant but still)! Went up 10lbs on incline press and felt strong throughout my workout. DId 4 sets of abs after then only 15min of cardio (calves were killing me cus still sore from yesterday's legs). Pec stings a little and kinda sore now. Hopefully not too much oil in my sub-q layer, im sure i did though since some oil did come out of the hole after taking pin out. Not sure why, shot it how i always do and almost a full inch in with 23g, oh well, what can u do? Back/calves/cardio tomorrow! Gonna weigh myself tomorrow morning if i can remember when i first wake up to see where im at. CHecked about a week ago around 210lbs so gained about 12lbs so far and lean too!

  20. #140
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    Week 7 Day 2

    Today i took off. My g/f didnt have school today so im sure u guys can figure out the rest, haha. DOnt see skiping anymore gym days this week and just gonna do delts/arms on the same day to make up for today on friday, no biggie. Still feel great! My g/f says she can notice all my muscles being more full and define and cant see any water retention which is good. Took .5mg of l-dex again today and nips feel pretty much as fine as theyre gonna get. No more sensitivity for about 4-5 days now and the lumps have gone down. I think ima just start taking the l-dex now at .25mg eod throughout my cycle and go from there.

  21. #141
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    You big vagina step your game up.... You see how stpete is doing a log thats how it should be done.

    Haha jk bro. Good work on the gains. I can't wait for my time. Only like a month and half and I'll be getting big like you

  22. #142
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    I was with myyy girrlllfriennnddddd. Yea, rub it in buddy. Let us know when you recooperate bro. hahaha

  23. #143
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    Quote Originally Posted by reed500 View Post
    you big vagina step your game up.... You see how stpete is doing a log thats how it should be done.

    Haha jk bro. Good work on the gains. I can't wait for my time. Only like a month and half and i'll be getting big like you

  24. #144
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    And you aint gotta lie about getting laid either we will still be your friends

  25. #145
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    I was with myyy girrlllfriennnddddd. Yea, rub it in buddy. Let us know when you recooperate bro. hahaha
    Haha, i did take an hour nap afterwards. Haha, felt great when i woke up. Well sh*t guys, so hard to turn it down while on test. Like all she has to do is rub my leg and im walkin around with a pitched tent for 10 minutes before it calms down! I can normally turn down sex over the gym but not today, sorry guys.

  26. #146
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed500 View Post
    You big vagina step your game up.... You see how stpete is doing a log thats how it should be done.

    Haha jk bro. Good work on the gains. I can't wait for my time. Only like a month and half and I'll be getting big like you
    Stop bein so pissy! Ur just made cus we're on that good ish and ur still playin with those pu$$y prohormones! J/k bro. Just dont want to post up my back workout and show up stpete on how us youngins get it done. If i remember then ill post up my numbers tomorrow of my back/calve workout. Just not the kind of person to run around the gym with my pad and pen, never was.

  27. #147
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    Your right My PCT depression is causing my anger toward my friends. Haha you know I'm f*ckin with ya

    Neither do I. I guess I just didnt hurt my short term memory that bad in high school. haha. I just kept it in my head then wrote it down on the computer when at home. But on PCT I don't really care what I'm lifting just trying to make it through the workout while still trying to lift some decently heavy ass weight. I go more slow and controlled on PCT and stay in a higher rep range (10-20) than when on.

  28. #148
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed500 View Post
    Your right My PCT depression is causing my anger toward my friends. Haha you know I'm f*ckin with ya

    Neither do I. I guess I just didnt hurt my short term memory that bad in high school. haha. I just kept it in my head then wrote it down on the computer when at home. But on PCT I don't really care what I'm lifting just trying to make it through the workout while still trying to lift some decently heavy ass weight. I go more slow and controlled on PCT and stay in a higher rep range (10-20) than when on.
    Thats cool. My computer is gettin worked on right now and not gonna have it til the end of this week (already got a better computer guy). When i get my comp back ill do the same. As soon as i get home from the gym ill have my shake while updating my log. Just a pain in the ass to update via my phone cus i cant space everything out clearly with my phones web browser. I can with Internet Explorer or maybe even Opera Mobile but its a pain in the a$$. Use Opera Mini and can surf so damn fast. Yeah, i do the same while on pct.

  29. #149
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    Week 7 Day 3

    Today i did back/cardio. Didnt do calves snce i missed a day this week so to make up ima do legs tomorrow and delts/arms on friday. Had a great workout with tons of energy. Not too much more strength increases from last week (still up though 20-35lbs in all lifts) but had so much damn energy. Felt like i could lift heavy but with countless sets, never feel tired kind of its crazy. All and all i felt i had a very good workout today.
    Reed, stop bein pissy and ill start posting numbers up for the rest of my log when i get my computer back, geez. Tomorrow i plan shooting my right glute, havent shot my glutes in so long! FUnny cus i have so many 1 1.5" pins and running low on 1" pins cus im hardly shooting glutes, haha. Like the smaller spot injections better. Can only do glutes when my g/f is home, not very flexable. Maybe some yoga will help, haha.

  30. #150
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    Good to hear you had plenty of energy. Fuel is most important. I hear ya man, glutes can be a pain. My back starts to cramp if i take too long. Wish i had someone to shoot me sometimes. Very nice.
    I'll be in touch when i hear bro.

  31. #151
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    Good to hear you had plenty of energy. Fuel is most important. I hear ya man, glutes can be a pain. My back starts to cramp if i take too long. Wish i had someone to shoot me sometimes. Very nice.
    I'll be in touch when i hear bro.
    Yeah, felt like i could work out for hours! No way i could shoot my glute while holdng still for 30+ seconds to shoot. I only shoot glutes if my gurl is home the same day and time im gonna shoot. If shes not well then i have pecs, delts, tris, quads, plenty to go around, haha. Keep in touch bro and let me know, thanks!

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    Don't worry when I post my log I expect the harassment. My shit will be a comedy fest

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    Talking Week 7 Day 4

    Girl just shot right glute but i think she shot too damn high! Looks like she got more near my hip than glute. Oh well, cant go back now. Today was legs/cardio. I always do 2 warm-up sets per exercise before counting my actual sets i do. Went like this today after warm-ups of course:

    Lying Leg Curl Machine: 70lbs=12 reps, 90lbs=10 reps, 90lbs=8 reps
    Seated Leg Extension Machine: 140lbs=12 reps, 150lbs=10 reps, 165lbs=8 reps, 165lbs=8 reps.
    Squats: 225lbs= 12 reps, 245lbs= 8 reps, 245lbs= 8 reps, 245lbs= 6 reps.
    Leg Press Machine: 360lbs=12 reps, 450lbs=10 reps, 450lbs=8 reps, 450lbs=8 reps.
    Donkey Calf Raise Machine: 140lbs= 12 reps, 160lbs= 10 reps, 180lbs= 8 reps, 180lbs= 8 reps dropset to 150lbs=6 reps dropset to 130lbs= 10 reps.
    Then did only 15 minutes cardio cus i was in a hurry today and still am. Gotta study for a bio quiz i gotta take in a few hours. Overall, felt i had a good workout. These have been my usual numbers for the past few weeks but have noticed every workout a little boost of stamina and strength. Like the leg extensions i did the 165lbs no prob and could hold the peak for a second and perfect form on all lifts as always.

  35. #155
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    What's donkey calf raises?

  36. #156
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    What's donkey calf raises?
    Haha, Arnold did them back in the day amoung others. Its a calf raise like the traditional standing calf raise but bent over and placing less stress on ur upper body and more on your calfs. Dont have a picture but if you google it you'll get the idea. Ive noticed a difference since for years all ive done for calves was seated and standing calf raises. Since doing donkey calf raises ive noticed more strength out of them and a little more size.

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    Week 7 Day 5

    My gurl has had a cold for the past few days and looks like its finally passed to me. Had a bad cold today so had to skip out on the gym. Not too upset since im only missling delt/arm day and for me these are some of my best muscle groups. Id be pissed if i missed leg day though! Thank god i worked those out yesterday. Gonna take today and the weekend off to get back to normal. Gonna start back up on monday. At least i had 4 good days in this week. Even though i have a shitty cold i still have my appetite and have been eating as planned.

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    Week 7 Day 6

    Already feeling a lot better today! Still got some sniffles but no biggie and should be gone by tomorrow im sure. Im thinking ill be good for monday since today is only saturday and im feeling much better. Took a few servings of liquid tylenol cold and cough stuff yesterday and about to take another right now. Still feel solid and srong and my appetite is still up so everything else is goin great. Damn i love aas! Even when ur sick u still feel swole, haha!

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    Week 7 Day 7

    Today i woke up feeling like sh!t. HAd a really bad sore throat and runny nose. I felt it hit me lastnite after work so i took 1g vit-c, echanicea/goldenseal, and some nyquil. Today i took a serving of dayquil before work and my multi-v, 1g vit-c, echanicea/goldenseal, fish oil, vit-e. Feel a little better throat wise but stillm have a bad runny nose. Ima be so pissed if i still feel like crap tomorrow and cant workout. Im gonna try to get out of work early and rest up.

  40. #160
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    Alright. We just call those bent over calf raises. Been around for years.

    Sorry to hear that you're under the weather. NOT....

    Get your ass up and get to the gym lover. She'll still be there for you.

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