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Thread: Test E, Tren E, Anadrol log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Day 1 of injections and Anadrol

    Ok guys I figured I would do a log for this cycle so here it goes:

    Weeks 1-14 Test E @ 750mg/wk(inject 2x's wk)(frontloading 1st week)
    Weeks 1-10 Tren E @ 400mg/wk(inject 2x's wk)
    Weeks 1-4 Anadrol @ 50mg/day
    Weeks 1-14 Letro @ .25mg/day
    For PCT:
    Weeks 15-18 HCG 500iu 2x/wk
    Weeks 17-20 Nolva @ 25mg/day
    Weeks 17-20 Proviron @ 50mg/day

    Ok well i took 50mg of Anadrol a little earlier today and also i just took my 2 first shots. I took 2cc of tren in my right quad and 3cc of Test in my left. And everything went pretty good. The tren in my right quad sorta burned for a lil bit a little after the injection but i massaged it and its slowly going away now.

    My workout plan is a 6 day a week plan divided into 3 groups each getting worked twice.
    Monday/Thursday: Chest and Triceps
    Tuesday/Friday: Legs, Shoulders, and Traps
    Wednesday/Saturay: Back, Biceps, and Forearms
    Last edited by fattymcbutterpants; 09-10-2008 at 11:34 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Confederate States
    wow first in the log

    good luck buddy. ill be watching and so will GOD

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Dont Trip
    Quote Originally Posted by fattymcbutterpants View Post
    Ok guys I figured I would do a log for this cycle so here it goes:

    Weeks 1-14 Test E @ 750mg/wk(inject 2x's wk)(frontloading 1st week)
    Weeks 1-10 Tren E @ 400mg/wk(inject 2x's wk)
    Weeks 1-4 Anadrol @ 50mg/day
    Weeks 1-14 Letro @ .25mg/day
    For PCT:
    Weeks 15-18 HCG 500iu 2x/wk
    Weeks 17-20 Nolva @ 25mg/day
    Weeks 17-20 Proviron @ 50mg/day

    Ok well i took 50mg of Anadrol a little earlier today and also i just took my 2 first shots. I took 2cc of tren in my right quad and 3cc of Test in my left. And everything went pretty good. The tren in my right quad sorta burned for a lil bit a little after the injection but i massaged it and its slowly going away now.

    My workout plan is a 6 day a week plan divided into 3 groups each getting worked twice.
    Monday/Thursday: Chest and Triceps
    Tuesday/Friday: Legs, Shoulders, and Traps
    Wednesday/Saturay: Back, Biceps, and Forearms
    Just curious, why the long esters? Seems more hassale since it looks like ur test is dosed at 250mg/ml and ur tren at only 100mg/ml. Looks like a good cycle but to me would be more simple with tren a and test prop at 100mg/ml each for an easy 2ml shot ed compared to a 3ml shot and a 2ml shot every 3.5 days. Either way, im sure you'll get great results. Is ur anadrol made at 50mg per tab? If so, why not take 2 a day with an 8-10hr split to take advantage of its halflife and up the dose a bit. Im pretty sure 50mg is the bare minimum dose. Im pretty sure the halfilfe of anadrol (just the same as dbol or most methyl orals) is around 10hrs give or take an hour or so. WIth that being said just one dose a day isnt gonna be really stable compared to 2 doses split throughout the day. Im no pro, just what ive heard and read. Best of luck bro and ill be watchin this one for sure.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    This is perfect. I've been thinking about doing a similar cycle coming up. I for one like the long esters, and i was actually thinking of starting it with anadrol too. Definately gonna subscribe to this!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by wukillabee View Post
    Just curious, why the long esters? Seems more hassale since it looks like ur test is dosed at 250mg/ml and ur tren at only 100mg/ml. Looks like a good cycle but to me would be more simple with tren a and test prop at 100mg/ml each for an easy 2ml shot ed compared to a 3ml shot and a 2ml shot every 3.5 days. Either way, im sure you'll get great results. Is ur anadrol made at 50mg per tab? If so, why not take 2 a day with an 8-10hr split to take advantage of its halflife and up the dose a bit. Im pretty sure 50mg is the bare minimum dose. Im pretty sure the halfilfe of anadrol (just the same as dbol or most methyl orals) is around 10hrs give or take an hour or so. WIth that being said just one dose a day isnt gonna be really stable compared to 2 doses split throughout the day. Im no pro, just what ive heard and read. Best of luck bro and ill be watchin this one for sure.
    Well I went with the tren e with the hopes of avoiding tren cough and i prefered not to have to inject everyday. It gets annoying having to make sure you are home to get it done and everything. And the anadrol is actually 100mg/tab I am just cutting them in half. Since it is my first time taking it I had a couple people tell me to start off at 50mg/day and go from there one actually recommended 25 because its such a powerful oral so i think 50 should still give me good results but I might up it if necessary after the first 2 weeks. And its half life is around the 16 hour point but I might still be able to benefit from dividing the dose into twice daily just when I wake up and before I go to sleep I guess would be the only way but I'm not sure. But i appreciate the suggestions I will look into them.

    Also to add to the log, I just got back to the house and the sort of burning sensation in my tren leg is gone now so I think its all good. O and I didnt realize it until just now but the two needles I used today were actually 20g. I was thinking they seemed a little big and that i bled a decent amount after the shot lol so that explains that. The rest of my needles are all 22g so that will make life a little easier lol
    Last edited by fattymcbutterpants; 09-01-2008 at 09:57 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Day 2

    Ok so today I couldnt get a chance to workout because by the time I got home the gym was closed. However I'm in construction and today was a pretty hard day so I guess that counts a little bit lol, but I will definately be there tomorrow. And on a side note I had some minor headaches this afternoon and evening and Im not sure if it was from the Anadrol or not but it wasnt anything that bad so its all good.

    Also last night I cut all my 100mg Anadrol tabs in half for my 50mg/day dose and stuck them in some gelatin capsules and also put the .25mg(approximately) of the Letro in with it. I figured it would be easier just to wake up in the morning and take one pill. And the letro came in 2.5mg tabs which are already tiny but basically i just cut until i had close to 10 equal pieces and then went with that. Its not the most accurate way to do it but it gets the job done
    Last edited by fattymcbutterpants; 09-10-2008 at 11:36 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    How long have you been on your cycle, only 2 days? Are you gonna run the letro your entire cycle?

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Yea today is only day 2 and I am planning on running it through the whole cycle. I cant wait to get in the gym tomorrow to see if I can notice any difference in strength with the Anadrol

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Me neither

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    Good luck man. I'll be checking this out.

  11. #11
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    Day 3

    Ok guys I just got home from my workout. Today was Shoulders/Legs/Traps
    Alright so let me just add I was pretty tired today I didnt get much sleep lastnight(does anybody know if Anadrol causes insomnia? because I know the tren e wouldnt be causing it yet it hasnt had enouh time), but I started today off with Leg Press and it felt great. I was doing about 25lbs more than usual and it still felt lighter than normal and I was able to go very deep with it. Then I did shoulder press which also felt great I started off with the weight I normally use on my heaviest set and it wasnt bad so i added 10lbs then finished the set. Then for the next set I added a total of 20lbs more and with a little struggle squeezed out 5 reps.

    Leg Curls were next(sorta jumped around alot the gym was very crowded and you had to basically fight over the machines and weights) and they went awesome also. I once again did the weight I use on my heavy set for my first set and then bumped it up 15lbs for my next set and still got it. Then things sorta leveled out and I was close to about the same on all the rest of my exercises some I added a few lbs but nothing major

    then I went to squat as my second to last exercise. Personally I hate squatting with a passion. Its one of my least favorite things to do. So I ended up doing the same weight as usual on it because my quads have been hurting all day I think from the injections. However they seemed a little easier and I was much more explosive every rep. I couldnt get very low due to my legs hurting but still I could tell somewhat of a difference from my normal routine. I would go down then blast it back up really quick. And then I finished the day off with Calf Raises on the calf raise machine. I do this sorta odd variation in them that I learned about that can help increase your vertical. I push up onto my toes as hard as possible and hold the weight for 3 seconds then let it rest for 5 seconds and I do a total of 20 reps as explosive as possible. The weight seemed a little better today until about the last 5 reps and my legs felt like they were dead but I managed to squeeze out those last few reps. So overall it was a pretty good workout and Im really hoping my strength continues to improve more so
    Last edited by fattymcbutterpants; 09-10-2008 at 11:37 PM.

  12. #12
    any before pics?? cycle experience, stats, measurements.?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    How's the bloating? Are you still taking .25mgs of letro ed?

  14. #14
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    So far I have barely noticed any bloating. I've gained about 1lb so far and Im still on the (roughly) .25mg/day.

    No before pics man sorry no digital camera, this will be my 3rd cycle first two involving Sustanon and Deca and had no clue what I was doing on them
    19yo(I know I'm young dont worry about telling me im too young lol heard it plenty of times and almost everything to worry about messing up by cycling I would of already messed up with my first 2 cycles when I was 15)
    about 9%bf I am going to guess but you can see my abs clearly and you have to look hard to find much fat on me so i'd say its around that point

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    kool man. Keep it up. Any other sides you think your getting from the anadrol?

  16. #16
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    Well I have experienced a few things but nothing is major and I'm not sure if they are all even related to the Anadrol, but I had insomnia lastnight didnt get much sleep at all, and yesterday I got sort of a throbbing headache but it wasnt too bad and it just sorta came and went but I havent really gotten a headache today. Oh and yesterday my stomach was a little upset but that could be from being in 95 degree heat for a few hours nonstop working then drinking alot of water fast. And the stomach ache only happened twice yesterday not at all today though
    Oh and also I sorta went through a couple little spells today where I sorta just seemed unhappy with myself idk. I didnt get like pissed of or anything but its almost like I was dissappointed in myself but it gives you motivation to do better. It was almost perfect timing today before my workout so I really made sure to have good technique and if I didnt I would add another rep and make that rep perfect
    Last edited by fattymcbutterpants; 09-02-2008 at 09:09 PM.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by fattymcbutterpants View Post
    Well I have experienced a few things but nothing is major and I'm not sure if they are all even related to the Anadrol, but I had insomnia lastnight didnt get much sleep at all, and yesterday I got sort of a throbbing headache but it wasnt too bad and it just sorta came and went but I havent really gotten a headache today. Oh and yesterday my stomach was a little upset but that could be from being in 95 degree heat for a few hours nonstop working then drinking alot of water fast. And the stomach ache only happened twice yesterday not at all today though
    Oh and also I sorta went through a couple little spells today where I sorta just seemed unhappy with myself idk. I didnt get like pissed of or anything but its almost like I was dissappointed in myself but it gives you motivation to do better. It was almost perfect timing today before my workout so I really made sure to have good technique and if I didnt I would add another rep and make that rep perfect
    Might be the anadrol givin u the stomach ache, or what u mentioned. If u read its profile on here you'll see that it can cause u to lose hunger or be less hungry then normal. It also says its half life is a lot closer to what i said and also that 50mg is typically the minimum and 100mg optimimum. Its up to u but either way how ur pills r dosed and how many mg a day u feel proper to take, id take 1 with morning meal and second early evening meal to take advantage of their half lives. Been takin prohormones for awhile and their half lifes and these aas orals hal lives are much different. I know takin the full dose just once a day doesnt give the results it should be when takin throughout the day. Best to take it 3 different times a day i think so the longest window of not taking it is when ur asleep for 8hrs (might be less when tren kicks in unfortunately). Thats why id opt to take dbol, no hunger problems and 50mg of dbol will do the same as 100mg of anadrol, just wont tax ur liver as much.

  18. #18
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    Yea I forgot to add the hunger part. I can still eat plenty but I find myself not really that hungry. Also back to your idea of taking it twice daily I thought about that and was thinking first 2 weeks at 50mg and if i want more make it 75 to 100 for the next 2 weeks and if i do bump up the dose then take the first part when i wake up and second part either before bed or a little before workouts. But on the profile it says 16 hours or less for its half life so one of the reasons I wasnt worried about taking it twice a day is that covers the entire time I'm awake during the day, but I guess you are right about that then so it would last all day take a lil before i go to bed. idk i will have to think it through, but from what ive heard everybody just told me once a day but you might be right on this one

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Day 4/ 2nd injection

    Ok so today I felt pretty good before my workout. No headaches or stomach aches and I was still actually pretty hungry so it didnt suppress my appetite any today. But today I did Biceps, Back and Forearms and everything went pretty well. Didnt add much weight to anything but I could tell the reps were a little easier. And also Im up another 2lbs. I took both my test E and Tren E shot today also. 750mg of test still frontloading and 250mg of tren thats how much was left in the syringe so i just finished it off instead of the normal 200mg. I cant wait for either the Anadrol strength gains to really start kicking in or the test and tren to kick in. Its my first time with tren so im a little anxious
    Last edited by fattymcbutterpants; 09-10-2008 at 11:38 PM.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Damn i totally forgot about that. I forgot that you were frontloading the test. I did that as well my last cycle. I couldn't tell that it was the test or tbol that kicked in at about wk 2. I think its probably a good move that your not frontloading the tren. I don't think you really wanna frontload a compound like that.

    Another thing that would probably be good for the log are some before and after pics. Just a thought.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by fattymcbutterpants View Post
    Yea I forgot to add the hunger part. I can still eat plenty but I find myself not really that hungry. Also back to your idea of taking it twice daily I thought about that and was thinking first 2 weeks at 50mg and if i want more make it 75 to 100 for the next 2 weeks and if i do bump up the dose then take the first part when i wake up and second part either before bed or a little before workouts. But on the profile it says 16 hours or less for its half life so one of the reasons I wasnt worried about taking it twice a day is that covers the entire time I'm awake during the day, but I guess you are right about that then so it would last all day take a lil before i go to bed. idk i will have to think it through, but from what ive heard everybody just told me once a day but you might be right on this one
    It says active life=16hrs. I would then think the half life would be 8hrs, half of the active life. Ever heard of a methyl aas with a half life of 16hrs, thats crazy.

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    im still watching buddy

    keep it up

  23. #23
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    cant get the pics right now but maybe by the end of the cycle I will be able to post up some after pics or something. I also saw alot of people saying not a good idea to fronload tren thats why I decided not to but I am glad I frontloaded the test so i can get it kicking in soon

    It says active life=16hrs. I would then think the half life would be 8hrs, half of the active life. Ever heard of a methyl aas with a half life of 16hrs, thats crazy.
    Ah i misunderstood its active life. I thought they were referring to the half life. In that case I might change it to where I take 25mg before bed possible to have the dose at 75mg/day total or i mean i could go all out and just double the dose but id proly feel more comfortable with just 25mg extra because alot of people said only do 50mg when they found out it was my first time using it. But if the gains would be worth it compared to costs then I might consider it. I think I might start a thread in Q&A to see if anybody has tried this with Anadrol and see what they thought of it

  24. #24
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    Starting a thread about that i think would be a good idea. Free information=good idea.

  25. #25
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    Day 5

    Alright well I just got home from working out. Today was chest and triceps. I could tell I was a little stronger today. I believe I've added roughly 10lbs to my bench so far and on decline i added about 20 and incline was pretty much the same it has been except for one set I added a 10 to each and squeezed out 3 reps then dropped the 10lbs on each side and did another 4 reps. So bench is definately going up nothing too crazy though. And on tricep extensions I added 5lbs to what I can normally do and it wasnt even too much of a struggle. So overall I have made some strength gains and I have also gained a total of 5-6lbs but I will weight myself in the morning to make sure.

    Also I would like to add I think I am going to start taking the anadrol at 50mg in the morning and 25mg before bed that way it is always in my system and see if that will also help my gains some

    Also today I havent had any headaches really and my stomach hasnt bothered me. I can tell im not as hungry as usual but its not so bad that I cant get in enough food its just sorta like man i dont feel like eating anymore then i just eat it anyways and im good to go
    Last edited by fattymcbutterpants; 09-10-2008 at 11:39 PM.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Sweet, man. I'll be following this. Good luck!

  27. #27
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    alright fvck it im just going to take 100mg and if the sides are too much i will drop the dose back down some. So I am going to split my doses 50mg in the morning with .25mg letro and 50mg around 8 at night so basically just take it every 12 hours but only the letro once because .5mg a day would proly keep my gains from being quite as good

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    thats what i'm talking about. Go big or go home, lol. Let us know how this new dose is treating you.

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    Day 6

    This is from yesterday(my internet messed up and wouldnt let me post)

    Ok workout went great today, it was legs shoulders and traps. On leg press I added a 45 to each side for my last set and went pretty deep with it alot easier so definately noticing difference. Also shoulderpress went up. What I was doing last shoulder workout for my heavier set was this time my first set. lol so definate increase. Calf raises definately are easier used same weight as before but it wasnt even that hard and lateral raises were seeming easier today. Also squat is going up lol so today was great.

    Also I would like to add for some reason I feel like the tren might be starting to kick in. The area at the front base of neck sort of is feeling tight and i have been clearing my throat alot tonight and some slight coughing but nothing major and i thought i might just be thirsty but a drink didnt help so im pretty sure it might be starting to kick in a little bit or slight sides of tren cough are atleast which sucks but at least i would know its working lol

    And the test might be slowly kicking in to because i have started getting woody's a little more often lol and they dont seem to want to go away no matter how much i get from a girl or my hand lol

    So Im really getting pumped about them kicking in and im really hoping the tren sides especially insomnia wont bother me too bad
    Last edited by fattymcbutterpants; 09-10-2008 at 11:44 PM.

  30. #30
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    Well the test is definately kicking in. I dunno about the tren, haven't taken it......yet.

  31. #31
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    Day 7/ 3rd injection day

    today Im skipping my workout due to the fact I got more than enough work in today to count. We are refencing some of our property and it was just me and my dad. He would set the wood fence posts in then I would carry the concrete. It was a total of 50 60lb bags today and man my arms are wore slap out. And on top of that I had to walk uphill with them and dig out some of the holes with one of the handheld post hole diggers lol so that counts for my workout for today

    Oh and I took my 2 shots this morning and everything seemed to go fine with them. No pain so far so I think my muscles are starting to get used to it now
    And I dont think that was the tren kicking in after all. My throat felt pretty much back to normal this morning but I have noticed I get a little out of breath a little easier but nothing much at all.
    Last edited by fattymcbutterpants; 09-10-2008 at 11:44 PM.

  32. #32
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    shortness of breath that might be the tren. Since you didnt frontload it i doubt it. Either way watch out for that.

  33. #33
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    I just realized I took my shot a day early yesterday. I thought yesterday was sunday for some reason so I took it right after I woke up. Owell I guess I will take shots on saturdays mornings and tuesday nights. I didnt work out today because its my day off but I really have noticed my strength increasing. Things normally sorta heavy are like nothing right now

  34. #34
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    I'm sry but i lost count. How far are you into your cycle? Are you still noticing shortness of breathe? Have you been hotter recently?

  35. #35
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    Day 8

    Actually today is only day 8 lol, the shortness of breath i figured was from allergies because i have pretty bad allergies and things have sorta started getting worse allergy wise around here so that would explain that and part of it yesterday i think was breathing in all the dust from the concrete. So tren still has another week or 2 i guess before I will start noticing anything but I think the test may be slowly beginning to kick in because I seem to be gettin horny like all the time.

    One thing I have noticed is that wherever I inject the tren at that area seems to become extremely hard. Like the muscles seem to just be harder all the time and they seem bigger right around the area where I inject it.

    Also My strength has really increased. I was with 2 of my buddies today and we went to the pool and swam for a little bit then they wanted to go workout. I hadnt planned on doing anything since it was my day off. Let me just add they both have been stronger than me for awhile. Well one of em sits down on the bench press machine and he put almost the whole stack on and tries pressing it and gets it once then tries for a second and doesnt come close. Then the other guy tries and barely budges it but he had a shoulder problem or so he says lol so I sit down and did it twice then added one more plate and did it again so clearly my bench has exceeded theres now which beforehand i had somewhat of a ways to go to be up there with them. Then they got on the pec dec machine and were trying to see how much they could do and the stronger of the two got one rep with it at the current weight so i tried and did it 3 times. added 10lbs then did it 2 times added another 10lbs and did it twice again then stopped so Im sorta glad I bumped the Anadrol up because the strength gains seem to be much more dramatic than before
    Last edited by fattymcbutterpants; 09-10-2008 at 11:47 PM.

  36. #36
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    How are your sides? Obviously your feeling the test, but are you getting of the sides associtated with anadrol? I'm just trying to determine is 100mgs of anadrol is too much for the sides. Also how is your bloating? Are you still on the letro?

  37. #37
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    You should be feeling the tren. I know it's e, but it's been 20+ days. I'm ready to hurt someone by that time.

    Just me though.

  38. #38
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    Ya thats why i asked those questions. I'm trying to figure out when the tren e kicks in. I only want my cycle to be 10wks and if it takes this long i might "half frontload" it.

  39. #39
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    Day 9

    I think running the Anadrol at 100mg is worth it. I have really noticed my strength increasing more and havent had any problems with the side effects. A little worse acne but not bad at all could be just naturally worse right now.

    The Tren i think I really noticed lastnight. I slept pretty good lasnight took me a little while to fall asleep but I had one weird ass long dream and normally I dont recall my dreams in the morning because everyone dreams everynight but you just forget well this one i remembered lol and it was some crazy shit. I think part of why I could be noticing some things is since I partially frontloaded the tren. I injected a little more than what I had originally planned. Oh and its hot outside and all but let me just add I feel like its a sauna inside my house right now and I was sweating sorta bad throughout the day so that could be from the tren

    In past experiences my body seems to respond to the roids pretty quickly so that could explain why im feeling the tren after only a little over a week
    Last edited by fattymcbutterpants; 09-10-2008 at 11:47 PM.

  40. #40
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    Oh and I almost forgot. My workout really went well today. I am really working on increasing the intensity this week. But my bench felt up a little more today I added an extra 5 to each side. And my dips feel more explosive than ever. I have been doing just regular dips but I am probably going to start trying to do some weighted ones and see how that goes. I also added a 5 to each side on decline and squeezed out an extra 4 reps. So things are still going well.

    O and i am taking the anadrol at about 7 in the morning and around 5 in the evening split into 50mg doses.

    Also I would like to add this first week I havent been able to get as much food in as I had hoped for so this week I am really focusing on forcing it down so I can start making even better gains

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