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Thread: Test E, and Anadrol

  1. #1

    Test E, and Anadrol

    so im in my 3rd week now of Test E and androl..
    my cycle consists of 500mg of test twice a week and 50mg of anadrol ED.
    now im starting to feel nipple soreness..just wondering what you guys would suggest, and is itt true that if i have my glands removed gyno wont return? thanks appreciate any advice!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Dont Trip
    Quote Originally Posted by Rich@animalpak View Post
    so im in my 3rd week now of Test E and androl..
    my cycle consists of 500mg of test twice a week and 50mg of anadrol ED.
    now im starting to feel nipple soreness..just wondering what you guys would suggest, and is itt true that if i have my glands removed gyno wont return? thanks appreciate any advice!
    U can first try arimidex at .25mg ed, and if that doesnt help then u gotta use letro at .25mg ed and go from there. What i mean when i say go from there is the dose. .25mg is the starting dose for each. Go up .25 each time for arimidex max at 1mg and letro max at 2.5mg. Hopefully just the arimidex will help sole ur problem if u catch it early. If ur at 1mg ed of arimidex and its not helping then u gotta get letro bro. 1 gram a week is a lot to me. Especially if u dont know what to do when u get sides. Will it come back after having it removed? DOnt know bro, thats a question ur gonna have to ask ur doctor. It might, it might not. Cant tell u for sure.
    Whats ur stats, cycle exp, etc?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by wukillabee View Post
    U can first try arimidex at .25mg ed, and if that doesnt help then u gotta use letro at .25mg ed and go from there. What i mean when i say go from there is the dose. .25mg is the starting dose for each. Go up .25 each time for arimidex max at 1mg and letro max at 2.5mg. Hopefully just the arimidex will help sole ur problem if u catch it early. If ur at 1mg ed of arimidex and its not helping then u gotta get letro bro. 1 gram a week is a lot to me. Especially if u dont know what to do when u get sides. Will it come back after having it removed? DOnt know bro, thats a question ur gonna have to ask ur doctor. It might, it might not. Cant tell u for sure.
    Whats ur stats, cycle exp, etc?
    hey man appreciate the stats, i just turned 20, 250 pounds, around 13% first cycle was test p, and var , this is my second cycle..i think naturally im pretty sensitive to test, my nipple area has always been a little bit sensitive, it just feels amplified going to pick up some arimidex and possible some aromasin

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Dont Trip
    Quote Originally Posted by Rich@animalpak View Post
    hey man appreciate the stats, i just turned 20, 250 pounds, around 13% first cycle was test p, and var , this is my second cycle..i think naturally im pretty sensitive to test, my nipple area has always been a little bit sensitive, it just feels amplified going to pick up some arimidex and possible some aromasin
    Well arimidex is better on cycle since its much cheaper than aromasin. Also, if sides are bad than neither will do u any good and you'll need letro to reverse it. CHems are easily found online and cheap, no excuse not to get this stuff anywhere in the u.s. at least.

  5. #5
    ok so i just grabbed some letro and going to run the letro until i feel the gyno has still going through with teh surgery though sometime before the new year, ill keep you posted on how it goes, thanks again for your advice/wisdom...cheers

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