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Thread: Beginner test enanthate cycle for older man

  1. #1

    Beginner test enanthate cycle for older man

    CYCLE/POST EDITED 09/27/08

    41 years old, lifting for 20 years, 215lbs, 5' 10", 18% bodyfat
    I am a ****morph-Athletically built and usually classified as an easy gainer.
    This will be my first cycle ever!

    I am prone to MPB and I don't want a limp dick

    Gain 15-18lbs of decent muscle via gear, proper supplements and strong consistant workouts.

    WEEK------TEST Enanthate-----------Spironolactone(5%)--HCG-----Nolvadex

    1-------250mg MONDAY/250mg THURS-----1X ED
    2-------250mg MONDAY/250mg THURS-----1X ED-------250IU/1X
    3-------250mg MONDAY/250mg THURS-----1X ED-------250IU/2X
    4-------250mg MONDAY/250mg THURS-----1X ED-------250IU/2X
    5-------250mg MONDAY/250mg THURS-----1X ED-------250IU/2X
    6-------250mg MONDAY/250mg THURS-----1X ED-------250IU/2X
    7-------250mg MONDAY/250mg THURS-----1X ED-------250IU/2X
    8-------250mg MONDAY/250mg THURS-----1X ED-------250IU/2X
    9-------250mg MONDAY/250mg THURS-----1X ED-------250IU/2X
    10------250mg MONDAY/250mg THURS-----1X ED-------250IU/2X

    11------250mg MONDAY/250mg THURS-----1X ED-------250IU/2X

    12------250mg MONDAY/250mg THURS-----1X ED-------250IU/2X

    13----------------------------------------------1X ED-------250IU/2X

    14----------------------------------------------1X ED------250IU/2X---20mg/Day

    15----------------------------------------------1X ED-------------------20mg/Day


    ** Nolvadex at 20mgs/ED ONLY if Gyno symptoms begin
    *** HCG taken 1 day before each Test E shot

    TESTOSTERONE ENANTHATE is my steriod choice. Its a good 1st choice and should be the base of most cycles. Increases mass and libido.
    Active Life: 15-16 days
    Acne: Yes
    Water Retention: Yes, high
    High Blood Pressure: Yes
    Liver Toxic: Low, except in mega dosages
    Aromatization: Yes, high
    DHT Conversion: Yes, high
    Decrease HPTA function: Yes, severe

    At the end of a cycle you should be concerned with your natural testosterone start up as it may have been shut down due to the steriod used. Nolvadex is slightly stronger than Clomid in this respect.
    Active Life: 5-7 days
    Drug Class: Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (Oral)
    Average Dose: 10-30 mg/day
    Acne: Yes
    Water Retention: No
    High Blood Pressure: Rare
    Liver Toxic: low
    20mgs Nolvadex should raise testosterone levels about 150%

    Active Life: 64 hours
    Drug Class: Leutenizing Hormone (LH) - Gonadotropin
    Average Dose: debatable (1500-3000 I.U. every 4th or 5th day)
    Acne: Yes
    Water Retention: Yes
    High Blood Pressure: Yes
    Liver Toxic: No
    Aromatization: No, but it will raise testosterone levels and increased aromatization may occur.
    The common use being to stimulate/jump start the production of endogenous testosterone at the end of a heavy cycle. In my case, I am using low doses throughout most of my cycle because I am older it provides a better sense of well being, stronger libido and to avoid testicular shrinkage.

    Spironolactone (2-5%) is my choice.
    This product directly antagonizes scalp ARs when used topically, hence it will be useful with any sort of steroid, even those that do not undergo 5-alpha-reduction.

    REASONS for Spironolactone:
    FINASTERIDE/PROPECIA has given me a limp libido in the past.
    DUTASTERIDE may be TOO strong as it is a selective inhibitor of both the type 1 and type 2 forms of 5-alpha-reductase and is effecctive at 85% avg. You need some normal DHT for muscle growth.

    I plan to start this cycle in November 2008 . I will do full blood tests before hand, MAYBE also during, but definitely at the end of the cycle.

    Last edited by thepoetsuede; 09-27-2008 at 10:32 PM. Reason: Changed Cycle specs

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Confederate States
    buddy u need to lower ur bf before or else ull have estrogen issues 18 is too much

  3. #3
    Its funny, cause I just came off a conditioning program and was tight. I ate well and did my cardio at 4x week @ 45min per. I was really on point. I've never been fat or thick per say and my abs came out nicely.

    The 18% was calculated by a caliper I bought and used. I don't think I did anything wrong with taking the measurements. in fact I have been a bit confused by some of the other posts where people are talking about 10% body fat. Even some pictures I've seen of people claiming to be at a lower % looked wrong. The looked thicker.

    I have no comment other than to say I m not carrying any heavy body fat what so ever. I will be posting my pics in a week.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Sounds good!
    Would be happy to see what kind of gains you'd make

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Dont Trip

    Thumbs down

    Who put this cycle together for you? Looks like a lot of copy and paste and stuff just thrown around bro. Shoot ur test enth/cyp every 3.5 days so monday morning and thursday evening, never heard of someone doing monday and friday shots. Also, why the hcg on cycle? Test enth is not a 19-nor and there is no need for hcg on cycle or even for your pct. I dont see a need for hcg at all. I also hope your not taking nolvadex on cycle right? And you have an ai for on cycle problems but no ai for pct? Man, you still got a lot of research to do and get that bf down while your at it. Good thing you havent started this cycle yet cus you got a lot to learn buddy. Your not old, 41 is not old my friend. When i read the title i was expecting to see im 55+ yrs old. Talk to stpete, hes 40 i think and can help you. Hes got a log a few posts down on here or pm him.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2008
    I'll be looking forward to seeing your pics (no homo) and following this cycle. I'm the same age as you but just starting to get in good health now, very minimial lifting experience. I want to see how things progress for you.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    I agree with Bee here. You're not going to get a limp dick using test. Quite the opposite actually. I'd run the cycle for 12 weeks instead of 10.

  8. #8
    Thanks everyone for the replies:
    Pics to post in a couple of days.

    ••••••• I am changing the range of Test E to 12 weeks as suggested
    ••••••• I am running Test on Monday and Thursday as suggested
    ••••••• I am stopping the HCG two weeks after the last Test E
    ••••••• I am starting Nolvadex 18 days from my last shot of Test,
    NOT two weeks

    Wukillabee - I would love to hear more about why NOT to use the HCG. I indicated my reasons and for the most part I "believe" it can't hurt but please advise me.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Plese take into account I am a newbie and this advice could be complete garbage, check with others who know what they are doing before considering it, but:

    If your bf is actually that high, your talking to the king of bf here. I year ago I was 295lbs and probably like 55% bf lol

    I'm down to 236lbs as of today. My diet is in check now basically although I don't have my macro's down or have it dialed in, I do eat healthy. Still a newbie so still obviously a lot of work to do, but..

    a few supplements/medications I have found to be quite helpful in dropping bf (the first 50lbs came off with only dietary changes, basically a keto diet without nearly enough healthy fat even though I didn't know that word at that time)

    You probably know most of this anyway, but:

    T3: I've been taking it for a couple weeks at a dose of 25mcg split into 3 daily doses and it is definitely helping, I'm keeping the dose low b/c I'm not on any anabolics and want to minimize chances of burning muscle. If my bf was lower I wouldn't take it without an anabolic. This is very possibly a bad idea for you to take since you have solid muscle and it's catabolic but it might be worth considering adding to your cycle.

    Alli: It's basically an over the counter version of Orlistat which is a prescription drug given to obese people to help witth weight loss in conjunction with a diet and exercise program. While the orlistat requires a prescription, alli, which is the exact same chemical only at 1/2 the dose per pill is sold over the counter. Basically it leeches out like 1/3 of the fat of any meal you consume when you take it with that meal so those fat calories never make it into your system. I keep it on hand and take it (two pills so I get the prescription level orlistat dose) with a cheat meal, which I have 1-2 times per week despite my best efforts (down from like 40 cheat meals per week a year ago lol)

    and clen of course. I started that yesterday.

    Since your not starting your cycle for a couple of months if your bf is actually in question and too high for the cycle you should be easily able to knock that down in a cpl months.

    I know I have a much higher bf than you (est at 28% on 9/8) but I've managed to knock off 14 lbs in the past 3 weeks with diet and cardio (and a low clen dose the past 2 weeks).

    So get those pics up so you can hear from the experienced bro's good estimates of where your bf is at. And again, I'm excited to be following your cycle as I will be doing a few in the future (an anavar one soon I am prepping for-waiting for a lipid mgmt drug from my intl pharmacist to use on cycle to be safe given that I have some risk factors for heart attack). But over the next few years I'd like to do a few lean bulk cycles and like I said I"m real excited to follow this thread of yours given that we are the same age to see how you progress.
    Last edited by 40plusnewbie; 09-26-2008 at 04:09 AM.

  10. #10
    Okay, so my pic is posted. Pic was taken 2 weeks ago.

    211lbs APPARENTLY @ 18% body fat.

    Does it look like it to you?

    I kinda figure two things:
    1) I am holding excess water
    2) After a great conditioning program I may have neglected to watch some processed food

    Yet, I am still a little thrown off. I simply do not FEEL like I am @ 18% but that's what the caliper says. I am taking everyones advice and will move forward with this cycle. most of my gear is ordered.

    I'l keep you all posted and I will look into the information on the last post regarding cutting down my BF further.

    Thanks all.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Is the ativar your current pic?

    I don't know how to calc bf by looking at pics, I base my estimate off of what I think my lbm should be if I were at 0% bf.

    No AI to combat bloat on cycle from the test e?

    Are you looking to simply bulk or looking more for lbm addition to your frame?

    I plan to say away from the test e cuz I"m fat (over 20%bf, closer to 25 than 20 I think- given that when calcing bf you need to remember your calcing from 0% which no one has and only serious atheletes have 10% or less, roughly speaking).

    But your the bro with the experience, I'm the fatass newbie so what the hell do I know.

  12. #12
    Yes, pics are recent, within 2 weeks.
    My goal on this first cycle is to learn.

    Yes, I want to gain some mass but I also want to move forward in a positive way, understanding how much Test E effects me. That way I can adjust my direction and stack another gear appropriately based on my learning curve.

    I am only concerned about my BF because I understand that Test will increase this but, as mentioned, I am learning just like you and going through the cycle is the only way to learn.

    Thanks for the comment.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    any updates on gaining weight. feeling any deffrence ?

  14. #14

    I have not started yet. But Thanks for checking in. I have 90% of my gear. I am waiting on the Spiro to come in.

    I guess patience is a good thing. I have dealt with 3 contacts, all have come through but the Spiro required a prescription so I had to go through the process. I hope to be up and running within 10 days or so.

    In the mean time I've been on point with my training and eating habits.
    Again, I will be consistent with the updates when I start the cycle.
    Thanks Bro!

  15. #15

    Need Advice

    Hello All,

    I'm 47 and still in good shape. I work out daily but finding it hard to keep the hardness. I've never taking steroids but thought at my age and with a hot young looking wife what the heck I need the help. I've been to the Dr. to test my testosterone level (which was low) and he prescribed an oral ruwhich I use daily. I'd like to get on a short cycle of something to buff up and harden up for the summer. Plus we are planning an island trip in April so I need some help.

    What do you all recommend?

    Thanks for any help

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    ^Start your own thread and we'd be happy to help you

  17. #17
    sorry, new here and not sure how to do it. ??

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Opelousas, Louisiana
    go to fourm home and click on new thread

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    australia, melbourne
    good luck mate im cycyling and keeping a log aswell

    will be watching urs

    BEST LUCK, hope it goes well for you

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