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Thread: How to control sex drive on cycle, Is too much harmful?

  1. #1

    How to control sex drive on cycle, Is too much harmful?

    HI guys, first post here. I am at the tail end of my first serious cycle; Anadrol 50 * 5 weeks, Test C 500 *13 weeks, Decca 250 * 10 weeks, + Nolvadex 20 each day. I am pleased with the results of the cycle, put on a solid 15Kg (now 105 Kg) hoping to retain 10Kg or so if it once some of the fluid retention goes out, PCT will be important.

    I am looking for advice on what this cycle has done to me sex drive. I am in my late 30s, before this cycle I was perfectly happy to get it a few times a week. But since starting this cycel it is seriously out of control, I am needing sex about 3 times a day everyday, often more. My girlfriend can not cope with this, and I am not used to this level of activity but I am loving it.

    But this is worring me a little....Is this normal ? Also is this level of activity costing me gains? ( i mean is the testosterone being wasted coming so often ?)


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Dont Trip
    Quote Originally Posted by Mickey_aus View Post
    HI guys, first post here. I am at the tail end of my first serious cycle; Anadrol 50 * 5 weeks, Test C 500 *13 weeks, Decca 250 * 10 weeks, + Nolvadex 20 each day. I am pleased with the results of the cycle, put on a solid 15Kg (now 105 Kg) hoping to retain 10Kg or so if it once some of the fluid retention goes out, PCT will be important.

    I am looking for advice on what this cycle has done to me sex drive. I am in my late 30s, before this cycle I was perfectly happy to get it a few times a week. But since starting this cycel it is seriously out of control, I am needing sex about 3 times a day everyday, often more. My girlfriend can not cope with this, and I am not used to this level of activity but I am loving it.

    But this is worring me a little....Is this normal ? Also is this level of activity costing me gains? ( i mean is the testosterone being wasted coming so often ?)


    Omg! Three times a day? Dude, your gonna yet zero gains cumming that much! Calm down! You lose a good 50mg of pure test each time you shoot a load bro. Haha j/k, couldn't resist! Yes this is normal for one cycle. No its not normal to take nolva on cycle at all and especially while taking a 19-nor like deca, thats another lecture and story of course. Whats your pct again? Oh well, anyway your good to go and with a good pct should come back to normal cumming asap. Those 3 loads a day might not be there after pct though, sucks huh?

  3. #3

    that is good news. The Mrs should be pleased also once I stop chasing her around.

    The Nolva is only a recent addition, week 10 I think . Was shit scared about growing tits. The more i looked at my nipples, the more I thougth perhaps they are growing, so brought forward it's inclusion to the cycle. Last week of Test now only at 250mg, tapering it off.

    Thanks again

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Dont Trip
    Quote Originally Posted by Mickey_aus View Post

    that is good news. The Mrs should be pleased also once I stop chasing her around.

    The Nolva is only a recent addition, week 10 I think . Was shit scared about growing tits. The more i looked at my nipples, the more I thougth perhaps they are growing, so brought forward it's inclusion to the cycle. Last week of Test now only at 250mg, tapering it off.

    Thanks again
    Yeah well nolva might make it worse while on cycle and especially with a 19-nor. U take an ai like arimidex while on cycle if u get gyno symptoms bro, not a serm like nolva. Hopefully it wont give u problems since u just started the nolva and ur bout done with cycle. ANyways, this post should be in the q & a sub-forum, not cycle results. Good luck!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    i know how you feel fella, i'm running sust and deca at mo and sex drive is out of control, knocking one out dosen't help either, its the touch, feel smell of a woman that i crave, dosen't help that the missus is pregnant either, her sex drive has dropped a bit, quite ironic lol.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Mickey_aus View Post
    HI guys, first post here. I am at the tail end of my first serious cycle; Anadrol 50 * 5 weeks, Test C 500 *13 weeks, Decca 250 * 10 weeks, + Nolvadex 20 each day. I am pleased with the results of the cycle, put on a solid 15Kg (now 105 Kg) hoping to retain 10Kg or so if it once some of the fluid retention goes out, PCT will be important.

    I am looking for advice on what this cycle has done to me sex drive. I am in my late 30s, before this cycle I was perfectly happy to get it a few times a week. But since starting this cycel it is seriously out of control, I am needing sex about 3 times a day everyday, often more. My girlfriend can not cope with this, and I am not used to this level of activity but I am loving it.

    But this is worring me a little....Is this normal ? Also is this level of activity costing me gains? ( i mean is the testosterone being wasted coming so often ?)

    Dude, send my your cycle asap! I have the opposite problem lol

    Be careful what you wish for.....

  7. #7
    [QUOTE=boxer1;4223340]i know how you feel fella, i'm running sust and deca at mo and sex drive is out of control, knocking one out dosen't help either, its the touch, feel smell of a woman that i crave, dosen't help that the missus is pregnant either, her sex drive has dropped a bit, quite ironic lol.[/QUOTE

    I feel your pain my wife is 7 and a half months...needless to say that the level of activity has decreased exponentially.

  8. #8
    Decided to run the test for another 2 weeks, only at 250mg / week. dropped to nolva till next week once 1 week off the test. (still have a few ml to use, and wont be doing next cycle till early/mid next year.)

    Things have only marginally got better. My Mrs is gone o/s for work, and I am going f***ing insane. (probably be paying a visit to somewhere I shouldn't,,,before too long!!!!)

    I know 1 thing for sure, when I am an old boy I wont be wasting time or money on viagra, cialis, etc... I can not imagine anything being better than this. Even when I was 18-->22 or so, i did not have the urges or the stamina of what I have got from this cycle.and am almost 40 now... people complain of decca dick, I can not understand this concept.

    Though have to admit i am still concerned what wastage still.

    anyway all the best.....

  9. #9
    Mine is the other way around! My wife is 5 months pregnant and wants it more than me, and I thought my sex drive was high! Oh well, better get it al done now before the kid is born! Because from what I have heard its not even an option after the birth!

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