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Thread: DBol, Deca and Test. Enanthate (help please)

  1. #1

    DBol, Deca and Test. Enanthate (help please)

    This si my second cycle:
    Dbol weeks1-6 30mg/day
    Deca Durabolin weeks1-10, 400mg/week (200mg 2 times)
    Test. enanthate weeks1-10, 500mg/week (250mg 2 times)

    12% BF
    21Yrs old

    my goal is to gain at least 10kg and if its possible to get BF back down to 8 or 9%

    I would really appriciate your help, tell me what you think about it? are doses ok?, should I pyramid? (I think not)

    PD: sorry for my bad English Im from Costa Rica XD
    Last edited by YourFace; 10-07-2008 at 01:17 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Dont Trip
    Quote Originally Posted by YourFace View Post
    This si my second cycle:
    Dbol weeks1-6 30mg/day
    Deca Durabolin weeks1-10, 400mg/week (200mg 2 times)
    Test. enanthate weeks1-10, 500mg/week (250mg 2 times)

    12% BF
    21Yrs old

    my goal is to gain at least 10kg and if its possible to get BF back down to 8 or 9%

    I would really appriciate your help, tell me what you think about it? are doses ok?, should I pyramid? (I think not)

    PD: sorry for my bad English Im from Costa Rica XD
    First off too young, im a dumb american so not sure ur metric measures and too lazy to look em up for ur height and weight. Beyond that, common sense says dbol no more than 4 week and test always at least 2 weeks longer than 19-nors with enth ester like deca. Pyramiding is best for 16week plus cycles and not for a beginner or a 21yr old. Go eat and train and stay off the juice for few years and read!

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by wukillabee View Post
    First off too young, im a dumb american so not sure ur metric measures and too lazy to look em up for ur height and weight. Beyond that, common sense says dbol no more than 4 week and test always at least 2 weeks longer than 19-nors with enth ester like deca. Pyramiding is best for 16week plus cycles and not for a beginner or a 21yr old. Go eat and train and stay off the juice for few years and read!
    Thanks for your help, I will take your advice to run test probably still 10 weeks and deca only 8, dbol 4 weeks... I think that will fix it. But I dont think Im too young (acording to i can use steroids safely (18yr+ 1yr training+) its my second cicle scince Ive been training and eating well for 5 years now, and Ive read tons about this... dont worry about me ill still do the cycle.

    here is the conversion for you:
    height: 6'2''
    weight: 187lb
    age: 21yrs old
    training: 5 years (scince 16yrs old)
    nutrition: 5 meals/day
    Body Fat: 12%

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    dbol wks 1-4
    deca wks 1-10
    test wks 1-12

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    dbol wks 1-4
    deca wks 1-10
    test wks 1-12

    What are you doing for pct?

  6. #6
    dbol wks 1-4
    deca wks 1-10
    test wks 1-12


    thank you!!!

    my PCT consists in(I dont know if names may vary from spanish to english):
    Pregnil weeks 14-17
    nolvadex weeks 14-17
    clomifeno weeks 14-16
    (maby) Novegam weeks 14-16

  7. #7
    1.Test E - 750mg/week
    2. Dbol 4-5 wks 30 mg.
    I think some other staff need to be added 2u cycle. Think about. And of course, this cycle should be at least in 10+ weeks period.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    1.Test E - 750mg/week
    2. Dbol 4-5 wks 30 mg.
    I think some other staff need to be added 2u cycle. Think about. And of course, this cycle should be at least in 10+ weeks period.
    Dont give any more advice please!

    Why 750mg of test? he doesnt need to run it that high, also why add "other stuff" The only thing I agree is that the cycle has to be 10-12 weeks for long esters.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    if i was you man, I would run the deca for about 12-14 weeks and then run the test out to week 14-16 you will probably like this better. I didnt really start feeling the deca for several weeks when i took it and i only did a 10 wk cycle so i sorta wished i had run it a little longer to get a little more out of it

  10. #10
    Thanks to everyone for your advice!
    I wont take 750mg I think 500mg is ok
    Ill try to run it 14-16 weeks as you say but depends if I can or cant buy some more deca and test.
    I agree with "fattymcbutterpants" ha!, I think deca,dbol, and test is a good begginer cycle I dont wanna put too much stuff on me yet... plus its kindda expensive

  11. #11
    I think I may be running the cycle like this:
    dbol 4 wks
    deca 10 wks
    test 11 wks

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    it a good cycle I'm on something like that now, but instead of d-ball I front load with test P, I just hate orals.

  13. #13
    thank you

  14. #14
    im getting ready today 500mg of test E for 12-14 400mg of deca 11-12 and debol 50mg 4-5 this is my second cycle n im only 18 feel great ive put on 26lbs from my frst cycle of just test. im xcited. my age yes very young but ive een a wrestler all my life so i know im healthy n my body can take alot due to ym ups n dwns in weight my body is usedto it i work at a gym im around it evreyday n talk to everybody about this stuff read forums got to know what i want to know n ow im on my way to achiving my goals.

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