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Thread: First Cylce Need Opinions

  1. #1

    Question First Cylce Need Opinions

    Hi i have my A/S and i wrote out a cycle which is a complete guess at how a cylce should look. I am 15 and i am a freshman in highschool, i played jv football as a freshman, and will play varsity lacrosse as a freshman. However this isnt enough for me, i need to be the best, that is my best shot at getting into college.
    My stats:
    Max bench: 230
    Max Shrug: 250
    Max Squat: 300
    Mac Leg Press: 550
    BF: No idea i will try to get some pics posted soon im guessing around 12-13% but anywasy let me show ya my cycle and so i can get some feedback:
    Product D-Bol T3 Proviron Clomid Clen - PW
    Week 1 4 1 0 0 0
    Week 2 5 1 1 0 0
    Week 3 6 1 1 0 0
    Week 4 6 1 1 0 0
    Week 5 5 1 1 0 0
    Week 6 3 1 1 0 0
    Week 7 0 1 1 1 4
    Week 8 12
    Week 9 16
    Week 10 12
    Week 11 8
    Week 12 4

    All of that is PD except for the Clen

    D-bol =5mg

    I am open to any suggestions as far as eating, exercises, cycle alterations, or anything else that comes to mind. Hope to have picturs up soon. My goal is basically Bulking and Strength.

  2. #2
    Ok i forgot to add that i have been trainign religiously since age 12 and i keep a solid diet with little junk food and no pop or candy. I feel i have platued, *By religiously i mean 6 days a week every week for 3 years except during football season, then i lift 3 times a week.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Bro the way you wrote down your cycle is making my head hurt Not to mention 15 is way to damn young to be using performance enhancing drugs...

    Especially T3, what are you thinking using that at 15???

    Hold up and Slow up junior... What's the rush?

  4. #4
    Ill re write the cycle to make it easier to read.
    The rush is mostly the fact that i have to be ready to play varsity next year, im not into all the injectables and im not trying to get huge i just want a little more thickness, definition, strength and speed. I dont know what elses to do, i have reached a plateau and i didnt know what else to do. So i purchased this gear and decided to give it a run with some light A/S and see what happens? My cycle goes like this :

    Product - From Left to right:
    DBOL - T3 - Proviron - Clomid - Clenbeutrol
    Week 1_____ 4___ 1___ 0___ 0_________ 0
    Week 2_____ 5___ 1___ 1___ 0_________ 0
    Week 3_____ 6___ 1___ 1___ 0_________ 0
    Week 4_____ 6___ 1___ 1___ 0_________ 0
    Week 5_____ 5___ 1___ 1___ 0_________ 0
    Week 6_____ 3___ 1___ 1___ 0_________ 0
    Week 7_____ 0___ 1___ 1___ 1_________ 4
    Week 8_____________________________ 12
    Week 9_____________________________ 16
    Week 10____________________________ 12
    Week 11____________________________ 8
    Week 12____________________________ 4

    All of that is Per Day except for the Clenbeutrol which is Per Week

    D-bol =5mg
    Last edited by d_bol; 11-13-2002 at 06:30 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    You are not going to get much advice from the Bro's here; because like Buff87 said, at 15yrs old you are just TOO young to use AS's. Take some time .. think this over, you are very young .. not even old enough to drive. Your body hasn't even come close to fully maturing, and your natural Test is through the roof right now. Bro, just stick around here and read some of the thread's involving guys who started too young and you'll see it's better that you hold off for now. Sorry to sound so adult like, but we're just trying to look out for you.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    Bump to the other replies. If they dont convince you....then Maybe Mikeygas can!!!!!

  7. #7
    Well i hate to sound ignorant but i have my gear and my sports mean so much to my dad, classmates and teachers, not to mention football or lax are my best way into college, I know im too young but im going to do it anyways and that might be a bad choice but ill have to deal with the reprocussions later. and as a favor; under the impression that im going to do it anyway, is there any advice anyone has for me ?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2002
    I have some advice for you, DON'T do it.You are way to young! There are plenty of ways to break through a plateau without using AS.Change your routine up, different exercises, rest times, are you over/undertraining? check your diet.
    Your re-written cycle is still giving us headaches.I thought you were going to make it easier to read?

  9. #9
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    May 2002
    d_bol, read the following threads.

    You are way too young to use AS. No one here is going to help you screw yourself for the rest of your life. If this is so important to your Dad and teachers why don't you ask them for help and see what they says about it. AS is not something magical that will automatically make you succeed in sports.

  10. #10
    Ok heres the cycle i got from the guy at the gym i started today ,
    This is going to run for 20 days
    100mg T3 everyday
    100mg Proviron everyday
    45mg of D-Bol every day
    Then for 10 days after use clomid at 50mg per day
    Then the day i start the clomid i was going to start clenbeutrol and run it for 15 days at 40mcg per day *is that a bad idea?

    This is divided into to 2 doses equally split one in the morning and one in the evening

    Ill keep you guys posted on how its going

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Oh my god! After reading all the replies from the bros here who know what the're talking about, your going to ignore their advice and listen to some guy down the gym.Is anyone else worried about this?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    listen boy.....u r a bit going to high if u r in football then have my adivce take d-bol only 10-20mg daily what will that do for ya...well it will recover ya and it will have positive nittogen balance....whats the use of using t3 and clenbuterol.....these things make ur heart beat high and so u can trian to the top....take 2.7-3 grams of clean protien and fat yes u need them as well just to keep the natural androgen and steroids pumping....u r in the ball game and u r lucky u r young dont destroy ur youth up to u which u u like but here i have given ya my advice

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    You shouldn`t do any cycles at age of 15

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    The only advice I have for you is don't do it, you will do permanent damage to your endocrine system at such an early age as well as other organs and you will regret this later in life. Juice is not going to guarantee you a scholarship to a college. I honestly hope you rethink your decision.

  15. #15
    ok one of the bros on here recoended this soive been doin it for 8 days and my strength is up plus i gained 10 pounds no gyno or any probs like that```
    25 mcg T3 everyday
    100mg Proviron everyday
    45mg of D-Bol every day

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    Most of that weight is water. Strength always goes up with dbol, they go hand in hand. Get blood work done post cycle and see how much damage you've done to yourself if you continue with this. I'd stop already, I can't believe someone advised you to go through with this...JMO.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    You are taking that for 20 days? what a friggin waste man. Hope you relized that when you end your "cycle" your gonna loose everything. or at least most of it. Then your going to be depressed because you lost it. You will discover like nj_ said, that most -if not all- of what you gained in 20 days is just water! STOP THIS IMMEDIATELY if you have any true concerns about your future other than your scholarships (which btw are just as obtainable WITHOUT juice)...sheesh

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    12,000 feet above it all
    I hate to always be the one calling this, but I don't think this is really a 15 year old kid, nor do i think one of the bros on this board woulda PM'ed him to offer that's someone just looking to push our collective buttons in my opinion.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    Originally posted by BigGreen
    I hate to always be the one calling this, but I don't think this is really a 15 year old kid, nor do i think one of the bros on this board woulda PM'ed him to offer that's someone just looking to push our collective buttons in my opinion.
    What a damn shame. why is it that people feel the need to do this? Is it lack of attention in the sack?

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    JOKE THREAD.......

    .............looks like he just wants to string this out as long as response is the best response in this case......

  21. #21
    Ok i am 15 and i did recieve a pm from a "bro" on ur board - they offered advice because they said if i was gonna do it anyway theyd help. I would not make up some random shit and waste my time on this board if i didnt want advice. As for anyone who thinks im not 15 and i am just fuckin wiht u - ur wrong. and as for the dbol - i know ill loose the gains but i heard the strength will stay. So if u want to give me advice thatd be great and thanx --- to those who dont believe me or w/e u think idc. I do have other things to do than mess with some random people. I just was looking for some advice.

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