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Thread: OWENTRIER - Personal Log

  1. #1

    OWENTRIER - Personal Log

    Ok, for the next 6 months or so, my plans is to keep a weekly log on my Health & Fitness. By doing this, I hope this helps me to stay focused for the next 24 weeks. Please note: I don't take any responsibility of others who's following my footstep. I'm doing this at my own risk. So, as always, ask your doctor first before proceeding.

    Before I'll start, please forgive my freaking grammar, in which I suck at it but that's another story. Also, any comments or suggestions would greatly appreciated!

    Ok, here we go.

    Who am I?

    Well, first off, I'm not going to spear you my boing 42 years of my life but I'm going to get to the point. As of now, I'm 42 years old, 5'10 and weigh at 210lbs. I believe my Body fat is around 23%, although, I'm extremely athletic. I think BMI is BS.

    For the past few years or so, I starting having some problems. Feeling little depressed, rapid weight gain and having trouble working it off, sleepiness, moody, heavy breathing and eating unhealthy. About 7 months ago, I ending up at the hospital because of my major depression. I was getting angry at people and just not happy regardless in life.

    The Doctors give me a stress test and blood work. The results came in, the stress test I've passed but my blood work were off the charts. My cholesterol was shot over 1200 (I'm not kidding on this one) and have hypothyroidism. (ah shit, I thought). They also pointed me to see two different psychologist ASAP while they hey put me on these medication below:

    1. Simvastatin 40MG Tablets
    2. Levothyroxine 0.100MG tab
    3. Fenofibrate 200MG Capsules
    4. Effexor XP 225MG (for 6 months then switch to Pristig)
    5. Pristig 50MG (for one month before I quit taking them)

    It has been extremely difficult seven months and the bills are pilling up fast (most of them were not covered by my insurance). While seeing little to no results after testing after testing. Last week before Thanksgiving, I've told my doctors to stick it and went cold turkey (lol, get it..cold turkey during thanksgivings). It's a long story but I'm tired of being poking around and treated like a ginnie pig. I don't want to sound hypercritical earlier about seeing your Doctors first. I just had some bad experiences with them. Mostly, I just think all medications is poisoning to my body and especially putting damage to my liver and god know what else's.

    Being 5 days off on medications and felling a little crap being on a withdrawal. Symptoms are from dizziness, fatigue and slight shock-like sentations. I am taking vitamins and minerals to help to maintain my sanity.

    All this before I discovered this forum a few weeks ago. I believe that I've found a solution and ready to take control. I know this board will not answer to all of my problem but I'm found joy to see someone are dealing same situation as I, most importantly, seeking better health!

    After doing some intense research night after night for about a month. I did ran into some friend on this board and they have been helping me from time to time. Believe me, I've found a lot of GREAT informations here!

    Little over three weeks ago, I've gotten myself some 191a Blue Top HGH and been on it ever since. For fat loss and to increase better immune system, I'm currently taking 2ius for 5 days a week with 2 days off. I haven't notice anything yet but I do have some killer sides like having a sore wrist and tiredness. I know they are "good sides " and I know that this stuff is working! I can't wait after 4 months or so to see some awesome results!

    My main concerned on HGH is being tired all of the time. The solution for me is by taking ECA. ECA is an acronym for ephedrine, caffeine, and Aspirin. So far, it works wonders.

    Another information I've received just recently from one member, he suggested that I should look in to "Adrenal Fatigue". I've never heard of it and this stuff is scary. What I meant "scary" is all of the symptoms describes everything that I am experiencing now. He also recommended a book I should get called "Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome by Dr. James L. Wilson". Finished book over the weekend the was Awesome! It will change your life if indeed you are suffering from adrenal fatigue.

    The same member also suggested that I should look in to ordering online for Adrenal Fatigue. I did and the package came in today at my office. This test combines both Saliva and Blood Spot test materials in an all-in-one test kit for easy home collection of the major hormone groups: reproductive, adrenal, and thyroid. The test is a pricey but I think it's worth it.

    Also I ordered Adrenal Fatigue tabs that also came in today. I'm going to start taking them tomorrow. I don't what you think that I jump into everything that someone told me to do so. I do carefully research everything before I take the next step. This is extremely important. My health is not something to F**k with.

    So, here're my highlight of what I'm currently taking:

    1. 191a HGH Blue Top: 2ius for 5 days and two days off
    2. ECA: 3 servings daily for 4 weeks and take two weeks off before starting again (if needed)
    3. Adrenal Fatigue Rebuilder tablets: 1-4 caplets with each meal and 1 at bedtime

    So, knowing of who I am and where I'm coming from. Here are my plans for the next 24 weeks:

    1. Design my diet program
    2. Design my fitness program
    3. Improve my body and mind

    I'm going to leave it here for now. Sometime tomorrow I'm going to post my Diet and Fitness program.

    Again, any comments or suggestions would greatly appreciated!
    Last edited by owentrier; 12-02-2008 at 01:20 AM. Reason: updates

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Thanks for sharing all this with us. I bet you do feel like crap. I have personally suffered from adrenal fatigue and hypothyroidism. My thoughts go out to you, I know what your going through. Personally it drove me near suicide. Hang in there... You can get your life back.

    The depression is a symptom of both the adrenal fatigue and hypothyroidism. When you fix both of those then the depression will improve greatly and eventually disappear. At least that was my experience anyway.

    I know you don't want to hear this but you have to stop the ECA stack. Your adrenals are never going to recover if you keep bathing them in stimulants every day. Instead you can use natural Ginseng if you need a pick me up.

    Obviously the labs are going to confirm exactly what the problem is but assuming you're dealing with adrenals and thyroid then you need to make sure you are giving your body what it needs to repair these 2 glands while at the same time removing all the stressors that aggravate and stress those 2 glands.

    I'm not a Dr so take this with advice with grain of salt... I think the HGH is still good to take because it rebuilds cells and its pretty clear you have a lot of cells that need rebuilding. Although, you may need to lower the dosage a bit since you've already been diagnosed with hypothyroidism and hgh does place a higher demand on your already underperforming thyroid. As your thyroid gets stronger you can up the dosage. Let your body tell you when it's time to raise the dosage. You need to make sure your body has all the vitamins and minerals it needs to rebuild. The Adrenal Rebuilder supplements are excellent but you also need about 1gm of Vitamin C that contains bioflavonoids every day and also Magnesium and a quality multi-vitamin.

    To help support the Thyroid I recommend taking Metabolic Advantage by Enzymatic Theropy along with a high quality thyroid glandular such as T-100 by AOR and 200mcg of Selenium. The Selenium is very important because its used to convert Iodine into thyroid hormones. I could never understand why Enzymatic Theropy didn't add it into their product. Otherwise it is very good.

    You should be exercising 5 days a week. Exercise is key to getting better. Nothing too strenuous until these glands return to normal. But that doesn't mean no exercise. Just don't go signing up for a marathon.

    Make sure your diet is clean. Lean meats like grilled chicken breast and unlimited vegetables should be at the core of your diet. No sugars, no caffeine, no alcohol and no smoking and get tons of sleep!

    Good Luck

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by peptide View Post
    Thanks for sharing all this with us. I bet you do feel like crap. I have personally suffered from adrenal fatigue and hypothyroidism. My thoughts go out to you, I know what your going through. Personally it drove me near suicide. Hang in there... You can get your life back.

    The depression is a symptom of both the adrenal fatigue and hypothyroidism. When you fix both of those then the depression will improve greatly and eventually disappear. At least that was my experience anyway.

    I know you don't want to hear this but you have to stop the ECA stack. Your adrenals are never going to recover if you keep bathing them in stimulants every day. Instead you can use natural Ginseng if you need a pick me up.

    Obviously the labs are going to confirm exactly what the problem is but assuming you're dealing with adrenals and thyroid then you need to make sure you are giving your body what it needs to repair these 2 glands while at the same time removing all the stressors that aggravate and stress those 2 glands.

    I'm not a Dr so take this with advice with grain of salt... I think the HGH is still good to take because it rebuilds cells and its pretty clear you have a lot of cells that need rebuilding. Although, you may need to lower the dosage a bit since you've already been diagnosed with hypothyroidism and hgh does place a higher demand on your already underperforming thyroid. As your thyroid gets stronger you can up the dosage. Let your body tell you when it's time to raise the dosage. You need to make sure your body has all the vitamins and minerals it needs to rebuild. The Adrenal Rebuilder supplements are excellent but you also need about 1gm of Vitamin C that contains bioflavonoids every day and also Magnesium and a quality multi-vitamin.

    To help support the Thyroid I recommend taking Metabolic Advantage by Enzymatic Theropy along with a high quality thyroid glandular such as T-100 by AOR and 200mcg of Selenium. The Selenium is very important because its used to convert Iodine into thyroid hormones. I could never understand why Enzymatic Theropy didn't add it into their product. Otherwise it is very good.

    You should be exercising 5 days a week. Exercise is key to getting better. Nothing too strenuous until these glands return to normal. But that doesn't mean no exercise. Just don't go signing up for a marathon.

    Make sure your diet is clean. Lean meats like grilled chicken breast and unlimited vegetables should be at the core of your diet. No sugars, no caffeine, no alcohol and no smoking and get tons of sleep!

    Good Luck
    Thanks for the advice!!! I'll look into it. Theses thyroid are a bitch.

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