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Thread: bulk cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    bulk cycle

    Aite, still haven't used any AAS yet. But in about 2 weeks I am gonna go on my first cycle. I am planning on keeping a log as long as people are interested. Right now I am 5' 10", 180lbs and on the closer side to 9% on the BF. Can not really set a weight goal as I do not know how I respond to these drugs.

    week 1-10 Test E 600mg(mon/thurs)
    week 6-10 Dbol 25mg ED (if I haven't gotten any sides like bad skin ect. from the test since it should kick in pretty well around week 4)
    week 11-12 HCG 500IU(mon/thurs)
    week 13-15 Clomid 100/50/50 (may add one more 50mg week depending on how I have recovered)

    Nolva on hand in case the estrogen gets too high and I see puffy nips or whatever.

    Diet is in check all year round
    6-10 meals depending on my goal at the time
    30-45g protein from eggs/chicken/beef
    30-50g carbs from brown rice/sweet potato
    10-25g fat from peanut butter, almonds, *****-3 egg yolks

    2-3 shakes one middle night/one as soon as I wake up and one Post-workout
    Custom shake(20g Pepto-Pro, 33g Waxy Maize, 5g Creatine Gluconate)

    Training as of now is
    off or maybe some calves

    4 exercises for big body parts
    1 for calves
    2 for bi, 3 for tri

    Always 4 sets, pyramiding up in weight. Reps start from anywhere from 10-12 or 15-20(deadlifts and squats) and go down to as low as 4-6 to total failure.

    That is about as much as I wanna type right now. If anyones interested in a log let me know and I'll get pictures and shit up.
    Last edited by Ja T; 12-29-2008 at 06:22 PM.

  2. #2
    looks like you got everything all planned out. stick to it

  3. #3
    Yeah, Pictures are must with any Thread.. Must have Pics. Also I am curious as to why you are using Dbol starting at week 6- 10 or is that a type O ?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Adding d-bol the first few weeks to "jump start" a cycle is old school and for people who think they are supposed to gain 20 pounds the first week of a cycle IMO. If you were a bodybuilder in the 80's maybe it was a good idea. But drug use has come a long way since then.
    By week 4 the test should be in full kick, adding the dbol then at the end gives you a synergy effect. Kinda like 1+1=3.
    Anyway I'll get someone to take some photos and get them up in a day or so. All I am waiting on to start is some more pins, I got pins to pull the oil but none to do the actual inject with yet.

  5. #5
    I don't what school you went to brother, but last time I checked 1+1 does not equal 3. Iam a little curious as to How long you have been training for already? Are you Training for something?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    When I said "1+1=3" I was referring to the synergy of the two compounds being they both work through different pathways. Do you want to get okay gains or do you want to get great gains? I wanna spend the next year or so adding some size, then try doing some shows. Either way eating and training have been a lifestyle for me for the past like 3 years, pretty much started for personal reasons.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Mr Busta, what are your stats? Cycle history?

  8. #8
    What are you looking for a Source check?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No....Why the **** would I ask for a source? Your questioning my history, I can't ask yours? This is a chemical fourm. I may be new here but I ain't new to fourms.

  10. #10
    Thats Good, You have been training for Three Years. I have never seen anyone take Dbol at week six. It was my understanding that Dbol is a jumpstarter, fast acting Steroid that I personally used once on my cycle. Why would you start a Cycle and wait around for up too a month For Test to kickin while you in possesion of D-Bol. My other Question is really just asking what your Motivation is Behind doing A Cycle Brother, You have no reason to be Hot under the Collar. My history is Iam Clysdale Traithlete, I dont do much body building, I

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