Stats: 224.0lbs @ 26%bf 6'0 (166lbs lbm 58lbs bf)
End Goal: 205.0lbs @ 15%bf 6'0 (175lbs lbm 30lbs bf)
Short Term Goal: 220.0lbs @ 24.5%bf by the end of feburary
In short: I need to gain 9lbs of muscle while dropping 30lbs of fat
Supplements: Whey, Glutamine, Vitamin C, Fish liver oil, green tea extract,
caffiene, ZMA- im gear free as of right now I want to hit around 18% bf or less before I go on anything
Workout Routine: I'm looking to do 4 weight sessions and 2 cardio sessions a
week broken up Weights/Weights/Cardio/Weights/Weights/Cardio/Dayoff.
Day 1:
Awoke at around 2:30pm after a late night gym session of back and bi's last
night, currently I have no DOMS but i did take it pretty easy since I had an
extended layoff from the gym due to illness.
Meal 1 (2:40pm): Had a bottle of water and a bowl of quaker oatmeal
Meal 2 (4:00pm): Protein smoothie w/ Ice, Frozen fruits (strawberries,
blueberries, raspberries), 0%fat non-flavoured yogurt, skim milk, 2 scoops whey protein
Supplements 1 (4:45): Fish liver oil, vitamin C, green tea extract, glutamine
gym session (5:15)
Chest is my weakest part of my body, many years ago I injured my shoulder and have opted not to get surgery on it.
Decline barbell press 3sets 10reps--- Low weight I could have gone heavier and
kept form but I didn't want to push my shoulder to hard in the first exercise
Flat bench machine 3 sets 12 reps--- Used the right amount of weight here and
was hitting failure at 12 reps
incline dumbell press 3 sets 8 reps--- Was only hitting 8 reps per set with
fairly light weight, my shoulder was tiring before my chest, next week I need to
take a break from back to back to back presses to allow for shoulder recovery
incline flies 3 sets 12 reps---
flat bench flies 2 sets 8 reps
double overhead tricep extensions 3 sets 12 reps
single hand tricep pulldowns 3sets 12 reps
workout ended (6:15) - Felt a great pump in my chest; my tri workout was a little weak so I'm looking to hit them again later in the week
Meal3 (PWO 6:40): Protein smoothie w/ Ice, Frozen fruits (strawberries,
blueberries, raspberries), 0%fat non-flavoured yogurt, skim milk, 4 scoops whey protein, dextrose, maltodextrin
Meal4 (8:30): Glutamine & Sirlion roast with all fat cut out and corn
Meal5 (2:30): Salad with olive oil dressing and a protein shake with ZMA