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Thread: Palmer's Cut

  1. #1

    Palmer's Cut

    Stats: 224.0lbs @ 26%bf 6'0 (166lbs lbm 58lbs bf)
    End Goal: 205.0lbs @ 15%bf 6'0 (175lbs lbm 30lbs bf)
    Short Term Goal: 220.0lbs @ 24.5%bf by the end of feburary

    In short: I need to gain 9lbs of muscle while dropping 30lbs of fat

    Supplements: Whey, Glutamine, Vitamin C, Fish liver oil, green tea extract,
    caffiene, ZMA- im gear free as of right now I want to hit around 18% bf or less before I go on anything

    Workout Routine: I'm looking to do 4 weight sessions and 2 cardio sessions a
    week broken up Weights/Weights/Cardio/Weights/Weights/Cardio/Dayoff.

    Day 1:

    Awoke at around 2:30pm after a late night gym session of back and bi's last
    night, currently I have no DOMS but i did take it pretty easy since I had an
    extended layoff from the gym due to illness.

    Meal 1 (2:40pm): Had a bottle of water and a bowl of quaker oatmeal
    Meal 2 (4:00pm): Protein smoothie w/ Ice, Frozen fruits (strawberries,
    blueberries, raspberries), 0%fat non-flavoured yogurt, skim milk, 2 scoops whey protein

    Supplements 1 (4:45): Fish liver oil, vitamin C, green tea extract, glutamine

    gym session (5:15)


    Chest is my weakest part of my body, many years ago I injured my shoulder and have opted not to get surgery on it.

    Decline barbell press 3sets 10reps--- Low weight I could have gone heavier and

    kept form but I didn't want to push my shoulder to hard in the first exercise
    Flat bench machine 3 sets 12 reps--- Used the right amount of weight here and

    was hitting failure at 12 reps
    incline dumbell press 3 sets 8 reps--- Was only hitting 8 reps per set with

    fairly light weight, my shoulder was tiring before my chest, next week I need to

    take a break from back to back to back presses to allow for shoulder recovery
    incline flies 3 sets 12 reps---
    flat bench flies 2 sets 8 reps

    double overhead tricep extensions 3 sets 12 reps
    single hand tricep pulldowns 3sets 12 reps

    workout ended (6:15) - Felt a great pump in my chest; my tri workout was a little weak so I'm looking to hit them again later in the week

    Meal3 (PWO 6:40): Protein smoothie w/ Ice, Frozen fruits (strawberries,
    blueberries, raspberries), 0%fat non-flavoured yogurt, skim milk, 4 scoops whey protein, dextrose, maltodextrin

    Meal4 (8:30): Glutamine & Sirlion roast with all fat cut out and corn

    Meal5 (2:30): Salad with olive oil dressing and a protein shake with ZMA

  2. #2

    Day 2

    Weight today: 220.8 @ 26% bf

    Have DOMS in my Bi's chest and shoulders, my back and tris however feel fine.

    Day 2:

    Awoke at around 1:30pm after having to work until 3 in the morning last night

    Meal 1 (1:50pm): a bowl of quaker oatmeal and 2 scoops of whey mixed with water

    Supplements 1 (4:10): Fish liver oil, vitamin C, green tea extract, glutamine

    Meal 3 (4:50pm): Multivitamin, Salad w/ extra virgin olive oil

    Gym Session (5:15):

    40 minutes of cardio with a heart rate of 130

    During the session I sipped on a protein shake made of 30g protein 5g glutamine

    Workout ended (6:00)

    Meal3 (PWO 6:15): Protein smoothie w/ Ice, Frozen fruits (strawberries,
    blueberries, raspberries), 0%fat non-flavoured yogurt, skim milk, 4 scoops whey
    protein, dextrose, maltodextrin

    Meal4 (9:10): Salad w/ extra virgin olive oil and lean chicken breast

    Meal5 (11:00): Protein smoothie w/ Ice, Frozen fruits (strawberries,
    blueberries, raspberries), 0%fat non-flavoured yogurt, skim milk, 4 scoops whey

    went to the bar and had 2 shots of tequilla at around midnight first cheat

    Meal6 (2:30) Multivitamin, Chicken Breast & Protein smoothie w/ Ice, Frozen fruits (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries), 0%fat non-flavoured yogurt, skim milk, 4 scoops whey protein

    Soon ill be taking ZMA and heading to sleep

  3. #3

    Day 3

    Weight today: 218.8 @ 26% bf

    Have DOMS in my Bi's chest and shoulders, my back and tris however feel fine still. I had an amazing 12 hour uninterupted sleep last night and feel fantastic

    Day 3:

    Awoke at around 3:30pm

    Meal 1 (3:45pm): a bowl of quaker oatmeal and 2 scoops of whey mixed with water

    Supplements 1 (3:55): Fish liver oil, vitamin C, green tea extract, glutamine, multivitamin

    Meal 3 (6:15): Protein Shake taken throughout gym session mixed with water

    Gym Session (6:15):

    Tried a new shocking principle; static strip sets which absolutely destroied my legs.

    Leg extensions 3 sets 12 reps with a 20second hold at 75% weight at the end of each set

    Standing leg curls 3 sets 12 reps "

    Standing Calve Raises 3 sets 12 reps "

    Leg Press 3 sets 12 reps "

    Squats 3 sets 12 reps strict form

    Workout ended (7:15)

    Meal3 (PWO 7:45): Protein smoothie w/ Ice, Frozen fruits (strawberries,
    blueberries, raspberries), 0%fat non-flavoured yogurt, skim milk, 4 scoops whey protein, dextrose, maltodextrin

    Meal4 (8:00): Baked Fish (bass and sol) with lemon 2 pieces

    Meal5 (10:45): Salad w/ extra virgin olive oil and lean chicken breast

    Meal6 (12:30): I Had hoped to make it a little longer before my next meal but couldn't so I'm going to eat some more salad w/ olive oil and lean chicken breast before my night time meal in about an hour. Also took a multivitamin

    Meal7 (2:15am): Taking my ZMA right now and then gunna down a protein shake with some glutamine and goto bed in 30min

  4. #4


    Weight today: 219.8 @ 26% bf
    Had trouble getting to sleep last night lied in bed for about 2-3 hours

    Day 4:

    Awoke at around 3:30pm

    My first meal came late today as my baby niece was over and I was playing with her before I got to eat

    Meal 1 (4:10pm): a bowl of quaker oatmeal with a diet coke

    Supplements 1 (4:10): Fish liver oil, vitamin C, green tea extract, glutamine, multivitamin

    Meal 2 (5:45): Protein Shake taken throughout gym session mixed with water

    Gym Session (6:05):


    Barbell Press 3 sets 12 reps followed by partial reps

    Dumbell Shrugs 4 sets 12 reps followed by static holds

    Standing Military Incline Press 3 sets 12 reps

    Lateral Raises 3 sets 12 reps

    Behind hte back barbell shrugs 2sets 10reps

    Military press 3 sets 12 reps

    Rear delt machine 3 sets 12 reps

    Workout ended (7:15)

    Meal3 (PWO 7:20): Protein mixed with water, dextrose, maltodextrin

    Meal4 (8:30-3): Almonds were snacked on

    Meal5 (3:00am): Salad w/ extra virgin olive oil and lean chicken breast, I felt like I could use some sodium so I had 6 olives which provided 310mg of sodium and I'm having a protein shake mixed with water 1.5 scoops (52.5g of protein) and had a multivitamin

    In a little bit I'll take my ZMA and goto bed

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Just keep going

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Southern California
    keep up the work

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    keep it up, bro!

    and keep us posted on your progress

  8. #8

    Day ?

    Weight today: 218.8 @ 25% bf
    Got to sleep around 5:45am

    Ate a little bit higher caloric intake today, I did this because I did 2 workouts and I felt my body needed a bit more carbs for the day to rev my metabolism

    Day 4:

    Awoke at around 3:30pm

    Meal 1 (3:45pm): a bowl of quaker oatmeal with a protein shake

    Supplements 1 (4:50): Fish liver oil, vitamin C, green tea extract, glutamine, multivitamin

    Meal 2 (5:45): Broccoli and lightly breaded chicken breast (felt I needed more carbs)

    Gym Session (6:15):

    Ran half a mile at 9pmh
    then did 35min at max incline 3mph

    Workout ended (7:15)

    Meal3 (PWO 7:20-8:15): Protein mixed with water, dextrose, maltodextrin

    Meal4/6 (9:30-3): Almonds were snacked on and a protein bar was eaten at midnight

    Work 2 (3am)

    Situps 3 sets
    Leg raises 3 sets
    Obliques 3 sets

    bicep curls 3 sets 12x10x8 increasing weight
    tricep pull down 3 sets 12x10x8 increasing weight

    Hammer Curls 3 sets 10x8x6 increasing weight
    tricep reverse machine pulldown 3 sets 12x10x8 increasing weight

    Workout ended 3:45am

    Meal 7: Protein shake w/ maltodextrin and dextrose

    Meal8 (3:00am): Salad w/ extra virgin olive oil and lean chicken breast multivitamin and ZMA

  9. #9

    Day 6

    Weight today: 218.6 @ 25% bf
    Got to sleep around 5:30am

    Day 6:

    Awoke at 3:00pm

    Meal 1 (3:10pm): a bowl of quaker oatmeal with a protein shake, glutamine and a multivitamin

    Supplements 1 (3:40): Fish liver oil, vitamin C, green tea extract

    Meal 2 (5:45): Salad with extra virgin olive oil

    Meal 3 (6:45): T-bone steak, asparagus, yam with a diet coke

    Meal 5 (9:45): Protein shake sipped on during the workout

    Gym Session (9:50):

    35 min of light cardio for 500cals

    Gym Session ended: 10:25

    Meal 6 (10:30) 2 Scoops of Protein w/ maltodextrin and dextrose

    Meal 7 (1:30) Protein Bar

    Meal 8 (3:30) Salad w/ extra virgin olive oil, chicken breast, Multivitamin and ZMA

  10. #10

    Day 7

    Weight today: 217.6 @ 25% bf
    Got to sleep around 5:30am

    Day 7:

    Awoke at 5:00pm

    Meal 1 (5:15): a bowl of quaker oatmeal, glutamine and a multivitamin

    Supplements 1 (5:30): Fish liver oil, vitamin C, green tea extract

    Meal 2 (6:45): Protein Shake (70g protein) w/ yogurt 0% fat free, skim milk, and frozen fruit

    Gym Session (7:15)

    Deadlifts strict form 3 sets 12 reps

    Low Rows Strict form 3 sets 12 reps

    Straight arm lat pulldowns 3 sets 12 reps

    Hammer strength pulldowns 3 sets 12 reps

    T-Bar Row 3 sets 12 reps

    Gym Session Ended (8:15)

    Meal 3 (8:20): Protein shake w/ maltodextrin and dextrose

    Meal 4 (11:15): Salad with lightly breaded chicken

    Meal 5 (1:30): A small piece of T-bone steak

    Meal 6 (3:15): Protein Shake

    Meal 7 (4:30): Protein Bar & ZMA

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Keep it up, upload pictures when you feel it

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    your diet needs quite a bit of help bro; head to the diet forum

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Palmer86 View Post
    Weight today: 217.6 @ 25% bf
    Got to sleep around 5:30am

    Day 7:

    Awoke at 5:00pm

    Meal 1 (5:15): a bowl of quaker oatmeal, glutamine and a multivitamin

    Supplements 1 (5:30): Fish liver oil, vitamin C, green tea extract

    Meal 2 (6:45): Protein Shake (70g protein) w/ yogurt 0% fat free, skim milk, and frozen fruit
    sub egg whites for the shake and a couple bananas
    Meal 3 (8:20): Protein shake w/ maltodextrin and dextrose
    scrap this, oatmeal and egg whites
    Meal 4 (11:15): Salad with lightly breaded chicken
    how bout salad with oliveoil/balsamic vinegar dressing and non-breaded chicken(50g worth of protein)
    Meal 5 (1:30): A small piece of T-bone steak
    go for a leaner cut, like sirloin and how bout some sweet potatos or red potatos
    Meal 6 (3:15): Protein Shake
    no...solid food
    Meal 7 (4:30): Protein Bar & ZMA
    solid food
    if you're trying to cut you should be doing empty stomach cardio and training later in the day

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    solid food
    if you're trying to cut you should be doing empty stomach cardio and training later in the day
    Thanks for the input, the reason I had lightly breaded chicken with my salad is because I ran out of chicken breast but I bought another box the next day. The lightly breaded chicken was blue menu which only gave me 11g of carbs for 3 pieces.

    I totally agree that I should have had a leaner cut of steak, I had it for a cheat meal the night before and I had about 15g of steak left over so I just gobbled it down.

    My Protein with maltodextrin/dextrose was there because it was PWO, I think the absorption rate of egg whites and oatmeal would be to slow for a PWO meal (or I may be wrong? let me know).

    I'm also trying to stay away from fructose the best I can.

    Also the reason I haven't been doing cardio on an empty stomach is that, yes you do burn more fat but you also burn some more muscle . I'm a patient person and I'd rather keep my muscle then lose fat a little longer.

    I am however thinking of throwing your oatmeal/egg idea for another meal into the day rather than a shake to get more solid foods

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by audis4 View Post
    your diet needs quite a bit of help bro; head to the diet forum
    Any specifics? I mean i'm not trying to get into compeition shape and my final goal is only 15%bf. The rules i were following (although I could be wrong sinnce I've never been under 16% bf before) are these:

    Carbs: The majority of carbs should come in your first meal in the form of low GI carbs (oatmeal), Almost the rest of your carbs should come in the form of PWO nutrition. Also throw a high carb day once a week to replenish energy stores. Make sure your sugar intake is low to reduce the amount of insulin produced so that your muscles become more insulin sensitive so they are ready for a strong bulk, except post workout where you need the insulin spike to counter act cortisol.

    Protein: As much as you can get. (1-2g per lbs/bw)

    Fat: Limit fat intake except if it is healthy fat (cod liver oil, almonds, olive oil etc).

    These are the general rules i've been trying to follow, but like I said I'm new to this whole thing so any more specific advice is greatly appreciates, I already (now) know I'll need to ingest more solid foods instead of just protein shakes

  16. #16

    Day 8

    Weight today: 217.6 @ 25% bf
    Got to sleep around 5:30am

    Day 8:

    Awoke at 3:00pm

    Meal 1 (3:15): a bowl of quaker oatmeal, glutamine and a multivitamin

    Supplements 1 (3:30): Fish liver oil, vitamin C, green tea extract

    Meal 2 (6:00): Half a chicken breast and yogurt

    Gym Session (6:15)

    Decline barbell press 3 sets 12 reps

    Incline Flies

    Flat Bench

    Flat Flies

    Incline Press

    Gym Session Ended (7:15)

    Meal 3 (8:20): Protein shake w/ maltodextrin and dextrose

    Meal 4 (9:30): Protein Bar

    Meal 5 (10:00-2):Snacked on Almonds and had another protein bar at midnight

    Meal 7 (3:00): Salad w/ extra virgin olive oil and a chicken breast

    Meal 8 (4:00): Almonds w/ 2 diet cokes **not a good meal but I couldn't help it**

    NO ZMA Tonight

    Felt low on energy today so increased my carbs slightly by eating 2 protein bars (+30g of carbs) I'm looking to carb up tommorow with some healthier carbs.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    and I said I would be happy at 220lbs....once your there, you want to see yourself make positive changes.

    Your clearly somewhat dedicated seeing you have listed your diet out.

    I'll give you some tips from what I know....I would be looking to talk with narkissos....he helped me tweak my cutting diet last week.

    you need fat to lose fat, you can't have a set # of fat, protein, and carb cals until I know how many cals it takes to maintain your bodyweight.

    Your correct, while cutting/bulking, low GI carbs are the best way to go. Fruit in the am or PWO is ok too.
    PWO, I have found no proof that high/er GI carbs worked better than low i.e oats, wheat bread and I have tried almost every combo lol.

    As far as protein, when you say 1-2lbs/bodyweight, that's very vague. This all depends on one's stats etc. You can take two of the same looking guys with same stats and one may need more or less to maintain or build muscle.

    good fats i.e. natty peanutbutter, olive oil, some cheeses, fish, fish oil, nuts etc.

    Vegetables; broccoli, green beans etc. are also a staple of my diet. I'm hungry 24/7 so anything to keep me functioning I love

    I would get rid of any protein bars, whey protein, breaded chicken (I know you said you don't normally use this) etc and really clean the diet up. If you were strict and ate well, you should get to 10% without any problem and hold on to most your muscle.

    If you came up with a diet, I'd be happy to critique it for you

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    If your goal is 150lbs your on your way there.....eating no where near enough IMO

  19. #19

    Day 9

    Weight today: 216.6 @ 25% bf
    Got to sleep around 6:00am

    Day 9:

    Awoke at 4:00pm

    Meal 1 (4:15): a bowl of quaker oatmeal, glutamine and a multivitamin

    Supplements 1 (4:30): Fish liver oil, vitamin C, green tea extract

    Meal 2 (6:00): Protein Shake

    Gym Session (6:30)

    20 Min 3mph treadmill max incline
    20 Min Bike

    Gym Session Ended (7:15)

    Meal 3 (8:20): Protein shake w/ maltodextrin and dextrose

    Meal 4 (9-10:30): 2 full eggs and 5 egg whites

    Meal 5 (11:30): Protein Bar

    Meal 6 (2:30): Salad w/ extra virgin olive oil and a chicken breast


  20. #20

    Day 9

    Weight today: 216.8 @ 25% bf
    Got to sleep around 5:30am

    Day 9:

    Awoke at 4:30pm

    Meal 1 (4:45): a bowl of quaker oatmeal, glutamine and a multivitamin

    Supplements 1 (4:30): Fish liver oil, vitamin C, green tea extract

    Meal 2 (6:45): 2 eggs and a protein bar

    Meal 3 (8:45): 2 eggs

    Meal 4 (10:45): protein bar

    Meal 5 (12:00): Brussel Sprouts and Green Beans

    Gym (12:00)- Took a caffiene pill to boost energy

    Squats 4 sets- 12/10/8/6 Heavier each set

    Leg Press 6 sets 12/10/8/6/10/12 Pyrmaid weight

    Crushed calves

    Leg Extensions 3 sets- 25/20/25

    Gym ended (1:00)

    Meal 6 (1:15): Protein Shake w/ maltodextrin and dextrose

    Meal 7 (4:00): Salad w/ extra virgin olive oil and chick breast multivitamin & ZMA

  21. #21

    Uh oh

    Weight today: 216.4 @ 25% bf
    Got to sleep around 5:30am

    Day 10 was a write off, no gym time, almost no sleep and my diet wasnt that great (although it wasn't that bad) trying to jump back on the wagon today

    Day 11:

    Awoke at 4:30pm

    Meal 1 (4:45): a bowl of quaker oatmeal, glutamine and a multivitamin

    Supplements 1 (4:45): Fish liver oil, vitamin C, green tea extract

    Gym (6:15)

    Military press 3x12
    Standing machine press 3x12
    Lateral Raises supersetted with front raises 3x12 for each
    Upright rows 3x12

    Gym Ended (7:15)

    Meal 2 (7:15): Protein Shake

    Meal 3 (8:45): Chicken Breast

    Meal 4 (11:30): protein bar

    Meal 5 (2:00): Green Beans

    Meal 6 (1:15): Protein Shake w/ maltodextrin and dextrose

    Meal 7 (3:20): Salad w/ extra virgin olive oil and chick breast multivitamin & ZMA

    The diet still wasnt great today and I felt I under ate but I had to do school applications all day and need to get up early tommorow so I'm losing out on a meal.

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